USA'$ & the World Court'$ Pri$on Indu$trial Complex
Human$ A$ Commoditie$ For Legal $y$tem$
Alleged Corruption in Legi$lative, Judicial & Executive Branche$
of Federal, $tate & World Government$
Ca$e$ of Lo$$ of Freedom$ for Judicial & Legi$lative Gain$
DT, July 4th, 2011, Revised 7-5-2011
Prophetic Warnings Coming to Pass!
LDS Apostle, Elder Bruce R. McConkie prophetically warned, in April 1979 General Conference: "Bands of Gadianton robbers will infest every nation, immorality and murder and crime will increase, and it will seem as though every man’s hand is against his brother."1
McConkie also prophetically warns during the April 1980 General Conference of a vision of the future that the church leaders, of that time, must have seen together: "We see evil forces everywhere uniting to destroy the family, to ridicule morality and decency, to glorify all that is lewd and base. We see wars and plagues and pestilence. Nations rise and fall. Blood and carnage and death are everywhere. Gadianton robbers fill the judgment seats in many nations. An evil power seeks to overthrow the freedom of all nations and countries. Satan reigns in the hearts of men; it is the great day of his power.... The way ahead is dark and dreary and dreadful. There will yet be martyrs; the doors in Carthage shall again enclose the innocent."2
The prophetic warnings about how Gadianton robbers fill the judgment seats in many nations, & that the doors of Carthage shall again enclose the innocent, are chilling warnings to us all to consider. Thus, for those who don't know about who the Gadianton robbers were, & what the Carthage doors enclosing the innocent means, I'll explain.
First: What is now a popular LDS historical tourist stop, is the old jail in the town of Carthage, Illinois, seat of Hancock County. This was the site of the martyrdom of the first LDS prophet, Joseph Smith Jr., and his brother, Hyrum Smith, both martyred on June 27, 1844, by a mob of approximately 150 men.3
Second: Gadiantion robbers were a secret combination that overthrew an ancient American government, as they infiltrated the judicial, legislative & executive branches of an ancient America's government. Doing so by placing their own in the said different branches, by infiltrations, assassinations, political moves; & by corrupting the people & spreading their influences throughout the land, getting many others to join in their secret works of darkness.4
That these ancient & modern prophetic warnings are coming to pass, is evident by what has been going on in the United States & other countries, concerning the alleged corruptions going on in Governments' branches, such as in the different judicial, legislative & executive branches of Federal & State Government branches.5
On Going Inconsistencies in many Justice Systems:
We are told that many prisoners deserve to be in prisons, & perhaps to a certain extent, that may be true. But, what about the ones who shouldn't be there & don't belong in prisons? What about the many inconsistencies & injustices that evidences & witnesses testify are part of the problems in the Prison Industrial Complex? The alleged corruption in many judicial systems, & the money deals that turn humans into commodities with the privatizations of many prisons.6 Those accused of crimes that they didn't do, or were alleged to have done, may, sadly enough, rot in prisons. While others, like many repeated offenders, get out, only to repeat the same crimes, or new ones, soon after they're out.7
Though prisons are not places to end up in, still prisoners in the USA, get free medical, dental, housing, education, & food, all at tax payers' expenses too.8 Thus, one poor man, hearing he could get free medical in prison; robs a bank for $1.00, in North Carolina, thinking he'd be sent to prison, & would get free health care for something he couldn't pay for himself.9
Eric Scholosser notes: "The lure of big money is corrupting the nation's criminal-justice system, replacing notions of public service with a drive for higher profits. The eagerness of elected officials to pass tough-on-crime legislation -- combined with their unwillingness to disclose the true costs of these laws -- has encouraged all sorts of financial improprieties."10
Humans are being treated as commodities for different ones in power in many legal systems, who are alleged to make large profits off of how many they can get to pass through their legal corporations & their corrupt systems, be they "guilty," or not! There are many on going sad stories, that many falsely accused & wrongly "convicted" prisoners have to tell. How that different ones in power, also gain personal benefits, as they tap directly into the different sources of revenues, fees, fines & other money collected from prisoners & their friends & families who try to help prisoners pay for their legal costs. There are stories of unethical & corrupt deals being made by those in power behind the judicial corporate scenes too, that should be landing those who make such deals, in prisons themselves!11
What are revenues: "In the case of government, revenue is the money received from taxation, fees, fines, inter-governmental grants or transfers, securities sales, mineral rights and resource rights, as well as any sales that are made."12
Judge wants Police Officers to start writing Tickets Again so he can keep his house!
About 82 B.C., in the ancient Americas, Alma wrote of the corruption that the lawyers & judges were involved in: "Now, it was for the sole purpose to get gain, because they received their wages according to their employ, therefore, they did stir up the people to riotings, and all manner of disturbances and wickedness, that they might have more employ, that they might get money according to the suits which were brought before them; therefore they did stir up the people against Alma and Amulek." (The Book of Mormon, Alma 11:20).
Like in this Book of Mormon case, there are modern judges that benefit personally from, & depend on money from fines received from police officers writing citations. They actually need more laws written with punishments assigned to each law, as by way of fines, in order to keep their legal corporations going. Is this why there seems to be too many laws, with too many regulations & fines too?
A modern example will illustrate what's going on in many modern judicial systems: A State Trooper, in Utah, told this writer, how one time, one of their higher ranking officers had a judge make him mad over some issue. If I remember correctly, it was something like how the Judge didn't give the officer some things they needed for their department. The officer went back & told those under him: "From now on, everyone is going to just give out warnings, no tickets, just warnings only." Not too long after this, the Judge called him in, and asked: "What's going on? Why aren't your officers writing tickets? I had to let an employee go, & I'm about to loose my house!" The officer knew that he could convince the Judge to give them what they wanted, by making it hard for the Judge, by cutting off his own source of revenues. Thus, they worked out their differences & he had his officers to start writing tickets again! Some, not all, judicial corporations in Utah & other states, require their police departments to write certain quotas of tickets each month.13
You see, there are many Judges, like in this story, that depend on money from fines that are collected from police officers writing tickets for the many different violations of the many laws that most people don't know about. And, "ignorance of the law is no excuse!" Right?14
If "we the people," break laws we don't know about, we could still get fined for ignorantly breaking them! Even though Congress & the Senate, have a track record of writing thousands of pages of bills & Acts, that they then vote into laws, which they don't know about; or even bother to read; or don't get a chance to read; or are even given copies to read! In some cases, new pages are added & printed in the early morning hours, before they are to be voted on! Thus, those voting on them, complain that they didn't get a chance to even read their newly printed copies, still warm from being copied!15 Ironic!
There are cases of alleged corrupt judges making money off of how many people they can sentence for alleged minor "crimes" charged to teenagers, who are then locked up! For example, the case of ex-judge Mark A. Ciavarell, who is alleged to have put away many minors for minor "crimes," & made a lot of money off of doing it too!16
Immunity from Prosecutions?
Inconsistencies continue as different companies, because of their massive wealth, buy up political, judicial, legislative powers & protection from massive prosecutions; despite how their products continue to harm & kill millions of people each year! For example, six of the biggest tobacco companies, in a government case, United States of America vs. Philip Morris, Inc., & others, it's alleged that "...the defendants engaged in a criminal conspiracy that sought to cover up the dangers of smoking; mislead the public on the dangers of secondhand smoke; cover up the addictiveness of nicotine; deceptively market “light” cigarettes as less harmful than regular cigarettes; deliberately target young people to recruit new smokers; and deliberately refrain from producing safer, less addictive cigarettes."17
In a Revelation given through the prophet Joseph Smith, at Kirtland, Ohio, February 27, 1833, History of the Church, 1:327-329. A "Word of Wisdom," was given concerning drinking strong alcoholic drinks & the use of tobacco, etc. How: "In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation". (D&C 89:4).
The reference to "Conspiring men in the last days," becomes evident when we take into account all the questionable, unethical & conspiratorial things that Big Tobacco companies have done & continue to do, for many years now. Their contributions to political agents over the years, to buy up, or attempt to buy political powers in their favor; are still an on going practice of big tobacco companies.18
Though prisons are not places to end up in, still prisoners in the USA, get free medical, dental, housing, education, & food, all at tax payers' expenses too.8 Thus, one poor man, hearing he could get free medical in prison; robs a bank for $1.00, in North Carolina, thinking he'd be sent to prison, & would get free health care for something he couldn't pay for himself.9
Eric Scholosser notes: "The lure of big money is corrupting the nation's criminal-justice system, replacing notions of public service with a drive for higher profits. The eagerness of elected officials to pass tough-on-crime legislation -- combined with their unwillingness to disclose the true costs of these laws -- has encouraged all sorts of financial improprieties."10
Humans are being treated as commodities for different ones in power in many legal systems, who are alleged to make large profits off of how many they can get to pass through their legal corporations & their corrupt systems, be they "guilty," or not! There are many on going sad stories, that many falsely accused & wrongly "convicted" prisoners have to tell. How that different ones in power, also gain personal benefits, as they tap directly into the different sources of revenues, fees, fines & other money collected from prisoners & their friends & families who try to help prisoners pay for their legal costs. There are stories of unethical & corrupt deals being made by those in power behind the judicial corporate scenes too, that should be landing those who make such deals, in prisons themselves!11
What are revenues: "In the case of government, revenue is the money received from taxation, fees, fines, inter-governmental grants or transfers, securities sales, mineral rights and resource rights, as well as any sales that are made."12
Judge wants Police Officers to start writing Tickets Again so he can keep his house!
About 82 B.C., in the ancient Americas, Alma wrote of the corruption that the lawyers & judges were involved in: "Now, it was for the sole purpose to get gain, because they received their wages according to their employ, therefore, they did stir up the people to riotings, and all manner of disturbances and wickedness, that they might have more employ, that they might get money according to the suits which were brought before them; therefore they did stir up the people against Alma and Amulek." (The Book of Mormon, Alma 11:20).
Like in this Book of Mormon case, there are modern judges that benefit personally from, & depend on money from fines received from police officers writing citations. They actually need more laws written with punishments assigned to each law, as by way of fines, in order to keep their legal corporations going. Is this why there seems to be too many laws, with too many regulations & fines too?
A modern example will illustrate what's going on in many modern judicial systems: A State Trooper, in Utah, told this writer, how one time, one of their higher ranking officers had a judge make him mad over some issue. If I remember correctly, it was something like how the Judge didn't give the officer some things they needed for their department. The officer went back & told those under him: "From now on, everyone is going to just give out warnings, no tickets, just warnings only." Not too long after this, the Judge called him in, and asked: "What's going on? Why aren't your officers writing tickets? I had to let an employee go, & I'm about to loose my house!" The officer knew that he could convince the Judge to give them what they wanted, by making it hard for the Judge, by cutting off his own source of revenues. Thus, they worked out their differences & he had his officers to start writing tickets again! Some, not all, judicial corporations in Utah & other states, require their police departments to write certain quotas of tickets each month.13
You see, there are many Judges, like in this story, that depend on money from fines that are collected from police officers writing tickets for the many different violations of the many laws that most people don't know about. And, "ignorance of the law is no excuse!" Right?14
If "we the people," break laws we don't know about, we could still get fined for ignorantly breaking them! Even though Congress & the Senate, have a track record of writing thousands of pages of bills & Acts, that they then vote into laws, which they don't know about; or even bother to read; or don't get a chance to read; or are even given copies to read! In some cases, new pages are added & printed in the early morning hours, before they are to be voted on! Thus, those voting on them, complain that they didn't get a chance to even read their newly printed copies, still warm from being copied!15 Ironic!
