Christkindl or an earlier "Santa Claus"

Christkindl or an earlier "Santa Claus"
Evidence for Christ going to other nations found in later legends about wandering Christ-child, or Christkind going around the earth during Christmas times. Click on picture for historical documentary auto playlist of evidences for Christ's world wide treks!

Legends of Christ's Appearing In Different Guises

Legends of Christ's Appearing In Different Guises
Numerous legends, traditions, art works & early Christian writings tell how Christ went to other nations. In time, these became later stories about Christkind's = Christ-child's wanderings during Christmas seasons during the 10th to 21st centuries. See on You Tube: Christ As Cosmic Cruiser by clicking on this picture.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Globalists' Time Line of Events of Secret Combinations' Works Towards their "New World Order!'"

Early to later Christian Orders

1st-10th centuries, early Christian rituals, symbols & mysteries that centered on Christ's birth, death, descent into the spirit prison, resurrection & ascensions into heaven; plus his post-resurrection visitations to other nations. All these eventually began to turn into legends, traditions, liturgical rites, masses, ceremonies & mystery plays. The different types of hand & wrist grips that centered on Christ's wounds, were passed down in early Christian writings, art works & ritualistic after life realm pilgrimages. In art works & ritual types of Christ, He is a militant Knight-King, who defeats the devil & a personified death in the underworld. Christ lifts, by hand & wrist grips, the spirits out of the spirit prison, to resurrects the dead. Christ, as a militant Knight-King, appears to his Mother Mary, & the resurrected saints appear to many, as Christ guides them, marching over the fallen devil under the doors, or gates of hell, limbo, hades, purgatory. His victory march takes him into all nations of the world. In other art works, Christ appears in different guises, & is greeted by different types of hand & wrist grips that are like those of his descent into hell, limbo, hades, purgatory, the underworld, or anastasis. Harrowing hell & going forth to defeat the devil & his demons throughout the world, Christ grasps the hands or wrists of the races of all people to gather them into his militant Christian order and universal Kingdom. Christ is often depicted in art enthroned as the great Pantocrator, "ruler of all." These militant types, symbols, hand & wrist grips & other Christian militant types of "the militant Christ, became popular in early to later Christian monk orders; in coronation ceremonies of militant Christian Kings; Christian Knight Orders; & Liturgical dramas & Masses of historic Christianity. Christ, St. Michael, the angels of God, & other saints, were & still are all at war with the devil & his demons who are fallen angels. Just as the devil & his fallen angels were & still are at war with Christ & his followers! Each side swearing militant oaths, vows & making covenants to either fight on the side of good; or fight on the side of evil. In historic Christianity, many of these good types eventually became ceremonial types for young men to be knighted as Knights who performed hand clasping oaths of homage to fight & protect pilgrims, virgins, the helpless, & each other on pilgrimages to different pilgrim sites all over Christendom. Plus, to fight for their Captains, Earls, Barons, Lords or Christian kings, when called upon. These hand & wrist grips eventually were fraternalized in later Christian Knight Orders, & eventually in later masonic orders, freemasonry & even the Boy Scouts. Later versions of these oaths were passed down in oaths to Offices in Government; oaths in military & police orders, which originally were done to get those joining, or elected to covenant to protect the nation & defend the constitution. These earlier Christian vows & oaths were also passed down in the judicial system, where in courts those about to give their witness testimonies were required to swear oaths to tell the truth while on the witness stands.*

Satan also set up his own counterfeit rival oaths & hand clasping rituals of paying homage to him. His own counterfeit covenants & "devil's pacts." Plus, his own secret societies or secret combinations to continue to mock, pervert, reverse Christ's symbols, rituals, prayers, types, doctrines & commandments in to his own perverted Luciferian counterfeits in order to continue his war against Christ & his followers. **


During the 11th-16th centuries, the people in Europe were still under the powerful influences of the church. Science was increasing and revolutionizing the way people perceived the world. An increase in inventions caused more progress as each invention became the parent of other inventions, revolutionizing economics, politics, literature, paintings, music, and the churches, despite how man churches resisted it.***

In historic Christianity, the traditional grave for Adam, the remains of his scull & bones were believed to have been below the cross; or the place of the skull. Christ's blood from the cross flowed down & baptized his bones & resurrects Adam & those held in the underworld, by hand & wrist grasping. Scull & Bones became a popular symbol for death & resurrection, as they are often depicted in early to later Christian art works, under the cross; on grave markers; & in Christian tombs, along with hand clasping on grave tomb stones too. In later centuries, these symbols were passed down in fragmented resurrection types & fraternalized types of freemasonry & Scull & Bones' masonic influenced fraternity at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Scull & Bones, is a secret society, or secret combination, that's also called "The Order." An "Order" that seeks to place their members in key positions of News, Judicial positions, high political positions & growing world wide corporations; education & other places. A number of USA's Presidents & others in key positions, have come out of Scull & Bones. (Antony C. Sutton, America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones (1983, 1986, 2002) (Online version).


16th-18th centuries, in the rituals of the Knight Orders, many aspects of the earlier Christian mysteries were fraternalized. To keep these militant Orders under their control, the Clergy caused their Knighted Princes to pass through ceremonies which included political-religious rites of ascension to the throne. Moreover, before a man would enter into an Order, he would fast, pray, and attend masses, make vows or oaths to protect the Church by fighting for his Lord and King. During the arming ceremony of a new Knight, he is clothed in new garments after a ritualistic bath. When a prince ascends to the throne, there is a coronation ceremony like unto the early Christian anointing rites. Barons, Lords, Earls and Knights would take part in rites of passage hand grips and tokens, and would perform oaths or vows to be loyal to the King. These rites are performed on down the line in each level in the political religious pyramid. Thus, in times of war the King calls on his Barons-Lords or Earls to gather their armies of Knights to fight off invaders or settle conflicts and inner disputes through single combats between Champions. These sort of things were later popularized in the pageantry of the Nazis' "New Order." ****

1750's   LDS Apostle, J. Reuben Clark, Salt Lake City, Utah, Deseret News, Church News Section, 6-16-1945, warns: "In the last half of the seventeen hundreds, beginning in the 1750's, two systems of revolutionary thought emerged. One system deals with our social, economic, and governmental order, the material things and aspects of life. This system is two-fold, embracing Socialism and Communism, and with these two... [and other family members,] Nazism, Bolshevism, and Fascism. The other system... deals with our religious beliefs, through what we call "higher criticism," and its twin, "rationalism." Through the nearly two hundred years since their birth... these revolutionary systems have gained such influences as now to constitute a threat against our whole existing order, material and spiritual....  Socialism, reduced to its lowest terms, aims at a revolution, by force if necessary, against our whole social and industrial order and existence, in matters pertaining to the production of the necessaries and luxuries of life, which production, in the new order, is to be wholly taken over by the State. Communism aims at a revolutionary overturning, seemingly also by force if necessary, of our present system of distribution of products, the new system to be completely equalized consumption and distribution... The State is to take over this distribution.... So between the two, we should have State production and State distribution,... [Methods of Take-Over] ...they will gradually secure control of the regular State governmental machinery through the exercise of the elective franchise in the prescribed constitutional manner, but by corrupt methods, including wholesale purchasing of votes by money, or through coercion by fear. Then having so secured control, they will overturn the regular governmental  order and set up the revolutionary forms."*****

1773 to about 1798, the rise of the Illuminati Order was bankrolled by Rothschild banksters. Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati agents infiltrated Masonic Orders in France, England, Germany, American & other places throughout Europe, to gather followers. First USA President, & mason, George Washington warned that masonry had been infiltrated by a conspiratorial secret society, who helped in starting the French Revolution, & sought to destroy the new republic in America.(1)

1786, The Illuminati Order goes underground after a raid by Bavarian authorities.(2)

1798, John Robinson, A. W. warns that this anti-religious conspiracy had infiltrated German, and other masonic Orders, and had helped caused the French Revolution. Plus, how it sought to spread its revolutionary plans throughout Europe, and America.(3)

1798, President George Washington, a mason, acknowledged and warned that there was a conspiracy abusing and working with in Masonic Orders, known as the Illuminati Order.(4)

Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826): "What has destroyed liberty and the rights of man in every government which has ever existed under the sun? The generalizing and concentrating all cares and powers into one body." (Works 6:543).

1830's, The Book of Mormon prophetically warns against secret combinations in the last days:

"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, [Jesus Christ] or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself." (2 Nephi 2:27).

"O the wisdom of God, his mercy and grace! For behold, if the flesh should rise no more our spirits must become subject to that angel who fell from before the presence of the Eternal God, and became the devil, to rise no more. And our spirits must have become like unto him, and we become devils, angels to a devil, to be shut out from the presence of our God, and to remain with the father of lies, in misery, like unto himself... [who] stirreth up the children of men unto secret combinations of murder and all manner of secret works of darkness. O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way for our escape from the grasp of this awful monster..." (2 Nephi 9:8-10, emphasis added).

The Lord God said: "...I must needs destroy the secret works of darkness, and of murders, & of abominations." (2 Nephi 10:15).

An ancient American record was found & translated, which showed the prophets & people of ancient America, about 73 BC, that an earlier civilization before them, had fallen because of corruptions, evil choices, the killing of the prophets who attempted to warn them to repent & not get involved in secret combinations: "I will bring forth out of darkness unto light all their secret works and their abominations... unto every nation that shall possess the land.... their secret abominations have been brought out of darkness and made known unto us." But they were to "...retain all their oaths, and their covenants, and their agreements in their secret abominations.... [&]  shall keep these secret plans of their oaths and their covenants from this people, and only their wickedness and their murders shall ye make known unto them; and ye shall teach them to abhor such wickedness and abominations and murders... [For] they murdered all the prophets of the Lord who came among them to declare unto them concerning their iniquities; and the blood of those whom they murdered did cry unto the Lord their God for vengeance upon those who were their murderers; and thus the judgments of God did come upon these workers of darkness and secret combinations. Yea, and cursed be the land forever and ever unto those workers of darkness and secret combinations, even unto destruction, except they repent before they are fully ripe." (Alma 37:25-31, see verses 20-37).

The ancient American prophets warn the whole future world, us now! That their civilizations, one earlier, and their's, fell because of contentions that arose amongst the people, how different ones sought to alter the law according to their own lusts for power. They fell because secret combinations corrupted the righteous & turned them towards wickedness! How factions in government caused problems, contentions & civil wars. They also had their elites, who professed the blood of nobility, who sought power to rule over the people too.  (Alma 51:2-21). For "...we fear that there is some faction in the government, that they do not send more men to our assistance..." in time of war, when they were fighting for freedom. This reminds us of what happened during the Korean & Vietnam wars, (Alma 58:36). Moroni, under difficult situations of being deprived of provisions & support, wrote how he "...was angry with the government, because of their indifference concerning the freedom of their country." (Alma 59:13).

A secret gang, called Gadianton's secret band of robbers, arose to carry out secret works of darkness and murder to get gain & political powers by placing "in power and authority" members of their murderous gang. (Helaman 2:4-5). Like what's been happening for decades now in the USA, amongst the corrupt, lazy members of Congress & the Senate, their corrupt political stunts of voting for thousands of pages of unread bills & acts, which were then signed into laws! The ancient American prophets warned how "the voice of the people, and they who chose evil, were more numerous than they who chose good, therefore they were ripening for destruction, for the laws had become corrupted." (Helaman 5:2).
Ancient American prophets continued to warn how, "...Satan did stir up the hearts of the more part of the Nephites, insomuch that they did unite with those bands of robbers, and did enter into their covenants and their oaths, that they would protect and preserve one another in whatsoever difficult circumstances they should be placed, that they should not suffer for their murders, and their plunderings, and their stealings.... [For] they did have their signs, yea, their secret signs, and their secret words; and this that they might distinguish a brother who had entered into the covenant, that whatsoever wickedness his brother should do he should not be injured by his brother, nor by those who did belong to his band, who had taken this covenant. And thus they might murder, and plunder, and steal, and commit whoredoms and all manner of wickedness, contrary to the laws of their country and also the laws of their God." (Helaman 6:21-23, 24-30; see National Geographics Channel, a documentary about MS13 produced by Andrew Tkach, World's Most Dangerous Gang); See also: The New Mafia: Human Trafficking Along U.S. / Mexican Border).

How that these secret combinations had "seduced the more part of the righteous until they had come down to believe in their works and partake of their spoils, and to join with them in their secret murders and combinations. And thus they did obtain the sole management of the government, insomuch that they did trample under their feet and smite and rend and turn their backs upon the poor and the meek, and humble followers of God." (Helaman 6:38-39; see also Rev. Lindsey Williams, his books & lectures: To Seduce A Nation; The None Energy Crisis; Syndrome of Control).

How those who spoke against "the corruptness of their law" were vilified as speaking against the people, when the prophets were warning against what was bringing about their loss of freedoms! (Helaman 8:3-6; 3 Nephi 6:23, 27-30). How "...the regulations of the government were destroyed, because of the secret combination of the friends and kindreds of those who murdered the prophets." How the righteous were seduced and became wicked, or were turned from their righteousness. (3 Nephi 7:6-15). How that it was the secret combinations "that did destroy the peace" of the government. (3 Nephi 9:9).

Prophetically, the ancient american prophets, about AD 400- 421, warned, after witnessing the destruction of their people through wars caused by wickedness & secret combinations & rebellion against God; they also warned that their words would come forth in a day "when the blood of saints shall cry unto the Lord, because of secret combinations and the works of darkness." (Mormon 8:27).

Moroni prophetically notes how it was made known unto him that secret combinations' "oaths and combinations... are had among all people... And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not. Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain... Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up. For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies..." (Ether 8:20-25, emphasis added).

2-27-1833, the prophet Joseph Smith, at Kirtland Ohio, was given a "Word of Wisdom," by revelation. The Lord prophetically warned him & the saints: "In consequence of evils and designs which do & will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you" about the use of strong alcoholic drinks & tobacco, etc. (Doctrine & Covenants 89:4).

1830's--1849's (March 10, 1844), the prophet Joseph Smith warns: "Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people [members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,] will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction." (Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844; Also: D. Michael Stewart: "I Have a Question," Ensign, June 1976, 64-65). Numerous LDS leaders, from that time on, have passed down the prophetic comments, though they vary as to exact wording, that there would come a time when the USA's Constitution would be in trouble, would "hang by a thread," or would be in danger of being destroyed by secret combinations. Thus, LDS/Mormon prophets & apostles have continued to warn, for many years now, that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon) people, should "awake" & help up-hold the constitution from falling. That they should stand up & do their part to preserve our God given freedoms! ******

1848, Karl Marx is hired to write the Communist Manifesto by The League of Just Men, an extension of the Illuminati Order.(5) Later Russian KGB documents contain hidden small Illuminati symbols on periods, & acknowledge the Illuminati Order's goals for world conquest. (Angels & Demons Revealed, Patrick Nacnee, 2004, Historical Documentary about the Illuminati).

