Conspiring Men In The Last Days
{The Wisdom of The Word of Wisdom}
Evidences for Doctrine & Covenants, Section 89
DT, 2-20-2011 rough draft, revised Updated 6-21-2011
{The Wisdom of The Word of Wisdom}
Evidences for Doctrine & Covenants, Section 89
DT, 2-20-2011 rough draft, revised Updated 6-21-2011
In a Revelation given through the prophet Joseph Smith, at Kirtland, Ohio, February 27, 1833, History of the Church, 1:327-329. A "Word of Wisdom," was given concerning the use of strong alcoholic drinks, tobacco, & how: "In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation". (D&C 89:4).
The reference to "Conspiring men in the last days," becomes evident when we take into account all the questionable, unethical & conspiratorial things that Big Tobacco companies have done & continue to do, for many years now. Their contributions to political agents over the years, to buy up, or attempt to buy political powers in their favor; are still an on going practise of big tobacco companies. 1
"For decades, major tobacco companies have lied about the risks of smoking. A federal judge [about 1999] has now ruled that Big Tobacco engaged in decades of conspiracy and civil fraud..."2
About 2005, Judge Gladys Kessler of the US District Court for the District of Columbia is reported to have written of "..."overwhelming evidence" [that] showed the [tobacco] companies "marketed and sold their lethal products with zeal, with deception, with a single-minded focus on their financial success, and without regard for the human tragedy or social costs that success extracted."3
Six of the biggest tobacco companies, in a government case, United States of America vs. Philip Morris, Inc., & others, alleges "...the defendants engaged in a criminal conspiracy that sought to cover up the dangers of smoking; mislead the public on the dangers of secondhand smoke; cover up the addictiveness of nicotine; deceptively market “light” cigarettes as less harmful than regular cigarettes; deliberately target young people to recruit new smokers; and deliberately refrain from producing safer, less addictive cigarettes."4
Tobacco companies poured money into the movie industrial complex, to get young kids & adults to smoke, by paying movie stars to smoke during different movie scenes. Many people who saw their idols & movie icons smoking, also thought it would be the cool thing to do too. This tactic still is said to be making big dollars for tobacco companies, as the old movies are still being seen by up coming generations, as classics.5
Even after killer diseases from smoking were published; the tobacco companies world wide, because they "...had already acquired a substantial degree of economic, political and social influence... [have] engaged in a deliberate, premeditated campaign of deceit and duplicity to foreseeably continue and even expand its... death rate through a process of denial and disputation of the link between smoking and disease, the addictive, enslaving, properties of nicotine, and their marketing strategies directed at youth."6
Mean while, the older generations are dead, or dying from the health problems attributed to smoking; while up coming generations are still one of the many targets of big tobacco companies who are seeking to enslave them to the habits of smoking their deadly brands!7
Mean while, the cost of smoking is on the rise too.
Rough estimated amounts of money up in smoke!
For a calculator that you can use to check out costs, see: Have you got money to burn? University of Maryland Medical System, Cost of Smoking Calculator. 8
Here are some rough examples scales of the cost over the months & years of smoking. However, they don't take into account differences in prices going up or down over the years; or amounts changed or increased in smokers' daily habits; or earlier years when prices were lower. Or other nations' prices; and the amounts that vary in different types of packs, be they 20-50 cigs per pack, more or less, as it varies from brand to brand, and in different countries. Also, not included are taxes & smoking related medical costs. Not included are sales, & carton prices, or different amounts of long or short periods of times smokers may have tried to stop for a while, but then started back up. Not included are different cases in family sizes; members that die, stop, or restart, or newly start ups who following the examples of parents, or other family members, or friends that smoke.
5 cigs per day smoked, $4.00 per pack, 20 per pack, monthly, $30.00. Yearly, $365.00.
10 cigs per day, at $2.00 per pack, 20 a pack, monthly $30.00, yearly $365.00.
15 cigs per day, at $3.00 per pack, 20 a pack, monthly $67.50, yearly $821.25.
20 cigs per day, at $4.00 per pack, 20 a pack, monthly $120.00, yearly $1,460.00.
25 cigs per day, at $5.00 per pack, 20 a pack, monthly $187.50, yearly $2,281.25.
5 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly $12.00, yearly $146.00.
10 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly, $24.00, yearly $292.00.
15 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly, $36.00, yearly $438.00.
20 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly, $48.00, yearly $584.00.
25 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly, $60.00, yearly $730.00.
5, $3 per 25 in pack, m. $18.00, y. $219.
10, $4 per 25 pack, m. $48, y. $584.
15, $5, per 25 pack, y. $1095.
25, $5, 25 in pack, y. $1825.
50, $5 in 25 pack, or 2 packs per day, y. $3650; 5 years, $18,250; 10y $36,500; 15y $54,750; 20y $73,000; 25y $91,250; 30y $109,500.
75, $5 in 25 pack, or 3 packs per day, y. $5475; 5y $27,375; 10y $54,750; 15y $82,125; 20y $109,500; 25y $136,875; 30y $164,250; 35y $191,625. If you make it to 40 years, $219,000.
100 chained smoked per day, $5 in 25 per pack, or 4 packs smoked per day: Y, $7,300; 5y $36,500; 10y $73,000; 15y $109,500; 20y $146,000; 25y $182,500; 30y $219,000; 35y $255,500; If you some how smoke for 40 years, at this rate, $292,000.
125 chained smoked yourself, or combined amount in a family, smoked per day, $5 in 25 per pack, or 5 packs yourself, or between your family members, m. $750; y, $9,125; 5y $45,625; 10y $91,250; 15y $136,875; 20y $182,500; 25y $228,125; 30y $273,750; 35y $319,375; 40y $365,000. 50y or 10y per 5 persons in family, $456,250; 100y or 20y per 5 members in family, $912,500.
150, self, or family, $5 in 25 pack, 6 packs per day, m. $900; y. $10,950; 5y $54,750; 10y $109,500 or 10 family members or inlaws, in 1y, which between them all, smoke about 6 packs daily.
200, self, or family, $5 in 25 pack, 8 packs per day, m. $1,200; y. $14,600; 5y $73,000, or 5 members for 1y. 10y $146,000, or 10 family members in 1y. 15y $219,000, or 15 members 1y. 20y $292,000, or 5y 4 family members. 25y $365,000 or 5 family members, 5y. 30y $438,000 or 6 family members for 5y. 35y $511,000 or 7 family members 5y. 40y $584,000 or 8 family 5y. 45y $657,000 or 9 family 5y. 50y $730,000 or 10 family 5y or 5 family 10y.
250, family & inlaws, $5 in 25 pack, 10 packs per day between family or inlaws, m. $1,500, y. $18,250; 5y $91,250 or 5 members 1y. 10y $182,500 or 10 family 1y, or 5 family 2y. 15y $273,750 or 15 family 1y, or 5 family 3y. 20y $365,000 or 10 family 2y, or 5 family 4y. 25y $456,250 or 5 family 5y. 30y $547,500 or 6 family 5y, or 3 family 10y. 35y $638,750 or 7 family 5y. 40y $730,000 or 8 family 5y, or 5 family 8y. 45y $821,250 or 9 family 5y, or 5 family 9y. 50y $912,500 or 10 family 5y, or 5 family 10y.
300 cigs up in smoke between family, & or inlaws too, $5 in 25 pack, 12 packs per day, m. $1,800, y. $21,900. 5y $109,500 or 5 family 1y. 10y $219,000 or 5 family 2y, or 10 family 1y. 15y $328,500 or 5 family 3y, or 3 family 5y. 20y $438,000 or 2 family 10y, or 5 family 4y, or 10 family 2y. 25y $547,500 or 5 family 5y. 30y $657,000 or 6 family 5y. 35y $766,500 or 7 family 5y or 5 family 7y. 40y $876,000 or 8 family 5y, or 5 family 8y. 45y $985,500 or 9 family 5y or 5 family 9y. 50y $1,095,000 or 10 family 5y, or 5 family 10y.
375 cigs up in smoke between family, & or inlaws too, $5 in 25 pack, 15 packs per day, m. $2250. y. $27,375. 5y $136,875 or 5 family 1y. 10y $273,750 or 10 family 1y, or 2 family 5y, or 5 family 2y. 15y $410,625 or 5 family 3y, or 3 family 5y, or 15 family 1y. 20y $547,500 or 2 family 10y, or 4 family 5y, or 10 family 2y. 25y $684,375 or 5 family 5y. 30y $821,250 or 6 family 5y, or 5 family 6y, or 10 family 3y. 35y $958,125 or 7 family 5y, or 5 family 7y. 40y $1,095,000 or 5 family 8 years, or 8 family 5y. 45y $1,231,875 or 9 family 5y, or 5 family 9y. 50y $1,368,750 or 10 family 5y, or 5 family 10y.
500, $5 in 25 pack, 20 packs daily, y. $36,500.
625, $5 in 25 pack, 25 packs daily, y. $45,625.
750, $5 in 25 pack, 30 packs daily, y. $54,750.
1,000, $5 in 25 pack, 40 packs daily, y. $73,000.
1,250, $5 in 25 pack, 50 packs daily, y. $91,250.
2,500, $5 in 25 pack, 100 packs daily, y. $182,500.
5,000, $5 in 25 pack, 200 packs daily, y. $365,000.
10,000, $5 in 25 pack, 400 packs daily, y. $730,000.
20,000, $5 in 25 pack, 800 packs daily, y. $1,460,000.
40,000, $5 in 25 pack, 1,600 packs daily, y. $2,920,000.
80,000, $5 in 25 pack, 3,200 packs daily, y. $5,840,000.
160,000, $5 in 25 pack, 6,400 packs daily, y. $11,680,000.
320,000, $5 in 25 pack, 12,800 packs daily, y. $23,360,000.
640,000, $5 in 25 pack, 25,600 packs daily, y. $46,720,000.
1,280,000, $5 in 25 pack, 51,200 packs daily, y. $93,440,000.
2,560,000, $5 in 25 pack, 102,400 packs daily, y. $186,880,000.
51,200,000, $5 in 25 pack, 204,800 packs daily, y. $373,760,000.
102,400,000, $5 in 25 pack, 409,600 packs daily, y. $747,520,000.
204,800,000, $5 in 25 pack, 819,200 packs daily, y. $1,495,040,000.
So, while the average person, families & communities are drained of their money, from habitual use of tobacco, from tobacco related medical cost; tobacco related cleaning costs, taxes, & other smoke related expenses. Big Tobacco banks their big dollars, & has plenty of money left over to buy up political protections, make lobby deals, & buy up judicial powers & deals, in order to keep killing millions of people, to make billions of dollars! How much have you contributed to their bank accounts? 9 Action on Smoking and Health = ASH: "Each pack of cigarettes sold in the United States costs the nation an estimated $7.18 in medical care costs and lost productivity due to smoking related deaths... Economic damage from smoking totals more than $150 billion each year."10 ASH also tells us that, from 1995 to 1999, each pack of cigarettes at $7.18 each, costed in medical care costs & lost productivity. Thus, at this rate we have the following rough estimated totals:
20 packs at $7.18 = $143.60.
50 packs at $7.18 = $359.
100 = $718.
200 = $1,436.
400 = $2,872.
800 = $5,744.
1,600 = $11,488.
3,200 = $22,976.
6,400 = $45,952.
12,800 = $91,904.
35,600 = $183,808.
71,200 = $367,616.
142,400 = $735,232.
282,800 = $1,470,464.
569,600 = $2,940,928.
1,139,200 = $5,881,856.
2,278,400 = $11,763,712.
4,556,800 = $23,527,424.
9,113,600 = $47,054,848.
18,227,200 = $94,109,696.
36,454,400 = $188,219,392.
72,908,800 = $376,438,784.
How much would that be, if figured out at 2011 rates?
Something to think about.
Why is Big Tobacco not too concerned about how their products are taking millions of lives? Are they part of Globalists' plans to depopulate & regulate population growth?
Death totals from smoking Tobacco!Around 5.4 million deaths a year are caused by tobacco.
"Over 443,000 Americans (over 18 percent of all deaths) die because of smoking each year. Secondhand smoke kills about 50,000 of them." (Smoking Deaths Worldwide).
"10 years of life are robbed from smokers because they die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers. Smoking also steals 10 years of physical functioning in old age (making smokers act really old), according to Live Fast, Die Young, Leave a Good-Looking Corpse by David M. Burns, MD (Archives of Internal Medicine)." (Smoking Deaths Worldwide).
Other articles agree, that about 5 million people die, world wide, from smoking & smoking related diseases! That's about one death every 6.5 to 8 seconds! In the United States of America, about 400,000 die from their own cigs, while 2nd hand smoke, 50,000! About "15 billion" cigs were sold daily, in 2002, or about "10 million every minute"! 11
"R. Peto, "Mortality from tobacco in developed countries: indirect estimation from national vital statistics", Lancet, 23 May 1992:
Case 1: A peanut butter supplier to Kellogg, Keebler & Austin brands, did a nation wide recall after only two deaths were reported, thus they pulled off the shelves their products because of a salmonella outbreak! In the case with Big Tobacco companies, millions of deaths later, around 5 million die each year around the globe! But, Big Tobacco companies still don't pull their deadly products! Why?