There are cases of alleged corrupt judges making money off of how many people they can sentence for alleged minor "crimes" charged to teenagers, who are then locked up! For example, the case of ex-judge Mark A. Ciavarell, who is alleged to have put away many minors for minor "crimes," & made a lot of money off of doing it too!16
Immunity from Prosecutions?
Inconsistencies continue as different companies, because of their massive wealth, buy up political, judicial, legislative powers & protection from massive prosecutions; despite how their products continue to harm & kill millions of people each year! For example, six of the biggest tobacco companies, in a government case, United States of America vs. Philip Morris, Inc., & others, it's alleged that "...the defendants engaged in a criminal conspiracy that sought to cover up the dangers of smoking; mislead the public on the dangers of secondhand smoke; cover up the addictiveness of nicotine; deceptively market “light” cigarettes as less harmful than regular cigarettes; deliberately target young people to recruit new smokers; and deliberately refrain from producing safer, less addictive cigarettes."17
In a Revelation given through the prophet Joseph Smith, at Kirtland, Ohio, February 27, 1833, History of the Church, 1:327-329. A "Word of Wisdom," was given concerning drinking strong alcoholic drinks & the use of tobacco, etc. How: "In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation". (D&C 89:4).
The reference to "Conspiring men in the last days," becomes evident when we take into account all the questionable, unethical & conspiratorial things that Big Tobacco companies have done & continue to do, for many years now. Their contributions to political agents over the years, to buy up, or attempt to buy political powers in their favor; are still an on going practice of big tobacco companies.18

With their vast wealth, some of these Big Tobacco companies have immunized themselves from being prosecuted, at least to a certain extent. The ironic things are the inconsistencies that are seen in the ways products, from other companies, are regulated & smaller safety issues of these other companies' products, became a higher priority of the Federal Drug Administration = FDA;19 than the track records of different health risks & the on going millions kill yearly by Big Tobaccos' deadly products! Moreover, while Big Tobacco companies, the growers & cigarette producers also enjoy political champions & protection. Plus, while their cigarettes end up causing all kinds of health problems & millions of deaths each year around the world. Other farmers, who grow healthy grains like wheat, & other farming products; they experience the long arm of government regulations, restrictions, penalty fines, high taxes & even take overs. There's now another inconsistent anti-constitutional bill, the Senate Bill S510, that threatens farmers & even small gardens growers, who are now at risk of being declared illegal, regulated, fined & even prosecuted by FDA goons, for growing their own food!20
The "war on drugs," is also filled with inconsistencies, as evident by how many top officials, high up in Governments, are alleged to be turning a blind eye towards massive drug suppliers' operations, that are flooding the USA with all kinds of drugs; while going after small time dealers.21 Billions of tax payers' dollars go to "fight" the war on drugs that corrupt factions in Governments don't seem to want to win, but rather, want to prolong! If the "war" was a fire, they gas that fire, rather than water it out; then they demand that they need more funding to deal with the "crisis," that many of them are alleged to have helped to create, prolong, & still help maintain.22
Humans as commodities are also seen in how the common persons' rights, properties, money & assets are taken by different police corporations through "asset forfeiture seizures," when they claim to find evidences of drugs on peoples' money, in their cars, in their homes, & in their blood streams, etc.23
Murder or Just a Medical Procedure?
Other inconsistencies in our present legal systems are how every day slaughters of the un-born humans still goes on at tax payers' expense! But then, the legal long arm of the "drug war," can then, and do, turn around and prosecutes pregnant crack mothers, who "distribute drugs to a minor," when pregnant mothers use drugs!
But then, government protected, tax payers' funded abortion clinics, can still murder millions of unborn humans & partial-birthed babies, in the name of "population control," & because "they're not human," yet! So we are told.24 However, the questions that always need to be asked are these: At what point in time does "it" suddenly cross over from not being "human," with no rights; to human, with rights? And the abortion act becomes a murder, rather than just a medical procedure? And who gets to decide & why? The States, the courts, or Federal government? The One World Government? Are these babies suddenly human when they are all the way out of the mother's womb? And one minute later, if the infant should happen to survive the act of abortion; does the act suddenly become a "murder!"? Or is it a few minutes later, when the cords connecting them to their mothers, are cut; that they suddenly become a human? Or is it an hour later? A day? A month? When they can walk & talk & stand up? When they finally can articulate their own defenses, for their own rights? When do these millions of babies suddenly become human, in the stages of their developments, where we can suddenly announce: "Oh my freak! We suddenly have a human being here, people!" Where we can hold graduation parties, with big clocks that time their transitions from not being humans, with no rights, to the grand stand announcements, with fire works going off in the back ground, as announcers & the crowds count down the seconds, to then proclaim: "Fathers, Mothers, behold your little ones! They've progressed in time to the point, where they can now be entitled as "humans," and are thus granted, by the all powerful State & World Government, all the "rights" thereby granted to the rest of humanity! Cheer! Cheer! Strike up the Band!"
And yet, as dramatic as the above sounds; those questions need to be asked & answered; for the genocide of millions of human babies each year, murdered in tax funded abortion slaughter houses; passed the death toll of Hitler's "Final Solution" a long time ago. Which infanticide genocide continues in government protected & tax payers' funded abortion mills, where mass murders continue to be performed on millions of unborn & partial birthed babies. But then, at the same time, if a person was to chop to death a small baby, say a year old, such a person would be inconsistently considered by the courts & rightfully so; & would be considered by many moral common sense persons; to be the most horrific of murderers! (Such as in many baby killer cases that have passed through the courts). Which killers then should be prosecuted, put in prisons & even be subject to capital punishment! But then again, inconsistently, partial birth abortion doctors & nurses, not only seem to have immunity from prosecutions, for the many murders they perform on babies partly born; & even after birth, in some cases; they also get paid for it!25
Inconsistently, the Medical Un. of S. Carolina, says that if a pregnant woman's urine test indicates the use of cocaine, she can be "arrested for distributing drugs to a minor"! In Illinois if a pregnant woman takes illegal drugs, she can be prosecuted for "delivering a controlled substance to a minor." How can this be, if, as the pro-choice propaganda claims, the un-born is "not a person" with "rights!" These types of court rulings, however, clearly suggests that the un-borns are humans, with rights to protect! The irony is, however, that the same women, jailed for endangering her child, though still yet un-born; can turn around and demand & are even free to abort that very same unborns, at tax payers expense! But then, at the same time, in America, it's illegal to harm your preborn child, but it's perfectly legal to kill them!26
And yet, as dramatic as the above sounds; those questions need to be asked & answered; for the genocide of millions of human babies each year, murdered in tax funded abortion slaughter houses; passed the death toll of Hitler's "Final Solution" a long time ago. Which infanticide genocide continues in government protected & tax payers' funded abortion mills, where mass murders continue to be performed on millions of unborn & partial birthed babies. But then, at the same time, if a person was to chop to death a small baby, say a year old, such a person would be inconsistently considered by the courts & rightfully so; & would be considered by many moral common sense persons; to be the most horrific of murderers! (Such as in many baby killer cases that have passed through the courts). Which killers then should be prosecuted, put in prisons & even be subject to capital punishment! But then again, inconsistently, partial birth abortion doctors & nurses, not only seem to have immunity from prosecutions, for the many murders they perform on babies partly born; & even after birth, in some cases; they also get paid for it!25
Inconsistently, the Medical Un. of S. Carolina, says that if a pregnant woman's urine test indicates the use of cocaine, she can be "arrested for distributing drugs to a minor"! In Illinois if a pregnant woman takes illegal drugs, she can be prosecuted for "delivering a controlled substance to a minor." How can this be, if, as the pro-choice propaganda claims, the un-born is "not a person" with "rights!" These types of court rulings, however, clearly suggests that the un-borns are humans, with rights to protect! The irony is, however, that the same women, jailed for endangering her child, though still yet un-born; can turn around and demand & are even free to abort that very same unborns, at tax payers expense! But then, at the same time, in America, it's illegal to harm your preborn child, but it's perfectly legal to kill them!26
Do Animals have more rights than unborn humans do?
Inconsistently, if a person hits or trains a pit bull to fight other dogs, that's a criminal offense, cruelty to animals, you could go to jail for it. But ironically, it's perfectly legal to let abortion doctors kill human babies! Animals listed on an endangered species list, have more rights & protection than unborn humans do, leaving humans a more endangered species from their own kind.27
With Supreme Court Justices acting as "gods" over the other branches of government, they continue to issue federal statutes that have freedom destroying results; unleashing legalized murders of millions by grievously brutal procedures of abortions; while cloaking their statutes in constitutional language, doing so, as if immune from accountability. At the same time, common persons, who might mistreat & neglect their pets, get cited & fined, & even jailed, in some cases. In 1973, the Supreme Court unleashed the abortion bomb on the world in the name of privacy. Inconsistently, with the signing of The Patriot Act, 2001, government agencies can peeping tom electronically, or physically invade our privacy, our homes, etc., in the name of the "war on terrorism."28
"Of course, from an analytical and logical point of view, a ban on abortion could have been upheld regardless of whether a fetus is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment as a "person." Americans are fined or imprisoned for destroying endangered wildlife or even wetlands, and these laws have been ruled constitutional."29
Even illegal aliens, are considered "persons," as they should be, with more rights than what would have been American born babies, had they not been aborted! And should illegal aliens have children here in the United States, or produce children with legal American residents, it makes them & their children entitled to the welfare state draining the hard working tax payers' abilities to support their own families.30
If we are to be compassionate, loving & kind towards illegal aliens from different countries; why shouldn't we also be just as compassionate, loving & kind towards unborn Americans? Or where ever they might be about to be born? The same logical, moral & ethical questions go for animals too, don't they?
It's like Governments get to choose too, who are worthy of "rights" & who are not, for: "Any enemy combatant can now challenge his detention in a federal court provided the combatant (or the combatant's relatives or friends) is able to deliver a lawsuit to the Department of Defense or the Department of Justice." The ironies are that US soldiers' tax dollars also go towards helping their combatants' court expenses too!31
The Supreme Court seems to think that turning the womb into a tomb is privacy being protected by the constitution, while an "anti-virtual child pornography statute" that they struck down, was so done because it violated the First Amendment! The Supreme Court lets you burn the flag as a form of protest, but you can't distribute pro-life leaflets within one hundred feet of an abortion clinic. So childrens' bodies can be pornographically viewed & destroyed by abortions, under the protection of the corrupt Supreme Court's all seeing eye! But, don't you dare mention God at public schools' commencement ceremonies, unless you're taking God's name in vain! Because mentioning God is "unconstitutional," while all types of filthy things said against God, are protected "free speech," according to the Supreme Court.32
The judicial system, legislative & executive branches of governments also seem to have the answers to each crisis & crimes: That of bigger and better prisons, bigger governmental controls, bigger and better locks on doors & windows; bigger and better police forces, etc. God has simple solutions, that solve many problems before they get started: "Keep the commandments!" "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you!" Be charitable, loving, kind, respectful & nice!
However, God, including saying the name of God in traditional good old American pledges, like the pledge of allegiance to the flag; are now controversial. Plus, praying in public schools, have become illegal to do. If students are walking down the public school halls swearing all kinds of foul filth, taking God's name in vain, that's protected speech! For such things, though frown upon by many other students; are verbal acts not considered illegal, until one turns such spoken words into a prayer! Ironic!