June 1889, Andrew Carnegie, an atheist, & disciple of Social Darwinism, preached the "Gospel of Wealth" in an article appearing in North American Review. Thus, he said that this Order was pushing for a redistribution of wealth. "Carnegie proposed merely a refinement in its administration; the premise of his argument was that the present social order was the best of all possible orders."(6)

1890's, Rockefeller's Standard Oil, is refining 90% of all the crude oil in the U.S.(7)

March, 1891, the Rothschild's secret society is reorganized by Lord Afred Milner, the key financier of the Bolshevik revolution.(8)

1904, John Moody, "a celebrant of this new economic order,"(9) notes how the Rockefeller & J. P. Morgan groups' money gave them extensive political & economical powers. That their networking arteries and influences had spread forth to influence our whole national life, & "every home and hamlet..."(10)

1910, international bankers & conspirators gathered at Jekyll Island for a secret meeting to draft what would later become the Federal Reserve System.(11)  Christmas season, 1913, international conspirators in control of international banking systems, seek more control by pushing through Congress, The Federal Reserve Act, when a lot of congress men had gone home. (See: America: Freedom to Fascism, by Aaron Russo). This made it possible for those who seek the New World Order to control and manipulate the flow of money and work on printing money for the coming New World Order.(12)

On the back of our one dollar bills are symbols for the coming New Order, for in Latin it reads: "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM," or "A New Order of the Ages." Under the pyramid in Roman numerals is the year 1776, up above is the all seeing eye, an early Christian symbol for the trinity, later borrowed by masons and the Illuminati.(30) On each side of this, in Latin it reads: "ANNUIT CPTIS" announcing the birth of. Thus, we have announcing the birth of the New Order, 1776.(13)

September, 1917, Colonel Edward Mandell House, as an Illuminati agent & point man for super rich international bankers, & one world conspirators in the Rothschild-Warburg-Rockefeller cartel. He became an adviser to U.S. President, Woodrow Wilson. He wrote the first draft of the League of Nations covenant, & convinced Wilson to gather a group of intellectuals to devise terms for a world government.(14) The league was to serve as the first political step towards forming a "world government."(15)

November, 1917, members of the Rockefeller family, plus very powerful men in Europe and America, sent in Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin, [April-22-1870 to Jan. 21-1924], with enough money to seize power and take over and communize the Bolsheviks revolution.(16) Lenin stated that their revolution was helping to establish a "New World Order."(17) Lenin also used socialist writings of Charles P. Steinmetz, as propaganda, for "Lenin's reply was a studied attempt to furnish material for propaganda, writing of "the necessity and inevitability of supplanting capitalism by a new social order" and using other hackneyed phrases familiar to those who study revolutionary literature." R. M. Whitney, Reds In America, (Boston, Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1924, 1970), 70.

May 19, 1919, "Colonel" House, acting as host for both the English and American Round Table societies; met in secret at the Majestic Hotel in Paris, to conspire to create the Council on Foreign Relations = CFR.(18) In this meeting, members of the British secret society, The Round Table, also discussed ways in which to propagandize the people of America, England, & Western Europe into seeing the glories of  "World Government." This Round Table grew out of Cecil Rhodes' life-long dream to bring about a "new world order."(19) Its association, the American Round Table played an important part in organizing of the Council on Foreign Relations = CFR. A number of Presidents of the United States; plus numerous people in Presidential Executive Administration positions in the U. S. Government(20) have been members of the CFR too. Thus, even though they have sworn oaths to up-hold and defend the U.S. constitution, they have belong to an organization, the CFR, which seeks to replace the U.S. constitution with a One World Government, or New World Order.(21)

"In 1919 House met in Paris with members of a British "secret society" called the Round Table in order to from an organization whose job it would be to propagandize the citizens of America, England and Western Europe on the glories of World Government." (Larry Abraham, Call It Conspiracy, (Seattle, Washington: Double A Publications, 1985), p. 90).

President Woodrow Wilson appointed Raymond Fosdick, an under secretary-general of the League of Nations, to help organize the CFR. In fact, Fosdick became a moving force in the creation of the Foreign Policy Association & CFR, for he got Rockefeller interested and involved in the idea and question of "the realignment of global power that would begin to take place in the decade after World War I."(22) 1921, July 29, the Council on Foreign Relations, = CFR was officially formed. This council is working towards establishing the New World Order. "The admitted goal of the CFR is to abolish the Constitution and replace our once independent Republic with a World Government."(23) 1920's, the Jersey Company enters into a cartel with the German petrochemical monopoly, I. G. Farben and continued even after Nazi leader Adolf Hitler rose to power.(24)

1928-1940, Russian Communist leader, Joseph Stalin, under Collectivization, forced confiscations of grains, farming tools, & farm lands for State Run Farms, caused depopulation of millions who were starved to death, as peasants sought to find food.

1923-29, the Federal Reserve, as a tool in the hands of conspiring international bankers, inflated the money supply to 62% in order to bid the stock market up.(25)
October 24, 1929, "Black Thursday,"(26) the inflated money balloon was burst by the international banking conspirators and the results was the Stock Market Crash of 1929.(27)

1932, John D. Rockefeller Jr. was delighted with the conclusions of surveys made by the Federal Council of Churches and the Institute of Social and Religious Research, which issued a report, Re-Thinking Missions. He liked how it "complemented the new view of global alignment he had obtained from involvement in the Institute for Pacific Relations, the Foreign Policy Association," the CFR, and the rest of the new "internationalist" organizations.(28)

1936, Things to Come, a British made movie, was shown; the screen play to it was written by H. G. Wells. Earlier, The Shape of Things to Come is a work of science fiction of H. G. Wells, published in 1933, it speculates on future events from 1933 to 2106. The book is dominated by Wells's belief in a world state as the solution to mankind's problems. Wells also wrote in 1939, & published in January 1940, The New World Order. Wells wrote: "Countless People will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it."

In about 39:57 into this on line version of Things to Come, a man of "World Communications," flew a "new plane" into an area to scout out & seek to establish trade routes again. He talks of how "Our New Order has an objection to private air planes." The "Chief" leader of the area objects, telling him of his hopes to get their "public" air planes going again. Plus, how that: "This is an independent sovereign state at war. I don't know anything about your Order." The stranger tells the leader: "We don't approve of sovereign states.... we mean to stop them." Thus, dramatic hints to Wells's vision of a future World Government, called a "New World Order," is presented.

1930-45, Adolf Hitler & his followers, seek to establish an earlier version of the European Union, by force of arms & military conquests. Hitler's unification dreams & "New Order" in Europe, was to be part of & used to help bring in a "New World Order." Hitler said: "National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a New World Order." (Alex Jones, End Game, Also: The Occult History of the Third Reich).
1939, the Rockefeller's Standard Oil/Farben cartel, with its contracts with Nazi Germany, caused many Americans to wonder where the Rockefeller's patriotic loyalties where with.(29) 1942, Farben was known to be operating with slave labor from Nazi Germany's concentration camps.(30)

After 12-7-1941: After the Japanese attacked the USA's navy base in Hawaii, Pearl Harbor; Cordell Hull, Secretary of State, read the accusations that Japanese representatives gave him concerning why Japan had attacked the USA. One reason was that USA was alleged to be "Preparing to attack Germany & Italy, two powers striving to establish a New Order in Europe."

1943-45, Communists spies and international conspirators establish the communist dominated United Nations = UN. A communist front seeking to disarm America and the world, while building up arms in order to police the world under the "One World Government,"(31) or New World Order.(32)

April 16, 1945, Time magazine says that the first Secretary-General for the San Francisco United Nations was Alger Hiss. He was also a member of CFR, held a high position in the State Department, and yet, some have charged that he was a Soviet Spy, & he was convicted of perjury.(33)

May 7, 1945, Nazi Germany surrenders.(34) June 26, 1945, the United Nations Charter was signed without the USA Senate even reading it.(35)

June-August, 1945, J. Reuben Clark Jr., U.S. Undersecretary of State and Ambassador to Mexico, gave this prophetic warning: The UN Charter was a document that didn't promote peace, but instead it provided a means to bring about future wars according to how the UN decides wars should be fought.(36)

6-16-1945, J. Reuben Clark Jr., also notes how one writer says: "...the revolution which is to replace capitalistic society by a new order must rest on the realization of the fact that they are being robbed of their freedom as persons." Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret News, LDS Church News Section.

October 24, 1945, pro-communist Norwegian Socialist Trygve Lie became the next Secretary-General of the UN.(55) Earlier, Lie put Joseph Stalin's chief rival, Leon Trotsky into prison and later deported him to Mexico were he was assassinated by one of Stalin's henchmen, on August 21, 1940. Trotsky was imprisoned and murdered because he kept writing about the ruthlessness of the communist dictator, Joseph Stalin.(37)

1945, Nelson Rockefeller was on of the 74 CFR members who was in San Francisco, California for the founding of the United Nations. Later the Rockefellers took another step toward The New World Order, by donating the land for the United Nations complex in New York.(38)

Cordell Hull, former Secretary of State, was concerned that Hilter's New Order was building up refuges and militant strong holds in South and Central American countries.(39) Argentina, he said had become "the refuge and headquarters in this hemisphere of the fascist movement."(40) One of the controversial events among those who sought to form the UN was how Nelson Rockefeller wanted to include Peron's Nazi influenced regime in Argentina into the New World Order. Nicolo Tucci, who later resigned from the head of the Bureau of Latin American Research, in the State Department, said that: "my bureau was supposed to undo the Nazi and fascist propaganda in South America and Rockefeller was inviting the worst fascists and Nazis to Washington."(41) When the verbal showdown came, Molotov, the Soviet Foreign Minister, countered by quoting earlier comments made against "Peron and Argentine fascism" by Roosevelt, Hull, and even Rockefeller.(42) The conference continued to squabble over different issues, and work out amendments for "the "one-world" concept of international order..."(43) The Nazi elements was something that was a thorn in the Communist's side for their ideas about the New World Order, was very different from the Orders which Germany had sought to establish in Europe.(44) Moreover, America and Russia had just passed through two wars fighting against Germany, and had not completely had time to heal from their wounds. Thus, it was no wonder that when Rockefeller's attempted to include Argentine's Nazis into the UN, this was met with a lot of resistance.(45)

1948, Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers testified that, even before World War 2, during the 1930's, Communists had infiltrated the State Department, and other governmental departments, and established networks and communist cells. Alger Hiss, who was involved in laying the foundations for the UN, he was named by them as being a communist spy.(46)

6-24-1950, 25th Korea time, communist North Korea invades South Korea.(47) General Douglas MacArthur attempts to fight a "no win war." He complains about how the high command in Washington had tied their hands so that they couldn't give a good fight. He testified that his superiors in Washington forbade him to give hot pursuit of enemy planes that attacked their own. That Manchuria and Siberia were sanctuaries of inviolate protection for all enemy forces. How that he was denied the right to bomb hydroelectric plants along the Yalu river, and every plant in North Korea which supplied electric power to Manchuria and Siberia. How that he was not allowed to bomb Racin's Communist Soviet Union stocked supply depots, where the North Korean army got their weapons and arms to kill American Soldiers. He says that he felt that one by one his weapons were being taken away from him.(48) Chiang Kai-shek was forbidden to send in troops to help South Korea, even though he offered to help.(49)

1951, Communist Red China invades and subjugates Tibet.(50)

April 10, 1953, Socialist Sweden named Dag Hammarskjld became Secretary-General of UN.(51) General Mark Clark who succeeded General Matthew Ridgway (CFR), in 1953, speculated about the possibility that Communists had infiltrated the U.S. Government, and that there may have been hidden enemies in their most secret councils.(52)

1954, James Burnham documented how communists had infiltrated into many key positions in the U. S. government. How that when they got into positions of authority and rank, they would hire and place other communists into different positions, and so on.(53)

May, 1954, Prince Berhard of the Netherlands, met with a group of international conspirators in the Hotel de Bildergerg in Oostebeek, Holland to work out more efforts towards bring about their goal of world government, or the New World Order. This branch of the conspiracy was named after the place of their first at this Hotel. Thus, The Bilderbergers are also working towards the New World Order.(54)

May, 1954, "The Man who created the Bilderbergers is His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. The Prince is an important figure in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil)... Prince Bernhard makes no effort to hide the fact that the ultimate goal of the Bilderbergers is a world government." New World Order. (Larry Abraham, Call It Conspiracy, (Seattle, Washington: Double A Publications, 1985), p. 102-103).

November 27, 1954, Alger Hiss was released from prison.(55)

1950's Nelson Rockefeller distributes a photograph of himself holding a globe in his hands. Thus, like the early Christian art works of Christ holding a globe to symbolize that he is the ruler of the world; was Rockefeller suggesting with this type of symbolism, that he sought to rule the world?(56)

1956, communist Soviet Union invades Hungary to crush anti-Communist up-rising there.(57)

George Wilson Malone (August 7, 1890 - May 19, 1961), elected to the Senate 1946; & again, 1952. In a 1957 speech to the Senate, entitled, The Banking System, he warned: "I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the past 49 years, they would move on Washington, they would not wait for an election....It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States". Also, he believed "...that there is a pincers movement to destroy America-- by making the American people so subject to foreign control, and so dependent on foreign economic and political decisions, that America will surrender their national independence and accept membership in a world-wide socialist dictatorship called World Government." (The Dan Smoot Report, 1-8-1962), cited in: Jerreld L. Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival(Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 453, note 25, emphasis added here.

March 13, 1958, Edward Hunter, Communist Psychological Warfare (Brainwashing), 7-8: "Since Hungary, the world should know that communism is not an ideology except as a weapon for conquest.... They seek to conquer the United States in a manner so that it "voluntarily" falls into the Red orbit.... Their objective is to make the same use of the American people as they make of the Czechs in the uranium mines in Czechoslovakia, and as they make of the Chinese in the mills of China. We are to become subjects of a "New World Order" for the benefit of a mad little knot of despots in the Kremlin." (Emphasis added). Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, 211-212, note 2).

1959, November 25, Study No. 7, published by CFR, openly states that they are "building a new international order... including states labeling themselves as 'Socialist'." They also don't try to hide the fact that their goal is to "abolish the United States with its Constitutional guarantees of liberty."(58)

1959, Communist Red China invades Tibet again.(59)

1961, UN makes war with anti-Communist Congolese province of Katanga.(60) The Un's "peace-force" are said to have bombed hospitals, attacked ambulances, and terrorized the civilian populations.(61)

September 1961, US Department of State published Freedom from War, The United States Program for General & Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, Department of State #7277, Disarmament Series 5, which states plans to disarm the USA & the nations, while in progressive stages, arming the United Nations to the point where "no state could challenge the progressively strengthened United Nations Peace Force."

November 3, 1961, Burmese Marxist U Thant was appointed Secretary-General of the UN.(62) His
personal adviser was Viktor Mechislavovich Lessiovsky, who was a KGB agent.(63)

10-1962, LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference Report: "I raised a voice of warning two years ago following my return from South America. And now, today, Cuba is being used as a base to spread subversion and armed revolution throughout Latin America. Cuba is being used as a funnel through which communists are infiltrating other American Republics. There can be no stability in Latin America so long as "the shadow of the hammer and sickle is darkening the Western Hemisphere." The communist objective is to isolate North America." Jerreld L. Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival(Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 238-39.

1966, Communist agents infested(64) State Department issued and encouraged policies that helped communist countries. For example, they encouraged businessmen to engage in trade with communist Russia.(65)
  •       May 18, 1961, JFK hints to a North American Union type, in speaking at House of Commons, Ottawa Canada: That Mexico, USA & Canada should work towards "Union," or better "inter-American partnerships," in "inter-American affairs," as part of an "inter-American community."
  •       But then something seems to have changed his thinking; for he turned on the globalists & started undoing Federal Reserve Act, that they sneaked through Congress 12-24-1913, when most of Congress were away for Christmas break.
  •       He signs Executive Order 11110 & had printed up 4.3 billions in Silver certificates, instead of FED notes.
  •      JFK is alleged to have said that he'd smash the CIA into a thousand pieces. If so, this must have troubled the CIA.
  •       July 29, 1921, CFR officially formed with admitted goal to abolish Constitution & replace our once independent Republic with a World Government.
  •       1926, Allen Dulles joins CFR & later became its president.
  •      11-26-1963, LBJ puts Allen on the Warren Commission to investigate JFK assassination, ironic!
  •       Other New World Order dots &connections are how John J. McCloy, CFR, World "Bankster," is put on Warren Commission, which was to investigate & report on their findings concerning JFK's murder. McCoy is alleged to have influenced, behind the scenes, different media outlets to go along with the lone gunman theory. (See: Research Articles on JFK Assassination, by Michael T Griffith).
  •      Gerald Ford was selected for theWarren Commission by President Lyndon B. Johnson, 11-1963.