Case 2: Zicam, a nasal spray, was pulled from shelves because it was alleged to cause loss of smell. Mean while, the stinky smell cause by tobacco, that gets on smokers' clothing, in their cars, in their homes & their breath. Plus, the millions of on going deaths caused, & which will continue to be caused by smoking; and Big Tobacco Companies still continue to stock the shelves with their deadly, stinky products!
Case 3: In China, milk products tainted with melamine, were eventually pulled after another health safety issue was exposed and after a year & massive scandal! And yet, the 4000 chemicals; that include numerous deadly chemicals; found in tobacco smoke; & the on going scandals about big tobaccos' deceptions & suppressions of health hazards that their products cause. All this has still not been good enough to caused Big Tobacco Companies to pull, or recall their deadly products! Why?
Case 4: Hydroxycut, is alleged to have been pulled after the Federal Drug Administration FDA reported that it is "causing liver damage and other health problems." So where's the FDA when it comes to pulling tobacco? Isn't tobacco considered a "drug" like pot?
Case 5: Rolaids was said to be pulled off shelves because metal & wood were found in some batches. Do you know what goes into making cigs?
Case 6: Meridia was pulled off the market in Canada, after studies suggested "links to heart attacks and strokes in patients who already had heart problems." Are not the studies done on tobacco, and the links to heart attacks, good enough to have tobacco pulled?!
Case 7: Benzene is said to be "a cancer-causing chemical," and is reported to be "linked with leukaemia and other forms of blood cancer," and was found at dangerous levels in 26 soda pop brands, including 22 leading brands! Hence, soft drinks were pulled from shelves because of the fear reports made, that they caused cancer! Mean while, tobacco products of different types, still are being sold, world wide, despite reports that smoking tobacco causes cancer! And, Hydrocarbon in cig smoke, is a leukaemia maker! So does tobacco have diplomatic immunities from being pulled?
Case 8: Propoxyphene in Darvocet was pulled, after research said it could cause "major health issues including heart rhythm problems that could prove to be fatal if the body reacts in a very negative way to it." So the FDA had it pulled from the U.S. market, so why not cigs too! Are those in control of the FDA picking which products to regulate & go after?
Case 9: Johnson & Johnson pulled & recalled millions of dollars of their bottles of Tylenol & Motrin IB, because of "a musty or mouldy smell," & in other recalls, because some batches "may contain tiny metal particles or may have too much active ingredient." Mean while, tobacco smoke smells & has many other unpleasant aspects for non-smokers; like how the smoke gets into clothing, & everything else! But still, all these seem to not be enough to cause Big Tobacco to pull their deadly products from the world markets!
Case 10: Saccharin or "fake sugar," 1977: "A lot of Nanny State legislation that stems from the "greater good" argument relies on scary statistics. Remember saccharin? A laboratory test conducted in 1977 tied the artificial sweetener to bladder cancer in rats. People freaked out. Politicians demanded action. Labels were made. Warnings were given. Saccharin was maligned. But there was just one problem: The test was conducted on rats under conditions that no human would ever experience unless they drank 800 diet sodas... a day. A day. Not even I [Glen Beck] could pull that off-- and I love fake sugar." So here's another so-called cancer causing product that had law makers making "unnecessary laws," because of "unwarranted hysteria!"
Mean while, Big Tobacco products, with track records of killing off millions of humans, so much so, that they have to target the youth to start up smoking, with "flavors" added, like "Grape, cherry, bubble gum and intense wintergreen flavors, which are already popular with children and teens, are being used to mask the natural harshness and actual taste of tobacco smoke, encouraging kids to smoke..." Big tobacco is doing this, perhaps because they're killing off the older generations. Still, Big Tobacco companies' deadly brands of packed up death in a pack, packs a death blow to a lot of law makers' attempts to go after them because of how they throw a lot of money at law makers & politicians. Thus, their brands don't ever get pulled, like many of these & other cases mentioned above. Why? $$$$$$$$$$.
Up-date 6-21-2011: It's about time, FDA! KSL NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, in an article by MICHAEL FELBERBAUM, Cigarettes will carry grisly new warning labels, "RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of a smoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man's neck. Cigarette packs in the U.S. will have to carry these macabre images in nine new warning labels that are part of a campaign by the Food and Drug Administration to use fear and disgust to discourage Americans from lighting up."
See also: Cigarette Packs to Show Corpses, Cancer Patients (PICTURES), by Joshua Norman
Sky News: Shock Pictures on Cigarette Packs
Graphic pictures of the deadly, painful, & gross consequences of smoking!
Drugs, tobacco & other means of destroying the minds & bodies of Americas youth.
1919, communists planned to: "Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested insex. Make them superficial. Destroy their ruggedness." 141961, Harry J. Anslinger of the U.S. Commissioner of Narcotics, told Congress that Communists were behind increased narcotics addiction in America. "Other enforcement agents testified of the part Castro's Cuba plays in flooding America with illegal dope."
One of the communistic goals, which they are progressively reaching, is how that they said that they would make America's youth "so corrupt and decadent that they will not resist an eventual takeover." In the movie Red China: Outlaw, newsman Lowell Thomas interviewed a Democrat Senator from Connecticut, Thomas Dodd. He points out some of the reasons why communist Red China are part of the dope trade. He notes the billions of dollars which they have made, and then says that they have been peddling dope also for this reason: They want to "undermine the people of the free world... to destroy the minds and bodies and souls of human beings... to render them easy prey for subversion."15
1968, John A. Stormer, in his Death of A Nation, notes the rise in drug abuse, alcoholic drinking, and hard core dope. He cites numerous sources which show how different legal agencies have document the rise in these things among America's youth. Furthermore, he notes how: "The communists are deeply involved in the subversion of America's youth with dope."
February, 1983, defectors from the Cuban DGI = (Dirección General de Inteligencia— Cuban intelligence), testified in a federal court in Miami, Florida that they heard Cuba's communist leader Fidel Castro himself say that: "We must flood the United States with drugs because that will add to the decay and decomposition of that capitalist society." So it is obvious that the heads of State in Washington have continued to turn a blind eye to this communist narco-terrorist, 90 miles off our shores as he continues to fund his subversive activities according to the communist goals. Which is to: "Corrupt the young... [and] Destroy their ruggedness" And to destroy a generation of young Americans so that when they do march upon the United States from the South, America will have nothing to which to fight them with. That's their stated goal, and thinking, that's one of the reasons for why they are pouring in all kinds of dope into America! 16
The Prophet Enoch, in different translations of The Book of Enoch, names some of the fallen angels & what they would do among the human race. Some of the fallen angels would thus teach wicked humans how to make poisons, weapons of war, secret combinations, every stroke of death, and secret works of darkness & drugs abuses.17
There are connections between the fallen angels' interest in drugs, satanism & heavy metal rock music that preaches into the minds of many, satanic doctrines, lawlessness & drug use. 18
It's interesting to note too, that the rock band, Queen's Another one bites the dust, song & lyrics backwards says: "Start to smoke marijuana!"
Styx: Snow Blind, a song about the mess coke can cause, when played backwards says: "O Satan move in our voices."
George G. Ritchie, who had a 'Near Death Experience,' tells us, in his book, Return From Tomorrow, about seeing spirits attempting to get at cigs, but they couldn't. But they still made the attempts by grasping with their spirit hands, at the smokes in the hands & mouths of those in the physical realm of this life. While living in their bodies they got hooked on cigs, then died & still craved cigs, but couldn't get at them, because they were spirits, without bodies to smoke with. These were some of the other things that Christ showed him were happening in the Spirit World, such as where different bad habits and bad choices can retrogress to. Thus, he was taken into a bar to see spirits who were still trapped to the habit of drinking alcoholic drinks. Ritchie notes how when Christ appeared to him, Christ's resurrected body radiated with pure light and unconditional love. He also noted how that all people that he saw, who were still alive as to the physical body. Their bodies were lite up with "a faint luminous glow." This glow or aura he saw around people, shielded them against the disembodied spirits among them in the bar. Thus, it was kind of a shield of light that surrounded their bodies. However, when a person had drank alcoholic drinks to the point where they passed out, their shield of light opened up at the crown of the head. As this happened, the disembodied spirits jumped in through this opening, as if they had entered into them. He also says that the disembodied spirits, in this case, did not have this glowing light surrounding them. It is also interesting to note that the earliest to later Christians, as well as in other nations, must have known about auras, and how that they become brighter and stronger when a person lives a righteous and good life. Thus, all throughout Christendom's history the halo etc., has been a symbol of the degree of righteousness, & holiness of the person. 19There is evidence to suggest that many modern satanic & devil-worshiping movements, or coven- cults, are behind some of the drug smuggling operations.20 What Ritchie witnessed, spirits attempting to get a hold of drinks, & cigarettes; Isaiah may have also, for he saw those who used alcohol in their feasts, after they died and went to hell, they were "dried up with thirst" (Isaiah 5:11-14).
The early Christian work, The Clementine Recognitions also warns against this too: "Another somewhat different account of the demons states that they are spirits who desire to enjoy the pleasures of food, drink, and sex. These delights they can experience only by entering the bodies of men and using them for their own gratification."21 "But the reason why the demons delight in entering into men's bodies is this. Being spirits, and having desires after meats and drinks, and sexual pleasures, but not being able to partake of these by reason of their being spirits, and wanting organs fitted for their enjoyment, they enter into the bodies of men, in order that, getting organs to minister to them, they may obtain the things that they wish, [such as] ...sexual pleasure, by means of men's members."22 June 5, 1998, I interview a Salt Lake City, Utah gang member of Latin American descent. Though I have not been given permission to give his name, he has given me permission to relate his experiences as a gang member. He says that he was drawn into gang-life when he was 13 years old. He didn't have a Father figure to look up to because his father was in prison. A lot of role models for him were gang members, and so he was impressed with their life-style and show of power, money, and the women they attracted. He saw their life style as a way to grow up. When it came to gang involvement in drugs and arms deals on the street, he said this in response to the question:
DT: What is the connection, if there is any, to international drug cartels, drug trafficking, high tech., and when it comes down to a street level the gangs?
Street Gang member: When the dope comes from the dope man, I can't tell you how far up it goes. But I know when it comes in they usually have someone set in the State, or there's three or four people set up in the state, and it goes in... I read about this in the Reader's Digest, how that there are certain groups where it goes through. He then goes on to name different cities which have main groups which network and controls the trafficking and flow of the dope. He says that there is a big network which it goes through. For example there was a family which was running dope through Pioneer Park, in Salt Lake City, but of which police busted. These types of families or groups have their dealers spread out throughout the communities, which spread out to where they go through the gangs. Down at these lower levels, the dealers sometimes buy protection through their dealings with gangs. If they give the gang members a good deal, they buy not only protection, but also get on their good side, and sometimes keep themselves from being robbed. However, there is rivalry that goes on between different dope dealers who are seeking to gain more territorial control of an area. And who seek to gain higher levels in the dope trade. For example, a dope man might come into an area seeking to move in on another dope man's business. If the new dope man doesn't give the gang members of the area a good deal, he risks getting robbed or even killed because of how other dealers might have 70 gang bangers ready to make war on him to get his dope, if he should attempt to give them a bad deal. Therefore, if the dope dealer give the gang member a cut-rate deal, they not only buy protection, but also, they all can make a lot of money as it flows from them to the gang members, and then from them onto the streets. The rivalry and dangers of dope men using gang members is that they sometimes use gang members to rob other dope men to get their dope. For example, a dope man might have a lower level customer on the rise, attempting to go up to higher quantities of dope. That higher dope man might have his gang bangers go and rob his own customer in order to get the dope he just sold to this same customer. In this way, the higher dope man can crush the sales and growth of the lower level dope dealer, who may come back to him to be reestablished. The higher dope man will then turn around and front the dope man with more dope, perhaps even the same dope that he had stolen, and then get double the money when the lower man pays his for the front. In this way the higher level dope man keeps the lower ones down so that they have a hard time going over the higher, and thus take away his business. He also says that there is a lot of connections with gangs and other underground organized crime networks because of the drugs, and gun trafficking, etc.23
In the series, Border Wars, & or other documentaries of this type, I'm attempting to find again, which one it was. But, I remember watching one of these documentaries, where young boys, about 8 or 9 years old, were being used to smuggle drugs across the Mexico-America border. When they were busted, the two male boys were laughing! Were they laughing because they already knew that they would only get "band" from coming to the Americas? Because, that's what happened! They had enough drugs on them that would have sent an adult in the United States to prison for years, but instead, because they were young boys, they were let go with a warning & ban, not to come back into the United States! What kind of a message is being sent to those who plot to flood the USA with drugs, when this sort of thing happens?
