Prophetic Warnings & Other Reasons Why to Store Food & Get Ready for Possible Hard Times
BY DT, 7-15-2011

Here's a book that gets into many reasons, by Neil H. Leash, Prophetic Statements on Food Storage for Latter-day Saints.
Elder, Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in General Conference, October 1961, warned: "What is socialism? It is simply governmental ownership and management of the essential means for the production and distribution of goods. We must never forget that nations may sow the seeds of their own destruction while enjoying unprecedented prosperity. The socialistic-communist conspiracy to weaken the United States involves attacks on many fronts. To weaken the American free-enterprise economy which outproduced both its enemies and allies during World War II is a high priority target of the communist leaders. Their press and other propaganda media are therefore constantly selling the principles of centralized or federal control of farms, railroads, electric power, schools, steel, maritime shipping, and many other aspects of the economy–but always in the name of public welfare. This carries out the strategy laid down by the communist masters. John Strachey, a top official in the Labor Socialist party of Great Britain, in his book entitled The Theory and Practice of Socialism said:
1976, Gary Allen warned that those who seek to establish the New World Order, also seek to control the people by controlling the world's food supplies, manufacturing, & distribution.
During the Nixon Administration, Henry Kissinger a puppet member of the Council of Foreign Relations =CFR, has declared that one of his goals is "to create a "New World Order."
“It is impossible to establish communism as the immediate successor to capitalism. It is accordingly proposed to establish socialism as something which we can put in the place of our present decaying capitalism. Hence, communists work for the establishment of socialism as a necessary transition stage on the road to communism.”
The paramount issue today is liberty against creeping socialism. It is in this spirit that President McKay stated:
“Communism is antagonistic to the American way of life. Its avowed purpose is to destroy belief in God and free enterprise…. The fostering of full economic freedom lies at the base of our liberties. Only in perpetuating economic freedom can our social, political, and religious liberties be preserved.” (Excerpt from Inaugural address for Dr. Henry A. Dixon, President of USU, delivered by President McKay at the USU fieldhouse, Logan, Utah, Monday, March 18, 1954.)2
1976, Gary Allen warned that those who seek to establish the New World Order, also seek to control the people by controlling the world's food supplies, manufacturing, & distribution.
During the Nixon Administration, Henry Kissinger a puppet member of the Council of Foreign Relations =CFR, has declared that one of his goals is "to create a "New World Order."
"Herr Kissinger has declared that his goal is to create a "New World Order." Syndicated Washington columnist Paul Scott reveals:
"It is Kissinger's belief, according to his aides, that by controlling food, one can control people, and by controlling energy, especially oil, one can control nations & their -financial systems. By placing food and oil under international control along with the world's monetary system, Kissinger is convinced a loosely knit world government operating, under the frame-work of the United Nations can become a reality before 1980." (Gary Allen, Rockefeller File, The People Planners).
"It is Kissinger's belief, according to his aides, that by controlling food, one can control people, and by controlling energy, especially oil, one can control nations & their -financial systems. By placing food and oil under international control along with the world's monetary system, Kissinger is convinced a loosely knit world government operating, under the frame-work of the United Nations can become a reality before 1980." (Gary Allen, Rockefeller File, The People Planners).
Globalists talk about forced control over the human family through the same types of run away inflation on food prices, while at the same time controlling the food supplies & stock piles. If, and when this should ever happen; Prophets, Economists & other inspired religious leaders; plus the lessons of history, all have warned that there would arise even worse situations, than that which happened in Germany, America, during the Great Depression, & in other countries in South America. Add to this the fact that the Lord has warned that there would be hail storms which would destroy the crops of the earth, and other natural disasters! And then add to this what might happen in the cities around the country if the trucking system was shut down.
10-4-1980, Sat. Afternoon session of General Conference, LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson asks this chilling question: What might happen in your community or nation "if transportation were paralyzed or if we had a war or depression? How would you & your neighbors obtain food?"
"Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency & rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, & earthquake cannot happen here." He points out that those who do this are not acquainted with the revelations of our Lord, or they don't believe them. Those who don't believe that calamities will come, & don't prepare, are deceived, & will regret the day that they didn't believe & act accordingly. Ezra Taft Benson, “Prepare for the Days of Tribulation,” Ensign, Nov 1980, 32, General Conference, Sat. Oct. 4, 1980.
