Christkindl or an earlier "Santa Claus"

Christkindl or an earlier "Santa Claus"
Evidence for Christ going to other nations found in later legends about wandering Christ-child, or Christkind going around the earth during Christmas times. Click on picture for historical documentary auto playlist of evidences for Christ's world wide treks!

Legends of Christ's Appearing In Different Guises

Legends of Christ's Appearing In Different Guises
Numerous legends, traditions, art works & early Christian writings tell how Christ went to other nations. In time, these became later stories about Christkind's = Christ-child's wanderings during Christmas seasons during the 10th to 21st centuries. See on You Tube: Christ As Cosmic Cruiser by clicking on this picture.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Remembering the Price of Freedom this 4th of July 2011

Remembering the Price of Freedom
this 4th of July 2011
by DT June 27 2011

During these next few weeks, we ought to remember those who have served this country; & who have, such as during World World 2, helped to stop Hitler's "New Order," in Europe.1  Many other vets of this, & other wars, have sacrificed their limbs & mental well beings in the name of freedom. Doing so also in the name of protecting their friends; their fellow soldiers; & families. Many, after fighting in such intense combat conditions; have physical, mental & even spiritual scars, which many war vets don't like to talk about, or be reminded of. Thus, it's up to us to remember their prices paid for theirs' & our freedoms.

LDS prophets & apostles have prophetically warned, for years now, that there are still those of the earlier generations, who have passed on to later ones; plots & plans to over throw the United States' Constitution! Attempting to do so, in order to establish a World Constitution, a New World Order, or World Order, or "One World Government." Which will need a world police force; world court system, global taxes, global money system, etc. This means, they say, the end of individual freedoms, the end of individual nations' sovereignties, constitutions, judicial systems & legislative sovereignties. As those in power seek to enslave & control the masses, as they seek to take over the whole world in this world regime.2

We are reminded how pointless such plans seems to be in the eternal view of things: "For what is a man advantaged, if he gains the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?" (Luke 9:25). "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:35).

And yet, the prophets have warned that there will be, & are those in our time, who will & now seek to gain the whole world, if they can. While on smaller scales, different secret combinations, or street gangs, seek to control their own particular smaller sections, or turfs in ours' & different cities, spreading out their influences & webs of control, as much as they can.3

In the Book of Mormon, we read how the devil, "...stirreth up the children of men unto secret combinations of murder and all manner of secret works of darkness. (2 Nephi 2:27; 9:8-10, emphasis added).

A common warning given, & passed down by LDS prophets & apostles, is how there would come a time when the constitution & this country, would face dangerous threats from within & without. How that the "constitution would hang by a thread," and that members of the Church would need to "wake up" to the secret combinations seeking to bring this about. Are we awake?4

Many of us have taken note to how many world leaders, past & present, have secretly, but now openly talk about a world government; also called a "new world order," globalization, global governance, or "world order."5   We've also taken note of globalists' push towards different unions of nations into super states, with in a "World Order"?6  What will then happen to U.S.A's Constitution, Bill of Rights & our National Sovereignty?  Have we been paying attention to what the prophets & apostles have warned, for years now, what could happen, if we all don't repent of our sins, serve the God of this land, who is Jesus Christ, & awake to our awful situation, as The Book of Mormon also warns?7

The price of freedom has always been high, & so during this coming 4th of July season, may we do what we can to help preserve our freedoms & remember those who paid the ultimate price to preserve them.

LDS apostle, Bruce R. McConkie also reminds us of the bigger picture too:

"Our message is one of joy and rejoicing and glory and honor and triumph. True believers always rejoice in Christ and in his gospel.
We do not say that everyone who accepts the restored gospel will escape the wars and plagues and desolations of the last days. But we do say that all their sorrows and sufferings will be swallowed up in the joy of the gospel.
Some who are true and faithful will perish along with the wicked and ungodly in the days ahead. But what does it matter whether we live or die once we have found Christ and he has sealed us his?
If we lay down our lives in the cause of truth and righteousness or in defense of our religion, our families, and our free institutions, why should we worry?
We are not hanging on to life with greedy hands, fearful of the future. Once we have accepted the gospel and been reconciled to God through the mediation of Christ, what matters it if we are called to the realms of peace, there to await an inheritance in the resurrection of the just?
Having a hope in Christ, we know we shall rise in glorious immortality and find place with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God, to go no more out."8
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

DT 6-27-2011.