These are just some of the evidences that shows that the prophetic warnings about conspiring men in the last days, has & still is coming to past. This should also give us reasons why to either stop some of our bad habits, or not get started! May God help us in our own challenges that we may turn our weak areas into strengths.
End Notes:
1- (Robert Gehrke, The Salt Lake Tribune, 1-13-2010, Big tobacco kicked big bucks into Utah politics); $tate$ On The Take Back Your State! "Exhibit A of the Stealth Cartel Partnerships" "The Big Tobacco Settlement" Big Tobacco has gone beyond wining and dining your elected officials, Now They're in bed together-- and guess who's getting screwed?!).
2- (Natural Big Tobacco racketeering ruling mirrors future Big Pharma prosecutions (opinion), by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor of, Friday, August 18, 2006).3- ( Big Tobacco Conspired to Lie About Smoking Risks: Ruling, Sept. 1, 2006). See also on You Tube, Justin Martyr Jr's playlist: Millions Die & Big Tobacco Continues the Lie: It's About $
4- (World Socialist Web Site, Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), Government case exposed conspiracy of US tobacoo giants, by Joseph Kay, June 13, 2005).
5- (Newser, Vintage Stars Got Big Bucks to Smoke, Big Tobacco Paid A Fortune for Promotion in Hollywood's Golden Age, Robert Quinn, Newser Staff, Sept. 25, 2008); Report claims Hollywood conspired with Big Tobacco to promote smoking in movies. No, really?Report: Tobacco companies paid Hollywood stars to promote smoking. By Lisa Swan, Daily News Staff Writer, Monday, October 6th, 2008)., Wendy Leonard, Tobacco Lurks in Delicious Places, 2-10, 2011.
Sept. 8, 2010, in Opinion, by Smokey the Barrister).
6- The Crime Prevention Group = TCPG, 1999, How to Prosecute Tobacco Sellers For the Tobacco Holocaust, 4. Deaths Caused By Smoking.
7- (Kelly D. Brownell and Kenneth E. Warner, Yale University; University of Michigan, The Perils of Ignoring History: Big Tobacco Played Dirty and Millions Died. How Similar Is Big Food? ); You Tube: Justin Martyr Jr Channel, Don't Watch This! Tobacco Companies' Ads & Lies Exposed! $$$). Justin Martyr Jr., with Covert Cosmic Cruisers, presents more shocking well known facts about the dangers of smoking & drinking! The song: "Tobacco Companies: In the Name of Wealth You're Bad For World Health," is from "The Point of Impact" CD, a blend of Rock & Rap). See also: Articlesbase, Free Online Articles Directory: Posted March 9, 2008: Global Smoking Trends- Where Tobacco Companies Make Money These Days? by Smoking Joey-Heavy Smoker -, article: Say no to Big Tobacco money, Smoke Signals- by Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columist, 12-18-2010.
9- You Tube: Justin Martyr Jr Channel, play list: Millions Die & Big Tobacco Continues the Lie: It's About $, See also: Paul Slovic, Editor, Smoking, Risk, Perception, & Policy, (London & New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001); Smoking and Health, Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, (U.S Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Publice Health Service, about 1964).
10- Action on Smoking and Health = ASH,
11- CBS News, London, Sept. 12, 2003, Smoking's Global Death Toll - 4.8 Million Deaths Each Year, Evenly Split Between Rich and Poor, by Melissa Cheung. According to another article: "By the year 2020, 10 million people will be dying each year from smoking related health causes." Lifescript, healthy living for women: The Effects of Smoking: Death Toll Will Double by 2010, Health Conditions, Published March 20, 2006. According to the World Health Organization = WHO, First Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Geneva, 6-17 February 2006. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death world wide. It's the only consumer product that kills when used as intended by tobacco companies. 1 in 10 adults kill world wide! 5 million yearly, about "one death every 6.5 seconds." See also: Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Toll of Tobacco in the United States of America, October 8, 2010, by Jessica Guilfoyle. See also: Medscape Today, UPMC, Avoidable Global Cancer Deaths and Total Deaths From Smoking: Current and Future Disease Risks from Smoking. Also: Terry Martin,, Updated 1-28-2007, WHO smoking statistics, Global Smoking Statistics for 2002, Overall Stats and Youth Smoking Facts.
12- Matthew White, September 2010, Deaths by Mass Unpleasantness: Estimated Totals for the Entire 20th Century, see Smoking:
13- NYDaily - Daily News, Money, Kellogg recalls products; Keebler, Austin brands pulled from shelves, The Associated Press, Thursday, 1-15-2009. Roanoke, Va. "A peanut butter maker that sells bulk supplies to institutions issued a nationwide recall as officials on Wednesday reported two more deaths associated with a salmonella outbreak." Another case is Zicam, a nasal spray alleged to cause loss of smell. See: Nasal spray can cause loss of smell, FDA warns, Zicam pulled from shelves; consumers urged to stop using products, Associated Press, updated 6-16-2009- Washington. "A 2007 law began requiring manufacturers to report such problems, but FDA regulators declined to say Tuesday whether the company broke the law." In another article, - More melamine- tainted milk found in China, Products pulled more than a year after massive safety scandal, Associated Press = AP, 1-25-2010, updated. Also, "Hydroxycut," was alleged to have been pulled after the FDA or Federal Drug Administration reported that it was "causing liver damage and other health problems." (Back Seat Cuddler, May 2, 2009, Hydroxycut Pulled Off The Shelves, posted in Celebrities by Taylor Blue. Another case: Rolaids was said to be pulled off shelves because metal & wood was found in product. Chicago Independent Press, Rolaids Pulled Off Shelves, Metal and Wood Found in Product, by Rachel Daley, 12-10-2010. Another case: Meridia was pulled off the market in Canada, after studies suggested "links to heart attacks and strokes in patients who already had heart problems. CBC - News, Health- Weight-loss drug pulled off market, last updated Friday, October 8, 2010. Another case: Benzene is said to be "a cancer-causing chemical," and is reported to be "linked with leukaemia and other forms of blood cancer," and is found at dangerous levels in 26 soda pop brands, including 22 leading brands! Hence, soft drinks were pulled from shelves because of the fear reports made that they caused cancer! The Times, The Sunday Times, Soft drinks pulled from shelves over cancer fear, watchdog demands inquiry over benzene levels in 26 popular brands, by Valerie Elliot, Consumer Editor, 4-1-2006. Another case: Propoxyphene in Darvocet was pulled, after research that said it could cause "major health issues including heart rhythm problems that could prove to be fatal if the body reacts in a very negative way to it." So the FDA had it pulled from the U.S. market, so why not cigs too! Blog- Babble- Darvocet Pulled From Shelves: Causes Major Health Issues, posted by Chrisrogers86, November 20, 2010. Another case: CBC News- Health, Johnson & Johnson issues another drug recall, No products being pulled from the shelves in Canada, by The Associated Press, Friday, July 8, 2010. Another case: Fox News, Tomatoes Pulled Off Shelves, Menus Amid Salonella Scare, Associated Press, Thursday, June 19, 2008. Case 10: Glen Beck, Arguing With Idiots, How to Stop Small Minds & Big Government, (New York, New York: Threshold Editions - Mercury Radio Arts, A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2009), p. 166. See also: Tobacco lurks in delicious places, by Wendy Leonard, 2-10, 2011-
14- John A. Stormer, The Death of a Nation, (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968), p. 67, note 1 on p. 178: The American Legion Magazine, November, 1954, p. 6. Citing from a communist 1919 publication Rules For Bringing About Revolution. See also: Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam--Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University/Electronic Department, BYU Devotional, late 1960's early 1970's?), tape K1389 side A.
15- DT, Endangered Species: Humanity, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Religious, Historical & Polemical Studies, 1997, 1998). Video documentary by DT, Endangered Species: Humanity, March 1997.
16- (Arnaud de Bochgrave, Disinformation in the Media, (talk tape: National Center for Constitutional Studies). Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam--Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University/Electronic Department, BYU Devotional, late 1960's early 1970's?), tape K1389 side A. Nov. 12th, 1989, KTKK 630 AM Radio, "K-Talk," Religion On the Line, host: Martin Tanner, guest: George G. Ritchie, see also: Return From Tomorrow, by Ritchie, p.35-74. And his second book: My Life After Dying. Plus phone conversations that I have had with Dr. Ritchie. See also: John A. Stormer, The Death of a Nation, (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968); Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Rossmoor, California: Concord Press, 1971 & 1972); Chuck Smith, (Christian minister), talk entitled: What in the World is Happening?, (Salt Lake City, Utah: FireFighters for Christ, tape series); Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962); Dope Inc., Britain's Opium War Against the World; by Executive Intelligence Review).
17- DT, The Pre-existence: Our Pre-earth Life As Spirits In A "Family In Heaven" (Salt Lake City, Utah: Religious, Historical & Polemical Studies, Internet article 1992); Gustav Davidson, 1967, A Dictionary Of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels, (New York; London: The Free Press, and Collier-Macmillan Limited); Huge Nibley, Dr. (Series): The Collected Works of Huge Nibley, (Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies = F.A.R.M.S., and Deseret Book Company), volume 2: Enoch The Prophet, (1986); Book of Enoch And: Richard Laurence, Ethiopic translation, London 1883, The Book of Enoch, And: R. H. Charles, 1906, The Book of Enoch.
18- Maury Terry, 1987, The Ultimate Evil, An Investigation into America's Most Dangerous Satanic Cult, (New York: A Dolphin Book, 1987), p.163--64 p.163-64, 384, 464, 467, & 483, etc. Richard Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, vol. 1, p.277; vol. 7, p.1866--70; vol. 9, p. 2479; Cottie Anthur Burland, Beyond Science, 1972, p. 120-21; Eric Maple, Witchcraft, (London: Octopus Books, 1973), p. 101; Jeffery Burton Russell, The Prince of Darkness, p.150-1; Richard Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, vol. 1, p.277; Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia Of Witches & Witchcraft, (Facts On File, 1989) p. 101; under the heading: "Devil's pact." Daniel Lawrence O' Keefe, Stolen Lightning, (Continum Publishing Company, 1982), pp.44-124; Arthur Lyons, Satan Wants You, The Cult of Devil Worship In America, (New York, London, & Tokyo: The Mysterious Press, 1988), pp. 44, 47, 53, 57, & 60-61. Thomas Cooper, in The Mystery of Witchcraft, may have heard of these things as an outsider, and thus may have presented a biased outsider's view point. Rossell Hope Robbins, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology, (New York, New York: Bonanza Books, Crown Publishing, MCMLIX), pp.370-1, see heading: Pact with the Devil. Jacob Aranza, 1983, Backward Masking Unmasked, pp.10-11, Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14; Keith Thomas, 1971, Religion & the Decline of Magic. Matthew 6:9--13; O'Keefe, 1982, Stolen Lightning, 44--124; Jacob Aranza, 1983, Backward Masking Unmasked; Aranza, 1985, More Rock, Country & Backward Masking Unmasked, (Huntington House). Hit Parade, July 1982, p.7; & July 1975, p.64; Peter Herbst, The Editors of Rolling Stone, The Rolling Stone Interviews, Talking with the Legends of Rock & Roll, 1967--1980, (New York: St. Martin's Press/Roll, /Stone, P.), #26, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, Interviewed by Cameron Crowe (1975), pp.310-317; Eden Gray, The Tarot Revealed, p.168. 47. Hammer of the Gods, p.131-2; Stephen Davis, Hammer of the Gods, The Led Zeppelin Saga, (William Morrow & Co., 1985); The Rolling Stone Magazine, (Special Issue, The 70's), Sept. 20th, 1990, pp.56-60, & 109, article: J.D. Considine, Led Zeppelin.
19- Nov. 12th, 1989, KTKK 630 AM Radio, "K-Talk," Religion On the Line, host: Martin Tanner, guest: George G. Ritchie, see also: Return From Tomorrow, by Ritchie, p.35-74. And his second book: My Life After Dying. Plus phone conversations that I have had with Dr. Ritchie.
20- Carl A. Raschke, Painted Black, (New York, New York: Harper Paperbacks, A Division of Harper Collins Publishers, 1990).
21- Fallen Angels, by Bernard J. Bamberger, 1952, p.78, note 20, p.273; Clementine Homilies 9.10.
22- The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol.8, p.277, The Clementine Homilies, Homily 9, ch.10.
23- DT, Endangered Species: Humanity, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Religious, Historical & Polemical Studies, 1997, 1998). Video documentary by DT, Endangered Species: Humanity, March 1997.
$10.00 for 1 bottle of booze.