Satanic music can be played over speakers, on cd players in public school locker rooms, or in classes, but not music about God & Jesus Christ, for Christmas songs that reference Jesus Christ's birth, have been ban from most public schools.33
One student in Baghdad, Arizona illustrates the irony:
Mark R. Levin warns how: "Activist judges have taken over school systems, prisons, private-sector hiring and firing practices, and farm quotas; ...ordered local governments to raise property taxes and states to grant benefits to illegal immigrants; ...expelled God, prayer, and the Ten Commandments from the public square; ...endorsed severe limits on political speech; ...protected virtual child pornography, racial discrimination in law school admissions, flag burning, the seizure of private property without just compensation, and partial-birth abortion.... announced that morality alone is an insufficient basis for legislation."35
What can we do to get back to earlier days, when God played an important part in our "one nation under God," with liberty & true justice for all? For instead of a restoration of the constitution, many seem to be going towards a new pledge of allegiance to a different flag that might sound like this: "We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Nations over America; and to The fall of the the Republic for which it falls; one world government under the underworld "god" Satan, with world court "injustice," and slavery for all."36
If the courts, prisons & legal systems of the United States are filled with all kinds of inconsistencies; the world court system must be just as inconsistently corrupt! As the bill of rights & trial by jury is under fire from demands from world criminal justice systems; other traditional USA's rights are in danger too. Under a world court system, no right to be judged by a jury, as provided in the Constitution's 6th Amendment, will be foreign judges concerns. Under a World Court, double jeopardy, will be in jeopardy; which is, according to the 5th Amendment, "nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb." The calling of witnesses & cross examinations; what will happen to these rights, under a permanent global tribunal of foreign judges who perhaps don't know about USA's constitutional laws & don't even care, if they do! Under an International Criminal Court = ICC, what will happen to the 4th & 5th Amendments' protections against unlawful searches and seizures? And why is it that the ICC claims jurisdiction over others, but carves out generous immunities for themselves, from every form of legal process? Why is it that ICC's property, funds & assets are all immune from search, seizures, requisitions, confiscations, expropriations and any form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative actions? Why is it that ICC's members have declared themselves immune from personal arrest or detention & legal process of every kind; or immigration restrictions, & taxes of all sorts; as they demand to be treated like royalty, not accepting any responsibilities for their own actions, as they sit in judgment over every person on the world?37
If the courts, prisons & legal systems of the United States are filled with all kinds of inconsistencies; the world court system must be just as inconsistently corrupt! As the bill of rights & trial by jury is under fire from demands from world criminal justice systems; other traditional USA's rights are in danger too. Under a world court system, no right to be judged by a jury, as provided in the Constitution's 6th Amendment, will be foreign judges concerns. Under a World Court, double jeopardy, will be in jeopardy; which is, according to the 5th Amendment, "nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb." The calling of witnesses & cross examinations; what will happen to these rights, under a permanent global tribunal of foreign judges who perhaps don't know about USA's constitutional laws & don't even care, if they do! Under an International Criminal Court = ICC, what will happen to the 4th & 5th Amendments' protections against unlawful searches and seizures? And why is it that the ICC claims jurisdiction over others, but carves out generous immunities for themselves, from every form of legal process? Why is it that ICC's property, funds & assets are all immune from search, seizures, requisitions, confiscations, expropriations and any form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative actions? Why is it that ICC's members have declared themselves immune from personal arrest or detention & legal process of every kind; or immigration restrictions, & taxes of all sorts; as they demand to be treated like royalty, not accepting any responsibilities for their own actions, as they sit in judgment over every person on the world?37
So what needs to be done to restore the USA's Constitution, Bill of Rights & Protect Freedoms?
For the United State to survive, we collectively need to:
1. Fire the Globalists & their puppets, and Lobbyists of world corporations; the funders of corrupt campaigns. Do away with campaigning, will make it harder for the contributors to continually have powers & puppet strings to pull & control those they funded into political positions. Because, as if is now, only the super rich get their names out in the media, because they have the money, or have campaign contributions given them from questionable sources, to run for office.38
2. Restore the Constitution & our National Sovereignty by getting the USA out of the United Nations, and the United Nations out of the USA.39
3. Confiscate and reimburse from United Nations' assets & funds, all of the trillions of dollars that US tax payers have been robbed of over the years, to support the UN & all its globalistic scams & programs that hardly solve the global problems & one crisis after another that they claim they need the funds to deal with.40
4. Stop supporting, through the welfare state, the free loaders, lazy people & illegals that milk the working tax payers. Stop foreign aid, take care of our own, those who can't help themselves first; rather than those who can, but who refuse to work, but won't because they're addicted to support from the State; the churches, charities, & expect a socialistic Government to take care of them.41
5. Thus, every person needs to change and support the poor through true charity, not false charity. While the poor needs to do what they can to improve themselves, by better education, etc.
6. Educators need to educate, not indoctrinate! Teach basic life & working skills, so that those who progress in their education, can be equipped with the knowledge, skills, certifications & other things needed, to be effective in the jobs they get. Thus, bringing about a more productive nation. Stop out sourcing jobs and supporting slave labor products coming from other countries.42
7. Laws need to be more consistent & the judicial systems need to not be all about collecting revenues from fines, regulation violations, licenses, fees & other freedom taking, money taking scams & government processings & red tape. We also shouldn't have to, or need to fund, through dues paid by US tax payers, to the United Nations, to keep this corrupt "world government" going! Nor dues, fines, & other expenses paid to world court systems that immune themselves from prosecutions, while going after the rest of us for "violations" of international laws that most of us don't even know about.43
8. The whole legislative branches throughout the Federal & States & their endless scribblings of endless laws and regulations; should be simplified, taken off the books, overhauled, virus scanned, descammed, gutted, & vaccinated of all the corrupt globalistic unconstitutional bills, laws, regulations, & acts that were often passed unread or rushed through!44
9. The US Arm forces should be brought home & not UNized, anymore, for prolonged wars, with no win State Department policies, and crazy insane rules of engagement! They should be for the protecting the US and up hold the constitution as they swore oaths to do!45
10. The US should refuse to merge in with the North American Union = NAU! Refuse the globalists' plans to join together Mexico, United States & Canada, into a super state with in the "One World Government" being sought! Refuse to pay world taxes, & take back all the foreign aid money & use it to build up the USA, instead of nations that hate the USA & want to destroy US. If there's to be foreign aid, let it be money coming in from foreign aid coming back in from countries aided earlier by the USA! Doing this so that America can be rebuilt by those who America helped to build first. If America is in trouble, let America help heal & rebuild itself first, before attempting to aid the world. Especially when such aid is going towards enemies of the United States of America!46
These are just a few ideas, concepts & things that I believe will help bring back America on the path of freedom. But most importantly, we need to return to God, to his right hand path of righteousness, charity, faith, hope & constitutional government. We need to repent of our sins and return to active faith in the God of this land, who is Jesus Christ. May we also remember the on going price of freedom, paid by patriots of the past & present too.
In Christ's name, amen.
DT, 7-4-2011
End Notes:
1- LDS Apostle, Elder Bruce R. McConkie, General Conference talk: Stand Independent above All Other Creatures, see: Ensign, May 1979, p. 92.
2- LDS Apostle, Elder Bruce R. McConkie, April 1980 General Conference talk: The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory, see: Ensign, May 1980, p. 71.
3- Light Planet, Carthage Jail, by Donald L. Enders. See also: Martyrdom of Joseph Smith, by Joseph I. Bentley.
4- The Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 2:27; 9:8-10; 10:15; Alma 37:20-37; 51:2-21; 58:36; 59:13; Helaman 2:4-5; 5:2; 6:21-39; 8:3-6; 3 Nephi 7:6-15; 9:9; Mormon 8:27; Ether 8:20-25; National Geographics Channel, a documentary about MS13produced by Andrew Tkach, World's Most Dangerous Gang); See also: The New Mafia: Human Trafficking Along U.S. / Mexican Border.
5- Jerreld . Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 48-50, 78, 80-467, etc. Electronic publication, 1998 from 12th printing. Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005); Thomas P. Kilgannon, Diplomatic Divorce, Why America Should End Its Love Affair With the United Nations, (Macon, GA: Stroud & Hall Publishers, 2006); Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., America For Sale, Fighting The New World Order, Surviving A Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty, (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009).
6- Prison Industrial Complex! by RT America, June 30-2011, See also: The War on Drugs: The Prison Industrial Complex, Produced by VPRO,
7- 12 WSFA.COM, Repeat offenders continue to walk the streets, Posted by: Mario Hendricks - Reported by: Jennifer Oravet, 2-3-2010, updated 2-3-2010.
The Chronicle, 2 murders bring repeat offenders into spotlight, by Troy Shelton, March 18, 2008.
Repeat offenders on crime spree, by Louis Andrews 8-8-2010, The Tanberra Times.
8- Oregon taxpayers pay spiraling cost of prison health care with no solution in sight, by Les Zaitz, The Oregonian, Sat. June 18, 2011.
9- Mother Jones, article: Man Robs Bank of $1 To Get Health Care in Prison, by Suzy Khimm, Tues June 21, 2011,
10- Eric Schlosser, The Prison-Industrial Complex, The Atlantic, 12-1988.
11- Don Corace, Government Pirates, The Assault On Private Property Rights - And How We Can Fight It, (New York: Harper, 2008); Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005). Eric Schlosser, The Prison-Industrial Complex, The Atlantic, 12-1988. The War on Drugs: The Prison Industrial Complex, Produced by VPRO,
For about a year, I've been writing to & receiving letters from a friend in a Utah State prison, who I believe was wrongly accused of a crime he didn't do. Thus, many letters tell of his own personal experiences, where he charges: "The system here in Utah is much more corrupt than I ever thought.... [His attorney said] I really should have never been in here [prison] according to her and my first attorney.... I can't believe the things they're putting people in prison for. 50% of all inmates shouldn't even be in here. Our constitution is gone if we don't hurry and stand up for it now." (Letter from MJ to DT, 8-22-2010). He later wrote about others who are "very passionate about government corruption and now very passionate about Utah government corruption [a web site] because of how he [one of his "cellies"] got screwed." (Letter from MJ to DT, 9-5-2010). In another letter: "Boy Utah's system is corrupt." (MJ to DT, 10-17-2010). In another letter, he tells how: "This State [Utah] illegally takes money off their books that the inmate[']s family puts on it. And they also do what they are doing to me. They make a lot of money doing this because most of the inmates do not know their rights." Further on he wrote how "they" [the State of Utah] lets "men that sell drugs, and steal, and even seriously hurt other people out early.... This state has hundreds of inmates that are in here for exactly what congressman Anthony Weaner just did and he will never see a charge filed against him. I think we now live in the most corrupt state in the Union. The citizens better wake up and start the fight before it's too late." (Letter from MJ to DT, 6-27-2011).
12- Investopedia explains Revenue,
13- From stories that I've heard first hand from police officers that have worked part time jobs as Security Officers, at a certain stores in the Utah, Salt Lake City area, 2009-2010. Their names will not be mentioned. Police Abduction by Quota, by William Grigg, March 4, 2010, The LRC Blog. In another article: Police in Brooklyn Used Illegal Ticket Quotas, Arbitrator Decides, by Kareem Fahim, 1-20-2006, New York Times. In another article: If You Didn't Believe Ticket Quotas Existed Before, You Will Now, posted 11-28-2007, National Motorists Association Blog. See also: Tennessee highway patrol ticket quota.
14- "Ignorance of the law is no excuse. That's the standard line motorists hear when they say they weren't aware of the speed limit, or gun owners hear when they say didn't know about the gun laws in the jurisdiction they happened to get arrested in. Yet that ignorance is pretty understandable in an America where just about everything is being criminalized. At the federal level alone there are now more than 4,500 separate crimes, and that's not counting the massive regulatory code, violations of which also can sometimes be punished with criminal charges.", article: Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse, Unless you work in law enforcement, by Radley Balo, 8-2, 2010.