End Notes:

1- See historical documentary, The Occult History of the Third Reich. See also: The Great War, Produced by Carl Byker, Akcet Production, aired on KBYU, TV channel 11, July 1998). Alex Jones, End Game  quotes Adolf Hitler: "National Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing a New World Order."

Jerreld L. Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964), 223-24 & 226, 228, 453; J. Reuben Clark, Church News, section of the Deseret New, 6-16-1945. See also Rev. Lindsey Williams, his books & lectures: To Seduce A Nation;The None Energy CrisisSyndrome of Control). 6-16-1945, J. Reuben Clark Jr., also notes how one writer says: "...the revolution which is to replace capitalistic society by a new order must rest on the realization of the fact that they are being robbed of their freedom as persons." Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret News, LDS Church News Section. And: The Dan Smoot Report, 1-8-1962. Robert W. Lee, The United Nations Conspiracy, (Boston; Los Angeles: Western Islands Publishers, 1981; Cliff Kincaid, Global Bondage, The U.N. Plan to Rule the World. And: Thomas P. Kilgannon, Diplomatic Divorce, Why America Should End Its Love Affair With The United Nations, (GA: Stroud & Hall Publishers, 2006); Cliff Kincaid, Global Taxe$ for World Government, (Louisiana: Huntington House, 1997). Also: To the United States Senate, Feb. 7, 1950, James Paul Warburg: "We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent." Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Roosevelt, The Crisis Of The Old Order,1919-1933, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Riverside Press, Houghton Mifflin Company Boston, 1964); Video series: The Occult History of the Third Reich., volumes 1--4, by Video Treasures, 1991). Freedom From War, The United States Program for General & Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World, document presented to the United Nations. U.S. Department of State, Department of State Publication 7277, Disarmament Series 5, released September 1961. You Tube on the internet: Connecting the dots #2 - "Interdependence," Obama's New World Order Speech to UN 9-23-09.

3- 2 Nephi 10:15; Alma 37:25-31, see verses 20-37; Alma 59:13; Helaman 2:4-5; 5:2; 6:21-23, 24-30; 6:38-39; 3 Nephi 7:6-15. How that it was the secret combinations "that did destroy the peace" of the government. (3 Nephi 9:9). Mormon 8:27; Ether 8:20-25. National Geographics Channel, a documentary about MS13 produced by Andrew Tkach, World's Most Dangerous Gang); See also:The New Mafia: Human Trafficking Along U.S. / Mexican Border). Carl A. Raschke, Painted Black, (New York, New York: Harper Paperbacks, 1990). Ezra Taft Benson, Stand Up For Freedom, 1965.

Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844; Also: D. Michael Stewart: "I Have a Question," Ensign, June 1976, 64-65). Numerous LDS leaders, from that time on, have passed down the prophetic comments, though they vary as to exact wording, that there would come a time when the USA's Constitution would be in trouble, would "hang by a thread," or would be in danger of being destroyed by secret combinations. Thus, LDS/Mormon prophets & apostles have continued to warn, for many years now, that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon) people, should "awake" & help up-hold the constitution from falling. That they should stand up & do their part to preserve our God given freedoms! LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, BYU Devotional talk, Vietnam - Victory or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University, Electronic Media Department, Recording Operations Section/ Room E-366 HFAC; BYU, Tape K1389. During this talk, mentioned above, Benson mentions Joseph Smith's prophecy about the Constitution hanging by a thread & said that the prophet at that time said that we are near that time. See also: The Historians Corner, Brigham Young University Studies, Vol. 19, No. 3, p. 391-392. Jerome Horowitz,The Elders of Israel and The Constitution, (SLC Ut: Parliament Publishers, 1970), p. 1, making references to the prophecy mentioned and repeated by later apostles & prophets: Brigham Young, Orson Hyde, John Taylor, Journal of Discourses, vols. 7:15; 6:152; 12:204; 21:8 & 31-32; 22:143-144; 26:38-39; Preston Nibley, "What of Joseph Smith's Prophecy that the Constitution Would Hang by a Thread," (SLC: Deseret News, Church News Section, Dec. 15, 1948; Richard Vetterli,The Constitution By A Thread, (SLC: Paramount Publishers, 1967). Jerreld L. Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964); Gerald N. Lund, The Coming Of The Lord, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1971), p. 56-68, etc. Encyclopedia of Mormonism, Vol.1, 1992.