You get drunk on it, in what ever state you're in, like for example in Utah, for in Utah, you don't even have to be driving. You could be pulled over off the road, attempting to sleep it off, because you do know that it's not a good thing to be driving after drinking. But you didn't know that to get a DUI, all you have to do is have the keys to the car on you, it's called "Being in physical control of a motor vehicle." Boom! You're asked to give the police the evidences they need to help convict you, even though you protest that you weren't driving. The more you talk and walk the walk like a drunk, the more evidences you give them. But let's say you keep your mouth shut, and don't do any of the tests that they try to get you to do. To refuse, you just lost you driver's license for 18 months or more, automatically! Then you're taken to jail, and thrown in the drunk tank, spending the night with all the others in there, sleeping on a hard cement floor.
"Bail. You'll have to shell out bail to get released after your arrest. Cost: $150-$2,500 (using a bonding company is what raises the cost)."
Mean while your car got towed away to a holding lot, which charges a holding fee & even a daily rent amount for each day your car is there. You also have to pay $80.00 to $100 or more, for the tow. But, in Utah, I don't know about other states; they make you go get a certificate at the Department of Motor Vehicles, or DMV, where you have to pay $200 to $400 dollars to get an alcohol vehicle release form, or certificate. You take this to where your car is, and pay for their undetermined amounts they sum up for the tow & storage; you show them your release form, get your vehicle out, but your not done yet!
The Cost of Driving Under the Influence
If you add the $400 to $500 for your time to do community service, which you don't get paid for, but may be ordered by the court to perform; it all adds up. It's not worth it! Solve the problems before they get started by not drinking, and not drinking and driving.
Getting your license back, two or so years later, is also going to cost you more money too, for the Department of Public Safety, where you go to get your license, will fine you too. You might end up paying up to $300 for 1st offense, & up to $600 for combined 2nd offense, if the 1st wasn't paid for & you got a 2nd DUI. The Judge could also order you to take a behavior class that gets you to examine your own life & deal with your bad habits & choices, this can cost you another $150 to $300 & they could require you to take a drug test too! Don't forget restitution fines and fees, prison & other troubles if a crash or injuries were caused, including deaths. Thus, it's best not to even drink at all, for it solves many of these problems before they get started!
Billions of tax payers' dollars goes to fight a "war" that corrupt factions in Government don't seem to want to win, but rather want to prolong! If the "war on drugs" was a fire, they gas that fire, rather than water it out; then demand that they need more funding to deal with the increases in the problems & "crisis," or "war" that they help to create, prolong, & help maintain.
The reference to "Conspiring men in the last days," becomes evident when we take into account all the questionable, unethical & conspiratorial things that Big Tobacco companies have done & continue to do, for many years now. Their contributions to political agents over the years, to buy up, or attempt to buy political powers in their favor; are still an on going practise of big tobacco companies. 1
"For decades, major tobacco companies have lied about the risks of smoking. A federal judge [about 1999] has now ruled that Big Tobacco engaged in decades of conspiracy and civil fraud..."2
About 2005, Judge Gladys Kessler of the US District Court for the District of Columbia is reported to have written of "..."overwhelming evidence" [that] showed the [tobacco] companies "marketed and sold their lethal products with zeal, with deception, with a single-minded focus on their financial success, and without regard for the human tragedy or social costs that success extracted."3
Six of the biggest tobacco companies, in a government case, United States of America vs. Philip Morris, Inc., & others, alleges "...the defendants engaged in a criminal conspiracy that sought to cover up the dangers of smoking; mislead the public on the dangers of secondhand smoke; cover up the addictiveness of nicotine; deceptively market “light” cigarettes as less harmful than regular cigarettes; deliberately target young people to recruit new smokers; and deliberately refrain from producing safer, less addictive cigarettes."4
Tobacco companies poured money into the movie industrial complex, to get young kids & adults to smoke, by paying movie stars to smoke during different movie scenes. Many people who saw their idols & movie icons smoking, also thought it would be the cool thing to do too. This tactic still is said to be making big dollars for tobacco companies, as the old movies are still being seen by up coming generations, as classics.5
Even after killer diseases from smoking were published; the tobacco companies world wide, because they "...had already acquired a substantial degree of economic, political and social influence... [have] engaged in a deliberate, premeditated campaign of deceit and duplicity to foreseeably continue and even expand its... death rate through a process of denial and disputation of the link between smoking and disease, the addictive, enslaving, properties of nicotine, and their marketing strategies directed at youth."6
Mean while, the older generations are dead, or dying from the health problems attributed to smoking; while up coming generations are still one of the many targets of big tobacco companies who are seeking to enslave them to the habits of smoking their deadly brands!7
Mean while, the cost of smoking is on the rise too.
Rough estimated amounts of money up in smoke!
For a calculator that you can use to check out costs, see: Have you got money to burn? University of Maryland Medical System, Cost of Smoking Calculator. 8
Here are some rough examples scales of the cost over the months & years of smoking. However, they don't take into account differences in prices going up or down over the years; or amounts changed or increased in smokers' daily habits; or earlier years when prices were lower. Or other nations' prices; and the amounts that vary in different types of packs, be they 20-50 cigs per pack, more or less, as it varies from brand to brand, and in different countries. Also, not included are taxes & smoking related medical costs. Not included are sales, & carton prices, or different amounts of long or short periods of times smokers may have tried to stop for a while, but then started back up. Not included are different cases in family sizes; members that die, stop, or restart, or newly start ups who following the examples of parents, or other family members, or friends that smoke.
5 cigs per day smoked, $4.00 per pack, 20 per pack, monthly, $30.00. Yearly, $365.00.
10 cigs per day, at $2.00 per pack, 20 a pack, monthly $30.00, yearly $365.00.
15 cigs per day, at $3.00 per pack, 20 a pack, monthly $67.50, yearly $821.25.
20 cigs per day, at $4.00 per pack, 20 a pack, monthly $120.00, yearly $1,460.00.
25 cigs per day, at $5.00 per pack, 20 a pack, monthly $187.50, yearly $2,281.25.
5 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly $12.00, yearly $146.00.
10 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly, $24.00, yearly $292.00.
15 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly, $36.00, yearly $438.00.
20 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly, $48.00, yearly $584.00.
25 cigs, $2.00 per 25 in pack, monthly, $60.00, yearly $730.00.
5, $3 per 25 in pack, m. $18.00, y. $219.
10, $4 per 25 pack, m. $48, y. $584.
15, $5, per 25 pack, y. $1095.
25, $5, 25 in pack, y. $1825.
50, $5 in 25 pack, or 2 packs per day, y. $3650; 5 years, $18,250; 10y $36,500; 15y $54,750; 20y $73,000; 25y $91,250; 30y $109,500.
75, $5 in 25 pack, or 3 packs per day, y. $5475; 5y $27,375; 10y $54,750; 15y $82,125; 20y $109,500; 25y $136,875; 30y $164,250; 35y $191,625. If you make it to 40 years, $219,000.
100 chained smoked per day, $5 in 25 per pack, or 4 packs smoked per day: Y, $7,300; 5y $36,500; 10y $73,000; 15y $109,500; 20y $146,000; 25y $182,500; 30y $219,000; 35y $255,500; If you some how smoke for 40 years, at this rate, $292,000.
125 chained smoked yourself, or combined amount in a family, smoked per day, $5 in 25 per pack, or 5 packs yourself, or between your family members, m. $750; y, $9,125; 5y $45,625; 10y $91,250; 15y $136,875; 20y $182,500; 25y $228,125; 30y $273,750; 35y $319,375; 40y $365,000. 50y or 10y per 5 persons in family, $456,250; 100y or 20y per 5 members in family, $912,500.
150, self, or family, $5 in 25 pack, 6 packs per day, m. $900; y. $10,950; 5y $54,750; 10y $109,500 or 10 family members or inlaws, in 1y, which between them all, smoke about 6 packs daily.
200, self, or family, $5 in 25 pack, 8 packs per day, m. $1,200; y. $14,600; 5y $73,000, or 5 members for 1y. 10y $146,000, or 10 family members in 1y. 15y $219,000, or 15 members 1y. 20y $292,000, or 5y 4 family members. 25y $365,000 or 5 family members, 5y. 30y $438,000 or 6 family members for 5y. 35y $511,000 or 7 family members 5y. 40y $584,000 or 8 family 5y. 45y $657,000 or 9 family 5y. 50y $730,000 or 10 family 5y or 5 family 10y.
250, family & inlaws, $5 in 25 pack, 10 packs per day between family or inlaws, m. $1,500, y. $18,250; 5y $91,250 or 5 members 1y. 10y $182,500 or 10 family 1y, or 5 family 2y. 15y $273,750 or 15 family 1y, or 5 family 3y. 20y $365,000 or 10 family 2y, or 5 family 4y. 25y $456,250 or 5 family 5y. 30y $547,500 or 6 family 5y, or 3 family 10y. 35y $638,750 or 7 family 5y. 40y $730,000 or 8 family 5y, or 5 family 8y. 45y $821,250 or 9 family 5y, or 5 family 9y. 50y $912,500 or 10 family 5y, or 5 family 10y.
300 cigs up in smoke between family, & or inlaws too, $5 in 25 pack, 12 packs per day, m. $1,800, y. $21,900. 5y $109,500 or 5 family 1y. 10y $219,000 or 5 family 2y, or 10 family 1y. 15y $328,500 or 5 family 3y, or 3 family 5y. 20y $438,000 or 2 family 10y, or 5 family 4y, or 10 family 2y. 25y $547,500 or 5 family 5y. 30y $657,000 or 6 family 5y. 35y $766,500 or 7 family 5y or 5 family 7y. 40y $876,000 or 8 family 5y, or 5 family 8y. 45y $985,500 or 9 family 5y or 5 family 9y. 50y $1,095,000 or 10 family 5y, or 5 family 10y.
375 cigs up in smoke between family, & or inlaws too, $5 in 25 pack, 15 packs per day, m. $2250. y. $27,375. 5y $136,875 or 5 family 1y. 10y $273,750 or 10 family 1y, or 2 family 5y, or 5 family 2y. 15y $410,625 or 5 family 3y, or 3 family 5y, or 15 family 1y. 20y $547,500 or 2 family 10y, or 4 family 5y, or 10 family 2y. 25y $684,375 or 5 family 5y. 30y $821,250 or 6 family 5y, or 5 family 6y, or 10 family 3y. 35y $958,125 or 7 family 5y, or 5 family 7y. 40y $1,095,000 or 5 family 8 years, or 8 family 5y. 45y $1,231,875 or 9 family 5y, or 5 family 9y. 50y $1,368,750 or 10 family 5y, or 5 family 10y.
500, $5 in 25 pack, 20 packs daily, y. $36,500.
625, $5 in 25 pack, 25 packs daily, y. $45,625.
750, $5 in 25 pack, 30 packs daily, y. $54,750.
1,000, $5 in 25 pack, 40 packs daily, y. $73,000.
1,250, $5 in 25 pack, 50 packs daily, y. $91,250.
2,500, $5 in 25 pack, 100 packs daily, y. $182,500.
5,000, $5 in 25 pack, 200 packs daily, y. $365,000.
10,000, $5 in 25 pack, 400 packs daily, y. $730,000.
20,000, $5 in 25 pack, 800 packs daily, y. $1,460,000.
40,000, $5 in 25 pack, 1,600 packs daily, y. $2,920,000.
80,000, $5 in 25 pack, 3,200 packs daily, y. $5,840,000.
160,000, $5 in 25 pack, 6,400 packs daily, y. $11,680,000.
320,000, $5 in 25 pack, 12,800 packs daily, y. $23,360,000.
640,000, $5 in 25 pack, 25,600 packs daily, y. $46,720,000.
1,280,000, $5 in 25 pack, 51,200 packs daily, y. $93,440,000.
2,560,000, $5 in 25 pack, 102,400 packs daily, y. $186,880,000.
51,200,000, $5 in 25 pack, 204,800 packs daily, y. $373,760,000.
102,400,000, $5 in 25 pack, 409,600 packs daily, y. $747,520,000.
204,800,000, $5 in 25 pack, 819,200 packs daily, y. $1,495,040,000.
So, while the average person, families & communities are drained of their money, from habitual use of tobacco, from tobacco related medical cost; tobacco related cleaning costs, taxes, & other smoke related expenses. Big Tobacco banks their big dollars, & has plenty of money left over to buy up political protections, make lobby deals, & buy up judicial powers & deals, in order to keep killing millions of people, to make billions of dollars! How much have you contributed to their bank accounts? 9 Action on Smoking and Health = ASH: "Each pack of cigarettes sold in the United States costs the nation an estimated $7.18 in medical care costs and lost productivity due to smoking related deaths... Economic damage from smoking totals more than $150 billion each year."10 ASH also tells us that, from 1995 to 1999, each pack of cigarettes at $7.18 each, costed in medical care costs & lost productivity. Thus, at this rate we have the following rough estimated totals:
20 packs at $7.18 = $143.60.
50 packs at $7.18 = $359.
100 = $718.
200 = $1,436.
400 = $2,872.
800 = $5,744.
1,600 = $11,488.
3,200 = $22,976.
6,400 = $45,952.
12,800 = $91,904.
35,600 = $183,808.
71,200 = $367,616.