The birth of "Unions," such asEuropean Union, a super state, one in a number of states, for World Government!
  •      1917-1991, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR, or Soviet Union, was one of the globalists'first UNIONS.  
  • Adolf Hitler said that National Socialism would help build a "New Order," or "New World Order." His unpublished book, New World Order, 1928, if authentic, tells how he sought the Unification of Europe.
  •      1945, "The World Federalist Movement advocated the introduction of world citizenship and a union of all democratic countries
  •      1945, Arab League is formed, as a step towards Arab Union.
  •      September 19, 1946, at the University of Zurich, former Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, pro New World Order, spoke of "European unity." Proposing ‘a kind of United States of Europe’ with a "Council of Europe."
  •      1944-57numerous "Unions" & councils & conventions, hammered out one treaty, trade & aid agreements after another. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 4 April 1949Assembly of the Council of Europe. Nov. 1950, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, steps towards the super state European court system.
  •      1954-55, the first Bilderberg meetingsof globalists, worked out ways to bring about treaties that would become steps towards a European Union, & with money called the euro!

January 28, 1966, Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara (CFR) in a Department of Commerce announcement stated that shipments of war supplies were coming into communist North Vietnamese port of Haiphong from communist Russia.(66)

December 16, 1966, under Thant's leadership, Rhodesia became an economic target as the UN pushed for sanctions against anti-Communist Rhodesia.(67)

January 5, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson signed Executive Order #11322. This Order outlaws and severely restricts a wide range of imports and exports between the United States and Rhodesia.(68)

July 29, 1968, Johnson signed another Order #11419 barring all U.S. imports from, and exports to, Rhodesia.(69) During this time U.S. troops and Soviet supplied communist North Vietnamese were killing and maiming each other in during the Viet Nam war. Rhodesia had offered to send troops to help U.S. forces in Nam. What did the conspirators do in the U.S. Government? They refuse their help, and also caused the said import/export orders against Rhodesia! While at the same time, they permitted extensive shipments of products and materials to go to the Soviet Union and other Communist countries!(70)

1968, Communist Soviet Union invades Czechoslovakia.(71)

1969, Thant seeks to release economic boycott of Communist Cuba.(72)

1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, wrote in Between Two Ages, for the establishment of a new international monetary system and a global taxation system.(73)

April 7, 1970, Thant praises Vladimir I. Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union, and his ideas were reflected in the U.N.'s charter, and of his ideals of "peaceful coexistence among states..."(74)

November 1970, the Socialist Internationalists stated that their ultimate goal is nothing less that world government. "As a first step towards it, they seek to strengthen the United Nations."(75)

1971, Senator Harry F. Byrd, (I.-Virginia) pushed through an amendment in Congress to reinstate Rhodesia as a source for chrome ore, especially after the Russian, from which the U.S. were getting it from, increased the price of it. His amendment legislated how "the importations of chrome from a Free World country cannot be prohibited if that same strategic material is being imported from a Communist dominated country."(76) The Byrd Amendment went into effect January 1, 1971. Communists and CFR members began to fight against and pressure Congress to recall it.(77)

May 21, 1971, James Reston (CFR), boldly declared in the New York Times, that President "Nixon would like to preside over the creation of a new world order..." This same Richard Nixon is said to often use this phrase the "new world order" when speaking of the superstate.(78)

October 25, 1971, Communist Red China is accepted into the world body, or UN.(79) Early, 1972, native Austrian, Kurt Waldheim, who during WW2 had been a Nazi infantry lieutenant; he became the UN's Secretary General.(80)

2-25-1972, USA's president, Richard Nixon, in communist China, during the toast at the Hall of the People in Beijing China, talked about "...the hope that each of us has to build a New World Order."
1973, the so-called energy crisis, or the oil crisis was staged "to build the New World Order..."(81) David Rockefeller formed the Trilateral Commission "to promote world government by encouraging economic interdependence among the superpowers."(82)

April 23, 1975, during a speech to the Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, (separate from the national CFR), Waldheim mentions how impressed he was with the ideas in Wendell Willkie's book One World.(83) Willkie toured the world with CFR members Gardner Cowles, Jr. and Joseph Barnes. Barnes had been named by Whittaker Chambers, and others as being a Communist agent.(84) The book was written from the notes and outlines provided by these two CFR members, one of which was a Communist agent.(85)
1976, Congressmen Larry P. McDonald warns that the plots to establish a New World Order are real. He was later killed on August 31, 1983, because he was aboard the Korean Airlines 007 flight that was shot down over Soviet airspace. Was he murdered for speaking out against the New World Order?(86)

March 18, 1977, President Jimmy Carter reestablished the embargo against Rhodesia by signing House Resolution bill 1746.(87)

1977-79, George Bush served as director of The Council of Foreign Relations, an organization which
has roots in the Order of the Illuminati.(88)

April 18, 1980, the free world lost another nation to Communism, for after Rhodesia suffered under the pressures put on them by the International Marxist Conspiracy, it became the terrorist-ruled, Communist-backed, nation renamed as Zimbabwe.(89)

1977-1981, Henry Kissinger, CFR, President Nixon's foreign policy advisor, and working for the international Order, worked for them in helping to gain more control over resources, and to establish a One World Food Bank. He is reported to have said that if they can control food supplies, etc., the New World Order will be able to control the people.(90)

1983, Lawrence "Larry" Patton McDonald, Congressman, on Crossfire, warned again, about those seeking to establish a New World Order.

1987, December 15, Senator Jesse Helms, speaking before the Senate, he warned that the State Department, the Department of Commerce, money center banks, multinational corporations, the media, the educational establishment, the entertainment industry, and the large tax-exempt foundations are all "working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create... a new world order." He also names the CFR, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, and the Bilderberger Group too. All these are coordinating, planning, and working towards establishing a new world order. Moreover, he says that if they continue to run unchecked, they "could ultimately subvert our constitutional order." Thus, our nation's sovereignty would be done away under "globalism" or the "one-world" Order.(91)

1990's Communist leader Gorbachev also spoke of working towards a "New World Order" too.(92)

1991, President George Bush, during the Persian Gulf War, uses the U.N. peace force to pounce on any nation, if it should step out of line behind the banner of "The New World Order." This is what may have happened in the cases with the leaders of Panama and Iraq.(93)

By 1991, nine of the 13 Central Intelligence Agency = CIA's directors have been members of the CFR.(94)

1991, January 29, President George Bush said during his State of the Union address that what was happening in the Persian Gulf War was "something larger than ourselves... [as Americans. For] What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea: a new world order... The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order."(95)

Late 1960s early 1970s?, during a Brigham Young University Devotional, and during his talk Vietnam--Victory Or Surrender, the apostle Ezra Taft Benson expressed his opinions, and gave this warning: There is an international secret combination which has, for many years now, been working hard to destroy the American Constitution, so that they can replace it with a One World Government constitution. This combination is responsible for creating the communist founded, and communist controlled United Nations charter. Furthermore, they seek to shred the United States constitution in order to merge America and the communist countries into a One World Government. He further warned that the time was very close at hand when the prophecy about the constitution hanging by a thread, was about to come to pass. He called upon Church members, and all righteous freedom loving Americans to awake to this international secret combination which seeks to overthrow our constitutional freedom, and the freedom of all nations.(96)

President Richard Nixon: "Nixon would like to preside over the creation of a new world order..." This phrase the "new world order" was often used by Nixon when speaking of the super state.(97)

President Jerry Ford, by calling for Henry Kissinger and others, to development a UN global strategy and policy for food and oil, he put his stamp of approval on the world government's control over resources.(98) And thereby also "clearly signaled his acceptance of the "new international order" being sought by Kissinger."(99) Kissinger has stated on numerous occasions that his goal is to create a "New World Order."(100) 
President George Bush, January 29, 1991, State of the Union address: "What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea: a new world order... The world can therefore seize this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order."(101)

A book that Ezra Taft Benson recommends that all people should read is Gary Allen's None Dare Call It Conspiracy. For many years now, Allen has warned the America people about those who seek to thrash the United State Constitution by establishing a "New World Order."(103) He had even quoted these conspirators' words about their "New World Order"(104) even before communist leader Mikhail Gorbachev; United States President George Bush, & various members of the U.S. Congress had come
out openly during the early 1990's with statements about how they themselves are seeking to establish a "New World Order."(105) Allen along with FBI agent Dan Smoot,(106) has named members of the secret society(107) controlled Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). Some of which were named before they became Presidents of the United States! In fact, Allen warned that: "This "fraternity" of Insiders has been so successful that its members have virtually dominated every administration in Washington since the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt."(108) Thus, some of the members of the CFR who have become Presidents are: Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Harry S. Truman; Dwight D. Eisenhower; John Fitzgerald Kennedy; Lyndon Baines Johnson; and Richard M. Nixon.(109) In 1976, Allen mentioned another organization, that is working to establish the New World Order. It is the United World Federalists (UWF). Among the names of those who he says have actually advocated abandoning our independence to this New World Order are those who have also endorsed the UWF. And they are: Harry S. Truman; Adlai Stevenson; Hubert Humphrey; Richard M. Nixon; Jacob Javits; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Frank Church; Justice William O. Douglas; and Ronald Reagan.(110) Four of these named by Allen have been, or they eventually became Presidents of the United States of America. To become a President, one must be sworn into this high office by taking an oath on the Holy Bible to defend and protect the United States Constitution against all enemies, and those who would destroy it!

However, in 1976, before Ronald Reagon became the President of the United States, Allen predicted that Reagan would probably run for a higher position in the Federal Government. Furthermore, he said that if he did make it to the number 2 position, or the Vice Presidency,(111) he would probably become another political puppet controlled by the secret societies behind the scenes.(112)

Christian Pastor Chuck Smith warned that there are powerful leaders throughout the world are seeking and are all working to bring about a New World Order. That they seek to bring every nation under a World Government, under a World Police Force. The Order of the Illuminati; the Trilateral Commission; The Council of Foreign Relations are all working to establish a New World World. Bring in a one world economy, under a world leader. The back of the dollar bill under the pyramid reads in Latin "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which means the New World Oder.(113) Gary H. Kah says it reads: "The New Order of the Ages (or The New World Order) in Latin."(114)

Berlin Wall. In 1961, Communist leader Khrushchev, & other communist leaders in East Germany were concerned with how many people were fleeing communism by passing over from communist controlled East German into free West Germany. And so, in August 1961, they ordered their borders closed, and started to string barbed wire bars along their borders. Furthermore, they eventually built a ten-foot concrete wall--the "Wall of Shame"(115) or "The Berlin Wall." In this way they attempted to damn the flood of freedom seeking refugees from escaping free West Germany. "By calling for the development of a global strategy and policy for food and oil within the structure of the United Nations, the President [Ford] clearly signaled his acceptance of the "new international order" being sought by Kissinger."(116)

After they gain control over as much of the food, transportation, and distribution corporations as possible, they will then be able to stage "food shortages" and rig price controls, and increase the peoples' dependence upon their outlets to supply food. At the same time, communist countries are not only stock piling arms, but also food too, such as U.S. made grains.(117) Thus, while the U.S. reserves of food and feed grain have been, and still are being depleted in order to build up communist food supplies. The U.S. tax payer gets stuck with the bill for all this.(118)

Secret Combinations' Corrupting the Youth & People Thus Ripened for A Take Over!

1919, communists planned to: "Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial. Destroy their ruggedness."(119) 1954, James Burnham wrote that in the communists' drive towards world domination, they have infiltrated different media outlets.(139) Some have even become writers in Hollywood.(120) 1958, W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Communist, he warned that one of the many communist goals and "The Future Task" back then was to: "Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV." Another goal was to: "Present homo-sexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."(121)

After 1945, German Gestapo officer in France, Klaus Barbie, after he escaped to South America, he hooked up with fascist Italian terrorist Stefano delle Chiaie in Bolivia. They and other newly established Nazi Orders in South America, continued to spread their ideology by publishing, in Spanish, Hitler's Mein Kampf and other Nazi favorites, such as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, in Argentina. Wilfried von Owen, a senior aide to Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, went into Buenos Aires and began to write neo-Nazi tracts for a publication in Europe.(122)

July 1980, Nazi cultists, gun-drug runner Klaus Barbie, and Stefano delle Chiaie master minded a coup which was funded by Argentine intelligence and the shadowy P-2. This coup, the Garcia Meza, was able to usher in a new period of brutality in Bolivia's history. Thus, for a period of time, the government was under the control of drug smugglers, terrorists, Fascist cultists, and Nazi war criminals. During which time they also openly flaunted their Nazi banners, swastikas, and songs at La Paz, and in Bolivian clubs and bars. Furthermore, they also forged links with other murderous leaders, such as El Salvador's Major Roberto D' Aubuisson. It was also during their reign of power that Barbie went to work at removing all opposition to his ever growing drug trade business dealings. However, eventually these dealers in dope and death were exposed; for in 1983, Barbie, the Gestapo "Butcher of Lyon" France was caught, after the people of Bolivia had enough of their Cocaine Army. He was extradited to stand trial in France for what he did there during World War 2.(123)

After 9-11-2001, ever growing groups of documentary film makers, scholars, radio & TV talk show hosts that have looked into the 9-11 attack, now testify that 9-11 was a "false flag op," & an "in side job!" That there's more to the incident than what the media of the time presented!9-11 An Inside Job, A Military Industrial Complex Plot!

2010, freedoms, rights, & the constitution is under the ax again, "in the name of protecting freedoms," and in the name of "security," as modern inventions are used to spy, scan bodies down to the bear skin, invade, regulate, fine, tax & put in jail different ones for the smallest "fractions," of stupid unjust laws that are enforced by an ever increasing police state. With thousands of naked body images, from airport scans alleged to have been stored on computers, as people at air ports pass through body scans; many of us wonders if the pedophiles & sex offenders are coming out of the wood works to see if they can fill the Transportation Security Administration = TSA's body scanner positions at USA's airports, if many haven't already! Well, aren't you judging those who are working in such jobs as being "guilty" of being sex offenders and pedophiles? If that question is or could be asked, then would it become illegal to ask: "Well, aren't those doing the scans, judging the people being scanned as being guilty of being terrorists, until proven innocent?" (See: End of Liberty, Directed by Greg Parker).

2009-11, Elections promises made are not kept by different ones, who, in the name of freedom & liberty, continue their globalist push towards a "New Order."