5- James A. Nathan & James K. Oliver, United States Foreign Policy and World Order, (Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown & Company, 1976); Stanley Hoffmann, Primacy or World Order, American Foreign Policy Since the Cold War, (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1978 & 1980); Donald H. Chew & Stuart L. Gillan, Global Corporate Governance, (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009);
Peter Collier, and David Horowitz, The Rockefellers, An American Dynasty, (New York, New York: A Signet Book, New American Library, Times Mirror, 1976). John Moody, The Truth About the Trusts, (1904). John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason, Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964; Stormer, The Death of a Nation, Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968. Historical documentaries: INVISIBLE EMPIRE - A NEW WORLD ORDER DEFINED - JASON BERMAS. ALEX JONE - END GAME, BLUE PRINT FOR GLOBAL ENSLAVEMENT

AN ENEMY HATH DONE THIS, BY EZRA TAFT BENSION. NONE DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, BY GARY ALLEN, 1971. Gary Allen, during the early 1970's, warns of secret combinations & the New World Order. Ezra Taft Benson, in conference, asked the church to read this book! Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government, (Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962).

The birth of "Unions," such as European Union, a super state, one in a number of states, for World Government!

  • 1917-1991, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, USSR, orSoviet Union, was one of the globalists' first UNIONS.
  • Adolf Hitler said that National Socialism would help build a "New Order," or "New World Order." His unpublished book, New World Order, 1928, if authentic, tells how he sought the Unification of Europe.
  • 1945, "The World Federalist Movement advocated the introduction of world citizenship and a union of all democratic countries
  • 1945, Arab League is formed, as a step towards Arab Union.
  • September 19, 1946, at the University of Zurich, former Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, pro New World Order, spoke of "European unity." Proposing ‘a kind of United States of Europe’with a "Council of Europe."
  • 1944-57numerous "Unions" & councils & conventions, hammered out one treaty, trade & aid agreements after another. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 4 April 1949Assembly of the Council of Europe. Nov. 1950, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, steps towards the super state European court system.
  • 1954-55, the first Bilderberg meetings of globalists, worked out ways to bring about treaties that would become steps towards a European Union, & with money called the euro!
  • 1957 signing of Treaty of Rome, created European Economic Community, which paved ways for European Union = EU, one of the super states with in World Government. Maastricht Treaty (formally, the Treaty on European UnionTEU) was signed on 2-7-1992 & entered into force on 11-1-1993, creating the now European Union and led to the creation of the euroAnother, was the Lisbon Treaty.

7- Jerreld L. Newquist, Prophets, Principles and National Survival, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Publishers Press, 1964; Richard Vetterli, The Constitution By A Thread, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Paramount Publishers, 1967); Jerome Horowitz, The Elders of Israel And The Constitution, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Parliament Publishers, 1970). Ezra Taft Benson, The Constitution-- A Heavenly Banner, Sept. 16, 1986; The Book of Mormon Warns America, May 21, 1968. Ezra Taft Benson, Vietnam – Victory Or Surrender, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University/Electronic Media Department, Recording Operations Section/Room E-366 HFAC; BYU Devotional address given during the Vietnam war, tape K1389. Benson, A Witness and a WarningStand Up for FreedomConspiracy Fact - Book of MormonA Race Against Time; Latter day J. Reuben Clark Jr., Diplomat & Statesman, Ray C. Hillan, Editor, Charles D. Tate, Jr., Associate Editor; Laura Wadley, Assistant Editor, (Provo, Utah: Brigham Young University Press, 1973), see p. 43-116, J. Reuben Clark Jr.: Law & International Order, section commentary by Edwin Brown Firmage & Christopher L. Blakesley. And p. 117-142, J. Reuben Clark, Jr., on American Sovereignty & International Organization, commentary by James B. Allen. Gary Allen, The Rockefeller File, (Seal Beach, California: ’76 Press, 1976), p. 126-32; The LDS Apostle, Ezra Taft Benson, October 1972 General Conference. Ezra Taft Benson, The Red Carpet, (Monarch Books, Inc.), pp. 34—36; Benson, An Enemy Hath Done This, p. 74, 102, 251. John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason, 1964. Jack Monnett, Awakening to our Awful Situation, Warnings from the Nephite Prophets, Book 1, (Spring City, Utah: Nauvoo House Publishing, 2006, 2010); Monnett, Awakening to our Awful Situation, Responding to Satan's War on Agency, Book 2, (Elgin, Oregon: Nauvoo House Publishing, 2009).