142,400 = $735,232.
282,800 = $1,470,464.
569,600 = $2,940,928.
1,139,200 = $5,881,856.
2,278,400 = $11,763,712.
4,556,800 = $23,527,424.
9,113,600 = $47,054,848.
18,227,200 = $94,109,696.
36,454,400 = $188,219,392.
72,908,800 = $376,438,784.
How much would that be, if figured out at 2011 rates?
Something to think about.
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4000 Deadly Chemicals in Cigarette Smoke, will Eventually Make You Croke, & That's No Joke!! |
Deadly Chemicals in Cigarette Smoke: 4000 chemicals include many things that you wouldn't want to give to yourselves, your children, & animals, but do, when you smoke around them! Arsenic, addictive nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, formaldehyde, hydro carbon, carbon monoxide, etc. Women risk getting "Graves' disease," that sneaks up on them. Also, women, while smoking pregnant, can also cause a long list of health issues for themselves & their unborn babies. Mothers, don't make your wombs, your babies' tombs! Fathers, don't smoke around your pregnant wives or other pregnant women! For: "Smoking while pregnant can be potentially fatal for your unborn child."
Why is Big Tobacco not too concerned about how their products are taking millions of lives? Are they part of Globalists' plans to depopulate & regulate population growth?
Death totals from smoking Tobacco!Around 5.4 million deaths a year are caused by tobacco.
"Over 443,000 Americans (over 18 percent of all deaths) die because of smoking each year. Secondhand smoke kills about 50,000 of them." (Smoking Deaths Worldwide).
"10 years of life are robbed from smokers because they die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers. Smoking also steals 10 years of physical functioning in old age (making smokers act really old), according to Live Fast, Die Young, Leave a Good-Looking Corpse by David M. Burns, MD (Archives of Internal Medicine)." (Smoking Deaths Worldwide).
Other articles agree, that about 5 million people die, world wide, from smoking & smoking related diseases! That's about one death every 6.5 to 8 seconds! In the United States of America, about 400,000 die from their own cigs, while 2nd hand smoke, 50,000! About "15 billion" cigs were sold daily, in 2002, or about "10 million every minute"! 11
"R. Peto, "Mortality from tobacco in developed countries: indirect estimation from national vital statistics", Lancet, 23 May 1992:
- 1930-59: 11,000,000
- 1960s: 9,000,000
- 1970s: 13,000,000
- 1980s: 17,000,000
- 1990s: 21,000,000
- TOTAL (1930-1999): 71,000,000 tobacco-related deaths in developed countries. (US, Europe, USSR, Canada, Japan, Australia, NZ)."12
Case 1: A peanut butter supplier to Kellogg, Keebler & Austin brands, did a nation wide recall after only two deaths were reported, thus they pulled off the shelves their products because of a salmonella outbreak! In the case with Big Tobacco companies, millions of deaths later, around 5 million die each year around the globe! But, Big Tobacco companies still don't pull their deadly products! Why?
Case 2: Zicam, a nasal spray, was pulled from shelves because it was alleged to cause loss of smell. Mean while, the stinky smell cause by tobacco, that gets on smokers' clothing, in their cars, in their homes & their breath. Plus, the millions of on going deaths caused, & which will continue to be caused by smoking; and Big Tobacco Companies still continue to stock the shelves with their deadly, stinky products!
Case 3: In China, milk products tainted with melamine, were eventually pulled after another health safety issue was exposed and after a year & massive scandal! And yet, the 4000 chemicals; that include numerous deadly chemicals; found in tobacco smoke; & the on going scandals about big tobaccos' deceptions & suppressions of health hazards that their products cause. All this has still not been good enough to caused Big Tobacco Companies to pull, or recall their deadly products! Why?
Case 4: Hydroxycut, is alleged to have been pulled after the Federal Drug Administration FDA reported that it is "causing liver damage and other health problems." So where's the FDA when it comes to pulling tobacco? Isn't tobacco considered a "drug" like pot?
Case 5: Rolaids was said to be pulled off shelves because metal & wood were found in some batches. Do you know what goes into making cigs?
Case 6: Meridia was pulled off the market in Canada, after studies suggested "links to heart attacks and strokes in patients who already had heart problems." Are not the studies done on tobacco, and the links to heart attacks, good enough to have tobacco pulled?!
Case 7: Benzene is said to be "a cancer-causing chemical," and is reported to be "linked with leukaemia and other forms of blood cancer," and was found at dangerous levels in 26 soda pop brands, including 22 leading brands! Hence, soft drinks were pulled from shelves because of the fear reports made, that they caused cancer! Mean while, tobacco products of different types, still are being sold, world wide, despite reports that smoking tobacco causes cancer! And, Hydrocarbon in cig smoke, is a leukaemia maker! So does tobacco have diplomatic immunities from being pulled?
Case 8: Propoxyphene in Darvocet was pulled, after research said it could cause "major health issues including heart rhythm problems that could prove to be fatal if the body reacts in a very negative way to it." So the FDA had it pulled from the U.S. market, so why not cigs too! Are those in control of the FDA picking which products to regulate & go after?
Case 9: Johnson & Johnson pulled & recalled millions of dollars of their bottles of Tylenol & Motrin IB, because of "a musty or mouldy smell," & in other recalls, because some batches "may contain tiny metal particles or may have too much active ingredient." Mean while, tobacco smoke smells & has many other unpleasant aspects for non-smokers; like how the smoke gets into clothing, & everything else! But still, all these seem to not be enough to cause Big Tobacco to pull their deadly products from the world markets!
Case 10: Saccharin or "fake sugar," 1977: "A lot of Nanny State legislation that stems from the "greater good" argument relies on scary statistics. Remember saccharin? A laboratory test conducted in 1977 tied the artificial sweetener to bladder cancer in rats. People freaked out. Politicians demanded action. Labels were made. Warnings were given. Saccharin was maligned. But there was just one problem: The test was conducted on rats under conditions that no human would ever experience unless they drank 800 diet sodas... a day. A day. Not even I [Glen Beck] could pull that off-- and I love fake sugar." So here's another so-called cancer causing product that had law makers making "unnecessary laws," because of "unwarranted hysteria!"
Mean while, Big Tobacco products, with track records of killing off millions of humans, so much so, that they have to target the youth to start up smoking, with "flavors" added, like "Grape, cherry, bubble gum and intense wintergreen flavors, which are already popular with children and teens, are being used to mask the natural harshness and actual taste of tobacco smoke, encouraging kids to smoke..." Big tobacco is doing this, perhaps because they're killing off the older generations. Still, Big Tobacco companies' deadly brands of packed up death in a pack, packs a death blow to a lot of law makers' attempts to go after them because of how they throw a lot of money at law makers & politicians. Thus, their brands don't ever get pulled, like many of these & other cases mentioned above. Why? $$$$$$$$$$.
Up-date 6-21-2011: It's about time, FDA! KSL NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, in an article by MICHAEL FELBERBAUM, Cigarettes will carry grisly new warning labels, "RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of a smoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man's neck. Cigarette packs in the U.S. will have to carry these macabre images in nine new warning labels that are part of a campaign by the Food and Drug Administration to use fear and disgust to discourage Americans from lighting up."
See also: Cigarette Packs to Show Corpses, Cancer Patients (PICTURES), by Joshua Norman
Sky News: Shock Pictures on Cigarette Packs
Graphic pictures of the deadly, painful, & gross consequences of smoking!
Drugs, tobacco & other means of destroying the minds & bodies of Americas youth.
1919, communists planned to: "Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested insex. Make them superficial. Destroy their ruggedness." 141961, Harry J. Anslinger of the U.S. Commissioner of Narcotics, told Congress that Communists were behind increased narcotics addiction in America. "Other enforcement agents testified of the part Castro's Cuba plays in flooding America with illegal dope."
One of the communistic goals, which they are progressively reaching, is how that they said that they would make America's youth "so corrupt and decadent that they will not resist an eventual takeover." In the movie Red China: Outlaw, newsman Lowell Thomas interviewed a Democrat Senator from Connecticut, Thomas Dodd. He points out some of the reasons why communist Red China are part of the dope trade. He notes the billions of dollars which they have made, and then says that they have been peddling dope also for this reason: They want to "undermine the people of the free world... to destroy the minds and bodies and souls of human beings... to render them easy prey for subversion."15
1968, John A. Stormer, in his Death of A Nation, notes the rise in drug abuse, alcoholic drinking, and hard core dope. He cites numerous sources which show how different legal agencies have document the rise in these things among America's youth. Furthermore, he notes how: "The communists are deeply involved in the subversion of America's youth with dope."
February, 1983, defectors from the Cuban DGI = (Dirección General de Inteligencia— Cuban intelligence), testified in a federal court in Miami, Florida that they heard Cuba's communist leader Fidel Castro himself say that: "We must flood the United States with drugs because that will add to the decay and decomposition of that capitalist society." So it is obvious that the heads of State in Washington have continued to turn a blind eye to this communist narco-terrorist, 90 miles off our shores as he continues to fund his subversive activities according to the communist goals. Which is to: "Corrupt the young... [and] Destroy their ruggedness" And to destroy a generation of young Americans so that when they do march upon the United States from the South, America will have nothing to which to fight them with. That's their stated goal, and thinking, that's one of the reasons for why they are pouring in all kinds of dope into America! 16
The Prophet Enoch, in different translations of The Book of Enoch, names some of the fallen angels & what they would do among the human race. Some of the fallen angels would thus teach wicked humans how to make poisons, weapons of war, secret combinations, every stroke of death, and secret works of darkness & drugs abuses.17
There are connections between the fallen angels' interest in drugs, satanism & heavy metal rock music that preaches into the minds of many, satanic doctrines, lawlessness & drug use. 18
It's interesting to note too, that the rock band, Queen's Another one bites the dust, song & lyrics backwards says: "Start to smoke marijuana!"
Styx: Snow Blind, a song about the mess coke can cause, when played backwards says: "O Satan move in our voices."
George G. Ritchie, who had a 'Near Death Experience,' tells us, in his book, Return From Tomorrow, about seeing spirits attempting to get at cigs, but they couldn't. But they still made the attempts by grasping with their spirit hands, at the smokes in the hands & mouths of those in the physical realm of this life. While living in their bodies they got hooked on cigs, then died & still craved cigs, but couldn't get at them, because they were spirits, without bodies to smoke with. These were some of the other things that Christ showed him were happening in the Spirit World, such as where different bad habits and bad choices can retrogress to. Thus, he was taken into a bar to see spirits who were still trapped to the habit of drinking alcoholic drinks. Ritchie notes how when Christ appeared to him, Christ's resurrected body radiated with pure light and unconditional love. He also noted how that all people that he saw, who were still alive as to the physical body. Their bodies were lite up with "a faint luminous glow." This glow or aura he saw around people, shielded them against the disembodied spirits among them in the bar. Thus, it was kind of a shield of light that surrounded their bodies. However, when a person had drank alcoholic drinks to the point where they passed out, their shield of light opened up at the crown of the head. As this happened, the disembodied spirits jumped in through this opening, as if they had entered into them. He also says that the disembodied spirits, in this case, did not have this glowing light surrounding them. It is also interesting to note that the earliest to later Christians, as well as in other nations, must have known about auras, and how that they become brighter and stronger when a person lives a righteous and good life. Thus, all throughout Christendom's history the halo etc., has been a symbol of the degree of righteousness, & holiness of the person. 19There is evidence to suggest that many modern satanic & devil-worshiping movements, or coven- cults, are behind some of the drug smuggling operations.20 What Ritchie witnessed, spirits attempting to get a hold of drinks, & cigarettes; Isaiah may have also, for he saw those who used alcohol in their feasts, after they died and went to hell, they were "dried up with thirst" (Isaiah 5:11-14).
The early Christian work, The Clementine Recognitions also warns against this too: "Another somewhat different account of the demons states that they are spirits who desire to enjoy the pleasures of food, drink, and sex. These delights they can experience only by entering the bodies of men and using them for their own gratification."21 "But the reason why the demons delight in entering into men's bodies is this. Being spirits, and having desires after meats and drinks, and sexual pleasures, but not being able to partake of these by reason of their being spirits, and wanting organs fitted for their enjoyment, they enter into the bodies of men, in order that, getting organs to minister to them, they may obtain the things that they wish, [such as] ...sexual pleasure, by means of men's members."22 June 5, 1998, I interview a Salt Lake City, Utah gang member of Latin American descent. Though I have not been given permission to give his name, he has given me permission to relate his experiences as a gang member. He says that he was drawn into gang-life when he was 13 years old. He didn't have a Father figure to look up to because his father was in prison. A lot of role models for him were gang members, and so he was impressed with their life-style and show of power, money, and the women they attracted. He saw their life style as a way to grow up. When it came to gang involvement in drugs and arms deals on the street, he said this in response to the question:
DT: What is the connection, if there is any, to international drug cartels, drug trafficking, high tech., and when it comes down to a street level the gangs?