14- "Ignorance of the law is no excuse. That's the standard line motorists hear when they say they weren't aware of the speed limit, or gun owners hear when they say didn't know about the gun laws in the jurisdiction they happened to get arrested in. Yet that ignorance is pretty understandable in an America where just about everything is being criminalized. At the federal level alone there are now more than 4,500 separate crimes, and that's not counting the massive regulatory code, violations of which also can sometimes be punished with criminal charges.", article: Ignorance of the Law Is No Excuse, Unless you work in law enforcement, by Radley Balo, 8-2, 2010.
15- Constitution, Article. V. - Amendment:
"Congress, whenever 2/3 of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of 2/3 of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution..."
- How can Congress & the Senate know the "intents" & "purposes" of bills thousands of pages long? Especially, if they don't bother to read them, as some have admitted!?
- Or don't get a chance to!
- Or when pages are taken out, or hundreds of pages are added at the last moments before they are voted on?
- Or of which "intents" & "purposes," are not clear because of thousands of pages of legal lingo?
This happened in ancient America too, for different ones noted how wicked people had infiltrated the government and how "they had altered & trampled under their feet the laws... and they saw that their laws had become corrupted, & that they had become a wicked people...." (Book of Mormon, Helaman 4:22).
Inconsistencies! Some Globalists sneak in different constitutional destroying Acts, but then disobey the Acts that challenge their global agendas.The Sherman Act 1890, for example, challenged Rockefellers' global oil corporation, Standard Oil, etc. If the globalists are not obeying the good Acts, why should we have to obey the bad ones? Or the acts & bills that aren't read, or that are 500, 1100, or 2500 pages or so long like the Carbon tax bill & present Health Care Bill are said to be?
Factions in the USA's government present thousands of pages of bills, never read by Congress, but which become laws. Then after they're signed into law, they are exposed as to how deceptive & dangerous they are, how power is being taken away from the people & give to the elite few, the globalists!
"We fear that there is some faction in the Government" that is seeking to rule & destroy the freedoms of all! (Book of Mormon, Alma 58:36, 61:3-4).
Congressman, John Conyers, (D) Michigan, admits: "We don't read most of the bills."
Congressman, John Conyers, (D) Michigan, admits: "We don't read most of the bills."
2004, Obama: "When you rush these budgets that are a foot high & nobody has any idea what's in them & no body has read them." But then he changes tactics in as Pres. in 2010, with the Health care bill, telling demanding of Congress: "Now is the time for you to step up, too"!
Track history of some of the Bills & Acts sneaked through, not read, or Congress & Senate not given a chance to read:
A- December 23, 1913, Christmas break, Federal Reserve Act.
You Tube: Because of This Secret Combination #2 Congress Passing Bills & Acts they Don't Read!
B- After World War 2, in 1945, alleged communist spy, Alger Hiss, CFR, presented to the Senate, the United Nations Charter, which they signed "with not so much as even reading it!"
C- The Patriot Act! 2001. Was another rushed through, revised & printed & copied in the early morning hours, before Congress votes on it. Thus, Rep. Peter A. Defazio (D) Oregon, noted that his copy "was still warm," & that it "just came off the xerox machine," so he shouts "give us the weekend to read it," & warns "these are our civil liberties" at stake, that they were "critical issues!"
D- Summer 2009, Economic Stimulus Bill, $787 + billions! Sen. Frank Lautenberg D- NJ, predicted that none of his Senate colleagues would "have the chance" to read the entire final version of the bill before the final vote! The 1100 page Stimulus Bill, 300 pages being added 3:00 AM, Friday. Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, Minority Leader, 8th District - West Chester, Troy, tried to read part of it to Congress, & pontificated about what it could, or could not mean, with all the obscure languages that was in it. Boehner said, holding up a copy: "Here we are with 1100 pages... not one member of this body has even read!"
E- The 1,200 paged Climate Bill, Summer 2009. Again, Rep. John Boehner, walks Congress through some of the crazy & questionable things in the Climate Bill. Another bill that the "House Passes," "1,200-page Climate Bill that Congress was Not Allowed to Read"!
"That wasn’t good enough for House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), who delayed the roll call vote by reading page-by-page through a 300-page managers’ amendment Democrats added at around 3 a.m. Friday. Boehner seemed to relish the hour-long stunt, picking out the bill’s most obscure language and then pontificating about what it might – or might not – mean." (Alex Jones', House Passes the 1,200-page Climate Bill that Congress was Not Allowed to Read, by Aaron Dykes, June 26, 2009).
F- Health Care Bill, 2010, also called "Obama Care," final version reported as about 2,500 pages long!? Who in Congress got a chance to even read this version? R-Indiana, 5th District, Indianapolis, Marion, Rep. Dan Burton objects how the almost 2000 paged version of "the Pelosi Health Care Bill," hasn't been read! He says: "1,990 pages! Nobody in this place has even come close to reading it!" After he plops it down, he continues: "In addition to that, it costs 2.25 million dollars per word! There are almost 3,500 shalls in there, & a shall is a mandate that Congress do something! Nobody's read this thing! It's going to cost all this money! Members of the Congress, can exempt themselves from being involved in the public option." He goes on to say how it's a terrible, terrible bill that should be defeated!
House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), tells us "But we have to pass the bill so that you can, ahh, find out what is in it."
You Tube: Because of This Secret Combination #2 Congress Passing Bills & Acts they Don't Read! And: Stop Unconstitutional DC Voting Representation - The Liberal Power Grab.
Aaron Russo: America - Freedom To Fascism (High Quality)
See: Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties
Aaron Dykes, June 26, 2009, House Passes the 1,200-page Climate Mill that Congress was Not Allowed to Read. Climate Bill that Congress was "not" Allowed to Read. Infowars 6-26-2009.
Rep. Burton Blasts The Pelosi Health Car Bill On the House Floor. And: You Tube: Glenn Beck 20100107 Part 1/4 2 34 Here's another bill that some warn gives more powers & control to the globalists, & takes away more of our freedoms, & bill of rights & erodes the constitution! You Tube, USA a Constitutional Republic: Anyusmoon's channel: The Truth About Health Care Bill- Unconstitutional, Federal power grab, NO PRIVACY And: Michael Connelly, Retired Attorney, Constitutional Law Instructor, Carroll, Texas, The Truth About the Health Care Bills, Posted 8-12-2009 And: House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi is alleged that she may try to pass by the Senates' votes, by not even having them vote on the Health Care bill. Pelosi Will Read Full Final Text of Health Care Bill Before House Vote and Give Public 'Ample' Time to Do Same, Says Spokesman, Monday, July 13, 2009. By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter & Marie Magleby & Monica Gabriel.
Aaron Russo: America - Freedom To Fascism (High Quality)
See: Unconstitutional - The War on Our Civil Liberties
Aaron Dykes, June 26, 2009, House Passes the 1,200-page Climate Mill that Congress was Not Allowed to Read. Climate Bill that Congress was "not" Allowed to Read. Infowars 6-26-2009.
Rep. Burton Blasts The Pelosi Health Car Bill On the House Floor. And: You Tube: Glenn Beck 20100107 Part 1/4 2 34 Here's another bill that some warn gives more powers & control to the globalists, & takes away more of our freedoms, & bill of rights & erodes the constitution! You Tube, USA a Constitutional Republic: Anyusmoon's channel: The Truth About Health Care Bill- Unconstitutional, Federal power grab, NO PRIVACY And: Michael Connelly, Retired Attorney, Constitutional Law Instructor, Carroll, Texas, The Truth About the Health Care Bills, Posted 8-12-2009 And: House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi is alleged that she may try to pass by the Senates' votes, by not even having them vote on the Health Care bill. Pelosi Will Read Full Final Text of Health Care Bill Before House Vote and Give Public 'Ample' Time to Do Same, Says Spokesman, Monday, July 13, 2009. By Nicholas Ballasy, Video Reporter & Marie Magleby & Monica Gabriel.
16-, article: Ex-judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr. guilty in 'cash for kids' case, 2-19-2011, By Craig R. McCoy, Inquirer Staff Writer,
17- World Socialist Web Site, Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), Government case exposed conspiracy of US tobacco giants, by Joseph Kay, June 13, 2005).
18- Robert Gehrke, The Salt Lake Tribune, 1-13-2010, Big tobacco kicked big bucks into Utah politics); $tate$ On The Take Back Your State! "Exhibit A of the Stealth Cartel Partnerships" "The Big Tobacco Settlement" Big Tobacco has gone beyond wining and dining your elected officials, Now They're in bed together-- and guess who's getting screwed?!
The Insider, Russell Crowe; Paul Slovic, Editor, Smoking, Risk, Perception, & Policy, (Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001).
The Insider, Russell Crowe; Paul Slovic, Editor, Smoking, Risk, Perception, & Policy, (Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001).
19- Immune from prosecution? Thomas P. Kilgannon, 2006, Diplomatic Divorce, Why America Should End Its Love Affair With the United Nations, p. 29, (chap. 2), says that those who run the International Criminal Court = ICC, themselves, will enjoy immunity from "every form of legal process."
Cases where products were pulled off shelves, unlike tobacco, because of different health issues, etc.:
NYDaily - Daily News, Money, Kellogg recalls products; Keebler, Austin brands pulled from shelves, The Associated Press, Thursday, 1-15-2009. Roanoke, Va. "A peanut butter maker that sells bulk supplies to institutions issued a nationwide recall as officials on Wednesday reported two more deaths associated with a salmonella outbreak." Another case is Zicam, a nasal spray alleged to cause loss of smell. See: Nasal spray can cause loss of smell, FDA warns, Zicam pulled from shelves; consumers urged to stop using products, Associated Press, updated 6-16-2009- Washington. "A 2007 law began requiring manufacturers to report such problems, but FDA regulators declined to say Tuesday whether the company broke the law." In another article, - More melamine- tainted milk found in China, Products pulled more than a year after massive safety scandal, Associated Press = AP, 1-25-2010, updated. Also, "Hydroxycut," was alleged to have been pulled after the FDA or Federal Drug Administration reported that it was "causing liver damage and other health problems." (Back Seat Cuddler, May 2, 2009, Hydroxycut Pulled Off The Shelves, posted in Celebrities by Taylor Blue. Another case: Rolaids was said to be pulled off shelves because metal & wood was found in product. Chicago Independent Press, Rolaids Pulled Off Shelves, Metal and Wood Found in Product, by Rachel Daley, 12-10-2010. Another case: Meridia was pulled off the market in Canada, after studies suggested "links to heart attacks and strokes in patients who already had heart problems. CBC - News, Health- Weight-loss drug pulled off market, last updated Friday, October 8, 2010. Another case: Benzene is said to be "a cancer-causing chemical," and is reported to be "linked with leukaemia and other forms of blood cancer," and is found at dangerous levels in 26 soda pop brands, including 22 leading brands! Hence, soft drinks were pulled from shelves because of the fear reports made that they caused cancer! The Times, The Sunday Times, Soft drinks pulled from shelves over cancer fear, watchdog demands inquiry over benzene levels in 26 popular brands, by Valerie Elliot, Consumer Editor, 4-1-2006. Another case: Propoxyphene in Darvocet was pulled, after research that said it could cause "major health issues including heart rhythm problems that could prove to be fatal if the body reacts in a very negative way to it." So the FDA had it pulled from the U.S. market, so why not cigs too! Blog- Babble- Darvocet Pulled From Shelves: Causes Major Health Issues, posted by Chrisrogers86, November 20, 2010. Another case: CBC News- Health, Johnson & Johnson issues another drug recall, No products being pulled from the shelves in Canada, by The Associated Press, Friday, July 8, 2010. Another case: Fox News, Tomatoes Pulled Off Shelves, Menus Amid Salonella Scare,Associated Press, Thursday, June 19, 2008. Case 10: Glen Beck, Arguing With Idiots, How to Stop Small Minds & Big Government, (New York, New York: Threshold Editions - Mercury Radio Arts, A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2009), p. 166. See also: Tobacco lurks in delicious places, by Wendy Leonard, 2-10, 2011-
20- Conspiring Men In The Last Days {The Wisdom of The Word of Wisdom} Evidences for Doctrine & Covenants, Section 89, by DT, 2-20-2011 rough draft, revised Updated 6-21-2011. You Tube: Justin Martyr Jr Channel, play list: Millions Die & Big Tobacco Continues the Lie: It's About $, See also: Paul Slovic, Editor, Smoking, Risk, Perception, & Policy, (London & New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001); Smoking and Health, Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, (U.S Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Public Health Service, about 1964).