8- Elder Bruce R. McConkie, Oct. 1981 General Conference address, Salt Lake City, Utah, Who Hath Believed Our Report?

Friday, June 17, 2011

Eye Witnesses to the Future: A Short Study of Visions of the Future in Near Death Experiences

Eye Witnesses to the Future
(A Short Study of Visions of the Future in Near Death Experiences)
DT, 6-17-2011

One of the aspects of reports of the future, from those who testify to have Near Death Experiences, are that the future is not set in stone. Like ancient prophetic warnings of Biblical times, they are "iffy," "if the people choose to follow Christ's teachings," these things could happen, but "if" they don't, these will be the consequences.1

This point was brought out, during a radio interview by radio talk show host, Martin Tanner, interviewing Dr. George G. Ritchie, who had a NDE 12-1-1943. Thus, on 11-12-1989, on Religion On The Line,“K-Talk” KTKK 630 AM Radio, Salt Lake City, Utah, we have the following:

Ritchie: "What I'm saying now, I've never been given permission to go into any more detail than what I'm saying. It was at this stage."

Martin: "So there were other things that you saw, that you never related in your book [Return From Tomorrow] and can not tell us."

Ritchie: "Absolutely."

Martin: "OK."

Ritchie: "The major thing that I do want to say, because, and I can just touch on this, and say this much. It was like he [Christ] opened up a corridor through time that I could see into the future, what would happen, if we really followed his teachings, & the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We would quite literally go into the millennium [Rev. 20:1-7]. That was closed off, & then I saw, in another corridor, ever increasing natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, things of this nature. And then, finally, armies marching upon the United States from the south. And then, again you must remember that this was prior to Hiroshima & Nagsaki, [Ritchie is making references to how his NDE of 12-1-1943, was before Atomic bombs were used by USA's Military on Japan, Hiroshima, 8-6-1945, & Nagasaki, 8-9-1945, towards the end of World War 2]. Ritchie says: "I saw destruction in a way I couldn't even begin to comprehend, and that was closed off. And we went back into the room [at the army hospital, where his body was]. "He [Christ] let me know that I was going to have to go back."

Martin: "Now these, let me clarify, if I could for a second. These were visions of the future, as it were, alternative visions of different things that could happen, depend on how people here live."

Ritchie: "Right. Depending on whether we were willing to quite literally surrender our will. And as he... puts it in the 17th chapter of John, in his priestly prayer: "Father, I pray that they may become one with me, as I have been one with you." In other words, this would imply, that we must totally surrender our will, & try to develop communion with him; as he has developed communion with our Father God."2

Another account of Ritchie's visions, reads: "He (Christ) opened a corridor through time which showed me increasing natural disasters coming upon this earth.  There were more and more hurricanes and floods occurring over different areas of our planet.  The earthquakes and volcanoes were increasing.  We were becoming more and more selfish and self-righteous.  Families were splitting, governments were breaking apart because people were thinking only of themselves.  I saw armies marching on the United States from the south and explosions occurring over the entire world that were of a magnitude beyond my capacity to imagine.  I realized if they continued, human life as we have known it could not continue to exist.

Suddenly this corridor was closed off and a second corridor started to open through time.  At the beginning they appeared very similar but the further the second one unfolded, the more different it became.  The planet grew more peaceful.  Humanity and nature both were better.  Humanity was not as critical of themselves or others.  They were not as destructive of nature and they were beginning to understand what love is.  Then we stood at a place in time where we were more like the beings of the fourth and fifth realm.   The Lord sent the mental message to me, "It is left to humanity which direction he shall choose.  I came to this planet to show you through the life I led how to love.  Without OUR FATHER you can do nothing, neither could I.  I showed you this.  You have 45 years."