End Notes:

*  Hallenfahrt Christis, in Richard Paul Wulker, Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Poesie, (Leipzig: Wigands, 1897), 3 volumes; Himmel Hölle Fegefeuer, Das Jenseits im Mittelalter, 1994, Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zurich, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munchen; Les Ivoires Gothiques, Francais, Par Raymond Koechlin, Planches, Reimpression, (Paris, France: F. DE Nobele, 1968); Alan Richardson and John Bowden, (Editors), Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Westminster Press, CR SCM Press Ltd 1983, first Published in Great Britain, 1983, entitled: A New Dictionary of Christian Theology). See the article entitled: The Descent into Hell. by A. T. Hanson; Alice K. Turner, 1993, The History of Hell, (New York, San Diego, U.S.A.; London, England: Harcourt Brace & Company); Anna D. Kartsonis, Anastasis, The Making of An Image, (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1986); Carol Zaleski, Otherworld Journeys, Accounts of Near-Death Experiences In Medieval and Modern Times, (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987); Geoffrey R. King, The Forty Days, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.M. B. Eerdmans, 1949); Hanns Swarzenski, Monuments Of Romanesque Art, The Art of Church Treasures in North-Western Europe, (The University of Chicago Press, 1954 and 2nd, Edition, 1967); Henry Ansgar Kelly, The Devil at baptism: Ritual, Theology, and Drama, (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1985); Ignazio Mancini, O.F.M., (Historical Survey), Archaeological Discoveries, Relative to the Judaeo-Christians, (Jerusalem: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Collection minor #10, Franciscan Printing Press, 1970); Jeffrey Burton Russell, Satan, The Early Christian Tradition, (Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 1981); John P. Lundy, Monumental Christianity, Or the Art and Symbolism of the Primitive Church, (New York: J. W. Bouton, 1875 & 1882); You Tube: CHRIST DESCENT INTO HELL BAPTISM FOR DEAD AS TYPE OF DESCENT 1 & CHRIST DESCENT INTO HELL BAPTISM FOR DEAD AS TYPE OF DESCENT 2J. P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus; Series Latina, 221 volumes; (Paris: 1844-1864); Patrologia Cursus Completus, Series Graeca (Paris: 1857-1866, 161 vols).