Street Gang member: When the dope comes from the dope man, I can't tell you how far up it goes. But I know when it comes in they usually have someone set in the State, or there's three or four people set up in the state, and it goes in... I read about this in the Reader's Digest, how that there are certain groups where it goes through. He then goes on to name different cities which have main groups which network and controls the trafficking and flow of the dope. He says that there is a big network which it goes through. For example there was a family which was running dope through Pioneer Park, in Salt Lake City, but of which police busted. These types of families or groups have their dealers spread out throughout the communities, which spread out to where they go through the gangs. Down at these lower levels, the dealers sometimes buy protection through their dealings with gangs. If they give the gang members a good deal, they buy not only protection, but also get on their good side, and sometimes keep themselves from being robbed. However, there is rivalry that goes on between different dope dealers who are seeking to gain more territorial control of an area. And who seek to gain higher levels in the dope trade. For example, a dope man might come into an area seeking to move in on another dope man's business. If the new dope man doesn't give the gang members of the area a good deal, he risks getting robbed or even killed because of how other dealers might have 70 gang bangers ready to make war on him to get his dope, if he should attempt to give them a bad deal. Therefore, if the dope dealer give the gang member a cut-rate deal, they not only buy protection, but also, they all can make a lot of money as it flows from them to the gang members, and then from them onto the streets. The rivalry and dangers of dope men using gang members is that they sometimes use gang members to rob other dope men to get their dope. For example, a dope man might have a lower level customer on the rise, attempting to go up to higher quantities of dope. That higher dope man might have his gang bangers go and rob his own customer in order to get the dope he just sold to this same customer. In this way, the higher dope man can crush the sales and growth of the lower level dope dealer, who may come back to him to be reestablished. The higher dope man will then turn around and front the dope man with more dope, perhaps even the same dope that he had stolen, and then get double the money when the lower man pays his for the front. In this way the higher level dope man keeps the lower ones down so that they have a hard time going over the higher, and thus take away his business. He also says that there is a lot of connections with gangs and other underground organized crime networks because of the drugs, and gun trafficking, etc.23
In the series, Border Wars, & or other documentaries of this type, I'm attempting to find again, which one it was. But, I remember watching one of these documentaries, where young boys, about 8 or 9 years old, were being used to smuggle drugs across the Mexico-America border. When they were busted, the two male boys were laughing! Were they laughing because they already knew that they would only get "band" from coming to the Americas? Because, that's what happened! They had enough drugs on them that would have sent an adult in the United States to prison for years, but instead, because they were young boys, they were let go with a warning & ban, not to come back into the United States! What kind of a message is being sent to those who plot to flood the USA with drugs, when this sort of thing happens?
These are just some of the evidences that shows that the prophetic warnings about conspiring men in the last days, has & still is coming to past. This should also give us reasons why to either stop some of our bad habits, or not get started! May God help us in our own challenges that we may turn our weak areas into strengths.
End Notes:
1- (Robert Gehrke, The Salt Lake Tribune, 1-13-2010, Big tobacco kicked big bucks into Utah politics); $tate$ On The Take Back Your State! "Exhibit A of the Stealth Cartel Partnerships" "The Big Tobacco Settlement" Big Tobacco has gone beyond wining and dining your elected officials, Now They're in bed together-- and guess who's getting screwed?!).
2- (Natural Big Tobacco racketeering ruling mirrors future Big Pharma prosecutions (opinion), by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor of, Friday, August 18, 2006).3- ( Big Tobacco Conspired to Lie About Smoking Risks: Ruling, Sept. 1, 2006). See also on You Tube, Justin Martyr Jr's playlist: Millions Die & Big Tobacco Continues the Lie: It's About $
4- (World Socialist Web Site, Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), Government case exposed conspiracy of US tobacoo giants, by Joseph Kay, June 13, 2005).
5- (Newser, Vintage Stars Got Big Bucks to Smoke, Big Tobacco Paid A Fortune for Promotion in Hollywood's Golden Age, Robert Quinn, Newser Staff, Sept. 25, 2008); Report claims Hollywood conspired with Big Tobacco to promote smoking in movies. No, really?Report: Tobacco companies paid Hollywood stars to promote smoking. By Lisa Swan, Daily News Staff Writer, Monday, October 6th, 2008)., Wendy Leonard, Tobacco Lurks in Delicious Places, 2-10, 2011.
Sept. 8, 2010, in Opinion, by Smokey the Barrister).
6- The Crime Prevention Group = TCPG, 1999, How to Prosecute Tobacco Sellers For the Tobacco Holocaust, 4. Deaths Caused By Smoking.
7- (Kelly D. Brownell and Kenneth E. Warner, Yale University; University of Michigan, The Perils of Ignoring History: Big Tobacco Played Dirty and Millions Died. How Similar Is Big Food? ); You Tube: Justin Martyr Jr Channel, Don't Watch This! Tobacco Companies' Ads & Lies Exposed! $$$). Justin Martyr Jr., with Covert Cosmic Cruisers, presents more shocking well known facts about the dangers of smoking & drinking! The song: "Tobacco Companies: In the Name of Wealth You're Bad For World Health," is from "The Point of Impact" CD, a blend of Rock & Rap). See also: Articlesbase, Free Online Articles Directory: Posted March 9, 2008: Global Smoking Trends- Where Tobacco Companies Make Money These Days? by Smoking Joey-Heavy Smoker -, article: Say no to Big Tobacco money, Smoke Signals- by Derrick Z. Jackson, Globe Columist, 12-18-2010.
9- You Tube: Justin Martyr Jr Channel, play list: Millions Die & Big Tobacco Continues the Lie: It's About $, See also: Paul Slovic, Editor, Smoking, Risk, Perception, & Policy, (London & New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001); Smoking and Health, Report of the Advisory Committee to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, (U.S Department of Health, Education, & Welfare, Publice Health Service, about 1964).
10- Action on Smoking and Health = ASH,
11- CBS News, London, Sept. 12, 2003, Smoking's Global Death Toll - 4.8 Million Deaths Each Year, Evenly Split Between Rich and Poor, by Melissa Cheung. According to another article: "By the year 2020, 10 million people will be dying each year from smoking related health causes." Lifescript, healthy living for women: The Effects of Smoking: Death Toll Will Double by 2010, Health Conditions, Published March 20, 2006. According to the World Health Organization = WHO, First Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Geneva, 6-17 February 2006. Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death world wide. It's the only consumer product that kills when used as intended by tobacco companies. 1 in 10 adults kill world wide! 5 million yearly, about "one death every 6.5 seconds." See also: Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, Toll of Tobacco in the United States of America, October 8, 2010, by Jessica Guilfoyle. See also: Medscape Today, UPMC, Avoidable Global Cancer Deaths and Total Deaths From Smoking: Current and Future Disease Risks from Smoking. Also: Terry Martin,, Updated 1-28-2007, WHO smoking statistics, Global Smoking Statistics for 2002, Overall Stats and Youth Smoking Facts.
12- Matthew White, September 2010, Deaths by Mass Unpleasantness: Estimated Totals for the Entire 20th Century, see Smoking:
13- NYDaily - Daily News, Money, Kellogg recalls products; Keebler, Austin brands pulled from shelves, The Associated Press, Thursday, 1-15-2009. Roanoke, Va. "A peanut butter maker that sells bulk supplies to institutions issued a nationwide recall as officials on Wednesday reported two more deaths associated with a salmonella outbreak." Another case is Zicam, a nasal spray alleged to cause loss of smell. See: Nasal spray can cause loss of smell, FDA warns, Zicam pulled from shelves; consumers urged to stop using products, Associated Press, updated 6-16-2009- Washington. "A 2007 law began requiring manufacturers to report such problems, but FDA regulators declined to say Tuesday whether the company broke the law." In another article, - More melamine- tainted milk found in China, Products pulled more than a year after massive safety scandal, Associated Press = AP, 1-25-2010, updated. Also, "Hydroxycut," was alleged to have been pulled after the FDA or Federal Drug Administration reported that it was "causing liver damage and other health problems." (Back Seat Cuddler, May 2, 2009, Hydroxycut Pulled Off The Shelves, posted in Celebrities by Taylor Blue. Another case: Rolaids was said to be pulled off shelves because metal & wood was found in product. Chicago Independent Press, Rolaids Pulled Off Shelves, Metal and Wood Found in Product, by Rachel Daley, 12-10-2010. Another case: Meridia was pulled off the market in Canada, after studies suggested "links to heart attacks and strokes in patients who already had heart problems. CBC - News, Health- Weight-loss drug pulled off market, last updated Friday, October 8, 2010. Another case: Benzene is said to be "a cancer-causing chemical," and is reported to be "linked with leukaemia and other forms of blood cancer," and is found at dangerous levels in 26 soda pop brands, including 22 leading brands! Hence, soft drinks were pulled from shelves because of the fear reports made that they caused cancer! The Times, The Sunday Times, Soft drinks pulled from shelves over cancer fear, watchdog demands inquiry over benzene levels in 26 popular brands, by Valerie Elliot, Consumer Editor, 4-1-2006. Another case: Propoxyphene in Darvocet was pulled, after research that said it could cause "major health issues including heart rhythm problems that could prove to be fatal if the body reacts in a very negative way to it." So the FDA had it pulled from the U.S. market, so why not cigs too! Blog- Babble- Darvocet Pulled From Shelves: Causes Major Health Issues, posted by Chrisrogers86, November 20, 2010. Another case: CBC News- Health, Johnson & Johnson issues another drug recall, No products being pulled from the shelves in Canada, by The Associated Press, Friday, July 8, 2010. Another case: Fox News, Tomatoes Pulled Off Shelves, Menus Amid Salonella Scare, Associated Press, Thursday, June 19, 2008. Case 10: Glen Beck, Arguing With Idiots, How to Stop Small Minds & Big Government, (New York, New York: Threshold Editions - Mercury Radio Arts, A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2009), p. 166. See also: Tobacco lurks in delicious places, by Wendy Leonard, 2-10, 2011-
14- John A. Stormer, The Death of a Nation, (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968), p. 67, note 1 on p. 178: The American Legion Magazine, November, 1954, p. 6. Citing from a communist 1919 publication Rules For Bringing About Revolution. See also: Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam--Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University/Electronic Department, BYU Devotional, late 1960's early 1970's?), tape K1389 side A.
15- DT, Endangered Species: Humanity, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Religious, Historical & Polemical Studies, 1997, 1998). Video documentary by DT, Endangered Species: Humanity, March 1997.
16- (Arnaud de Bochgrave, Disinformation in the Media, (talk tape: National Center for Constitutional Studies). Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam--Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University/Electronic Department, BYU Devotional, late 1960's early 1970's?), tape K1389 side A. Nov. 12th, 1989, KTKK 630 AM Radio, "K-Talk," Religion On the Line, host: Martin Tanner, guest: George G. Ritchie, see also: Return From Tomorrow, by Ritchie, p.35-74. And his second book: My Life After Dying. Plus phone conversations that I have had with Dr. Ritchie. See also: John A. Stormer, The Death of a Nation, (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968); Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Rossmoor, California: Concord Press, 1971 & 1972); Chuck Smith, (Christian minister), talk entitled: What in the World is Happening?, (Salt Lake City, Utah: FireFighters for Christ, tape series); Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962); Dope Inc., Britain's Opium War Against the World; by Executive Intelligence Review).
17- DT, The Pre-existence: Our Pre-earth Life As Spirits In A "Family In Heaven" (Salt Lake City, Utah: Religious, Historical & Polemical Studies, Internet article 1992); Gustav Davidson, 1967, A Dictionary Of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels, (New York; London: The Free Press, and Collier-Macmillan Limited); Huge Nibley, Dr. (Series): The Collected Works of Huge Nibley, (Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah: Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies = F.A.R.M.S., and Deseret Book Company), volume 2: Enoch The Prophet, (1986); Book of Enoch And: Richard Laurence, Ethiopic translation, London 1883, The Book of Enoch, And: R. H. Charles, 1906, The Book of Enoch.