He then gave me orders to return to the human plane and mentally said, "You have 45 years."  I had no understanding at that moment what he meant by 45 years."3

1991, in Dr. Ritchie's book, My Life After Dying, Christ had opened a corridor through time in which he was shown, among other things, how:“governments were breaking apart because people were thinking only of themselves. I saw armies marching on the United States from the south & [massive] explosions occurring over the entire world”4

May 13, 1992, Wednesday evening, I, Darell Thorpe, talked with Dr. George G. Ritchie, Jr. on the phone to clarify what he meant, by armies marching upon the United States from the south. He said that he believed that it was more likely an army from south of the border, such as from Mexico, & other south American countries.

2-18-1993, 7th meeting of Friends of International Association For Near Death Studies. Different events of the future had been shown to a person who alleged to have a NDE: Different natural disasters, armies marching upon the United States from south of the border, & else where. Mob rule in different cities around the country. Ever increasing gang violence in many cities. Different secret combinations had infiltrated the different nations of the world, as well as in this country. They were working to bring about the down fall of the nations, & the United States. How ever, these events of the future were not set, but rather, they were based on how we all decide to live right now. For we can either continue to retrogress down, or we can decide right now to change our future by becoming as good & loving a person as possible!5

In 1995, Dannion Brinkley, author of Saved by the Light, he wrote in At Peace In The Light, about the visions of the future, from the time of his NDE, 9-17-1975. Brinkley wrote how 13 beings of light, "...gave me 117 predictions, many of which have come true. They revealed to me changes in the earth as well as changes in the way the government sees itself. They showed me the rise and fall of different countries in the Middle East, and how those shifts in power would occur. They also gave me a preview of the coming struggle in Western culture over health care, as well as the economic collapse of the dollar and the decline of the cities. They showed me an array of good things as well. Information about medicine was made clear to me, for instance, that revealed a positive future. They made it clear to me that if we do not recapture our spirits, we will not be able to cope with the future."6

Howard Storm's NDE visions of the future are interesting too:7

"And we [the angels & Storm] talked about the future & that there are all these wonderful gifts & powers that we have--powers & gifts beyond description. So I asked them what the future on earth was going to look like. They told me & showed me. In the not-too distant future, everyone will communicate telepathically ,...people will be able to travel galactically & effortlessly without any equipment, without any technology, just wish it & it will be. We would be anywhere.... people will live & develop spiritually unti it is time to become fully spiritual being, & they will leave their body just the way a butterfly uses the chrysalis. And... men will control the weather....there will be no buildings. There won't be,...machinery... there will be very little technology because people will have so little need for it. In other words, people will be able to go anywhere they want to simply by thinking it. And they`ll be able to do that spiritually & they'll be able to do that physically if they choose to."

"People will be able to travel all over the universe, & people will be able to travel to other dimensions. But the focus of the work will be this garden--this school. People won't really be that interested in exploring other worlds because the focus will be on this world & when they ascend, then they will move on to other worlds. So it's not like-- nobody's in a hurray to leave here until they have done the work that they feel is really necessary."

"People will be struggling to learn, struggling to develop, struggling to enhance their spirituality. It will be work & people will fail. Every once in awhile, people will feel anger & the whole collecttive population will feel it & say: "How have we failed? What have we done wrong? This person has felt a negative emotion. Maybe it's a good thing & may it's part of their development." Everybody will care about everybody else, & that is where they want this world to be. We'll live in harmony --as lovers & caretakers of this planet & of the creatures in it & of each other & people. Their entire occupation will be (besides their own spiritual development) the collective development of everyone around them, especially beyond. This is kind of absurd to break it down into ratios, but people will spend about 50% of their time nurturing the young which is any one who hasn't passed on, `cause anyone that matures, goes. And a very small fraction of your time will be taking care of business--like controlling the climate of the whole planet which will be done practically & collectively in harmony with everyone else. Our work will include growing food. The remainder of the time will be in people's own development of their own unique capabilities: some people might want to explore music, & some people might want to explore philosophy, & some people might want to explore science in terms of understanding how the mechanics of this physical world work. Other people might just enjoy being in harmony, & just might want to meditate like on the ocean.... That would be for their own spiritual development. Each person will develop uniquely. The world will be full of churches .... Each person will have a church, & people will go & share their spiritual development with each other."