Dr. Huge, What is a Temple, (IDE-T), The Idea of a Temple in History, (Provo, Utah: F.A.R.M.S.), from: The Millennial Star 120 (Aug. 1958), pp.228-237, see pages 234, & 249, foot notes 52, & 56. R. Akiba, cited by S. A. Horodezky, in Monatsschr.f. Gesch. u. Wins. des Judentums LXXII. 505. Michel Pierre, Morgan -- Antoine Sabbagh, The Human Story, Europe In The Middle Ages,
(Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Sliver Burdett Press, 1988), p. 34, originally published in 1986 by Casterman, under the title: L' Histoire des Hommes: L' Europe du Moyen Age; The Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 8, p.3, vol.10, pp.321-3, vol.5, pp.522-4; Roger Adam, 1977, Baptism for the Dead, p.57-61; Library of the Fathers, vol.2, p.267--69; McDannell & Lang, Heaven: A History, p.137, 140-1, pl.26, & p.134; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 4, pp.546-7 & 550-1; Brigham Young University Studies, vol.22, Winter 1982, #1, pp.31-45, Blake Ostler, Clothed Upon: A Unique Aspect of Christian Antiquity; Anna D. Kartsonis, Anastasis, The Making of An Image, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986), p.72, etc. Ignazio Mancini, O.F.M., Archaeological Discoveries, Relative to the Judaeo-Christians, (Jerusalem: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Fran. Print. Press Jer. 1970), p.165-170. Albert E. Bailey, The Gospel In Art, (Boston & Chicago: Pilgrim Press, 1916), pp.382-385. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 1, pp.17--19, 1st Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, chapters, xlv--liv. Arthur Lyons, Satan Wants You, The Cult Of Devil Worship In America, (New York; London; Tokyo: The Mysterious Press, 1988), pp. 44--61. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol.2, pp. 9--13, 18--19, 36--37, & 44--55; The Pastor, Book 1, Visions 1--3, & 4; Book 3, Similitude 5, chap. 5--7; Sim. 6, chapter 1--4; Sim. 9, chapters 3--33; Sim. 10, chap. 1--4. Isaiah 1:15-19; 22:21-25, 64:4-8; Revelations 3:5, 11-22, 6:9-11, 7:9-17, 19:7-9; The Ante-Nicene Father, vol. 2, pp.18-19, 28, 36, (note 10), 48-50, & 53-5. Curtis Vaughan, Th. D., The New Testament from 26 Translations, (Grand Rapids, Michigan:
Zondervan Publishing House, Michigan, 1967), p.1231. R. Mcl. Wilson, B.D., Ph.D., The Gospel Of Philip, pp.87-91; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol.2, p.165-169, 215-219, 230-1, 253-254, 263, 265-6, 453-4, & 582-3, etc. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, p.231, Clement of Alexandria, A.D. 153--193--217, The Instructor, Book 1, chapter 9. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, p.231, Clement of Alexandria, A.D. 153--193--217, The Instructor, Book 1, chapter 9; Keith Edward Norman, Dept. of Religion, Duke Un., 1980, Deification: The Content Of Athanasian Soteriology, (Duke Univeristy, thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, an unpublished manuscript, p.30-1, & note 1 on p. 31 & p.256, Der Ubermensch-Begriff in der Theologie der alten Kirche, TU 77 (1961): p.147; Sunstone Magazine, Winter 1975, article by Keith Norman, entitled: Divinization: The Forgotten Teaching of Early Christianity; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol.5,
p.518, & note 13; Mormon Issues #2, 1991, Van Hale & Bill Forrest, p.3, Issues & Answers, "Ye Shall Be As Gods", by Don Bradley, citing Giovanni Papini, The Devil, (New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1954), pp. 44-6; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol.1, p.262;.419 & 522; Vol.2, pp.206, 215, 374, & Vol.3, pp.480, & 608; Vol.4, p.509; Vol.5, p.518, 631; The Homilies of St. Jerome, (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University Press, 1964), pp.106-7 & 353. The hand clasp, in many cases, in early to later Christianity, became a symbol of deification. In that God the Father, or Christ, or in other cases an angel would clasp the hand of the person ascending up into heaven were they would be received into glory. David seems to hint to this in the words: "Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterwards receive me to glory." (Psalm 73:23-24). The Old Testament Prophet Daniel wrote: "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; & they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever." (Daniel 12:3); Richard Laurence, The Book of Enoch The Prophet, 1892, pp. 84--89; J. R. Dummelow, The One Volume Commentary, (New York, 1908), p.698; Damascus Document 2:7ff.; Prof. Daniel C. Peterson & Prof. Stephen D. Ricks, Offenders For A Word, [How Anti-Mormons Play Word Games to Attack the Latter-day Saints], (Salt Lake City, Utah: Aspen Books, 1992), p.78, see also notes 243-4, p.222, Peter
Hayman, "Monotheism-- A Misused Word in Jewish Studies?" Journal of Jewish Studies 42 (Spring 1991): 4-5; cf. 11-12; Alan F. Segal's Paul the Convert: The Apostolate & Apostasy of Saul the Pharisee. New Haven: Yale, 1990, 34-71; cf. 22; John 17:17-24, 17:22 & 23, Matt.5:48; Luke 6:40; Luke 14:11; Romans 8:16-18; Matthew 25:34-40; Colossians 3:24-25; 1 Cor.15:35-43; 2 Cor.3:17-18; Matt.13:43; Col.1:27-28; 1 John 2:3-11, 18-29; 1 John 3:2-3; Colossians 3:4; 2 Tim.3:15-17; Heb.2:7, 9, 10; Isa.9:2, 14:9-19, 23:17-22, 41:10-16, 22-23, 42:5-7; 49:5-10, 51:14, 18, 52:1-3, 53:8-12, Psa.68:18; Eph.3:1-16, 4:7-13; Col.1:12-22, 1 Pet.3:17-22, 4:5-6; 5:4, 6; 1 Cor.15:23-28, 35-57; J.A. Herbert, Illuminated Manuscripts, pp.166-7, pl. XX. Pre-Existence, Wisdom & The Son Of Man, by R.G. Hammerton-Kelly; Byzantine Art & Archaeology, by O.M. Dalton, 1911, p.663, fig.420; etc. Isa.1:16-20; Heb.10:16-22; 1 Cor.6:9-11; Isa.41:22-23; Rev.3:21; 2 Tim.4:7-8, Rev. 19:10; Phil.2:5-12; 1 Pet. 1:3-11, also see verses 12-16; 2 Pet.1:2-11; Ephesians 4:10-13; Matt.25:21, 23, etc. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, p.231, Clement of Alexandria, A.D. 153--193--217, The Instructor, Book 1, chapter 9. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, pp. 231, 234, The Instructor, book 1, chapters 9, 12; pp. 253--54, Book 2, chap. 8; pp. 263--66, chapters 10-- 11; pp. 425--41, The Stromata, Or Miscellanies, book 4, chapters 13--26; pp. 445--46, chap. 1; book 5, chapters 6. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, p. 265, Clement of Alexandria, The Instructor, Book 2, chapter 11. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, p. 215--17, The Instructor, book 1, chapter 6; pp. 265--66, Book 2, chap. 11; pp. 452--54, The Stromata, Or Miscellanies, book 5, chap. 6. Gregory of Nyssa, The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, vol.5, pp.519--520, & 524, Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic Treatises, etc. (reprint June 1972, WM. B. Eerdmans); St. Gregory the Great mentions the "white vestment (birrum) in which a person was clothed in when they rose from the font. (The Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, vol.13. p.3, Epistle 6; St. Ambrose calls the garments of the early Christian mysteries "the chaste veil of innocence"; again suggesting that the garments were symbolic of righteousness (The Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, vol. 10, pp. 321-3, chapters 6-7). Platt, Jr., The Forgotten Books of Eden, pp. 33--34, The First Book of Adam and Eve, chapters LI--LII. The Forgotten Books of Eden, pp.36--37, The First Book of Adam and Eve, chapter LV. The Forgotten Books of Eden, p.36, The First Book of Adam and Eve, chap. LV. R. G. Hammerton-Kelly, Pre-existence Wisdom & The Son of Man, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973), p. 146--50; Blake Ostler, Clothed Upon: A Unique Aspect of Christian Antiquity, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1982), Brigham Young University Studies, vol. 22, Winter 1982, #1, pp. 31-45. Genesis 2:4--7;- 2 Corinthians 3:17-18; 5:1-10. Rev. 3:5, 5:10, 6:9-11, 7:9, 14-15, McDannell & Lang, Heaven: A History, pp. 137--41, pl.26. Jean Bellegambe, Paradise. Century 1526-30, a portion of The Last Judgment panel. Staatliche Museen, East Berlin. And: The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, vol. 3, p.235; O.M. Dalton, Byzantine and Archaeology, (New York: Dover Pub. Inc., 1961), pp. 409--10, fig. 240: Sheldon Cheney, Sculpture of the World, p. 305; David M. Wilson, Anglo-Saxon Art, 7th century A.D. to the Norman Conquest, p. 186--87, fig. 233, from a psalter (Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, lat. 943, fol. 4 v.), (Woodstock; New York: Overlook Press, Thames & Hudson, 1984): Showing the crucifixion of Christ, but also a depiction, showing the hand of God extending down towards His Son, Jesus Christ. Angels descend out of heaven with garments in their arms, perhaps to be ready to cloth Christ's spirit in the martyr's garment, when His spirit leave his body at death. See also: Encyclopedia of World Art, vol. I, pl. 432, from a Gospel Book, Illumination, end of the 12th century A.D., Venice, S. Lazzaro (Ms. 1635, fol. 284v), Armenian Art; Kurt Weitzmann, The Icon, 1982, pp. 30--01. Here a 10th century depiction of the 40 martyrs shows angels coming with garments to cloth the martyrs' souls in. Powel Mills Dawley, Our Christian Heritage, Church History and the Episcopal Church, (New York: Morehouse-Barlow Co., 1959, 3rd edition, 1960), pp.49-50; Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., Assistant Editor J. Alden Brett, The Forgotten Books of Eden, (U.S.A.: Alpha House, Inc., 1927), The First Book of Adam & Eve, pp.8-10, see p.25, 30. Leopold Wagner, Manners, Customs, & Observances, Their Origin & Signification, (Detroit; London: Scripta Manent, William Heinemann, 1894), republished in Detroit: Gale Research Company, Book Tower, 1968), p. 212--13; Robert J. Myers, CELEBRATIONS, The Complete Book of American
Holidays, (Garden City, New York: The Editors of Hallmark Cards, Doubleday & Company, 1972),p.108 & 156-7; Lillie Patterson, A Holiday Book, Easter, 1966, pp.21-22; Aileen Fisher, A Crowell Holiday Book, Easter, (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1968), pages not numbered. Anthony S. Mercatante, The Facts On File Encyclopedia Of World Mythology And Legend, (Oxford; New York: Facts On File, 1988), p.673; Raymond Jahn, Concise Dictionary of Holidays, (New York: Philosophical Library, 1958), p.100; Leslie Dunkling, A Dictionary of Days, (Oxford, England: New York, New York: Facts On File Publishers), p.131; Gilda Berger, Easter And Other Spring Holidays, (New York; London; Toronto; Sydney: Franklin Watts, A First Book, 1983), p.38; Gilbert Thurlow, Biblical Myths & Mysteries, (London: Octopus Books, 1974), p.64; Charles and Morfill, The Secrets of Enoch; Angelo S. Rappoport, Ancient Israel Myths & Legends, (New York: Bonanza Books, 1987), vol.1, page 23, & note 1; Walter Lowrie, Art in the Early Church, pl.121; Gertrud Schiller, Iconography of Christian Art, vol. I, fig.376; Zechariah 3:1-4; Roland H. Bainton, Behold the Christ, p.79, fig.76; Rev.7:14-17; Hackwood, Christ Lore, p.117; Roger Adam, Baptism For the Dead, (Salt Lake City, Utah: LDS Archives, an unpub. research thesis for the degree of Dr., 1977) pl.16, p.29, 57--9 & 61; note 23, from Cote, Archaeology, 53; Ad Fabiolam, Ep. cxxvii; Marion P. Ireland, Textile Art in the Church, (Nashville; New York: Abingdon Press, 1966, 1967, & 1971), p. 73; Elizabeth Hough Sechrist & Janette Woolsey, Its Time For EASTER, (Philadelphia: Macrae Smith Company, 1961), pp. 21, & 24--25; Michel Pierre, Morgan -- Antoine Sabbagh, The Human Story, Europe In The Middle Ages, (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Sliver Burdett Press, 1988, originally published in 1986 by Casterman, under the title: L' Histoire des Hommes: L' Europe du Moyen Age), p. 34; F. E. Halliday, An Illustrated Cultural History Of England, (New York: A Studio Book, The Viking Press, 1967--68), p. 47 & p.68: Opus anglicanum. English ecclesiastical embroidery, medieval Europe. Detail from the Syon Cope, c. 1280; R. Mcl. Wilson, The Gospel Of Philip, (London: A.R. Mowbray), p.179; Nibley, Old Testament & Related Studies, vol. 1, pp.156-7; Nibley, Temple & Cosmos, (Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah: Deseret Book, & F.A.R.M.S., 1992), p. 108; Gospel of Truth 23:33, 24:7, in NHLE, 41; cited in Temple & Cosmos, p.122, see notes 67-8, on p.136. Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., Assistant Editor J. Alden Brett, The Forgotten Books of Eden, (U.S.A.: Alpha House, Inc., 1927), The First Book of Adam & Eve, p.8-10, see p.25, 30.
89. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, pp. 48--55, 67--68, 71--74, 91, 93, 104--05, 198--99, 202-- 06, 209--17, 222, 265--66, 418--19, 426--30, 576; Roland H. Bainton in The Renaissance, Six Essays, (New York: Harper Torchbooks, The Academy Library, Harper & Row Publishers, 1962. Originally published by The Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1953 under the title: The Renaissance: A Symposium), p. 77-96, see essay IV Man, God, And The Church In The Age Of The Renaissance, Bainton. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, pp. 48-55, 67-68, 71-74, 91, 93, 104-05, 198-99, 202-06, 209--17, 222, 265-66, 418-19, 426-30, 576; Russell, The Prince of Darkness, p.119, Abbey church of Souillac, 12th century A.D. The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 2, p. 291, Clement of Alexandria, A.D. 153--193--217, The Instructor, Book 3, chapter 11, under the heading Love and the Kiss of Charity, see notes 1--2. The apostolic ordinances included shaking hands. This traditional hand clasping ordinances eventually became a tradition called the kiss of peace. This tradition eventually passed down through the ages and became a greeting. There is also indication here in note 1 that the early Christians were to guard themselves in making the holy kiss of peace unholy. Thus, even during the early days of the primitive Church, there may have been those who were performing Satan's counterfeit of this rite. (See also: De Maistre, Soires, ii. p. 199, ed. Paris, 1850; Bunsen, Hippol., iii. p. 15).
93. Michael Batterberry, Art of the Early Renaissance, (Milan Italy: Fratelli Fabbri, 1961--64, 1968),p. 120--21, pl. 130, Jacopo Bellini, 1395--1471. Christ's descent into limbo, showing Adam on his knees giving the hand clasping homage and kiss of peace greeting to Christ, the King of Kings, and banner bearer. Albert E. Bailey, The Gospel In Art, (Boston & Chicago: Pilgrim Press, 1916), pp. 382--85, John Pope-Hannessy, Fra Angelico, (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1952 & 1974), pl. 70. Albert E. Bailey, The Gospel In Art, (Boston & Chicago: Pilgrim Press, 1916), pp. 382--85, John Pope-Hannessy, Fra Angelico, (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1952 & 1974), pl. 70; DT, The Christ in Santa Unmasked, (Salt Lake City, Utah: R.H. & P.S., 1996); DT, Who's That Behind The Mask of Legends, (Salt Lake City, Utah: R.H. & P.S., 1997). C.T. Lewis & C. Short, A Latin Dictionary (Oxford: Clarendon, 1890), s.v; Isaiah 42:6-7; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 4, p.488, Origen Against Celsus; DaRell DT, The Pilgrimage & Struggles of the Human Family In & Through the Different Realms of Existences (Salt Lake City, Utah: R.H. & P.S., 1991, an unpublished research file and manuscript); Nibley, Mormonism & Early Christianity. In an anti-Mormon tract, Sacred Ceremony Secret Ritual or Sinister Trap? (Park City, Utah: HIS Ministries), the author cites a number of references in which different types of hand clasps and grips are done in the occult. What this author seems to ignore is the fact that historic Christianity also has hand clasping too. See also: Mortan Smith, The Secret Gospel, The Discovery & Interpretation of the Secret Gospel According to Mark, (New York: Harper & Row, 1973), pp. 72--123; Stephen Benko, Primitive Romans and The Early Christians, (Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1984), pp.1--162; F.A.
Wright, Fathers of the Church (London: George Routledge & Sons, 1928), pp. 26--51; R. Joseph Hoffmann, Celsus On The True Doctrine, A Discourse Against the Christians, (Oxford University Press, 1987), pp. 95--96; Robert M. Grant, David Noel Freedman, etc., The Secret Sayings of Jesus, (Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, 1960), pp.17--187; By Study and Also By Faith, vol. 1: William J. Hamblin, Provo Utah, Aspects of an Early Christian Initiation Ritual; Todd M. Compton, Los Angeles, California, chapter 24, The Handclasp & Embrace as Tokens of Recognition, p.611-42, (Salt Lake City, & Provo, Utah: Deseret Book and F.A.R.M.S., 1990). See also: Nibley, The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri, an Egyptian Endowment, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Books, 1975). Nibley, The Early Christian Church in the Light of Some Newly Discovered Papyri from Egypt, (Provo, Utah: F.A.R.M.S., Nibley 1985), Tri-Stake Fireside, March 3, 1964; Joseph Gantner & Marcel Pobe, Romanesque Art In France, pl.135 & p.64; Bainton, The Horizon History of Christianity, p.214-5; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol.1 p.200, chapter 11 & p.207 chapter 26, Justin Martyr, Dialogue With Trypho. And: Weitzmann, The Icon, pp.170, 225, 282--83, 342--43; Lowrie, Art in the Early Church, pl.100; Gothic Painting I p.48; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 3, pp. 157--58, Tertullian: An Answer to the Jews, & Palms 73:23-4; Gilles Quispel Professor, 1979, The Secret Book of Revelation, p.48; Kurt Weitzmann 1979, Age Of Spirituality, # 438: left; Ernst Kjellberg & Gosta Saflund, Greek &
Roman Art, p.208 fig. 192; George Ferguson, Signs & Symbols in Christian Art, p. 42; William Henry Paine Hatch 1931, Greek & Syrian Miniatures in Jerusalem, pl. lxviii, pp.124-5; Russell, Satan, The Early Christian Tradition, 1981, p.118--22, citing Tertullian, Res. 44; Robert Huges, 1968, Heaven & Hell in Western Art, pp. 190--01; Lundy, Monumental Christianity, pp. 26--27; Hackwood, Christ Lore, p.5; Acts 20:29-30; Roman 16:18; 1 Corinthians 1:10-13; 14:23-33; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15; Gal.2:4; Ephesians 4:11-32; 2 Thess. chapter 2; 1 Peter 3:15-16; 2 Peter 2:1-3, 18-22; 1 John 2:18-19; Jude 4; etc. Stephen Benko, Pagan Rome and The Early Christians, p.54, also see n.1 & 2, on p.74, Frend, Martyrdom & Persecution In The Early Church, pp. 187-8; Pellistrandi, Early Christian Civilization, pp. 180-199; H. Spencer Lewis, F. R. C., Ph.D., The Secret Doctrines of Jesus, (San Jose, California: Rosicrucian Library, Supreme Grand Lodge, A.M.O.R.C., 1937 & 1965), vol. 4, pp. 23, 25-9, 84 & 146; H.P. Blavatsky 1877, Isis Unveiled, (Pasadena, California: Theosophical University Press, 1988), vol.2: Theology, p.204; Doane, Bible Myths, fig. No. 27, taken from the work of Gorrio (Tab XXXV.), & p.344; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 4 pp.583-4, Origen Against Celsus, book 6, chapters 22--24; A. S. Garretson, Primitive Criticism and Early Christianity, (Boston: Sherman, French and Company, 1912), pp. 71--73. Etc. Albert E. Bailey, (Director of Religious Education Worcester Academy, Mass., 1916), The Gospel In Art, (Boston & Chicago: Pilgrim Press), p. 382-385, see also pp.438-444. David M. Robb, The Art of the Illuminated Manuscript, (Cranbury, Jew Jersey: A.S. Barnes and Company, Inc., 1973), p. 200--201, fig. 135, London, British Museum, Add. Ms. 17737-8, f. 199. Bible from Floreffe, The Ascension of Our Lord, A.D. 1160; Robert G. Calkins, Monuments of Medieval Art, (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1979), pp. 223-- 25, fig. 186, Story of Enoch and Noah, Moralized bible. France, A.D. 1250, Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek (MS 2554, fol. 3), Vienna; The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. I, (A to Art), 1968, pp. 932-33, fig. 2, The Ascension of Jesus, early 14th century fresco by Giotto in the Scrovegni Chapel at Padua, Italy; Roland H. Bainton, The Horizon History of Christianity, (U.S.A.: The American Heritage Publishing Company, English edition, 1964), p. 214-15). Bianca Kuhnel, From The Earthly To The Heavenly Jerusalem, Representations of the Holy City in Christian Art of the Holy City in Christian Art of the First Millennium, (Herder, Rom-Freiburg-Wien, CR Verlag Herder Freiburg im Breisgau, 1987), fig. 87. Lucaa, Public Library, cod. 1275, fol. 12; Etc.; John Pope-Hennessy, (1952), & 1974, Fra Angelico, (Ithaca, New York, Cornell University Press), pl.70. "CHRIST AS PILGRIM RECEIVED BY TWO DOMINICANS. Cloister, San Marco, Florence." Compare: Docteur Paul Thoby, etc., Le Crucifix, des Origines au Concile de Trente, (Bellanger Nantes), plate 27, #63, & plate 26, #59; Walter Oakeshott, Classical Inspiration In Medieval Art, by, (New York, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1959), plate 79. Italy, "5th century" A.D., & pl.80, 9th century; John Beckwith, Ivory Carvings in Early Medieval, (London, England: Harvey Miller & Medcalf Ltd., 1972), p.33, pl.33. The Ascension. Aethelwold Benedictional, about 971-984. London, British Museum, Add. Ms. 49598, fol. 64b"; Hanns Swarzenski, Monuments of Romanesque Art, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1967), plate 15, figs.34-35, & plate 66, figure 151, late 10th cent.; W.F. Volbach, Early Christian Art, pl.93, etc.; Jean Porcher, Medieval French Miniatures, 38, etc.; New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967, Volume 1, figure 10, & pp. 931-36, figs.1-3, The Lost Books of the Bible, in between pp.240-1; Roland H. Bainton, Behold the Christ, p.166, fig.192. The Lost Books of The Bible, and The Forgotten Books of Eden, (U.S.A.: World Bible Publishers, Inc.; Alpha House, Inc., 1926 & 1927), pp. 80--88, see also the art work in between pp. 224 & 225; Nicodemus chapters 13--21; The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 8, pp. 416--58; Olive Beaupr Miller, The
Story Of Mankind, A Picturesque Tale of Progress, (Lake Bluff, Illinois: The Book House For Children, Tangley Oaks Educational Center, 1933, 1935, 1949, 1952, 1957, 1963), Explorations Part I, volume 4, p. 86, showing Christ raising up Adam by the hand during the descent into hell. Hood, Fra Angelico at San Marco, pp. 158, & 160, pl.152. Fra Angelico, Christ Being Received as a Pilgrim. Florence, San Marco, cloister; The Bible In Art, Twenty Centuries Of Famous Bible Paintings, (New York: Covici, Friede, Edited with Commentary by Clifton Harby). Paul Williamson, (Editor), The Medieval Treasure, The Art of the Middle Ages in the Victoria and Albert Museum, (Albert Museum, 1986), pp. 116--17. 12th century, Walrus ivory, depicting the hand of God about to grasp, through the mandorla, the hand of Christ as he ascends towards heaven. See also: Volbach, Early Christian Art, see the top left hand portion of an ivory dated "LATE 11TH OR EARLY 12TH CENTURY." Treasure of the Cathedral of Saint-- Just, Narbonne; John Beckwith, Ivory Carvings in Early Medieval England, (London, England: Harvey Miller & Medcalf LTD, 1972), fig. 33, The Ascension. Aethelwold Benedictional, about 971-- 984. London, British Museum, Add. Ms. 49598, fol. 64b; Swarzenski, Monuments of Romanesque Art, pl. 66, fig. 151, etc.; Joseph Gantner and Marcel Pobe, Romanesque Art In France, (Thames and Hudson, 1959), p. 64, pl. 135; Antoine Bon, Byzantium, (Geneva, Switzerland: Nagel Publishing, 1972). Etc. Post, A History of Spanish Painting, vol. I, (1930), p. 219-221, fig. 49, pp. 221-223, fig. 50, p.223-225, fig. 51, Christ in the mandorla while on his throne as the Pantocrator, & p. 248-9, fig. 62, pp. 278-285, fig. 77, Christ as the Pantocrator related with St. Martin's life and act of mercy towards Christ in the guise of a beggar. In this work, the saint is giving a cloak to Christ as a beggar. 13th century A.D. See also pp. 296-7, fig. 84, Christ in the mandorla symbol as Pantocrator, holds an orb. See also volume II (1930), pp. 62, 64-5, fig. 104, pp. 116-7, fig. 121, pp. 290-1, fig. 177, Christ enthroned in a starry mandorla of angels, he also holds an orb in his left hand. For aanother of this same type see p. 292-3, fig. 178, both of these also show the angels with their hands held up around Christ. See also pp.