LDS prophet, Spencer W. Kimball warned, October 1974, General Conference: "Should the trucks fail to fill the shelves at the stores, many would go hungry." And, April 1977, General Conference: "‘Your highways shall be desolate.' Can you think how the highways could be made desolate? Well, [this could happen] when fuel and power are limited, when there is none to use, when men will walk instead of ride."
If the truckers couldn't make their deliveries, but were pulled out of their trucks and beaten by mobs, like what happened to some of them during the L.A. riots. And if what was prophesied by the apostle Orson Pratt, March 9, 1879, were to come true; that the farmers of which we rely upon to grow food for the masses: "...will leave their farms and they will flee before the ravaging armies from place to place..." (Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 20, p. 151). Or if farms were taken over by big banksters & Global Farming & Food Combinations. There would be many people mobbing each other for food & other basic needs.
10-4-1980, Sat. Afternoon session of General Conference, LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson asks this chilling question: What might happen in your community or nation "if transportation were paralyzed or if we had a war or depression? How would you & your neighbors obtain food?"
"Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency & rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, & earthquake cannot happen here." He points out that those who do this are not acquainted with the revelations of our Lord, or they don't believe them. Those who don't believe that calamities will come, & don't prepare, are deceived, & will regret the day that they didn't believe & act accordingly. Ezra Taft Benson, “Prepare for the Days of Tribulation,” Ensign, Nov 1980, 32, General Conference, Sat. Oct. 4, 1980.
LDS prophet, Spencer W. Kimball warned, October 1974, General Conference: "Should the trucks fail to fill the shelves at the stores, many would go hungry." And, April 1977, General Conference: "‘Your highways shall be desolate.' Can you think how the highways could be made desolate? Well, [this could happen] when fuel and power are limited, when there is none to use, when men will walk instead of ride."
If the truckers couldn't make their deliveries, but were pulled out of their trucks and beaten by mobs, like what happened to some of them during the L.A. riots. And if what was prophesied by the apostle Orson Pratt, March 9, 1879, were to come true; that the farmers of which we rely upon to grow food for the masses: "...will leave their farms and they will flee before the ravaging armies from place to place..." (Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 20, p. 151). Or if farms were taken over by big banksters & Global Farming & Food Combinations. There would be many people mobbing each other for food & other basic needs.
October, 1967, Ezra Taft Benson further speculated about other ways in which utilities and food supplies could be drained. He asks us to consider what might happen during a timed attack by militant cells of communist guerrillas already spread throughout America. A large attack would coincide, if possible, with “large scale sabotage a water supplies, power grids, main rail road and highway arteries, communication centers, and government buildings.” He also said that they would cause fires all over, and that there would be looting, lack of police protection, & lack of water to drink; electrical refrigeration, transportation, communication, such as radio or TV. Thus, the public will panic & lock their doors while communist cells, led & fully disciplined guerrilla bands, will seek to capture the power centers of each community.
Apostle, Bruce R. McConkie, April 1979 conference, Stand Independent Above All Other Creatures, he warned that even though we live in a moment of peace and prosperity: "Great trials lie ahead." He goes on to give us a contrast of what we might expect. The past trials were but a "foretaste" of what is yet to be. In order to understand this prophecy, we must understand what has happened in history. In the case with food shortages and famines of the past; one of the things which helped caused famine types of conditions were these:
1. Greedy super-rich power hungry men in High Political and High International Banking Positions, were able to manipulate price controls, and create run away inflations, called Hyperinflation, like in the case with Germany, 1923.
2. Also, State run farms under USSR's Communist leaders, Lenin, 1920s & Stalin, 1930s, "Collectivization," caused famines & cannibalism when they confiscated agriculture tools, & stashes of grains from peasant farmers.
1923, in war torn Germany, after World War I, Germany's prices had been inflated so high that a breakfast cost 6 billion marks— then about fifteen cents in American money. If the New International Order, and new inflation makers, were to pull the same things that the inflation makers did back in during the 1910s—30s, what might happen in this country & others?
Those who seeking for a global economic system are getting involved in food chains, food production, oil, transportation, the stock market, water supplies, & many other things. We "...have become Food import dependant in many ways because of this 15 or 20 years of rigged free trade."
London by Lord William Read Smog, How to Make Money off Blood in the Streets. This book brings out this view held by this faction in which they say that they will own the water supplies, meat supplies, the grain, the medicines, the iron, & the steel, etc. She also warned that the One World Economists behind getting a ONE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION going, are also behind big merging deals.