"All this is going to happen & it's going to happen soon, & we can either work against it or we can work for it. They were going way beyond my credibility. I mean, they were showing me...this vision, & I'm going: "I love it. It's great. But it can't happen. You don't know what it is like down's dog-eat-dog....You don't understand how really mean it is down there. Is this absolutely the futur?" And they said: "No, this is the future that we are working towards & we want you to work towards." And I said: "Is it going to happen or not?" And they said: "That depends on a lot of factors. This is what we want to happen." I said: "It seems to me you can make anything happen." And they said: "You haven't learned anything! They allow us the freedom to not...They aren't going to make it happen; they aren't going to force it to happen, but on this, they're getting anxious. They're getting tired of this game--war, hate, starvation, greed, nationalism games. They're really burned out on it. They figure everybody's learned as much as they can possibly learn from it. So they're really interested in bringing this whole stage of human development to an end & moving on to the next. So it's more than just a possibility; it's a real strong possibility."

"I said: "You show me all these things & you lay all these feelings about these things on me, & I can't do anything about it." And they said: "You can do something about it." Essentially the idea is the "critical mass" idea. That's the basic idea that one person, by simply not argueing about whether it can or cannot be done, but simply knowing that it must be done & believing that it will be done, convince one person, then another person...The only way to change things is by convincing everyone that this is what the possibility is. With enought people in a very short time, the whole world is turned around, converted..." (& we can therefore start) "moving in that direction." "The future that I talked about, this future world of peace & harmony, isn't even going to begin to happen--they aren't going to unlock the real spiritual gifts until we give every human being in the world the opportunity to be a human being...." Storm goes on to say that the hungry & homeless have got to be given a chance to live normal lives. So that they can develop in other ways without thinking about food or a place to stay all the time. "The signs of the vision that they showed me...Since I've been back 3 years, I keep seeing signs, & I go: "Wow! I can't believe. They weren't kidding. It's really happening. And the signs are all over the place. And everybody I know that's into signs of the times feel the same way, that it's not just a vague promise or wish; it really is happening. It's wonderful to be alive at this time. This is a dramatic transformation of planet Earth from man moving out of his bestial, animal phase into his spiritual phase." [At least it would seem that some people are headed in that direction, & are progressing. While others seem to be retrogressing to the other extreme. Comments mine, DT]

"In the future there will still be stuggle; there will still be the resistance on the part of many of us to take that next step because it is difficult work, but you'll have people working with you & helping you. I will suffer; you will suffer when we see one of us resisting their spiritual progress & development. And we'll be with them, working with them, praying with them, trying to love them so that they can make that next transition into a more enlightened view of the world. You know, the word "Utopia" means "No place." The future isn't a Utopia. It's the fulfillment of this planet's destiny. In some ways I was kind of disappointed in the vision of the future because I was expecting a deluxe Star Wars....When you approach the door, it goes (open with a sound effect). You know, everyone would have picture phones & helicopters. I mean, I wanted high-tech future, & they're telling me the future is full of people playing with dolphins, swimming with the whales, & talking to animals, communicating telepathically, people making designs in the clouds, a man lying on his back looking up in the sky making beautiful fromations with the clouds, & other people going by thinking: "Oh, George, you're playing with the clouds again." "People revering this earth so much that they really not only don't to tamper with it, but they try to create it into a great state of beauty. The entire earth is a garden--different kinds of gardens--cactus gardens, tropical gardens--with people living in harmony with them. Now, I had somewhat of an attitude of detachment from all of this because I thought: "Oh. That's nice for those people that are coming, but I still didn't have much sense that it had anything to do with me."