Action on Smoking and Health = ASH,
CBS News, London, Sept. 12, 2003, Smoking's Global Death Toll - 4.8 Million Deaths Each Year, Evenly Split Between Rich and Poor, by Melissa Cheung. According to another article: "By the year 2020, 10 million people will be dying each year from smoking related health causes." Lifescript, healthy living for women: The Effects of Smoking: Death Toll Will Double by 2010, Health Conditions, Published March 20, 2006. According to the World Health Organization = WHO, First Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Geneva, 6-17 February 2006. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death world wide. It's the only consumer product that kills when used as intended by tobacco companies. 1 in 10 adults killed world wide! 5 million yearly, about "one death every 6.5 seconds." See also: Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Toll of Tobacco in the United States of America, October 8, 2010, by Jessica Guilfoyle. See also: Medscape Today, UPMC,Avoidable Global Cancer Deaths and Total Deaths From Smoking: Current and Future Disease Risks from Smoking. Also: Terry Martin,, Updated 1-28-2007,WHO smoking statistics, Global Smoking Statistics for 2002, Overall Stats and Youth Smoking Facts.
Matthew White, September 2010, Deaths by Mass Unpleasantness: Estimated Totals for the Entire 20th Century, see Smoking.
Action on Smoking and Health = ASH,
CBS News, London, Sept. 12, 2003, Smoking's Global Death Toll - 4.8 Million Deaths Each Year, Evenly Split Between Rich and Poor, by Melissa Cheung. According to another article: "By the year 2020, 10 million people will be dying each year from smoking related health causes." Lifescript, healthy living for women: The Effects of Smoking: Death Toll Will Double by 2010, Health Conditions, Published March 20, 2006. According to the World Health Organization = WHO, First Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Geneva, 6-17 February 2006. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death world wide. It's the only consumer product that kills when used as intended by tobacco companies. 1 in 10 adults killed world wide! 5 million yearly, about "one death every 6.5 seconds." See also: Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Toll of Tobacco in the United States of America, October 8, 2010, by Jessica Guilfoyle. See also: Medscape Today, UPMC,Avoidable Global Cancer Deaths and Total Deaths From Smoking: Current and Future Disease Risks from Smoking. Also: Terry Martin,, Updated 1-28-2007,WHO smoking statistics, Global Smoking Statistics for 2002, Overall Stats and Youth Smoking Facts.
Matthew White, September 2010, Deaths by Mass Unpleasantness: Estimated Totals for the Entire 20th Century, see Smoking.
Farmers regulated, little gardens to become illegal, etc.: Infowars, Alex Jones & links: Raiding organic food stores. A sign of new times?
Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 131-141.
S. 510: A Clear and Present Danger, by Patrick Tutwiler for GovTrack Insider, Nov. 15, 2010. "The bill would grant the FDA additional regulatory power and opponents of the bill are concerned about the effects new regulations would have on small farmers.... (File.) Harkin: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that food born diseases cause approximately 76 million illnesses each year including approximately 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States. These numbers are staggering..."
So the FDA is concerned about what the small farmers grow, sales & the diseases the are alleged to have caused 76 million illnesses & all these hospitalizations & deaths. But why haven't tobacco growers been also treated in the same ways? Especially when 1,000 times more than the 5,000 deaths are said to be the 5,000,0000 yearly global death tolls from tobacco products!
"Reitzig: Senate bill S. 510 is completely flawed.
"Reitzig: Senate bill S. 510 is completely flawed.
Question from Users: Will this bill prevent me from having a home garden, sharing produce with my friends, or disrupt in any way my local farmer’s market?
Reitzig: What Senate bill S. 510 does it is creates statutory authority for the FDA to come up with regulations governing all aspects of food production and processing. So whether or not it will affect a home garden or a farmer’s market, we probably won’t see anything immediately affecting those, but once they come up with the regulations and start enforcing we could see a disruption in anything, anything from a farmer’s market to a child’s lemonade stand." Govtrack Insider, S. 510: Oversight or Overreach? by Patrick Tutwiler for Gov Track Insider, Oct. 15, 2010.
“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower." Tomahawk Leader, WI, Internet Edition, The World's Prophecy, 8-13-2010, Update, Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow, Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown food.
Glen Beck, You Tube: Growing you own garden will be illegal.
You Tube: Senate Bill S510 Makes it illegal to Grow Homegrown Food or Government Gond Mad
CT Patriot's Flight for Freedom, Warning Video: Senate Bill S510 Makes It Illegal to Grow Your Own Garden!!! Share, Trade or Sell Homegrown Food...
"Herr Kissinger has declared that his goal is to create a "New World Order." Syndicated Washington columnist Paul Scott reveals:
"It is Kissinger's belief, according to his aides, that by controlling food, one can control people, and by controlling energy, especially oil, one can control nations & their -financial systems. By placing food and oil under international control along with the world's monetary system, Kissinger is convinced a loosely knit world government operating, under the frame-work of the United Nations can become a reality before 1980." (Gary Allen, Rockefeller File, The People Planners).
1977--81, Globalist, Henry Kissinger, Council of Foreign Relations - CFR, President Nixon's foreign policy adviser, and working for the international Order, worked for them in helping to gain more control over resources, and to establish a One World Food Bank. He is reported to have said that if they can control food supplies, etc., the New World Order will be able to control the people! Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 31; Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 127-30.
"It is Kissinger's belief, according to his aides, that by controlling food, one can control people, and by controlling energy, especially oil, one can control nations & their -financial systems. By placing food and oil under international control along with the world's monetary system, Kissinger is convinced a loosely knit world government operating, under the frame-work of the United Nations can become a reality before 1980." (Gary Allen, Rockefeller File, The People Planners).
1977--81, Globalist, Henry Kissinger, Council of Foreign Relations - CFR, President Nixon's foreign policy adviser, and working for the international Order, worked for them in helping to gain more control over resources, and to establish a One World Food Bank. He is reported to have said that if they can control food supplies, etc., the New World Order will be able to control the people! Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 31; Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 127-30.
Lindsey Williams - Torn from the Land Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8; End of America )
Depopulation of Planet Earth Links to articles, etc. Constitution is Hanging By A Thread! Joseph Smith Was Right! On Topix.
The Case Against Lawyers by Catherine Crier (Hardcover - Oct 2002). Yes, many in very high positions in government, use those positions to rob like the mob! Making billions in the whole process! It's another way to rob the masses like the mob! The American Drug War: Anatomy of a Futile and Costly Police Action July 10, 2000. Bruce L. Benson, David W. Rasmussen
"Railway Bandits," Reason, July 2001, p.14.
You Tube: Documentary series: Who's Policing the Police
You Tube: Documentary series: Who's Policing the Police
You Tube: Documentary series: Who's Policing the Police, A Prison-Industri al Complex [1999] The Drug War's Hidden God Mine, the Ocular Stream.
The Miscellanarian: War on Drugs: The Prison Industrial Complex (1999).
CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy-Unaired Documentary-Full Length
Alleged drug connections with the Clintons: The Clinton Chronicles (Full Version).
Alleged drug connections with the Clintons: The Clinton Chronicles (Full Version).
The Clinton Chronicles: An Investigation into the Alleged Criminal Activities of Bill Clinton, 1994 film created by Patrick Matrisciana, produced by Citizens for Honest Government, a project of a Westminster, California organization named Creative Ministries Inc. This video explored the deaths of Vincent Foster and an alleged cocaine-smuggling operation purportedly involving BCCI, Dan Lasater and then Governor of Arkansas Bill Clinton. Deaths were part a conspiracy theory known as the "Clinton Body Count", which started and grew around the time of the documentary, as connections to Clinton were added with varying degrees of allegedly suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths. Some of the names in the Clinton Body Count are referenced in the documentary. The deaths of Kevin Ives and Don Henry spawned two other documentaries listed below. (See: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: The Clinton Chronicles).
Later, another version came out, entitled: The New Clinton Chronicles, on Vodpod.
23- Jarret Wollstein, Government Property Seizures out of Control, article, Sat. 5-30-2001:
Jarrent's source: An analysis of U.S. asset forfeiture laws, with extensive legal citations, can be found in the book "Your House Is Under Arrest," by Brenda Grantland, one of America's leading asset defense attorneys. Copies are available from ISIL, 707/726-8796, Another excellent source is "Forfeiting Our Property Rights," by U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill.
"The Supreme Court seems to think that anything is permissible in the name of fighting crime. On June 24, 1996, United States vs. Ursery, the court ruled that civil punishments in addition to criminal punishments do not constitute double jeopardy. Asset forfeitures came to prominence in the war against drugs. They have not dented drug use but they have made thieves out of law enforcement officers."
Jarret Wollstein warns how the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), "is seizing the luggage, cash and cars of hapless travelers. Under America's new civil forfeiture laws, mere possession of a large amount of cash or a drug dog barking at your luggage is sufficient probable cause for police to legally seize everything you are carrying."!
Jarrent lists numerous cases in point:
A. 2-2000, Albuquerque, N.M., DEA agents stop Sam Thach, on Amtrak, robbing $147,000 in cash. He had no drugs! His "crime?" He paid cash for a ticket, didn't give Amtrak his phone number. "Railway Bandits," Reason, July 2001, p. 14.
B. 6-5-2001, they rob $640,000 from Jennifer Leigh Ames, on Amtrak, 6-5-2001. DEA Agents claim she looked nervous & refused permission to search her luggage. "Railway Bandits," Reason, July 2001, p. 14.
C. 6-22-1999, even former Newwark N.J., cop, Carlos Hernandez, suffered this form of abuse, when he found officers looking through his Amtrak sleeper cabin, demanding to see into his luggage! His "crime?" He’s Hispanic & paid $694 in cash for the ticket. "Railway Bandits," Reason, July 2001, p. 15.
D. Houston’s Hobby Airport, cops detain Ethel Hylton, 49, seize her luggage all because a dope sniffing drug dog scratches it. Agents search her bags, strip-search her, but find no drugs. However, they did find $39,110 in cash! It's from an insurance settlement & her life savings, earned from over 20 years of hard work as a hotel housekeeper & hospital janitor. She completely documents where & how her legal efforts, through years of hard work, had earned her the money in question. "But the police kept her money anyway. Destitute, she had no way to fight them." "Presumed Guilty: The Law's Victims in the War on Drugs," Andrew Schneider & Mary Pat Flaherty. Reprinted from the Pittsburgh Press, 8-11-16, 1991, p. 5-6.