18- Maury Terry, 1987, The Ultimate Evil, An Investigation into America's Most Dangerous Satanic Cult, (New York: A Dolphin Book, 1987), p.163--64 p.163-64, 384, 464, 467, & 483, etc. Richard Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, vol. 1, p.277; vol. 7, p.1866--70; vol. 9, p. 2479; Cottie Anthur Burland, Beyond Science, 1972, p. 120-21; Eric Maple, Witchcraft, (London: Octopus Books, 1973), p. 101; Jeffery Burton Russell, The Prince of Darkness, p.150-1; Richard Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, vol. 1, p.277; Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia Of Witches & Witchcraft, (Facts On File, 1989) p. 101; under the heading: "Devil's pact." Daniel Lawrence O' Keefe, Stolen Lightning, (Continum Publishing Company, 1982), pp.44-124; Arthur Lyons, Satan Wants You, The Cult of Devil Worship In America, (New York, London, & Tokyo: The Mysterious Press, 1988), pp. 44, 47, 53, 57, & 60-61. Thomas Cooper, in The Mystery of Witchcraft, may have heard of these things as an outsider, and thus may have presented a biased outsider's view point. Rossell Hope Robbins, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology, (New York, New York: Bonanza Books, Crown Publishing, MCMLIX), pp.370-1, see heading: Pact with the Devil. Jacob Aranza, 1983, Backward Masking Unmasked, pp.10-11, Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14; Keith Thomas, 1971, Religion & the Decline of Magic. Matthew 6:9--13; O'Keefe, 1982, Stolen Lightning, 44--124; Jacob Aranza, 1983, Backward Masking Unmasked; Aranza, 1985, More Rock, Country & Backward Masking Unmasked, (Huntington House). Hit Parade, July 1982, p.7; & July 1975, p.64; Peter Herbst, The Editors of Rolling Stone, The Rolling Stone Interviews, Talking with the Legends of Rock & Roll, 1967--1980, (New York: St. Martin's Press/Roll, /Stone, P.), #26, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, Interviewed by Cameron Crowe (1975), pp.310-317; Eden Gray, The Tarot Revealed, p.168. 47. Hammer of the Gods, p.131-2; Stephen Davis, Hammer of the Gods, The Led Zeppelin Saga, (William Morrow & Co., 1985); The Rolling Stone Magazine, (Special Issue, The 70's), Sept. 20th, 1990, pp.56-60, & 109, article: J.D. Considine, Led Zeppelin.
19- Nov. 12th, 1989, KTKK 630 AM Radio, "K-Talk," Religion On the Line, host: Martin Tanner, guest: George G. Ritchie, see also: Return From Tomorrow, by Ritchie, p.35-74. And his second book: My Life After Dying. Plus phone conversations that I have had with Dr. Ritchie.
20- Carl A. Raschke, Painted Black, (New York, New York: Harper Paperbacks, A Division of Harper Collins Publishers, 1990).
21- Fallen Angels, by Bernard J. Bamberger, 1952, p.78, note 20, p.273; Clementine Homilies 9.10.
22- The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol.8, p.277, The Clementine Homilies, Homily 9, ch.10.
23- DT, Endangered Species: Humanity, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Religious, Historical & Polemical Studies, 1997, 1998). Video documentary by DT, Endangered Species: Humanity, March 1997.
The Spirits in Alcohol, Strong Drinks
The Dangers, Costs, Legal Problems & Health Risks of Getting Drunk!
You never know how much alcohol cost until you get busted for driving while under the influence, called in legal terms, a DUI. Do you have $10,000 dollars to spend? That's what one article suggests it can cost! The $10 bottle of booze, that could end up costing you $10,000 for just one case, is like this; here's the sum of your bad choices, in just the costs only:
$10.00 for 1 bottle of booze.
You get drunk on it, in what ever state you're in, like for example in Utah, for in Utah, you don't even have to be driving. You could be pulled over off the road, attempting to sleep it off, because you do know that it's not a good thing to be driving after drinking. But you didn't know that to get a DUI, all you have to do is have the keys to the car on you, it's called "Being in physical control of a motor vehicle." Boom! You're asked to give the police the evidences they need to help convict you, even though you protest that you weren't driving. The more you talk and walk the walk like a drunk, the more evidences you give them. But let's say you keep your mouth shut, and don't do any of the tests that they try to get you to do. To refuse, you just lost you driver's license for 18 months or more, automatically! Then you're taken to jail, and thrown in the drunk tank, spending the night with all the others in there, sleeping on a hard cement floor.
"Bail. You'll have to shell out bail to get released after your arrest. Cost: $150-$2,500 (using a bonding company is what raises the cost)."
Mean while your car got towed away to a holding lot, which charges a holding fee & even a daily rent amount for each day your car is there. You also have to pay $80.00 to $100 or more, for the tow. But, in Utah, I don't know about other states; they make you go get a certificate at the Department of Motor Vehicles, or DMV, where you have to pay $200 to $400 dollars to get an alcohol vehicle release form, or certificate. You take this to where your car is, and pay for their undetermined amounts they sum up for the tow & storage; you show them your release form, get your vehicle out, but your not done yet!
The Cost of Driving Under the Influence
Fine | $1,000.00 |
Towing & Impound | $250.00 |
Lawyer | $2,500.00 |
Education / Treatment | $150.00 |
Victim Reparations Fund | $100.00 |
Driver License Reinstatement (per offense) | $65.00 - $235.00 |
Time Off Work & Transportation | $300.00 |
Added High Risk Insurance (3 years) | $4,500.00 |
Total: | $9,035.00 |
Getting your license back, two or so years later, is also going to cost you more money too, for the Department of Public Safety, where you go to get your license, will fine you too. You might end up paying up to $300 for 1st offense, & up to $600 for combined 2nd offense, if the 1st wasn't paid for & you got a 2nd DUI. The Judge could also order you to take a behavior class that gets you to examine your own life & deal with your bad habits & choices, this can cost you another $150 to $300 & they could require you to take a drug test too! Don't forget restitution fines and fees, prison & other troubles if a crash or injuries were caused, including deaths. Thus, it's best not to even drink at all, for it solves many of these problems before they get started!
Who's Policing the Police?
How Many of the Police & Courts use "the Drug War" as an excuse to rob, like the Mob!
DT, revised 3-5-2011
Most of us are against drugs that cause all kinds of problems, deaths, addictions, & destroys lives, when abused. Most of us also are thankful for the police when an emergency or life threatening situation happens. However, the shocking reality is, that too many in the police departments around the US, and in certain high up government positions, & very high up officials in Governments of Mexico, the US & others nations, profite greatly off the manufacturing, distribution & sales of illegal drugs!
Add to that the temptations of "legal" robbings that are going on with police seizures of cash & properties after "busting" people they've sold drugs to. Or people who are alleged to have drugs or particals of detectable drugs on them, sniffed out by some police dope dogs. Then add to that, how the courts & lawyers cash in on Lawyer fees, (if the person can even somehow come up with the cash to defend themselves against, in some cases, false charges), and then there are expensive court fines too, & loss of freedom through imprisonments! Thus, the so-called "drug war," is one of the biggest government scams and "crisis" used to take away our freedoms, private properties, and enslave the masses into paying court fines, lawyer fees, as many non-guilty people have to demonstrate that they're not criminals!
Ironically, many of those in power, are alleged to be guilty themselves of drug running! So, while common persons are smashed down, their lives ruined, their entire life savings seized, and their private properties robbed or "abolished" in these manners, taken from them. Those in power aren't put under the microscope of the faulty present day legal system, where making money seems to be the addiction of the many of the courts, judges & lawyers! 1
"While the US government publically appears to be fighting the war on drugs, it is actually the principal supplier to the millions of drug users in America. While it sends recreational drug users and small time dealers to prison, it is making billions of dollars from their covert CIA drug smuggling operations."2
Billions of tax payers' dollars goes to fight a "war" that corrupt factions in Government don't seem to want to win, but rather want to prolong! If the "war on drugs" was a fire, they gas that fire, rather than water it out; then demand that they need more funding to deal with the increases in the problems & "crisis," or "war" that they help to create, prolong, & help maintain.
"The police department in Sulphur, Louisiana, a community of 20,552, fought the drug menace by seizing about $5 million between 1990 and the end of 1994. Speeders on Interstate 10 are pulled over and those with a lot of cash are identified. Their cash is seized if narco-dog smells drugs on it. A successful seizure is likely, since virtually all our currency has trace amounts of cocaine. The Sulphur police and D.A. do not seem to care about the actual guilt or innocence of the cash-carrying speeders, however, as criminal charges are rarely pressed."3
The Sulphur police cash confiscation policy, after learning how much money other agencies were making, like that of the Sheriff in Volusia County, Florida; also started using the seizure laws to rob like the mob! For what was seized from motorists on Interstate 95, during a 41 month period, 1989 -- 1992, is frightening! How many were drug traffickers? Who can say, for few charges were filed, thus, no public record can be verified. Many motorists that had their cash robbed by the police mob, didn't "get their money back even when the seizure was challenged—even when no proof of wrong-doing or criminal record could be found and the victims provided evidence that the money was legitimately earned." Instead, out of many cases that the sheriff’s forfeiture attorney handled in settlement negotiations, there were only four people that got their money back! One went to trial but lost and appealed. Facing high civil litigation costs, the rest settled for 50% to 90% of their money after promising not to sue the sheriff’s department. Of course, they also had to pay a third or more of the returned money to their lawyers. Their crime? They fit a “drug profile” and they made the mistake of driving through Volusia County with cash in their pockets. Is the sacrifice of the innocent and of their civil liberties worth the effort in many of these cases in the so-called "war on drugs?"4
Personal property & business assets may have been seized & ordered sold at public auction by state and federal agencies for tax reasons, and, or for various illegal activities.5 But what if there are too many seizers that are done to people who haven't been officially arrested, or legally proved to be involved in illegal drugs?!
"The Supreme Court seems to think that anything is permissible in the name of fighting crime. On June 24, 1996, United States vs. Ursery, the court ruled that civil punishments in addition to criminal punishments do not constitute double jeopardy. Asset forfeitures came to prominence in the war against drugs. They have not dented drug use but they have made thieves out of law enforcement officers."6
Jarret Wollstein warns how the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), "is seizing the luggage, cash and cars of hapless travelers. Under America's new civil forfeiture laws, mere possession of a large amount of cash or a drug dog barking at your luggage is sufficient probable cause for police to legally seize everything you are carrying."!
Jarrent lists numerous cases in point:
1. 2-2000, Albuquerque, N.M., DEA agents stop Sam Thach, on Amtrak, robbing $147,000 in cash. He had no drugs! His "crime?" He paid cash for a ticket, didn't give Amtrak his phone number.7
2. 6-5-2001, they rob $640,000 from Jennifer Leigh Ames, on Amtrak, 6-5-2001. DEA Agents claim she looked nervous & refused permission to search her luggage.8
3. 6-22-1999, even former Newwark N.J., cop, Carlos Hernandez, suffered this form of abuse, when he found officers looking through his Amtrak sleeper cabin, demanding to see into his luggage! His "crime?" He’s Hispanic & paid $694 in cash for the ticket.9
4. Houston’s Hobby Airport, cops detain Ethel Hylton, 49, seize her luggage all because a dope sniffing drug dog scratches it. Agents search her bags, strip-search her, but find no drugs. However, they did find $39,110 in cash! It's from an insurance settlement & her life savings, earned from over 20 years of hard work as a hotel housekeeper & hospital janitor. She completely documents where & how her legal efforts, through years of hard work, had earned her the money in question. "But the police kept her money anyway. Destitute, she had no way to fight them."10
Jarrent goes on with this shocking aspect of this "legal" robbings going on by some police, courts & government agencies! "These outrageous seizures are completely legal and have been upheld by the highest courts in the land, including the U.S. Supreme Court. The DEA's Web site claims, "Property is seized by the DEA only when it is determined to be a tool for, or the proceeds of, illegal activities such as drug trafficking, organized crime, or money laundering." But the above examples shows the reality, in some cases. Under civil asset forfeitures, your property – not you – is charged with a crime. Hence the bizarre title of civil forfeiture cases: "United States vs. one 1998 Mercedes Benz," "California vs. 1711 Main Street," and so forth. Once your property is charged with a crime, it can be seized and kept by police, even if you are never convicted of anything. An appeals court in Florida even ruled that police can personally receive bounties of 25 percent of the value of anything they seize from you, such as your car, bank accounts or home."11
Often, properties & cash is taken by police who charge people with breaking the many "laws" that the common person knows very little, or anything about! If your car is impounded, it can cost you a lot to get it back, even if you can. The present system makes it near a "mission impossible," to get back your property! You, the victim in these cases, could have to pay towing fees, lot holding fees, and other fines, & fees that you might not know about too. Not knowing the "law" is no excuse, they say!
Jarret goes on to warn how that there are 400 federal offenses & thousands of state & local "offenses" by which your money, cars, bank accounts, & homes can be taken! Including shoplifting, hiring illegal aliens, which is ironic, when there are high officials in the government, like when Bush Jr., was in, who was pushing the US consitutional destorying "North American Union" or NAU scam, where there would be no "illegal" lines to cross, when going from Mexico, USA to Canada! Another inconsistant aspect of the present legal systems!
In New York, if you play your car stereo too loud, they can take your car! If you transport "illegal fireworks," gamble, have illegal drugs on your property; which can be easily planted, if they want to rob you of the home you've been slaving away for years to pay for, with high interest charges from the banks! Well, they can take your home & rob you of every asset you have! Leaving you without the funding you'll need to have to hire a competent lawyer, $15,000, to "prove" your not the bad nasty evil "criminal" your made out to be! Of, course it's hard to also earn enough money to pay for a lawyer, when you are in jail, or prison too! So who would have to come up with the money that goes back into the present corrupt "legal systems"? Your family or friends! They will probably have to sale their own assets to help you, even if they can! If they can't, you're screwed!!!