311-313, fig. 188, the Christ child & Mary enthroned, with another portion in the right panel showing saint Martin and Christ disguised as the beggar. Vol. III (1930), pp. 48-50, fig. 265, a portion shows St. Martin and Christ as a beggar. Pages 152, 155, fig. 310, Christ standing on an orb symbol. Pages 212-218, figs. 333-335, the Christ-child and Mary enthroned, Christ is holding an orb. See also fig. 367, Christ is standing, at his feet is an orb with a pictured symbolization of the earth. On p. 330 is mention of a Berlin Salvator (Christ as Saviour of the world), in which Christ's feet rest upon a globe in which the world is depicted. Vol. V, (1934), pp. 245-6, fig, 60, Christ as a beggar receives a cloak from St. Martin. Pages 296, 299, fig. 90, Christ is enthroned as the Pantocrator in the mandorla, holding an orb. Pages 313, 315, fig. 100, the Christ-child on Mary's shoulders, holds an orb. Vol. IV -- Part II, (1933), p. 570-4, fig. 229, Christ enthroned with a globe with a picture of the world on it, the globe is his foot stool.
Vol. VI -- Part I, pp. 33, (fig. 6. Jacomart (?). St. Martin and the beggar. Diocesan Museum, Segorbe), and p. 38, the paintings of St. Martin with the beggar, in the Provincial Museum, Valencia, from the Anthony Abbot and Ursula are dated back to 1443 A.D. See also Vol. VI -- Part II, p. 484, from the San Francisco Master as seen the parish church of Alcudia. St. Martin and the beggar, "conceived, according to the frequent tradition, as a disguise for Our Lord (Fig. 203)." See also pp. 486, 554-6, fig. 241; Vol. VII -- Part I, (1938), pp. 438-9, fig. 155, St. Ausias is depicted as being visited by the Lord in which Christ punishes him for his wrong doings. On pp. 594-5, fig. 226, is another depiction of Christ as a beggar coming to St. Martin. Pages 688-9 fig. 260 shows Christ on the cross, with a "terrestrial globe" as his foot stool. Pages 859, 861, fig. 351, shows Martin giving a cloak to Christ in the guise of a beggar. Pages 875-6, fig. 358, Christ on the cross with a globe under him; Vol. VIII -- Part I, (1941), pp. 259-60, fig. 114, a portion shows Christ enthroned with a globe as his foot stool. Pages 360-2, fig. 156, Martin
has clothed Christ-the -beggar with his cloak. Vol. VIII -- Part II, (1941), pp. 575, 577, fig. 269, shows Martin giving a cloak to the wandering Christ-beggar. Vol. IX -- Part II, (1947), pp. 877-8, fig. 379, Martin with Christ-beggar; Vol. XI, (1953), pp. 123-124, fig. 38, Nicolas Falco. `CHRIST AS BEGGAR,' part of scene of St. Martin's charity, section of Organ-Shutters. Cathedral, Valencia. On p. 123, our Lord Jesus Christ "in the guise of the mendicant with two further members of the military forces as spectators." Vol. XII -- Part I, (1958), pp. 479-80, fig. 207, St. Martin showing charity towards Christ-beggar. Reader's Digest, ABC's Of The Bible, Intriguing Questions and Answers About the Greatest Book Ever Written, Kaari Ward, and others, (Pleasantville, New York/ Montreal: The Reader's Digest Association, Inc., 1991), p. 18, see the 15th century Dutch illustration of God creating Eve. See also: JCJ Metford, Dictionary of Christian Lore And Legend, (London: Thames and Hudson, 1983), p. 269, French Bible, A.D. 1585, showing the 5 days of creation; John Pope-Hennessy, Italian Renaissance Sculpture,
(London: Phaidon Press, 1958), fig. 110, Grotto Vaticane, Rome; Morey, 1935, Christian Art, p. 86; Lowrie, Art In the early Church, plate 100; Robert Huges, 1969, Heaven and Hell in Western Art, (New York, New York: Stein & Day, 1968), p. 76-77, Bas-relief by Wiligelmo, facade of Modena Cathedral, c. 1100, and Romanesque fresco c. 1125, from Chrch of the Holy Cross, Maderuelo, Spain. Prado, Madrid; Virginia Chieffo Raguin, Stained Glass In Thirteenth Century Burgundy, fig. 8, Auxerre 51:7-12; George Robinson, The Florence Baptistery Doors, (New York: A Studio Book, The Viking Press, 1980), p. 197, & 222, Panel 1, Genesis: Ghiberti's pp. 226--27. 115. Anthony S. Mercatante, The Facts On File Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend, (New York; Oxford: Facts on File, 1988), p. 12. Deutche Spatgotische Malerei, 1430-1500, Alfred Stange, Karl Robert Langewiesche Nachfolger, 1965, see p.62; Andre Maurois, translated from the French by Stephen Hardman, An Illustrated History of Germany, (London, England: The Bodley Head, 1966, CR 1965 Librairie Hachette 1965), p. 100--101; The Encyclopedia Of Visual Art, vol. 8, Michael Pacher c. 1435-98, altarpiece of The Fathers
of the Church, A.D. 1483, Alte Pinakothek, Munich; Praeger Encyclopedia of Art, Praeger (New York; Washington; & London: 1971), Vol. 4, p. 1502. Gothic Painting I, (Geneva, Switzerland: Editions Rencontre Lausanne, 1965; English Edition, Editorial Service S.A. Geneva, 1968), p. 48. Master of Westphalia, 14th century, Christ in Purgatory, Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne; Volbach, Early Christian Art, fig. 83, Venice, St. Mark's, 5th century (?). Christ's descent into limbo. Colleen McDannell and Bernhard Lang, Heaven: A History, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1988), p. 132, plate 22, Giovanni di Paolo, Paradise. A.D. 1445. Metropolitan Museum of Art New York. See the lower right hand corner. A hermit or monk is grasping the hand of a woman in the company of another woman who stands behind her. His thumb rest on the middle of her left hand palm. The Book of Art, A Pictorial Encyclopedia of Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture, (London: George Rainbird Ltd.; Grolier Inc., 1965), volume 4, German And Spanish Art To 1900, edited by Dr. Horst Vey, and Dr. Xavier de Salas, pp. 20 and 113, St.Dorothy clasping the hand of the Christ child. Munich, Staal. Graphische Samm, A.D. 1410-25. Eugene Seaich, Notes On Ancient Temple Worship, (Salt Lake City, Utah: an unpublished research paper, LDS Research Library, CR ?), pp. 3-4; Encyclopedia Of World Art, Vol. I, pl. 292; Valentin Denis, Prof. University de Louvain, L' Art D' Occident, Des Catacombes A La Fin Du Xve Sicle, (Editions Meddens, 1965), see: II--Fra Angelico, Giovanni de Fiesole, La Vierge l' Enfant avec les saints Jean-Baptiste, Dominique, Francois et Paul (Parme, Galerie Nationale). See the monks clasping each others' hand in the lower portions of this work. Pamela B. DeVinne, (Coordinating Editor, with other Editors), Webster's Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary, (Montreal, Canada: Tormont Publications Inc., 1990), p. 929, see: kiss of peace. Christopher Brooke, The Monastic World 1000--1300, (London, England: Paul Elek Ltd., 1974), p. 63, fig. 91. Dom Pieter Batselier, O.S.B., Saint Benedict: Father of Western Civilization, (New York, New York: Publishers of Fine Art Books, 1981, CR by Mercatorfonds Antwerp), pp. 48-- 49. Roger S. Wieck, Time Sanctified, The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life, (New York: George Braziller, Inc., in association with The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore), p. 146, pl. 38. Funeral Mass with Souls Released from Purgatory, (Office of the Dead), France, Anger?, 1460s, by the Coetivy Master (Henri de Vulcop?) Walters 274, fol. 118; Cat. 42). An angel lifts a soul up by the hand to release the soul from purgatory. While this is taking place in the after-life realm, in the physical life-realm, the mass for the dead is being performed by a priest in behalf of this soul, and others about to be released from purgatory in the same way. New International Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Art, Vol. 5, pp. 982-3, The Coronation of the Virgin, (1454), altarpiece; hospice of Villeneuve-les-Avignon, Avignon, France; Hartt, Art, (New York: Harry
N. Abrams, 1976), Vol. II, pl. 21. Francis Huxley, The Dragon, Nature of Spirit, Spirit of Nature, (New York: Collier Books, A Division of Macmillan, CR 1979, Thames & Hudson Ltd., London), p. 37, showing a soul being rescued from the monstrous jaws of hell, French enamel plaque, 14th century A.D.; Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery, Vol. 1, France, 875-1420, by Randall, etc., p. 294, pl. viii, Cat. 88, f. 3, and page 320, fig. 101, Cat. 49, f. 64. Todd M. Compton cites a number of writers to show that the handclasp was part of the descent drama. "The salvific handclasp is nearly the trade-mark of the iconography of Christ's post-crucifixion descent in Hades." (P. Verdier, "Descent of Christ into Hell," New Catholic Encyclopedia, (New York McGraw-Hill, 1967-79). 4:788-93, esp. 791, figs. 2-6.) Some writers have noted that there are a number of different types of hand grips too, for in some works, Christ grasps the wrist, while in others they are raised up with the "dextrarum iunctio." (Ibid., Verdier, 791, fig. 5, etc.) See: By Study and Also By Faith, (Provo and Salt Lake City Utah: F.A.R.M.S., & Deseret Book Company, 1990), 2 volumes, vol. 1, p. 620-23, chapter 24, by Compton. See also: Lilian M.C. Randall, etc., Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery, Vol. I, France, 875-1420, (London; and Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, with the W.A.G., 1989), pp.309-10, fig., 65, Cat. 32, f.25; fig. 59, Cat. 29, f. 33; Rene Huyghe, (General Editor), Art and Mankind, Larousse Encyclopedia of Bysantine and Medieval Art, (New York: Prometheus Press, 1958), p. 149, fig. 296. J. E. Gillet, Tres pasos de la [Passion] y una Egloga de la Resurreccion, (The Modern Language Association of America, 1932), pp. 949 ff. See also Miss King, article in the Art Bulletin, XVI (1934), 298; Post, A History Of Spanish Painting, Vol. VI, Part II, p.394, fig. 164, & pp.392, 412, 414-15, fig. 174, & pp. 448-9, fig. 190; Early Christian Art, fig. 83; Lowrie, Art in the Early Church, pl.100; & Gothic Painting I, p. 48; Post, A History Of Spanish Painting, Vol. XI, pp.172-3, fig. 64; Vol. X, p.122-3, fig. 40. Hart, Art, Vol. 1, p. 327, fig. 410, Benedetto Antelami (c. 1150- 1230 A.D.), Descent from the Cross, Relief, 1178, Cathedral of Parma, Italy; Franz Unterkircher, A Treasury of Illuminated Manuscripts, pl. II, pp. 54-5, & 58, lower portion, Antiphonary of St. Peter's Salzburg, c. 1160, p. 630; W.G. Thomson, A History of Tapestry (From the Earliest Times until the Present Day), 3rd Ed., with revisions edited by F.P. & E.S. Thomson, (EP Pub. Lim. First edition 1906, this one, 1973), see p. 237. This version of the descent from the cross is after Salviati. Florence; Great Centers of Art, Prague, Allantleld and Schram Montclair, (Leipzig, London: George Prior, 1970), p. 246, fig. 173, the risen Lord's embrace with Mary, from the Passional of Abbess Kunhuta. Prague. 1314-1321. See also p. 81, from a collection of mystic tracts by Dominican Friar Kolda of Koldice, written for Kunhuta, abbess at Benedictine Convent at St. George's in Prague Castle. State Library of Czech Socialist Republic XIV A 17, fol. 16V; See also: Brian De Breffny and George Mott, The Churches and Abbeys of Ireland, (New York: W. W. Norton, & Co., CR 1976 Thames and Hudson LTD., London), p. 87, tomb-niche at Strade, Co. Mayo. About the 13th-14th centuries A.D. In the north wall of the Dominican friary a tomb has an engraving of four people on it. One is of Christ with both hands raised up as he displays his wounds. For additional depictions of the risen Lord displaying his wounds, while making different types of
gestures, etc., see: Martin Davies, The Early Italian Schools, Before 1400, (National Gallery Catalogues), revised by Dillian Gordan, (London: CR by the National Gallery 1988), see pl. 52, Master of the Blessed Clare, Vision of the Blessed Clare of Rimini (No. 6503); Albert C. Barnes & Violette De Mazia, The French Primitives And Their Forms (From their Origin to the End of the 15th Century), (Merion, PA., USA: Barnes Foundation Press, 1931), p. 271; Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg 1300-1550 by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, (New York & Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, CR 1986, Philippe de Montebello, Director), p. 151, fig. 28, Master of the Bamberg Altarpiece, showing Christ as the man of sorrows, has his left hand raised, while his right arm is down and is extended out, he is being embraced by the Virgin Mary. See also: John Pope-Hennessy, Italian Renaissance Sculpture, (London: Phaidon Press, 1958), fig. 81, Verrocchio: Christ displays his wounds, see also detail in fig. 57, San
Michele, Florence; Otto Pacht, Book Illumination In The Middle Ages, pp. 34-35, figs. 32-33; Roger Hinks, Carolingian Art (A study of early Medieval painting and sculpture in Western Europe), (Ann Arbor Paperbacks 1962, The University of Michigan Press), p. 167, fig. a & b. XVI; Peter Brown, Society And The Holy In Late Antiquity, (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1982, p. 258, & note 30, 10th century depiction of gestures made during the mass. See also: G. Millet, Les Iconoclastes et la Croix. A propos d'unc inscription de Cappadoce, (Bulletin de correspondance hellenique XXXIV (1910): 96-109; The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden, p. 86-88. In the Discourses of the Apostles, Jesus went down into the underworld to speak with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and the other old times fathers and declared to them how that they might be raised up by his right hand. He said: "with my right hand I gave them the baptism of life and release and forgiveness of all evil, even as I do to you here and to all who believe on me from this time on." (Dr. Huge Nibley, Mormonism and Early Christianity, note 119; Schmidt, Gesprache Jesu, 315; cf. 317-18; John 3:22-26; 4:1).  Mikls Boskovits, The Thyseen--Bornemisza Collection, Early Italian painting 1290--1470,
(London: Sotheby's Publications, 1990), pp. 34--35, Mary Enthroned, pp. 36--37, 56--57, Christ child on St. Christopher. See also pp. 96-- 97, Mary crowned. Pages 114--19, and 138--39, fig. 22, Christ's hands are being clasped and examined up close, if not undergoing the kiss of peace, as his body is being taken down from the cross. See also pp. 140--41, Christ's hands are clasped during the descent from cross. And pp. 158-- 59, the Coronation of Mary.
142. Lilian M. C. Randall, Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery,
(Baltimore and London: The John Hopkins University Press in Association with the Walters Art Gallery, 1989), volume I, France, 875--1420. Assisted by Judith Oliver, Christopher Clarkson, Jeanne Krochalis, and Jennifer Morrish, p. 292, Pl. Vid, Cat. 78, f. 101V. Mary clasps the hand of Christ as his body is taken down from the cross. "Christ bent over backwards, supported by man on ladder, Virgin kissing Christ's right hand." (See p. 210--211). Wesbster's Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary, (Montreal, Canada: Tormont Publications, 1990), p. 929, see kiss of peace. Encyclopedia of World Art, (McGraw-Hill, 1959), Vol. I, pl. 292. Lilian M. C. Randall, Medieval and Renaissance Manucripts in the Walters Art Gallery, (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press in Association with the Walters Art Gallery, 1989), vol. I, France, 875--1420, p.292, Pl. vid, Cat. 78, f. 101v. Showing Mary doing the hand clasp, or what
looks like the kiss of peace on the nail mark wound of Christ hand, as they take his body down from the cross. Werner R. Deusch, Deutsche Malerei, Des Dreizehnten Und Vierzehnten, Jahrhunderts, Die Frhzeit der Tafelmalerei, (Berlin, Germany: Genius Verlag, 1940), figure 76, Meister Bertram Von Minden, Kreuzabnahme vom Passionsalter. Hannover, Landesmuseum. In this version of the descent from the cross, Mary clasps the right hand of Christ, and examines the nail mark wound in that hand, and give it the kiss of peace. Her right hand is on his fingers, while her left is grasping his wrist. Bernard S. Myers, Editor, McGraww--Hill, Dictionary Of Art, Volume 2, Cezanne-- Greco-- Roman Style, (New York; Toronto; London; Sydney; Johannesburg: McGraw--Hill Book Company, 1969), p. 511, see Giotto Di Bondone. See also: Luisa Marcucci and Emma Micheletti, A History of European Painting, Medieval Painting, (New York: The Viking Press, A Studio Book, 1960; original titled: La Pittura In Europa, CR Fabbristampa, Milan), p. 141. In another work, A.D. 1312-1321, Christ, with wounds in his hands and feet, embraces Mary. See: Prague, Allantleld and Schram Montclair, Great Centers of Art, (Leipzig, London: George Prior, CR 1979, Edition), p. 246, fig. 173, "Christ's Mystic Embrace with Mary. From Passional of Abbess Kunhuta. Prague. 1314-1321." Collection of mystic tracts by Dominican Friar Kolda of Koldice, written for Kunhuta, abbess at Benedictine Convent at St. George's in Prague Castle. State Library of Czech Socialist Republic XIV A 17, fol. 16V.
149. Werner R. Deusch, Deutsche Malerei, Des Funfzehnten Jahrhunderts, Die Malerei Der Spatgotik, (Berlin, Germany: Kurt Wolff Verlag, 1936), pl. 81, Johann Koerbecke, Himmelfahrt Mariae. 1457 Lugano, Sammlung Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza. Rev. Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, or The Papal Worship Proved To Be The Worship of Nimrod And His Wife, (Neptune, New Jersey: Loizeaux Brothers, 2nd English edition, 1959, first edition, 1916), pp. 74, 83, 266--67; Ralph Woodrow, Babylon Mystery Religion, Ancient And Modern, (Riverside, California: Ralph Woodrow Evangelistic Associations, Inc., 1966, 9th printing April 1975), p. 21--29; Maria-Gabriele Wosien, 1974, Sacred Dance, Encounter with the Gods, (New York, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1986), pp. 26--29; Juliana and Dumitru Dancu, (Translated into English by
Andreea Gheorghitoiu), Romanian Folk Painting on Glass, (Bucharest: Meridiane Publishing House, 1979), 123, Dormition of the Virgin, Laz Pavel Zamfir 1897, Jianu Collection, Museum of Oltenia, Craiova. Above the scene which shows different saints gathered around Mary's body at the moment of her death, is Mary's soul being welcomed into heaven by Christ. Mary is grasping the middle of Christ's hand with her hands. According to other art works, Christ then will conduct her through the rest of the heavenly mysteries in which she will be crowned, enthroned, glorified, and deified. Bernard S. Myers, Editor, McGraw--Hill Dictionary of Art, (New York; Toronto; London; Sydney; Johannaesburg: McGraw--Hill Book Company, 1969), p. 269. Nibley, Christ Among The Ruins, (Ensign, July 1983, vol. 13, #7, pp. 16--19). David Talbot Rice, The Art of Byzantium, (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1959), p. 306, plate 73; Richard I. Abrams, and Warner A. Hutchinson, An Illustrated Life Of Christ, From The National Gallery of Art Collection, (Nashville: Abingdon, 1982), pp. 16--17; Kurt Weitzmann, Editor, Age of Spirituality, Late Antique and Early Christian Art, Third to Seventh Century, New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, Exhibited November 19, 1977-- February 12, 1978, see pp. 283, fig. 261; p. 285, fig. 263; p. 413; Guido Gregorietti, translated from Italian into English by Helen Lawrence, Jewelry Through The Ages, (New York: American Heritage, CR Hamlyn Publishers Group Limited, 1969), p. 166; H. Clay Trumbull, D.D., The Blood Covenant, A Primitive Rite and its Bearings on Scriptures, (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1885), pp. 65--75; Anne Ward, John Cherry, Charlotte Gere, Barbara Cartlidge, (U.S.A.: Rizzoli International Publishing Inc., English edition, 1981), p. 54, fig. 7; p. 60, plate 114; pl. 137, p. 68, 101, figure or plate 211, p. 59, 107, 114, pl. 245; Charles Oman, 1973, British Rings, (Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman and Littlefield, 1974), see 54, a-e; New Catholic Encyclopedia, XXI: 809; Morgan, Early Gothic Manuscripts II, 1250--1285, fig. 107; Encyclopedia of World Art, 5, pl. 226; Margaret M. Manion and Vera F. Vines, Medieval and Renaissance Illuminated Manuscripts, In Australian Collections, (Melbourne; London; New York: Thames & Hudson, 1984), pp. 144 & 173, pl. 36; Jaroslav Folda, Crusader Manuscript Illumination at Saint--Jean d'Acre, 1275--1291, (New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1976), figs. 137, & 252; Ferdinand Seibt, Erich Bachmann, Hilde Bachmann, Gerhard Schmidt, Gtz Fehr, Christian Salm, Edited by Erich Bachmann, Gothic Art in Bohemia, (Phaidon Press Lim., 1977, fig. 80; Georges Dogaer, Flemish Miniature Painting in the 15th and 16th Centuries, (B.M. Amsterdam, 1987. Trans. by Anne E. C. Simoni and others), p. 78, fig. 39; Gabriel Bise, translated by G. Ivins and D. MacRae, The Illuminated Naples Bible, Old Testament, 14th Century Manuscript, (Crescent Books), p. 60, fig. VIII; The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, 6:67, 233, 347, & 507,(Grand Rapids Michigan: WM. B. Eerdmans, reprinted Feb. 1979), see St. Jerome, Finger Language; Jerome Letter XLVIII: To Pammachius; Letter CXXIII: To Ageruchia; Jerome Against Jovinianus Book I. Robert Branner, Manucript Painting In Paris During the Reign Of Saint Louis, A Study of Styles, (Berkeley and Los Angeles California; London England: University of California Press, CR Shirley Prager Branner, 1977), fig. 192; Thomson, A History of Tapestry, p. 210; The Other Bible, The Gospel of Philip, pp. 92-95. These sources seem to point out that there were many cases in which the bride and grooms hands
were pulled together by the religious leader, as he grasped their wrist to have them join hands in
matrimony. The Gospel of Philip, likens the mystery of marriage as a type of Christ's redemptive works to drawing together both the living and the dead unto Christ. Early Italian Art, (Boston: University Prints), Series B, see B 357, The Incredulity of Thomas, Academy, Venice, Cima da Conegliano. A.D. 1459-- 1517, Venetian School. Christ clasps Thomas' wrist as he feels side wound with his finger. Another saint is present witnessing this event. On the glove of his
left hand is a symbol in the middle of it. Age of Chivalry, Art in Plantagenet England 1200--1400, edited by Jonathan Alexander and Paul Binski, (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London: Royal Academy of Arts, London, 1987), page 306, fig. 255, Christ guides souls out of the jaws of hell over the broken doors by grasping the wrist of the first to be rescued. The ascension into heaven is also seen here too, in this case the artists decided to show the moment in the motion at the point in which the legs of Christ have not yet entered into heaven with the rest of the upper half of Christ. Alfred Stange, German Painting, XIV--XVI Centuries, (New York; Paris and London: The Hyperion Press), p. 92, Master Of the St. Bartholomew's Altar, St. Thomas Altar. Central Panel. 1501, Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum.