Jarrent goes on with this shocking aspect of this "legal" robbings going on by some police, courts & government agencies! "These outrageous seizures are completely legal and have been upheld by the highest courts in the land, including the U.S. Supreme Court. The DEA's Web site claims, "Property is seized by the DEA only when it is determined to be a tool for, or the proceeds of, illegal activities such as drug trafficking, organized crime, or money laundering." But the above examples shows the reality, in some cases. Under civil asset forfeitures, your property – not you – is charged with a crime. Hence the bizarre title of civil forfeiture cases: "United States vs. one 1998 Mercedes Benz," "California vs. 1711 Main Street," and so forth. Once your property is charged with a crime, it can be seized and kept by police, even if you are never convicted of anything. An appeals court in Florida even ruled that police can personally receive bounties of 25 percent of the value of anything they seize from you, such as your car, bank accounts or home." Jarret Wollstein, Government Property Seizures out of Control, article, Sat. 5-30-2001:
Often, properties & cash is taken by police who charge people with breaking the many "laws" that the common person knows very little, or anything about! If your car is impounded, it can cost you a lot to get it back, even if you can. The present system makes it near a "mission impossible," to get back your property! You, the victim in these cases, could have to pay towing fees, lot holding fees, and other fines, & fees that you might not know about too. Not knowing the "law" is no excuse, they say!
Jarret goes on to warn how that there are 400 federal offenses & thousands of state & local "offenses" by which your money, cars, bank accounts, & homes can be taken! Including shoplifting, hiring illegal aliens, which is ironic, when there are high officials in the government, like when Bush Jr., was in, who was pushing the US constitutional destroying "North American Union" or NAU scam, where there would be no "illegal" lines to cross, when going from Mexico, USA to Canada! Another inconsistent aspect of the present legal systems!
In New York, if you play your car stereo too loud, they can take your car! If you transport "illegal fireworks," gamble, have illegal drugs on your property; which can be easily planted, if they want to rob you of the home you've been slaving away for years to pay for, with high interest charges from the banks! Well, they can take your home & rob you of every asset you have! Leaving you without the funding you'll need to have to hire a competent lawyer, $15,000, to "prove" your not the bad nasty evil "criminal" your made out to be! Of, course it's hard to also earn enough money to pay for a lawyer, when you are in jail, or prison too! So who would have to come up with the money that goes back into the present corrupt "legal systems"? Your family or friends! They will probably have to sale their own assets to help you, even if they can! If they can't, you're screwed!!!
So much for our rights to owning private property! They've found ways around that one, in this "legal" robbing of America, in the name of "the Drug War"! Even to discuss "violating" any "law," (which free speech is called "conspiracy"), to "underpay" your taxes, can get your assets seized too! So much for the Amendments & Bill of Rights that protects freedom of speech!
Billions of dollars in properties, cash, & other things, are seized without trial each year from innocent Americans! The Forfeiture Endangers American Rights, FEAR, warns that seizures range from pocket cash, cars, to multi-million dollar apartment buildings! Once they've rob you of it, good luck on getting it back! For the burden of proof is on you to prove yourself & your properties' innocent! Any suspected "illegal" activities that even your relatives, friends, or employees on, or even near your property "are sufficient grounds to seize it."
Case in point: 69 year old Gussie Mae Gantt, in Montgomery, Ala., calls police, complains that drug dealers had infested her neighborhood. Police video a deal going down, where informants buy drugs in her yard, even though she had posted no-trespassing signs! So what did the police do in this particular case? They rob her of her home! "Police waited until there was a drug deal in her yard and then seized her home." Jarrent's source: An analysis of U.S. asset forfeiture laws, with extensive legal citations, can be found in the book "Your House Is Under Arrest," by Brenda Grantland, one of America's leading asset defense attorneys. Copies are available from ISIL, 707/726-8796, Another excellent source is "Forfeiting Our Property Rights," by U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill.
This is easy money for the government, courts, lawyers & police, which is why they do it! The temptation to abuse it is obvious! There's too much money to be made! So say 'good bye' to your homes, cars, bank accounts & other assets, which can be seized under civil asset forfeiture laws! Good luck getting it all back too, as the police and courts divide up the proceeds 80% for police & 20% for courts!
Its become a big scam, & big business across America; as millions of dollars worth of cars, taken from motorists stopped for minor traffic violations; then have their cars auctioned off! Other companies are scamming their own customers too! As in the case with Amtrak & Greyhound, which are alleged to have worked out a deal with the DEA by giving them access to their booking system where they note those who have paid cash to travel with! Yes, 10% goes to them, while the DEA cashes in on the cash their customers might have on them, all in the name of "the drug war!" The DEA is alleged to also have the same types of deals set up with major airports, hotels & motel owners in L.A. & Vegas, as well as other large cities. See also: THE LOOTING OF AMERICA, How over 200 Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws Enable Police to Confiscate Your Home, Bank Accounts & Business Without Trial, by Jarret B. Wollstein, International Society for Individual Liberty > Intellectual Resources > The Looting of America.
"Most police agencies view forfeitures as a lucrative source of funds in this time of ever-tightening budgets. Most cop shops have one specially trained person whose job is to take as much stuff as he or she legally can. These people are not fair and are not seeking justice, so things get ugly fast." Ed Rosenthal & William Logan, Atty, Ask Ed: Marijuana Law, Don't Get Busted, (Oakland California: Quick American Archives, 2000), 56.
Mean while the common person, without endless tax payers funding at their finger tips to defend themselves, are smashed down, robbed, and plundered of anyway to defend themselves, cause their assets, cash, & properties are taken from them, in the name of the so-called "Drug War!" Or that they could be accused of being "a terrorists," cause they may have exercised their constitutional rights to free speech, the right to bear arms, & right to be secure in their person or property! FEMA “Our Founding Fathers Were Terrorists”
Thus, it's obvious, it's clear, it's frightening! That the One Worlders, the world money barons, and the NEW WORLD ORDERISTS, have, as they said they would, used the so-called crisis of "drugs in our streets," & guns, etc., to take away our freedoms, "abolish private property," "take away guns," and drain America's wealth! Margaret Haerns, Editor, Gun Violence, Opposing Viewpoints, (Detroit, New York, etc,: Greenhaven Press, Thomson - Gale, 2006; Michael A. Sommers, Individual Rights & Civic Responsibility, The Right To Bear Arms, (New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2001.
24- Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 63-64.
Harry Blackmun, nominated by President Richard Nixon in 1970 to the Supreme Court Justice: "Blackmun specifically declared that the unborn child was not a "person" under the Fourth Amendment, and thus had no equal protection rights." Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, 65.
Rosalind Pollack Petchesky, Abortion and Woman's Choice, The State, Sexuality, and Reproductive Freedom, (Boston: The Northeastern Series in Feminist Theory, Northeastern University Press, 1984, 1990), 335-54; Randy Alcorn, Why Pro-Life?, Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers, (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, Inc., 2004). Drug Wars,
Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, chapter 10: The People Planners,
Former US Defense Secretary, & former World Bank President, Robert Strange McNamara, about 1984, on commenting about how he was involved with the International Conference on Population, Mexico City, Aug. 6-14-1984. On a radio show, hosted by one Michael Jackson, (not the pop singer); they talked of population control, & how governments would have to deal with the "crisis" & "problems" of increased world population. How they'd have to resort to "coercive policies," that will restrict movements or travel of people; how they'd resort to high rates of abortions; high rates of female infanticide & forced sterilizations!
Former US Defense Secretary, & former World Bank President, Robert Strange McNamara, about 1984, on commenting about how he was involved with the International Conference on Population, Mexico City, Aug. 6-14-1984. On a radio show, hosted by one Michael Jackson, (not the pop singer); they talked of population control, & how governments would have to deal with the "crisis" & "problems" of increased world population. How they'd have to resort to "coercive policies," that will restrict movements or travel of people; how they'd resort to high rates of abortions; high rates of female infanticide & forced sterilizations!
Here's what Robert Strange McNamara, (Former World BankPresident), says in 1984, about global population "crisis," "problem": "And I predict if we continue as we are, by the end of this century, there will be ahh, wide spread adoption of coercive policies, national coercive policies restricting the FREEDOM of individual ahh, leading for example [to] forced sterilization, restricting movements royal to urban areas! And stimulating what I call 'brutal family practices,' high rates of abortion! And high rates of female infamicide! That's what lie ahead of us; that's what lies ahead of the world, unless we ahh deal with more effectively with this problem!"
Bob Salter's warnings, & World Bankster, Robert Strange McNamara, 1984 prediction about forced depopulation controls, see on You Tube: New World Money Order$ 2:4 More on Population Control & Reduction as Globalists' "Final Solution!"@ Robert Strange McNamara's 1984 prediction starts up at 7:10 into this video.
25- Drug Wars, Randy Alcorn, Why Pro-Life?, Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers, (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, Inc., 2004), 39-41. Historical documentary about Hitler's "Final Solution," entitled: Genocide, produced by Simon Wiesenthal Center, written by Sir Martin Gilbert & Rabbi Marvin Hier. Moriah Films, 2004, Koch Lober Films, LLC, New York. See also: Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 73.
Baby Killer Cases in point:
Convicted Baby Killer Loses Appeal to Overturn Death Penalty, Sunday, March 15, 2009, Fox News. The child was 19 months old.
Read more:,2933,509300,00.html#ixzz1R4Y7RyC5
Timothy Wayne Adams: Set to Die for Murder of His Infant Son, by Robbie Cooper, Urban Grounds, 2002. His son was 19 months old.
Baby Killer Sentenced Again, After granted retrial, Mohammad Ahmad sentenced to 20 years for murder of 21-month-old baby, by Ken Moore, Thursday, April 30, 2009; Springfield Connection, Franconia - Kingstowne - Newington.
Liz & David Carroll are alleged to have left their 3 year old foster son in blankets, with his hands taped behind his back, locked in a closet for two days, while they went out of town. Finding him dead, of course, upon their return, they are alleged to have burned his body & may have dumped his remains in the Ohio River. They went on TV asking for help to find their foster son, but ended up in a Hamilton County jail, charge with his murder. Fox 19, Foster Parents to Appear in Court Today.
Baby P killers unmasked: Evil mother who stood by as son was tortured... and the neo-Nazi boyfriend who abused him, by Vanessa Allen, Colin Fernandez and Lucy Ballinger, last up-dated 8-11-2009. Mail Online. Baby Peter was murdered at 17 months old.
While other abortionist doctors are not prosecuted as murderers, there are cases where others are, such as in the case with Dr Kermit Gosnell, who is alleged to have gone past partial-birth abortions to the murders of "babies – who, after being delivered alive, had their necks slit and spinal cords severed – at Gosnell’s filthy, cat-urine-reeking clinic, city prosecutors contend." BTX3's Blog, Philly Baby Killer Doctor Gosnell Had Long, Sorid History While Medical Authorities Looked The Other Way, posted 1-23-2011, by BTX3.
You Tube: Fox News, Talking POINTS TILLER THE BABY KILLER *SHOCKING* also: Dr. George R. Tiller, nick named "the baby killer," is alleged to be killing babies, even after they are born & are out side the mother's womb. Kathleen Sebelius (D), Kansas Governor, cites privacy, she vetoes a bill that would have made Tiller to give specifics rather than vague reasons why he's destroying these babies. Tiller has killed thousands, under the protection of the State of Kansas government, at his Womens' Health Care Services, P.A., in Wichita, Kansas. The governor, is said to be running for higher up government positions, with help from Tiller, who since 1994, as given her different amounts of money along the way. Conflict of interest? Infanticide was permissible in ancient Sparta & state controlled, babies born with disabilities, or who didn't look healthy were taken by the ephors and left exposed to the elements at Mt. Taygetos.