So much for our rights to owning private property! They've found ways around that one, in this "legal" robbing of America, in the name of "the Drug War"! Even to discuss "violating" any "law," (which free speach is called "conspiracy"), to "underpay" your taxes, can get your assets seized too! So much for the Ammendments & Bill of Rights that protects freedom of speech!
They can rob you of your hard earned pay check, even though one of the many taxes, the income tax, is said to be unconstitutional, & which was never binding upon the America tax payer as "law" for "there is no law," it's one you "volunteer to pay!"12 Income tax, is it constitutional? "Where is the law?" A progressive income tax was part of the communist plan. Aaron Russo, a famous film maker, exposes & explores this issue & threats to our freedoms.13
Billions of dollars in properties, cash, & other things, are seized without trial each year from innocent Americans! The Forfeiture Endangers American Rights, FEAR, warns that seizures range from pocket cash, cars, to multi-million dollar apartment buildings! Once they've rob you of it, good luck on getting it back! For the burden of proof is on you to prove yourself & your properties' innocene! Any suspected "illegal" activities that even your relatives, friends, or employees on, or even near your property "are sufficient grounds to seize it."14
Case in point: 69 year old Gussie Mae Gantt, in Montgomery, Ala., calls police, complains that drug dealers had infested her neighborhood. Police video a deal going down, where informants buy drugs in her yard, even though she had posted no-trespassing signs! So what did the police do in this particular case? They rob her of her home! "Police waited until there was a drug deal in her yard and then seized her home."15
This is easy money for the government, courts, lawyers & police, which is why they do it! The temptation to abuse it is obvious! There's too much money to be made! So say 'good bye' to your homes, cars, bank accounts & other assets, which can be seized under civil asset forfeiture laws! Good luck getting it all back too, as the police and courts divide up the proceeds 80% for police & 20% for courts!
Its become a big scam, & big business across America; as millions of dollars worth of cars, taken from motorists stopped for minor traffic violations; then have their cars auctioned off! Other companies are scamming their own customers too! As in the case with Amtrak & Greyhound, which are alleged to have worked out a deal with the DEA by giving them access to their booking system where they note those who have paid cash to travel with! Yes, 10% goes to them, while the DEA cashes in on the cash their customers might have on them, all in the name of "the drug war!" The DEA is alleged to also have the same types of deals set up with major airports, hotels & motel owners in L.A. & Vegas, as well as other large cities.
This is an outrage! There should be another ammendment to the constitution to protect us against these types of corrupt & "official" so-called "legal" police, lawyer, courts' & governmental abuses! If there isn't an ammendment, or additional rights already, there needs to be. If there are different ones, then they're clearly being violated! The Right of the People not to be robbed of their properties & wealth in the name of the so-called manufactored "wars," "world crisis," or co-called "drug war!" These seizure laws, are obviously being abused by too many police departments, "justice" departments & government agencies throughout the country!
AMENDMENT IV [1791]: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."16
Inconsistencies in Present Day Legal Systems!
It's also ironic that cigs & smoking, that kills a lot of people per day, has legal, political & government approval, after the companies that make this harmful product, have bought political protection! Why don't the cops go after these barons of poisons? Perhaps because they have bought too much political & legal powers!17
Mean while, another weed, marijuana, also called "pot," is considered "illegal," so the on going "legal theft" of peoples' homes, cars, bank accounts through civil asset forfeitures and the imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of people. Some perhaps guilty as charged, while many others could be innocent people, who thus spend years or decades rotting in jail, for the alleged "crime" of smoking cannabis "occasionally," or not at all. What ever the cases in each particular case, the fact remains that these civil asset forfeitures continue; perhaps so, because of the large amounts of money to be made by the police, courts & government!18
Other inconsistancies in our present legal systems is how the slaughter of the un-born still goes on at tax payers' expense. But then, the "drug war," can then, and do, turn around and prosecute pregnant crack mothers, who "distribute drugs to a minor" (their un-born child in their womb, when they use drugs)!
But then, government backed abortion clinics can still murder thousands of unborn kids, "cause their not human," yet! The New World Order promoters like the Rockefellers, "have even financed the establishment of an abortion mill. In the summer of 1971, Planned Parenthood-New York City opened its first large scale abortion center -a prototype for the development of additional centers throughout the city, state, and nation. The center was originally designed to perform more than 10,000 abortions a year for an average fee of $80, with funds provided in many cases by Medicaid." "Justified" murders of millions, in the name of "populations control," and "planning."19
More Inconsistencies!
Medical Un. of S. Carolinia, says that if a pregnant woman's urine test indicates the use of cocaine, she can be "arrested for distributing drugs to a minor"! In Illinois if a pregnant woman takes illegal drugs, she can be prosecuted for "delivering a controlled substance to a minor." How can this be, if, as the pro-choice propaganda claims, the un-born is "not a person" with "rights!" This type of ruling, however, clearly suggests that the un-born is human, with rights to protect! The irony is, however, that the same women, jailed for endangering her child, though still yet un-born, can turn around and demand & is even free to abort that very same child at tax payers expense! But then, at the same time, in America, it's illegal to harm your preborn child, but it's perfectly legal to kill them! WOW! How did we come to this!20
Moreover, in Oregon, every alcohol serving establishment is required to post signs that warn pregnant women about the harmful effects that alcohol can have on their unborn.21 Can pregnant women also be charged with some kind of illegal distribution charge, when smoking tobaco too! Or is that too, inconsistantly protected in the name of the "un-born isn't human yet" propaganda!
So, while many innocent Americans are being prosecuted for these types of things, & are having their "private property abolished," as the Communist Manifesto state is one of their goals! Despite how the Constitution & its' framers were concerned about this issue, as Madison wrote in theFederalist: "To secure the public good and private rights."22
The police, courts, & government agencies that continue to rob common persons' of their cash, properties & assests; then turn around to then seem to turn a blind eye, or don't go after, & investigate in detail all the alleged drug smuggling & dealings of high up government officials, like the Clintons & Bush barons! Instead, the Clintons & Bush "drug barons," continue to get away with alleged "murders," to cover up their narco-terrorism, drug transporting & distributions through the Mena Air port, their opium deals out of Berma, & south & central American drug plantations, during "Air America" on going operations! The DEA & police don't seem to be willing, or able, or have the guts to go after the real alleged drug barons in different government positions, especially the very high up ones! Why?
Instead they go after different ones assigned to investigate, report, or who have knowledge of activities and could pose a threat to their climbs to higher government positions, like in the cases with the law enforcement agents assigned to investigate Mena, White Water, & other alleged illegal activities of the Clintons. Plus, they go after such investigators as highly decorated Veitnam vets like, Bog Grits, who attempted to expose Bush's disinterest in "evidence" of drug running out of Berma. As "The Clinton Chronicles"! & Bog Grits show & allege, the top cops at the top, who are suppose to be in charge of dealing with the so called "drug war!" Are part of the problem! They're "part of it, in a major way!"
These documentaries show how those who attempt to present evidence, or testify as to high up government officials' alleged connections to drug running, murderous cover ups, money launderings; & the destroying of evidence through shreading documents! Like in the White Water case, etc., are demonized or villified in the news & media. Or, they also come up missing, beaten, murdered, their homes are invaded so as to find files that expose the crimes of high government officials. They suffer through many false legal charges made against them, and so on! Some get to go to jail, or lose their jobs, or have to flea for their lifes, just because they attempted to present evidence, bring about legal actions, or investigate further into these allege crimes of the Clintons & Bush "drug barons'" activities!
These alleged crimes, by high government officials, still seems to go unanswered, even to this day! The justice department & congress, despite how much evidence survives, and is presented, (despite efforts to destory, turn a blind eye towards, or suppress such evidences). Still, despite this, those in power remain in power to further smash Americans' rights in the name of "drug wars," "wars of terror," and "Identity theft" issues, where they'll tell us that we need to all be computer chipped in order to solve this manufactured "crisis"!
Mean while the common person, without endless tax payers funding at their finger tips to defend themselves, are smashed down, robbed, and plundered of anyway to defend themselves, cause their assest, cash, & properties are taken from them, in the name of the so-called "Drug War!" Or that they could be acused of being "a terrorists," cause they may have excercized their constitutional rights to free speach, the right to bear arms, & right to be secure in their person or property!
Thus, it's obvious, it's clear, it's frightening! That the One Worlders, Theworld money barons, and the NEW WORLD ORDERISTS, have, as they said they would, used the so-called crisis of "drugs in our streets," & guns, etc., to take away our freedoms, "abolish private property," "take away guns," and drain America of it's wealth!23
The shocking fact is too, that many in the different police departments, courts, & other government agencies, & legal systems, have also taken advantage of these "wars" too, in order to make a "killing" at tax payers' and the innocents' expense! Now this is not a charge against those in these government agencies that try hard to be honest, & even fight against corruption and unconstitutional "laws" and methods. But it is a wake up call to the American public to step forwards and start healing and up-holding the constitution before the final thread to it now hanging by a thread, is cut!
What if the goverment were to go after the many different banks that they find out were laundering drug money? Would your accounts also be seized, even though your money is not drug related?! But instead, is your life's savings from many hours of your life which you've sold to different employers throughout the years, for so much per hour that your employers allows you to have?! And, of which you've payed unfair and unconstitutional "income taxes" on, when wages aren't your own corporate profits, and thus shouldn't be taxed!24
Wake up America! Spread the word! These different "wars" are only being used by the elite to have an excuse to take away more of our rights, wealth & enslave you under their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT -- New World Order -- Globalism!25
End Notes:
1- The Case Against Lawyers by Catherine Crier (Hardcover - Oct 2002). Yes, many in very high positions in government, use those positions to rob like the mob! Making billions in the whole process! It's another way to rob the masses like the mob!
3- The American Drug War: Anatomy of a Futile and Costly Police Action July 10, 2000Bruce L. Benson, David W. Rasmussen
7- "Railway Bandits," Reason, July 2001, p. 14.
8- "Railway Bandits," p. 14.
9- "Railway Bandits," p. 15.
10- "Presumed Guilty: The Law's Victims in the War on Drugs," Andrew Schneider & Mary Pat Flaherty. Reprinted from the Pittsburgh Press, 8-11-16, 1991, p. 5-6.
11- Jarret Wollstein, Government Property Seizures out of Control, article, Sat. 5-30-2001:
13- Zeitgeist The Movie, Federal Reserve and those in banking, how they fuel both side of world wars and other wars. How our tax dollars go to bring about our own lose to freedoms! In 5 parts.
15- Jarrent's source: An analysis of U.S. asset forfeiture laws, with extensive legal citations, can be found in the book "Your House Is Under Arrest," by Brenda Grantland, one of America's leading asset defense attorneys. Copies are available from ISIL, 707/726-8796, Another excellent source is "Forfeiting Our Property Rights," by U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill.
16- Ralph A Rossum & G. Alan Tarr, American Constitutional Law, 5th edition, (Bostom & New York: Bedford/ St. Martin's, 1999), volume I: The Structure Of Government, p. 502. The Patriot Act in the name of the "war on terror," made an end run around this Amendment!
17- The Insider, Russell Crowe; Paul Slovic, Editor, Smoking, Risk, Perception, & Policy, (Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001).
18- See also: THE LOOTING OF AMERICA, How over 200 Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws Enable Police to Confiscate Your Home, Bank Accounts & Business Without Trial, by Jarret B. Wollstein, International Society for Individual Liberty > Intellectual Resources > The Looting of America
"Most police agencies view forfeitures as a lucrative source of funds in this time of ever-tightening budgets. Most cop shops have one specially trained person whose job is to take as much stuff as he or she legally can. These people are not fair and are not seeking justice, so things get ugly fast." Ed Rosenthal & William Logan, Atty, Ask Ed: Marijuana Law, Don't Get Busted, (Oakland California: Quick American Archives, 2000), 56.
19- Drug Wars, also a book by that title. Randy Alcorn, Why Pro-Life?, Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers, (Sisters, Oregon: Multnomah Publishers, Inc., 2004; Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, chaper 10: The People Planners,
20- Alcorn, Why Pro-Life?, pp, 39-41.
21- Alcorn, p. 39-41.
22- Richard Vetterli,The Constitution By A Thread, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Paramount Publishers, 1967), pp. 58-60; Jerome Horowitz, The Elders of Israel And The Constitution, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Parliament Publishers, 1970), pp. 119-120.
23- Margaret Haerns, Editor, Gun Violence, Opposing Viewpoints, (Detroit, New York, etc,: Greenhaven Press, Thomson - Gale, 2006; Michael A. Sommers, Individual Rights & Civic Responsibility, The Right To Bear Arms, (New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 2001.
24- Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism, 1-11 parts. Income tax, is it constitutional? "Where is the law?" A progressive income tax was part of the communist plan. Aaron, a famous film maker, exposes & explores this issue & threat to our freedoms.
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