**  Carl A. Raschke, Painted Black, (New York, New York: Harper Paperbacks, 1990), p. 83-93, the case of Peter Roland, born in the USA, in Joplin, Oct. 1, 1970. Influenced by heavy rock music, which he said, the devil, "He spoke to me through the music." Satan, was to Roland, "the dark father," and: "He is the personification of the "new order," as they heavy metal bands sing, of a dark & grim authority to stand over the chaos of the recent age." (p.86). A youth's "pact with the devil," alleged to be from a 14 year old boy, was obtained by Dr. Dale Griffis, a criminologist and former police captain from Ohio, (p.314-318). Heckethorn, Charles William (1886). The Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries, Embracing the Mysteries of Ancient India, China, Japan, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Greece, and Scandinavia, the Cabbalists, Early Christians, Heretics, Assassins, Thugs, Templars, the Vehm and Inquisition, Mystics, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Freemasons, Skopzi, Camorristi, Carbonari, Nihilists, and Other Sects (2nd ed.). Forgotten Books. ISBN 9781440089992

Understanding satanic symbols: Satanism blasphemously maltreats Christian objects, symbols & ceremonies. As they wreck its symbols they think that "the powers of evil can be invoked by the simple process of standing Christian morality and ritual upon its head." "Typically, all aspects of the ceremony were done in reverse, since Satan is the reverse of God."
"All these religious rites and representations-- initiation, sacrifice, prayer, hymns, myth, scripture- are frequently... done backwards."

Reversal principle in Rock musicEdward Alexander Crowley, A.D., 1875-1947, was one Occultist who set the standard for "backmasking" or reverse satanic, and anti-Christ messages said to be popularized in Rock music of the late 1960's -- 1990's. Styx: Snow Blind played backwards says: "O Satan move in our voices."(53) Their group's name is spelled after a river in hell called Styx. Queen: Another one Bites the dust, in reverse says:"Start to smoke marijuana"! AC/DC, sings about being Back in Black, are they making reference to the reversal of the white robes that Christian put on after Baptism? Or the black vestments worn in some satanic black masses? In historic Christendom white garments, or robes were worn after baptism to symbolize purity. White Sunday, in later centuries, became a traditional feast that preserved this symbolism. The reversal of this is the black robes that Satanist put on during their Black Sabbaths. In early to later Christianity Christ, Adam and the resurrected saints are glorified in the resurrection. If this was reversed, instead of being glorious, they would be darkened.

Sources: Richard Cavendish, Man, Myth & Magic, volumes 1:277; 7:1866-70; 9:2479; Cottie Anthur Burland, Beyond Science, 1972, pp. 120-21; Eric Maple, Witchcraft, (London: Octopus Books, 1973), p. 101; Jeffery Burton Russell, The Prince of Darkness, pp.150-1; Rosemary Ellen Guiley, The Encyclopedia Of Witches & Witchcraft, (Facts On File, 1989) p. 101, under the heading: "Devil's pact." Daniel Lawrence O' Keefe, Stolen Lightning, (Continum Publishing Company, 1982), p.44-124; Arthur Lyons, Satan Wants You, The Cult of Devil Worship In America, (New York, London, & Tokyo: The Mysterious Press, 1988), p. 44, 47, 53, 57, & 60-61. Maury Terry, The Ultimate Evil, (New York: Dolphin Book, 1987), p. 163-64. Thomas Cooper, in The Mystery of Witchcraft, may have heard of these things as an outsider, and thus may have presented a biased outsider's view point. Rossell Hope Robbins, The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology, (New York, New York: Bonanza Books, Crown Publishing, (MCMLIX), p.370-1, see heading: Pact with the Devil; Jacob Aranza, 1983, Backward Masking Unmasked, p.12-15, 59-61; Aranza, 1985, More Rock, Country & Backward Masking Unmasked, (Huntington House). Hit Parade, July 1982, p.7; & July 1975, p.64; Raymond Buckland, Witchcraft From the Inside; Matthew 6:9--13; Peter Herbst, The Editors of Rolling Stone, The Rolling Stone Interviews, Talking with the Legends of Rock & Roll, 1967--1980, (New York: St. Martin's Press/Roll, /Stone, P.), #26, Jimmy Page & Robert Plant, Interviewed by Cameron Crowe (1975), pp.310-317; Eden Gray, The Tarot Revealed, p.168. Carl A. Raschke, 1990, Painted Black; Hammer of the Gods, p. 9,131-2; Arthur Lyons, Satan Wants You, The Cult of Devil Worship In America, (New York; London; Tokyo: The Mysterious Press, 1988), p. 44, 47, 53, 60--70, 100, 165--73. The Rolling Stone Magazine, (Special Issue, The 70's), Sept. 20th, 1990, pp.56-60, & 109, article: J.D. Considine, Led Zeppelin; DT, Ready References & Notes: A Bibliography For The Radio Show For June 18, 1991 KTKK 630 AM Radio, K-talk, Host: Jim Kirkwood, quest: DT, subject: Rock Music and The Occult in it!, (Salt Lake City, Utah: An unpublished research paper, 1991); The Lost Books of The Bible, and The Forgotten Books of Eden, see the art work and the explanations in between pp. 104--05, #7. The envious and angry are being cast into the river Styx. Hell. Painted in fresco by Andrea Orcagna in the church of St. Maria Novello at Florence. Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., Assistant Editor J. Alden Brett, The Forgotten Books of Eden, (U.S.A.: Alpha House, Inc., 1927),The First Book of Adam and Eve, p.34. Jeffrey Burton Russell, The Prince of Darkness, (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1988), p.122.

See note *

A.D. 160, The Shepherd of Hermas, symbolically presents garments, and color symbolism to suggest the degree of sins, or the degree of righteousness of those clothed in different colors of garments. Isaiah, John & Hermas present the colors of garments as a symbolical type of the degrees of the righteousness or wickedness of a person. Garments are symbolic in the mysteries of the deification in the after life realms. Demonification is the reversal of deification. Hence, instead of becoming more like Christ, God and the holy angels, as in deification. In demonification you become more like the devil and his fallen angels, you are demonified. Thus, Whit Sunday is really a corruption of White Sunday. And Black Sabbath is the reversal of this historic Christian symbolism. If this is reversed in Satanism, and other earlier secret societies, then, instead of becoming more like Christ, they believe that they will become more like the Satan.

The Two Ways: Many early Christians understood that upon being "saved" they would not be demonified, or damned in hell with the wicked. However, upon being "saved" they not only believed that they were being "saved" from the devil & hell, but they also believed that in being "saved" they would be deified. Thus the ultimate "salvation" in early Christian thought was to become a god, or goddess. To be deified. Both historic Christianity and Satanism have hand clasping rituals: A 12th century art work depicts Theophilus making a pact with the devil. Theophilus has "his hands between Satan's in the sign of feudal homage." The same types of feudal homage hand grasping; and the kiss of peace, which includes a hand clasp, is seen in depictions of Christ's descent into hell. Plus, the hand grips which were carried over into the wandering Christ traditions, in which monks would greet, with a hand clasping kiss of peace: wanders, pilgrims, and others, whom they believed were Christ in different guises. These same types of hand grips, found so often in historic Christendom, must have also been counterfeited and blended into the traditional pacts with Satan. Fra Angelico (Giovanni Guido, A.D. 1387
--1455), depicts Christ the Pilgrim in an art work found in the Monastery of San Marco, Florence,
Italy. Ritualistic hand & wrist clasp are very common in historic Christendom's art works, symbolism, iconography, illumination manuscripts, stone carvings, & rituals. A symbol that is often seen around after-life realm travelers, or pilgrims, as though they were passing through it like it was the exit or entrance to another state of existence. For example, we see this in art works that show Christ, saints, or souls ascending into heaven. Or of Christ's descent into hell. () The mandorla symbol is often seen in art work of realm travel, etc. In the back ground scenes of a late 15th century art work are two monks. The other grasps the crippled monk's hand in the same types of ways in which God grasps Eve's hands to raise her out of Adam's side. In one depiction, the hand shake between God and Eve is surrounded by a circle of praying angels. Furthermore, this same type of hand shake is seen in the manner in which Adam and Christ grasp each others' hands in depictions of Christ raising souls out of limbo, and purgatory. But also, they are the same types of clasps that people greet each other with, in art works depicting scenes in Paradise. These types of greetings seem to be derived from the early to later Christian mysteries, and liturgies. Much of which centers on the wounds Christ received on the cross. In earlier centuries, the early anti-Christians, such as Caecilius, and Fronto were disturbed by this type of symbolism being used among the early Christians. Caecilius charges that "they recognize each other by secret marks". Fronto ascribes this to them: "When they extend the hand for greeting at the bottom of the palm they make a tickling touch and from this they ascertain whether the person who appeared is of their faith." Fredk. WM. Hackwood notes that Christian symbolism was fostered by the horrors through which the early Christians had to pass through during times of persecutions. Thus, "Symbols were invented and used as secret signs by which the Christian brethren could recognise each other." John P. Lundy wrote that "all the symbols of Christianity were ordained primarily to teach pure doctrine, and that they were necessarily used to distinguish Christianity from paganism, and as signs and watchwords to discriminate between friend and foe, true and false, hypocrites and genuine Christians." These greetings, in some cases, seem to have included different types of hand, and wrist grasps. At least, this is what another art work, dated A.D. 1400--1455, seems to suggests. For it shows two monks clasping each others hands, except in a different manner as the one depicted and mentioned earlier. For example, in an art work, A.D. 1389, by Taddeo di Bartolo, (1362/63--1422), Christ descends out of heaven to grasp the wrists of Mary in this version of The Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Later artists depict Thomas' hand, or wrist being grasped by Christ, while he feels the wound in Christ's side. Thomas is said to have went to preach the gospel in India.

*** Christopher Hill, 1961, The Century of Revolution 1603-1714, (New York: The Norton Library, W.W. Norton & Co., Inc.); See also: Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, p. 17-56; Will Durant, The Story of Civilization, series, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1940s), vols. 3-11.

Gertrude Hartman's The World We Live In and How It Came To Be, A Pictured Outline of Man's Progress from the Earliest Days to the Present, (CR 1931 Hartman; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1961): Chapter IX, In Feudal Days; pages 127-142; See historical documentary, The Occult History of the Third Reich.

*****  Jerreld L. Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 223-24 & 226, 228, from J. Reuben Clark, Church News, section of the Deseret New, 6-16-1945. Emphasis in original, bold & yellow added here.

****** LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, BYU Devotional talk, Vietnam - Victory or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, Electronic Media Department, Recording Operations Section/ Room E-366 HFAC; BYU, Tape K1389. Benson mentions Joseph Smith's prophecy about the Constitution hanging by a thread & said that the prophet at that time said that we are near that time. See: Prophecies In Light of Historical & Current Events: Prophecies Coming to Pass?! A Look at Prophecies & their Possible Coming to Pass in Light of Historical Evidences & Current Events! DT 3-14-2011, scroll down to: Prophecies that Warn that the USA's Government & Constitution Would "Hang by a Thread! See also: You Tube, Antony C. Sutton lectures & presentations. He warns about secret combinations, the One World Government & New World Order being sought by globalists. See also link lists on Topix: Why Aren't All Nations Free? Freedom Should Be For Free!