"In an article entitled "Why They Kill Their Newborns" in the New York Times Magazine (November 2, 1997), Steven Pinker, a professor of psychology at MIT, suggests we ought to lighten up about infanticide, and he begins the process of thought reform by eliminating the word "infanticide." In its place he proposes two words: "neonaticide," the killing of a child on the day of its birth, and "filicide," the killing of a child at some later point." U Leadership, article, First Things, Infanticide for Beginners, by James Nuechterlein, 1998 First Things 79 (1-1998): 12-13.
Bill Clinton Loses Temper, Lashes Out at Pro-Lifers, You Tube: "Question to pro-aborts: Do you think that jamming a pair of scissors through the skull of a baby and sucking its brains out with a vacuum an ethical practice? Bill Clinton thinks so."
Cliff Kincaid, Global Taxe$ for World Government, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1997), 83-102, chapter 4, Life Unworthy of Life.
Cliff Kincaid, Global Taxe$ for World Government, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1997), 83-102, chapter 4, Life Unworthy of Life.
26- Robert Strange McNamara, (Former World Bank President), says in 1984, about global population "crisis," "problem": Bob Salter's warnings, & World Bankster, Robert Strange McNamara, 1984 prediction about forced depopulation controls, see on You Tube: New World Money Order$ 2:4 More on Population Control & Reduction as Globalists' "Final Solution!"@ Robert Strange McNamara's 1984 prediction starts up at 7:10 into this video.
Other inconsistencies in our present legal systems are how the slaughter of the un-born still goes on at tax payers' expense. But then, the "drug war," can then, and do, turn around and prosecute pregnant crack mothers, who "distribute drugs to a minor" (their un-born child in their womb, when they use drugs)!
But then, government backed abortion clinics can still murder thousands of unborn kids, "cause their not human," yet! The New World Order promoters like the Rockefellers, "have even financed the establishment of an abortion mill. In the summer of 1971, Planned Parenthood-New York City opened its first large scale abortion center -a prototype for the development of additional centers throughout the city, state, and nation. The center was originally designed to perform more than 10,000 abortions a year for an average fee of $80, with funds provided in many cases by Medicaid." "Justified" murders of millions, in the name of "populations control," and "planning."
Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, chapter 10: The People Planners,
Drug Wars, also a book by that title. Randy Alcorn, Why Pro-Life?, Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers, (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, Inc., 2004), 39-41; Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, chapter 10: The People Planners,
Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 18, 32-33, 55-70, 97.
Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 18, 32-33, 55-70, 97.
The following is from: American Thinker, July 3, 2011, article: A Right to Kill, by Fay Voshell:
"In less than a period of ten months, the US public has been afforded at least three such glimpses of the horrible realities of the abortion industry.
Case #1: On Good Friday of this year, a dog sniffing around a El Paso,Texas parking lot of Hilltop Family Planning Clinic, found the remains of a dismembered baby of about 12-15 weeks gestation. The tiny limbs were about the length of a dime. There is no report as to whether the dog ate some of the baby's remains, but not all the body parts were there. The person who discovered the grisly bits put them in a garbage bag. While the police were notified, no police action was taken because Texas law doesn't consider a fetus less than twenty weeks gestation to be human. There is no legal protection for him or her.
Case #2: Kermit Gosnell operated an abortion clinic in Philadelphia, killing at least two women and uncounted numbers of viable infants. Among the horrors: infanticide. According to the Grand Jury report, one incident involved a worker who played with a premature infant while it wiggled around on a counter for 20 minutes before the baby's neck was slit with a pair of scissors in order to sever his spinal cord, a process Gosnell described as "snipping." Grand Jury investigation photos of the horrors within the clinic included severed babies' feet in jars and trash bags of fetal remains stored in refrigerators. The grand jury had a few words for the regulatory agencies which were supposed to oversee the clinic:
"The grand jury also had a stern rebuke for regulatory organizations that looked the other way, giving their stamp of approval on his criminal practices. These people who saw the abuses yet stood idly by, or worse, encouraged the behavior that has now shocked the nation bear some responsibility for what happened in Philadelphia. In fact, they deserve criminal prosecution just as much as Gosnell and his cohorts because their silence not only enabled the crimes, but gave tacit consent to them."
Case #3: On August 12, 2010 in Elkton, MD, an 18 year old girl who had been 21 weeks pregnant was rushed to the hospital. Her uterus, bowel and vagina had been pierced by one Dr. Nicola Riley, who flew in from Utah every other week to do late term abortions. Not only did Riley lacerate the girl's organs, but the abortion was incomplete. The baby's head was detached and pushed through the uterine wall into the abdominal cavity.
The semi-conscious teen was dropped off at the hospital via rental car by Riley and fellow abortionist Steven Chase Brigham. Riley then left the bleeding patient to go perform another abortion. The girl herself was flown to John Hopkins hospital where doctors attempted to repair the damage done by the abortionists.
When police raided Brigham's Elkton "clinic," they found 32 late term fetuses-one of which was 35-36 weeks gestation--tossed in a freezer.
A great lesson is to be gained from the revolting examples given above; namely that there is a strict adherence to a pro-abortion ideology which demands the absolute "moral" principles of abortion on demand must be adhered to, no matter what." A Right to Kill, by Fay Voshell.
27- Rare animals have more rights than unborn: bishops, 3-17-2009, article, Sunday 3, July 2011.
Animal Rights vs. Human Rights, "Many of the people who are active in PETA simultaneously argue in favor of abortion. So they don't mind doing something to a baby boy or girl that they would never do to a dog or a chicken." PETA = People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Animal Abuse Crime Database: "There are 17,412 cases in the animal abuse database. To select a specific country or state, click on the country name or abbreviation tab below, and then select a local region. Or if you prefer you can browse all cases." Animal Abuse Crime Database: "There are 17,412 cases in the animal abuse database. To select a specific country or state, click on the country name or abbreviation tab below, and then select a local region. Or if you prefer you can browse all cases."
Read more: Database of Criminal Animal Cruelty Cases | Pet-Abuse.Com Animal Cruelty Database
Google: Cases of criminal mistreatment of animals.
28- Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 18, 32-33, 55-70. Cliff Kincaid, Global Taxe$ for World Government, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1997), 103-125, chapter 5, Back to Nature.
Alex Jones on the Patriot Act,
Cases of people fined & jailed for mistreating pets & animals:
29- Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 66-67.
30- Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 106-113.
31- Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 125, see also 124-129.
32- Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 143-157; Johnny Esposito, Temples of Darkness, What Are Public Schools Doing to Our Children, Our Churches and Our Country? (California: Pacific Publications, 2001); Ann Coulter, Godless, The Church of Liberalism, (New York: Crown Forum, 2006). The Forerunner, article: Banning Prayer in Public Schools Has Led to America's Demise, by Editorial Staff, Published May 1988, by Gary Bergel.
Ezra Taft Benson, I Testify The Book of Mormon Warns America
Ezra Taft Benson, I Testify The Book of Mormon Warns America
A Witness and a Warning Stand Up for Freedom Conspiracy Fact - Book of MormonA Race Against TimeThe Proper Role of Government Responsibilities of Citizenship
33- Satanic music played in schools, while bans on Christmas music that reference Christ's birth is discouraged, enforced & contended:
Remember the heavy metal rock music played in public schools during different dances, situations, in locker rooms, etc., during the 1970's to the present? Some of the music, such as from the 1980's on, is clearly satanic!
Satanism blasphemously maltreats Christian objects, symbols & ceremonies. As they wreck its symbols they think that "the powers of evil can be invoked by the simple process of standing Christian morality and ritual upon its head." "Typically, all aspects of the ceremony were done in reverse, since Satan is the reverse of God." "All these religious rites and representations-- initiation, sacrifice, prayer, hymns, myth, scripture-- are frequently . . . done backwards."
Reversal principle in Rock music: Edward Alexander Crowley, A.D., 1875-1947, was one Occultist who set the standard for "backmasking" or reverse satanic, and anti-Christ messages said to be popularized in Rock music of the late 1960's -- 1990's.
Styx: Snow Blind played backwards says: "O Satan move in our voices." Their group's name is spelled after a river in hell called Styx.
Queen: Another one Bites the dust, in reverse says: "Start to smoke marijuana."
Sources: Richard Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, 1:277; 7:1866-70; 9:2479; Cottie Anthur Burland, Beyond Science, 1972, 120-21; Eric Maple, Witchcraft, (London: Octopus Books, 1973), 101; Jeffery Burton Russell, The Prince of Darkness, 150-1; Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia Of Witches & Witchcraft, (Facts On File, 1989), 101, under the heading: "Devil's pact." Daniel Lawrence O' Keefe, Stolen Lightning, (Continum Publishing Company, 1982), 44-124; Arthur Lyons, Satan Wants You, The Cult of Devil Worship In America, (New York, London, & Tokyo: The Mysterious Press, 1988), 44, 47, 53, 57, & 60-173; Maury Terry, The Ultimate Evil, (New York: Dolphin Book, 1987), 163-64; Thomas Cooper, in The Mystery of Witchcraft, may have heard of these things as an outsider, and thus may have presented a biased outsider's view point. Rossell Hope Robbins, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology, (New York, New York: Bonanza Books, Crown Publishing, MCMLIX), 370-1, see heading: Pact with the Devil; Jacob Aranza, 1983, Backward Masking Unmasked, 10-11; Aranza, Backward Masking Unmasked; Aranza, 1985, More Rock, Country & Backward Masking Unmasked, (Huntington House). Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14; Matthew 6:9--13; Hit Parade, July 1982, p.7; & July 1975, p.64; Peter Herbst, The Editors of Rolling Stone, The Rolling Stone Interviews, Talking with the Legends of Rock & Roll, 1967--1980, (New York: St. Martin's Press/Roll, /Stone, P.), #26, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, Interviewed by Cameron Crowe (1975), pp.310-317; Eden Gray, The Tarot Revealed, p.168; Carl A. Raschke, 1990, Painted Black, (New York: Harper Paperbacks, A Division of Harper Collins Publishers, 1990). Stephen Davis, Hammer of the Gods: The Led Zeppelin Saga, (William Marrow & Co., 1985). The Rolling Stone Magazine, (Special Issue, The 70's), Sept. 20th, 1990, pp.56-60, & 109, article: J.D. Considine, Led Zeppelin; DT, Ready References & Notes: A Bibliography For The Radio Show For June 18, 1991, KTKK 630 AM Radio, K-talk, Host: Jim Kirkwood, guest DT, subject: Rock Music and The Occult in it!, (Salt Lake City, Utah: an unpublished research paper, 1991); The Lost Books of The Bible, and The Forgotten Books of Eden, see the art work and the explanations in between, p.104--05, #7. The envious and angry are being cast into the river Styx. Hell. Painted in fresco by Andrea Orcagna in the church of St. Maria Novello at Florence. See also: Jerry Hopkins and Danny Sugerman, No One Here Gets Out Alive, (New York: Warner Books, A Time Warner Company, 1980).
Remember the heavy metal rock music played in public schools during different dances, situations, in locker rooms, etc., during the 1970's to the present? Some of the music, such as from the 1980's on, is clearly satanic!
Satanism blasphemously maltreats Christian objects, symbols & ceremonies. As they wreck its symbols they think that "the powers of evil can be invoked by the simple process of standing Christian morality and ritual upon its head." "Typically, all aspects of the ceremony were done in reverse, since Satan is the reverse of God." "All these religious rites and representations-- initiation, sacrifice, prayer, hymns, myth, scripture-- are frequently . . . done backwards."