For they're merging food corporations together, and are buying up food supplies, and productions " preparation for the kind of break down and boarder less world...[in which nations will have] no national sovereignty." And where they will be able to control basic food supplies & distributions, such as wheat and beef. These people are connected with people like George Bush, who has said publically, that they are seeking to establish a New World Order.
Former Atheist, Howard Storm, who had a Near Death Experience: During the question & answer period at one taped meeting, Howard Storm was asked what the future of the United States would be like? He pointed out that the future is not set in stone, that it can be changed, because we are free to decide right now what our future will be like. However, he said that he didn't like to comment too much about this subject because it's bad. At this time, we are doing more harm than good. We're consuming too much & giving back very little. We have been blessed with so much, and unless the people of this country change their ways, morally and spiritually, we will have the many blessings we now have taken away from us, for the angels of heaven will give them to others. He said that the angels showed him the direction that we were going, and if we continue to go down that same way we have, we're headed for trouble. He said that he was also shown how things could be if we all were to change & become more spiritually minded, & more loving. Right now we are not sharing our goodness, our abounding wealth, knowledge, & other blessings with the world.
Howard Storm also said: "When you have a lot, like we have a lot, and you allow people to starve to death—that's bad and we do it everyday. I participate in it, and you do. So immediate prognosis is us failing behind economically, agriculturally, and one of the ways that they said it was going to happen is our agricultural system is going to break down, & the rest of the world is going to start to surpass us economically. We've been given a favored position in the world, and we can either use that in the spirit that gift was given or have it taken away."
The angels showed him what could happen in the United States, if we don't change our evil & selfish ways:
1. A massive depression would occur, before the turn of the century.
2. All of the highly sophisticated systems that we have, particularly in agriculture, would fall apart.
3. The dependance we have on energy, transportation, & other parts of the infrastructure, would collapse.
4. The economy would fall back to a more primitive one.
5. Because we have squandered our riches, blessings, & have been selfish with our wealth & not shared it. And didn't use it for the good of the rest of the world. The cities will go into turmoil.
6. Everyone, even "the yuppies" (higher classes?) will suffer.
Howard Storm also said: "When you have a lot, like we have a lot, and you allow people to starve to death—that's bad and we do it everyday. I participate in it, and you do. So immediate prognosis is us failing behind economically, agriculturally, and one of the ways that they said it was going to happen is our agricultural system is going to break down, & the rest of the world is going to start to surpass us economically. We've been given a favored position in the world, and we can either use that in the spirit that gift was given or have it taken away."
The angels showed him what could happen in the United States, if we don't change our evil & selfish ways:
1. A massive depression would occur, before the turn of the century.
2. All of the highly sophisticated systems that we have, particularly in agriculture, would fall apart.
3. The dependance we have on energy, transportation, & other parts of the infrastructure, would collapse.
4. The economy would fall back to a more primitive one.
5. Because we have squandered our riches, blessings, & have been selfish with our wealth & not shared it. And didn't use it for the good of the rest of the world. The cities will go into turmoil.
6. Everyone, even "the yuppies" (higher classes?) will suffer.
Sources: Howard Storm's near death experience, tapes. The information of this type script was typed by JBB, Silverdale, WA, from 1988 & 1989 at the NDE Research Institute, in Kentucky. The typescript of this 1989 taped version has been entitled: An Experience of Howard Storm. The following is based on these tapes, & the July 15th 1990 "K-Talk," interview & this later 1989 version & typescript.
Howard Storm: "When the electricity & the elevator doesn't work, & there's no more blue cheese in the supermarket, in fact, there is no cheese at all, the yuppies will be some of the more violent ones. Because they will have enough money & resources to take what food there is from the others. There will be a lot of lawlessness."
Robert S McNamara (CFR), World Bank, advocated the food-producing nations of the world surrender their surpluses to a "world authority," which would then take charge of redistributing the bounty to the 'have-not" nations. The topic was to be discussed at the UN's World Food Conference in Rome in November 1974.
During the October 4, 1980, Saturday Afternoon session of General Conference, the Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson asks this chilling question: What might happen in your community or nation “...if transportation were paralyzed or if we had a war or depression? How would you and your neighbors obtain food?”