1. John Robison, A.M., Proofs Of A Conspiracy, 1798, Against All The Religions And Governments Of
Europe, Carried On In The Secret Meetings Of Free Masons, Illuminati, (New York: George Forman,
1798, republished: Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands, The Americanist Classics, 1967); Gary Allen,
None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Rossmoor, California: Concord Press, 1971 & 1972), pp. 25--26, see
note *. See also: Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, A High Ranking Government Liaison
Exposes the Secret Agenda for World Unification, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers,
1991), pp. 33--34, 106--09. LDS Apostle, J. Reuben Clark, Church News, 6-16-1945, warns: "In the last half of the seventeen hundreds, beginning in the 1750's, two systems of revolutionary thought emerged. One system deals with our social, economic, and governmental order, the material things and aspects of life. This system is two-fold, embracing Socialism and Communism, and with these two... [and other family members,] Nazism, Bolshevism, and Fascism. The other system... deals with our religious beliefs, through what we call "higher criticism," and its twin, "rationalism." Through the nearly two hundred years since their birth... these revolutionary systems have gained such influences as now to constitute a threat against our whole existing order, material and spiritual.... Socialism, reduced to its lowest terms, aims at a revolution, by force if necessary, against our whole social and industrial order and existence, in matters pertaining to the production of the necessaries and luxuries of life, which production, in the new order, is to be wholly taken over by the State. Communism aims at a revolutionary overturning, seemingly also by force if necessary, of our present system of distribution of products, the new system to be completely equalized consumption and distribution... The State is to take over this distribution.... So between the two, we should have State production and State distribution,... [Methods of Take-Over] ...they will gradually secure control of the regular State governmental machinery through the exercise of the elective franchise in the prescribed constitutional manner, but by corrupt methods, including wholesale purchasing of votes by money, or through coercion by fear. Then having so secured control, they will overturn the regular governmental order and set up the revolutionary forms." (Jerreld L. Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 223-24 & 226, 228, from J. Reuben Clark, Church News, section of the Deseret New, 6-16-1945. Emphasis in original, bold & yellow added here).

2. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, pp. 24-65; Robison, A. M., Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1798, p. 1-205.

3. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, pp. 25--26, see note *.

4. Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1991), pp. 24--30; John Robinson, A. M., Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1798, (New York: George Forman,
1798; republished: Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1967), p. 1-304.

5. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, pp. 26--27, see also notes 8--9, on p. 215: U.S. George
Washington Bicentennial Commission, The Writings of George Washington Vol. 20 (Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Government Printing Office, 1941), 518; and Ralph Epperson, The Conspiratorial View of History
(Tucson: Epperson, 1986), 2; Louis T. McFadden, Collective Speeches of Congressman Louis T.
McFadden (Hawthorne, CA: Omni Publications, 1970), 2.

6. Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Seal Beach, California: Concord Press, 1972; CR G. Allen 1971), p. 25-26, see note *; John Robinson, A. M., Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1798.

7. Peter Collier and David Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, (New York, New York:
A Signet Book, New American Library, Time Mirror, 1976), p. 48, see also: Andrew Carnegie, North American Review, June 1889.

8. Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, (Seal Beach, California: '76 Press, 1976), p. 23-24.

9. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 80-82.

10. Peter Collier, and David Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, (New York, New York:
A Signet Book, New American Library, Times Mirror, 1976), p. 44: John Moody, The Truth About the
Trusts, (1904).

11. Peter Collier, and David Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, (New York, New York:
A Signet Book, New American Library, Times Mirror, 1976), p. 44: John Moody, The Truth About the
Trusts, (1904).

12. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 46-57.

13. Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, (Layfayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers,
1991), p. 13-15, & 34; Anthony J. Hilder, talk show host of Radio Free World, (Nevada), during the
1990's, he interviewed Terry Cook about 666 The Mark of the Beast. During this show they talked about
the Federal Reserve's plans to print new money for the coming New World Order. Also: Chuck Smith, a
Christian preacher's talk entitled: What in the World is Happening, (Salt Lake City, Utah: FireFighters
for Christ, tape series).

14. DT, When Our Faith Is Challenged, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Religious, Historical and
Polemical Studies, 1987), volume 2.

15. Anthony J. Hilder and Terry Cook on Radio Free World, show entitled: 666, the mark of the Beast.
See also Kah, En Route to Global Occupation.

17. Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands Publishers,
1981), p. 3-4.

18. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, pp. 29--30; see also note 15 on p. 215: Garry Allen,
Rockefeller--Campaigning for the New World Order (Belmont, MA: American Opinion, 1974), 15.

19. Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, (Seal Beach, California: '76 Press, 1976), pp. 97-105; Allen, None
Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 58-77. Larry Abraham, Call It Conspiracy, (Seattle, Washington: Double A Publications, 1985), p. 90.

20. Historical video documentary: The Great War, (Produced by Carl Byker, Akcet Production, aired on
KBYU, TV channel 11, July 1998).

21. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 81-82.

22. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 79-81.

23. Kah, Route to Global Occupation, p. 51-59; Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (Dallas, Texas:
The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962).

24. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p.78-97, 112-27; Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 50-76, etc.

25. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 140.

26. Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Rossmoor, California: Concord Press, 1971 & 1972), p.
74, see note 18 on p. 215: Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand, p. 196; Chuck Smith, (Christian minister),
talk entitled: What in the World is Happening?, (Salt Lake City, Utah: FireFighters for Christ, tape series). Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962).

27. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, pp. 224--25.

28. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 49--57.

29. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 170.

30. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 49--57.

31. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 150.

32. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 224--25.

33. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 224--25.

34. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, pp. 9--11, 16--17; The Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam -
Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University/Electronic Media Department, Recording Operations Section/Room E-366 HFAC; BYU Devotional address given during the Vietnam war, tape K1389).

35. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, pp. 78--87, 121--23.

36. Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands Publishers,
1981), pp. 13--16; James Burnham, The Web of Subversion, Underground Networks In The U.S. Government, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1954), pp. 17, 24--37, 38--79, etc.

37. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 26.

38. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 33.

39. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, pp. 34--35, see also notes 7--8 on p. 256: J. Reuben Clark, Jr.,
unpublished cursory analysis of the UN Charter, pp. 9--10, 13, & 25.

40. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 16--17.

41. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 17, see also note 13 on p. 254: G. Edward Griffin, The
Fearful Master (Boston: Western Islands, 1964), pp. 110--111.

42. Allen, The Rockefeller File, pp. 61--62.

43. An old World War II film documentary shows Mr. Cordell Hull speaking out against the Nazis
establishing militant strong holds in different South American countries. See the series: Why We Fight;
And: DT, video documentary, Endangered Species: Humanity, parts 1 & 2, 1997, etc.

44. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 234.
45. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 234.
46. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 237.
47. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, p. 238.

48. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Roosevelt, The Crisis Of The Old Order, 1919--1933,
(Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Riverside Press, Houghton Mifflin Company Boston, 1964); Levenda,
Unholy Alliance; see also the video series: The Occult History of The Third Reich, volumes 1--4, by
Video Treasures, 1991.

49. Collier and Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, pp. 224--41.

50. James Burnham, The Web of Subversion, (Boston and Los Angeles: Western Islands, The American
Library, 1954), pp. 12--53, etc.

51. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 51.

52. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 56, see also note 15 on p. 258: Douglas MacArthur,
Reminiscences, (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964), p. 365; Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam -
Victory Or Surrender, (Brigham Young University/Electronic Media Department), tape K1389, BYU
Devotional address.

53. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, pp. 57--58.
54. Allen, The Rockefeller File, pp. 61--62.
55. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 20.
56. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 59, note 24 on p. 258: Mark Clark, From the Danube to the
Yalu (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954), p. 11.

57. James Burnham, The Web of Subversion, Underground Networks In The U.S. Government, (Boston;
Los Angeles: Western Islands; The American Library, 1954), pp. 13--17, 26--183, etc.; John A. Stormer,
None Dare Call It Treason, (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964), pp. 54-- 98; Stormer, The
Death of a Nation, (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968), 9--66.

58. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 93; Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, 38--39; Chuck
Smith, What in the World is Happening? (Salt Lake City, Utah: FireFighters for Christ, taped series).

59. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 16; see also: Whittaker Chambers, Witness(New York:
Random House, 1952); Ralph de Toledano, Seeds of Treason (Boston, Western Islands, 1965 [1950], and
Allen Weinstein, Perjury: The Hiss-Chambers Case (New York: Knopf, 1978); James Burnham, The
Web Of Subversion, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands, The Americanist Library, 1954).

60. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 64; Thorpe, The Christ in Santa Unmasked.
61. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, pp. 21 & 49.
62. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, pp. 74, & 87; Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 35, note
35 on p. 216; Allen, "Who They Are, The Conspiracy to Destory America," American Opinion (October
1972): 65.

63. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, pp. 21 & 49.
64. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 21.
65. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 21, see note 31 on p. 255: 46 Angry Men (Belmont, Mass.:
American Opinion, 1962).

66. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 23.
67. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 27, see note 29 on page 255: John Barron, KGB: The Secret
Work of Soviet Secret Agents (New York: Reader's Digest Press, 1974), p. 19.

68. Burnham, The Web of Subversion, pp. 12--161, etc.; Stormer, The Death of a Nation, pp. 43--66;
Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason, pp. 27--92, etc.; Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, pp. 102--27;
Allen, The Rockefeller File, pp. 126-- 189.

69. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 63, see note 10 on p. 258: Private Boycotts Vs. The National
Interest, Department of State Publication 8117, released August, 1966, pp. 18, 19.

70. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 64, see note 13 on p. 258: Reader's Digest, July, 1966, p. 84.
71. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, pp. 25--26.
72. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 63, see note 8 on page 258: Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents, January 9, 1967, pp. 9--10.

73. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 63, see note 9 on page 258: Weekly Compilation of
Presidential Documents, August 5, 1968, p. 1170--1171.

74. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 63.
75. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 49.
76. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, pp. 25--26.
77. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 45, see note 70 on p. 217: Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between
Two Ages--America's Role in the Technetronic Era (New York: Penguin Books, 1970), pp. 72, he reveal
his pro-communist high regards for Karl Marx, see also pp. 300, 304.

78. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 26--27, and note 48 on p. 255: Los Angeles Times, April 7,
1970, the Associated Press.

79. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 44, note 44 on p. 257: Socialist International Information,
November, 1970, as quoted in Rose L. Martin, The Selling of America (Santa Monica, California: Fidelis
Publishers, 1973), pp. 17 & 34.

80. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 65, see note 15 on p. 258: Congressional Record, June 14,
1973, p. S11222.

81. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 65--68.
82. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 121.
83. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 28.
84. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 28.

85. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 45, note 68 on p. 217: The Trilateral Commission, The
Trilateral Commission--Questions and Answers (New York: North American Office, 1986), 2.

86. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 45, note 68 on p. 217: The Trilateral Commission, The
Trilateral Commission--Questions and Answers (New York: North American Office, 1986), 2.

87. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 29, see note 54 on page 255: Speech reprinted,
Congressional Record, May 8, 1975, p. S7718; see also: Wendell Willkie, One World, (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1943).

88. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 30, see note 59 on p. 255, and p. 253, see note 4 of chapter
One: Francis X. Gannon, Biographical Dictionary of the Left (Boston: Western Islands, 1969), Volume I,
p. 224.

89. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 30.
90. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, pp. 17--18, 47 --49; Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, (Seal
Beach, California: '76 Press, 1976), the introduction to Allen's book was written by Lawrence P. McDonald, November 1975.

91. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, pp. 67-68, 258, note 18: Weekly Compilation of President
Documents, March 21, 1977, p. 402.
92. Kah, En Route To Global Occupation, 1991, p. 24-65.
93. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, p. 68.
94. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 31; Allen, The Rockefeller File, pp. 127--30.
95. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 48--49, see note 74 on p. 217: Congressional Record--Senate, 15 December 1987, p. S18146.

96. Anthony J. Hilder, Radio Free World, taped radio show entitled: 666 The Mark of the Beast, guest
Terry Cook, 1990's, Nevada radio station. During this show and others, Anthony played talks given by
President George Bush and communist leader Gorbachev in which they both talked about establishing
the "New World Order." Also: Mills Crinshaw interviewed Constance Cumbey on KTKK "K-talk" 630
AM Radio, December 18, 1988. Cumbey says that Gorbachev talked about establishing a "New World
Order". See also: Gary H. Kah,, En Route to Global Occupation, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington
House Publishers, 1991), p. 7.

97. Video Documentaries: The Panama Deception. The Persian Gulf War. Desert Storm.
98. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 53.
100. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 62--63, see note 27 on p. 218: "State of the Union--Bush
Seeks to Inspire Support for his Persian Gulf Mission," Congressional Quarterly (2 February 1991):

101. Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam--Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young
University/Electronic Department, BYU Devotional, late 1960's early 1970's?), tape K1389 side A.
102. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, p. 121, May 21, 1971, James Reston (CFR), in the New York

103. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 126--54.
104. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 127--30, Paul Scott, Syndicated Washington columnist.
105. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 127, Paul Scott Washington columnist comments about Ford's

106. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, p. 62--63, see note 27 on p. 218: "State of the Union--Bush
Seeks to Inspire Support for his Persian Gulf Mission," Congressional Quarterly (2 February 1991):

107. Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation,High Ranking Government Liaison Exposes the
Secret Agenda for World Unification, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1991), pp. 34.
Also: Taped Radio Show, Nevada, Radio Free World, Anthony J. Hilder, host, guest Terry Cook, 666
The Mark of the Beast.

108. Gary Allen's None Dare Call It Conspiracy, (Rossmoor, California: Concord Press, 1971 & 1972),
pp. 21, 78--127; Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, Secret, (Seal Beach, California: '76 Press, 1976), p.
6, 27, 50, 61--63, 77--79, 83, 87, 89--98, 126--38, 149, 154, & 187.

109. Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, pp. 21, 78--127; Allen, The Rockefeller File, Secret, pp. 6, 27,
50, 61--63, 77--79, 83, 87, 89--98, 126--38, 149, 154, & 187.

110. Gary H. Kah, En Route To Global Occupation, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers,
1991), p. 7 of the Introduction, see also pp. 31--53.

111. Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962), pp.
9--13, 195, & 198.

112. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 49--64, 78, 155--89; Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, pp.
78--138, see especially pp. 78--97.
113. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 55.
114. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 55.
115. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 77--87, see especially p. 84 & 188.
116. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 188.
117. Allen, 1976, The Rockefeller File, pp. 84 & 187--90; Peter Levenda, Unholy Alliance, A History of
Nazi Involvement with the Occult, (New York: Avon Books, 1995).

118. Christian Pastor Chuck Smith, What in the World is Happening? (Salt Lake City, Utah: FireFighters
For Christ, tape #1240).

119. Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation, (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishing,
1991), p. 34, see note 37: Steinbacher, Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, 23.

120. William Habberton, Lawrence V. Roth & William R. Spears, World History And Cultures, The
Story of Man's Achievements, (Summit, New Jersey; Palo Alto, California; Dallas, Texas; Atlanta,
Georgia: Laidlaw Brothers Publishers, a division of Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1966), p. 608--09.

121. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 126--37, see especially p. 127--29.

122. The Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, October 1972 General Conference; Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 126-132; Ezra Taft Benson, The Red Carpet, (Monarch Books, Inc.), pp. 34--36; Benson, An Enemy Hath
Done This, pp. 74, 102, 251. Allen, The Rockefeller File, p. 130; John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason, 1964. John A. Stormer, The Death of a Nation, (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968), p. 67, note 1 on p. 178: The American Legion Magazine, November, 1954, p. 6. Citing from a communist 1919
publication Rules For Bringing About Revolution. James Burnham, The Web of Subversion,Underground Networks In the U.S. Government, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands, The Americanist Library, 1954), pp. 46, 63, 159--60. James Burnham, The Web of Subversion,Underground Networks In the U.S. Government, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands, The Americanist Library, 1954), pp. 46, 63, 159-60.
W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Communist, (Salt Lake City, Utah: The Ensign Publishing Company,
1958, 1960, & 1961), p. 261, The Future Task #s 25 & 26. Levenda, Unholy Alliance, p. 267,and note 1 on p. 374: New York Times, Feb. 16, 1992, p. 4E. Levenda, Unholy Alliance, p. 293-295.