Reversal principle in Rock music: Edward Alexander Crowley, A.D., 1875-1947, was one Occultist who set the standard for "backmasking" or reverse satanic, and anti-Christ messages said to be popularized in Rock music of the late 1960's -- 1990's.
Styx: Snow Blind played backwards says: "O Satan move in our voices." Their group's name is spelled after a river in hell called Styx.
Queen: Another one Bites the dust, in reverse says: "Start to smoke marijuana."
Sources: Richard Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, 1:277; 7:1866-70; 9:2479; Cottie Anthur Burland, Beyond Science, 1972, 120-21; Eric Maple, Witchcraft, (London: Octopus Books, 1973), 101; Jeffery Burton Russell, The Prince of Darkness, 150-1; Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia Of Witches & Witchcraft, (Facts On File, 1989), 101, under the heading: "Devil's pact." Daniel Lawrence O' Keefe, Stolen Lightning, (Continum Publishing Company, 1982), 44-124; Arthur Lyons, Satan Wants You, The Cult of Devil Worship In America, (New York, London, & Tokyo: The Mysterious Press, 1988), 44, 47, 53, 57, & 60-173; Maury Terry, The Ultimate Evil, (New York: Dolphin Book, 1987), 163-64; Thomas Cooper, in The Mystery of Witchcraft, may have heard of these things as an outsider, and thus may have presented a biased outsider's view point. Rossell Hope Robbins, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology, (New York, New York: Bonanza Books, Crown Publishing, MCMLIX), 370-1, see heading: Pact with the Devil; Jacob Aranza, 1983, Backward Masking Unmasked, 10-11; Aranza, Backward Masking Unmasked; Aranza, 1985, More Rock, Country & Backward Masking Unmasked, (Huntington House). Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14; Matthew 6:9--13; Hit Parade, July 1982, p.7; & July 1975, p.64; Peter Herbst, The Editors of Rolling Stone, The Rolling Stone Interviews, Talking with the Legends of Rock & Roll, 1967--1980, (New York: St. Martin's Press/Roll, /Stone, P.), #26, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, Interviewed by Cameron Crowe (1975), pp.310-317; Eden Gray, The Tarot Revealed, p.168; Carl A. Raschke, 1990, Painted Black, (New York: Harper Paperbacks, A Division of Harper Collins Publishers, 1990). Stephen Davis, Hammer of the Gods: The Led Zeppelin Saga, (William Marrow & Co., 1985). The Rolling Stone Magazine, (Special Issue, The 70's), Sept. 20th, 1990, pp.56-60, & 109, article: J.D. Considine, Led Zeppelin; DT, Ready References & Notes: A Bibliography For The Radio Show For June 18, 1991, KTKK 630 AM Radio, K-talk, Host: Jim Kirkwood, guest DT, subject: Rock Music and The Occult in it!, (Salt Lake City, Utah: an unpublished research paper, 1991); The Lost Books of The Bible, and The Forgotten Books of Eden, see the art work and the explanations in between, p.104--05, #7. The envious and angry are being cast into the river Styx. Hell. Painted in fresco by Andrea Orcagna in the church of St. Maria Novello at Florence. See also: Jerry Hopkins and Danny Sugerman, No One Here Gets Out Alive, (New York: Warner Books, A Time Warner Company, 1980).
34- Johnny Esposito, Temples of Darkness, What Are Public Schools Doing to Our Children, Our Churches and Our Country? (Long Beach, California: Pacific Publishing, 2001), 8, The New School Prayer, by a student in Bagdad, Arizonia.
35- Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005), 11-12.
36- Fall of the Republic HQ full length version
Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined, Jason Bermas:
Alex Jone's End Game: Blue Print for Global Enslavement
The Obama Deception, Produced by Alex Jones:
Gary Allen: Communist Revolution in the Streets, 1967; Nixon's Palace Guard, 71; Richard Nixon: The Man Behind the Mask; None Dare Call It Conspiracy, 72; Jimmy Carter, 76; Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State; The Rockefeller File; Tax Target, 78; Say No! to the New World Order, 87.
37- Thomas P. Kilgannon, Diplomatic Divorce, Why America Should End Its Love Affair With the United Nations, (Macon, GA: Stroud & Hall Publishers, 2006), 19-42; Cliff Kincaid, Global Taxe$ for World Government, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1997), 33-55, 153-170.
36- Fall of the Republic HQ full length version
Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined, Jason Bermas:
Alex Jone's End Game: Blue Print for Global Enslavement
The Obama Deception, Produced by Alex Jones:
Gary Allen: Communist Revolution in the Streets, 1967; Nixon's Palace Guard, 71; Richard Nixon: The Man Behind the Mask; None Dare Call It Conspiracy, 72; Jimmy Carter, 76; Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State; The Rockefeller File; Tax Target, 78; Say No! to the New World Order, 87.
37- Thomas P. Kilgannon, Diplomatic Divorce, Why America Should End Its Love Affair With the United Nations, (Macon, GA: Stroud & Hall Publishers, 2006), 19-42; Cliff Kincaid, Global Taxe$ for World Government, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1997), 33-55, 153-170.
38- Bill Gertz, The China Threat, How the People's Republic Targets America, (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2000), 17-32; Jerreld . Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 48-50, 78, 80-467, etc. Electronic publication, 1998 from 12th printing. Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005); Thomas P. Kilgannon, Diplomatic Divorce, Why America Should End Its Love Affair With the United Nations, (Macon, GA: Stroud & Hall Publishers, 2006); Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., America For Sale, Fighting The New World Order, Surviving A Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty, (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009).
39- Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, A High Ranking Government Liaison
Exposes the Secret Agenda for World Unification, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1991); Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Rossmoor, California: Concord Press, 1971 & 1972); Anthony J. Hilder, talk show host of Radio Free World, (Nevada), during the 1990's, he interviewed Terry Cook about 666 The Mark of the Beast. During this show they talked about the Federal Reserve's plans to print new money for the coming New World Order & about the United Nations seeking a New World Order too. Also: Chuck Smith, a Christian preacher's talk entitled: What in the World is Happening, (Salt Lake City, Utah: FireFighters for Christ, tape series; Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands Publishers, 1981); James Burnham, The Web of Subversion, Underground Networks In The U.S. Government, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1954); Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962); You Tube: New World Order, Early Christian Orders, Masons & Mormons. Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam: Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University/Electronic Media Department, Recording Operations Section/Room E-366 HFAC; BYU Devotional address given during the Vietnam war, tape K1389). In this talk he warns about the United Nations' seeking to police the world, disarm the nations, including the USA, & how the conspirators are seeking to establish a "One World Government."
40- Jeffrey A. Meyer, Mark G. Califano, Good Intentions Corrupted, The Oil-for-Food Scandal and the Threat to the U.N. Based on The Reports of the Independent Inquiry Committee, (New York: Public Affairs, 2006); Jerreld . Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 48-50, 78, 80-467, etc. Electronic publication, 1998 from 12th printing. Mark R. Levin, Men In Black, How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America, (Washington D.C.: Regnery Publishing Inc., 2005); Thomas P. Kilgannon, Diplomatic Divorce, Why America Should End Its Love Affair With the United Nations, (Macon, GA: Stroud & Hall Publishers, 2006); Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., America For Sale, Fighting The New World Order, Surviving A Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty, (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009); Cliff Kincaid, Global Taxe$ for World Government, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1997); David B. Funderburk, Former Ambassador to Romania, Betrayal of America, Bush's Appeasment to Communist Dictators Betrays American Principles, (NC: The Larry McDonald Foundation, 1991);
41- Jerreld . Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), Electronic publication, 1998 from 12th printing.
42- Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., America For Sale, Fighting The New World Order, Surviving A Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty, (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009).
42- Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., America For Sale, Fighting The New World Order, Surviving A Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty, (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009).
43- Jerreld . Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 48-50, 78, 80-467, etc. Electronic publication, 1998 from 12th printing. Thomas P. Kilgannon, Diplomatic Divorce, Why America Should End Its Love Affair With the United Nations, (Macon, GA: Stroud & Hall Publishers, 2006); Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., America For Sale, Fighting The New World Order, Surviving A Global Depression, and Preserving USA Sovereignty, (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009); Cliff Kincaid, Global Taxe$ for World Government, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1997).
Dues paid by USA's tax payers to United Nations.
Dues paid by USA's tax payers to United Nations.
44- Passing unread bills!
You Tube: Because of This Secret Combination #2 Congress Passing Bills & Acts they Don't Read!
45- The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, Department of State, Publication 7277, Disarmament Series 5, Released September 1961, Office of Public Services, Bureau of Public Affairs. This was warned about by LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, during his Brigham Young University Devotional talk, BYU Devotional, entitled: Vietnam: Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University/Electronic Media Department, Recording Operations Section/Room E-366 HFAC; BYU Devotional address given during the Vietnam war, tape K1389.
Ezrat Taft Benson gave many talks about trade & aid by United States with & to enemies of the United States.
LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, Oct. 1972 General Conference talk, Listen to a Prophet's Voice, published in the Ensign, Jan. 1973, 57. "Are you concerned about the increasing subversion in this blessed country, and other countries of the free world, and the spread of wickedness by a giant conspiracy? Would you be interested in reading the Book of Mormon, which records the downfall of two great ancient American civilizations as a result of internal secret conspiracies and contains a warning to us today that when we see these conditions in our midst, the Lord commands us to awake to our awful situation? With the increasing amount of aid and trade that we are providing the enemy of freedom, you might be interested to know what the Book of Mormon says will happen to a nation that upholds this conspiracy. Would you like to know of the warnings of the prophets about our increasing descent down the soul-destroying road of socialism and what they have told us to do about it?"
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God
LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, Oct. 1972 General Conference talk, Listen to a Prophet's Voice, published in the Ensign, Jan. 1973, 57. "Are you concerned about the increasing subversion in this blessed country, and other countries of the free world, and the spread of wickedness by a giant conspiracy? Would you be interested in reading the Book of Mormon, which records the downfall of two great ancient American civilizations as a result of internal secret conspiracies and contains a warning to us today that when we see these conditions in our midst, the Lord commands us to awake to our awful situation? With the increasing amount of aid and trade that we are providing the enemy of freedom, you might be interested to know what the Book of Mormon says will happen to a nation that upholds this conspiracy. Would you like to know of the warnings of the prophets about our increasing descent down the soul-destroying road of socialism and what they have told us to do about it?"
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God
Beware of Pride - Ezra Taft Benson I Testify - Ezra Taft Benson The Book of Mormon Warns America - Ezra Taft BensonOur Divine Constitution A Witness and a Warning The Constitution - A Heavenly BannerA Hope and a Vision for the Youth of ZionStand Up for FreedomFreedom and Free Enterprise Conspiracy Fact - Book of Mormon A Race Against Time The LDS Church and PoliticsResponsibilities of Citizenship The Proper Role of Government
Related articles:
- Ezra Taft Benson
- Ezra Taft Benson
- Ezra Taft Benson on the Constitution
- An Enemy Hath Done This (Ezra Taft Benson)
- A Message of Warning & Hope (Ezra Taft Benson)
You Tube: United We Fall - Full Film A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks. In this film:
Henry Kissenger, Former US Secretary of State: "[NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement] will represent the most creative step towards a New World Order... and the first step toward even a larger version of a Free-Trade Zone for the entire Western Hemisphere."
Henry Kissenger, Former US Secretary of State: "[NAFTA = North American Free Trade Agreement] will represent the most creative step towards a New World Order... and the first step toward even a larger version of a Free-Trade Zone for the entire Western Hemisphere."
- Topix: Why Aren't All Nations Free? Freedom Should Be For Free!
- Topix: Constitution is Hanging by a Thread, Joseph Smith was Right!
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