Benson then asks how long might the corner grocery store, and the supermarket be able to sustain the needs of the community? Furthermore, he notes that we have become so accustomed to going to the stores to obtain what we need, that ought to learn more about producing our own. The point he seems to be suggesting is that if we have learned how to grow our own food, not only will this teach us self-reliance, but it will save money too. He also encourages us to store away a year supply of food against the days of food shortages, and tribulations.
Moreover, he asks us to wake up to the prophetic reality that those things which could cause food shortages, etc., could happen here in America, as it happened in war torn Europe:
“Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake cannot happen here.”
He points out that those who do this are not acquainted with the revelations of our Lord, or they don’t believe them. Those who don’t believe that calamities will come, and don’t prepare, are deceived, and will regret the day that they didn’t believe and act accordingly.
From the time of his talk on into 1998, and with different natural disasters taking their toll on this, and other nations of the world; one can’t help but see the soundness, and benefits of these earlier prophetic warnings and advice.
Benson then asks how long might the corner grocery store, and the supermarket be able to sustain the needs of the community? Furthermore, he notes that we have become so accustomed to going to the stores to obtain what we need, that ought to learn more about producing our own. The point he seems to be suggesting is that if we have learned how to grow our own food, not only will this teach us self-reliance, but it will save money too. He also encourages us to store away a year supply of food against the days of food shortages, and tribulations.
Moreover, he asks us to wake up to the prophetic reality that those things which could cause food shortages, etc., could happen here in America, as it happened in war torn Europe:
“Too often we bask in our comfortable complacency and rationalize that the ravages of war, economic disaster, famine, and earthquake cannot happen here.”
He points out that those who do this are not acquainted with the revelations of our Lord, or they don’t believe them. Those who don’t believe that calamities will come, and don’t prepare, are deceived, and will regret the day that they didn’t believe and act accordingly.
From the time of his talk on into 1998, and with different natural disasters taking their toll on this, and other nations of the world; one can’t help but see the soundness, and benefits of these earlier prophetic warnings and advice.
End Notes:
1- National Security Study Memorandum 200, 4-24-1974, by Henry Kissinger.
2- Elder, Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in General Conference, October 1961
1- National Security Study Memorandum 200, 4-24-1974, by Henry Kissinger.
There also this one: Schiller Institute article.
2- Elder, Ezra Taft Benson of the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in General Conference, October 1961
October 4, 1980, Saturday Afternoon session of General Conference, the Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, Prepare for the Days of Tribulation, see: Ensign, The Ensign of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,(Salt Lake City, Utah: The Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1980), vol. 10,#11, pp. 32—34, see especially p. 32.
New World Order planners' weaponry developments, build ups & plans to control space; & use that weaponry to hit & destroy whatever targets they desire. The hazards of the build up of space junk thus created, especially nukes.
This "Military Industrial Complex," it is was warned by Pres. Eisenhower, could thus threaten our freedoms, if gotten out of control; is thus documented in this series entitled: "UFO Documentary Weaponization of Space" (in 6 parts).
The "military industrial complex" warned by Pres. Eisenhower, during his farewell speech, 1-17-1961,
During Iran/Contra hearings, a question is asked by Rep. Jack Brooks, Dem. Texaas, about Oliver North's alleged working with the NSC (National Security Council?); & this questioned is banned or suppressed, concerning this military organization that seeks to "suspend the constitution"!
This "Military Industrial Complex," it is was warned by Pres. Eisenhower, could thus threaten our freedoms, if gotten out of control; is thus documented in this series entitled: "UFO Documentary Weaponization of Space" (in 6 parts).
The "military industrial complex" warned by Pres. Eisenhower, during his farewell speech, 1-17-1961,
During Iran/Contra hearings, a question is asked by Rep. Jack Brooks, Dem. Texaas, about Oliver North's alleged working with the NSC (National Security Council?); & this questioned is banned or suppressed, concerning this military organization that seeks to "suspend the constitution"!
Lindsey Williams, Torn From the Land
Food & Farmers under the gun to pay additional taxes & fees! Another angle of the elites' attack on the US economy!
Howard Storm's near death experience, tapes. The information of this type script was typed by JBB, Silverdale, WA, from 1988 & 1989 at the NDE Research Institute, in Kentucky. The typescript of this 1989 taped version has been entitled: An Experience of Howard Storm. The following is based on these tapes, & the July 15th 1990 "K-Talk," interview & this later 1989 version & typescript.