"(Question: What can you tell us about the future of the United States?) I generally do not like to comment too much about this because it's bad. They showed me the future of this country. This country at the present time is doing more harm than good. We're consuming too much & giving back to little. We've been given so much, & unless this country changes, morally & spiritually, they're going to have to take it away from us & give it to somebody else. What they showed me was always: "This is the way things are going." "This is the way things can be." They even showed me the possibilities like: "This could happen or it could be this." I said: "Show me what is going to happen. If you know what's really going to happen, then don't show me all the possibilities, just show me. Don't give me all the possibilities." They said, "We can't do that because we take away all your choice." They can never do anything to take away your will. No Good Being (angel) can take your will away from you, which means to limit your choice to limit your possibilities. I'm free to choose...We have to constantly choose a "preferred future,"... sharing our wealth & our knowledge, our hope & our goodness for the rest of the world, & we are not doing that. When you have alot, like we have alot, & you allow people to starve to death-- that's bad & we do it everyday. I participate in it, & you do. So immediate profnosis is us failing behind the economically, agriculturally, & one of the ways that they said it was going to happen is our agricultural system is going to break down, & the rest of the world is going to start to surpass us economically. We've been given a favored position in the world, & we can either use that in the spirit that gift was given or have it taken away...."8

The following is from: Kevin William's research conclusions, The NDE and the Future

Dannion Brinkley's major prophetic visions yet to happen:
(a)Oil used as a weapon to control the world economy

(b)The economic collapse of the world economy

(c)A war between China and Russia

(d)Democracy in Egypt overthrown and fanatics rule

(e)An alliance between the Chinese and Syrians

(f )Catastrophic natural disasters in America

(g)The fall of America as a world power

(h)The rise of an environmental religion beginning in Russia

(i )A leader from Russia to become a U.N. leader

(j )The possibility of a World War III

A scientific discovery to alter DNA and create a biological virus that will be used in the manufacture of computer chips (see this article)
Concerning Dannion's visions of the future, the Being of Light told him the following:
Watch the Soviet Union. How the Russian people go, so goes the world. What happens to Russia is the basis for everything that will happen to the economy of the free world. (Dannion Brinkley)
Increasing natural disasters on the Earth (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes).

Families are splitting and governments are breaking apart because people are thinking only of themselves.

(c)Armies will march on the U.S. from the south.

Explosions will occur over the entire world of a magnitude beyond our capacity to imagine. If they continue, human life as we have known it will not exist.
Wars will continue to spread from the Eastern Hemisphere to the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Russia and China.

A great threat to global peace will come from China which is preparing itself for a global war.

The U.S. government will collapse because a staggering national debt will cause it to fail to meet its financial obligations.

(d)U.S. banking institutions will collapse due to natural disasters.

(e)The U.S. will be thrown into political, economic, and social chaos.

(f )
Terrorist activities and wars will occur first in the Middle East, then in Italy (the Vatican and Rome).

A shift of the Earth's axis will result in massive earthquakes, volcanic and tidal waves disasters. (see this article)

America will lose its ability to defend itself, leaving the country vulnerable to invasion by foreign troops, particularly by China.
Concerning the future of the world, the Lady of Light specifically told Ned:
Pray for the conversion of China. The conversion of China to God is necessary for the salvation of the world. (Ned Dougherty)
(a)The Earth will drastically changed because of turmoil, wars and death.

A giant explosion in the Earth's atmosphere will cause much land to be destroyed.

(c)The U.S. government will collapse.

A volcano will explode which will result in many cities in the U.S. being put in darkness.

(e)People will kill over food and water.

(f )Cities will fall and new ones will be built.

(g)Few cities will be left, but people will be content.

See also:


"Nigh unto Death": NDE Research and the Book of Mormon

End Notes:

1-  Kevin William's research conclusions, The NDE and the Future (Internet: )

2- KTKK K-Talk, 630 AM Radio, Salt Lake City, Utah, 11-12-1989, Religion on the Line, Host, Martin Tanner, guest: Dr. George G. Ritchie Jr., author of Return From Tomorrow, (USA: A Spire Book, 1978), and My Life After Dying, Becoming Alive to Universal Love, (USA: Hampton Roads, 1991), 29-30. You TubeEvidence That The Constitution is Hanging By A Thread #6, see 4:20 into this video.

3- Other Near-Death Experience Revelations

4- George G. Ritchie, M.D., My Life After Dying, pp. 29-30; see also Brent L Top and Wendy C. Top, Beyond Death’s Door, Understanding Near-Death Experiences in Light of the Restored Gospel,(Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1993), 240.

5- George G. Ritchie, Jr., M. D., My Life After Dying, Becoming Alive to Universal Love, (Hampton Roads, 1991), 29—30; Journal of Near- Death Studies, vol. 7,#1, Fall 1988, pp. 4—18; SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CHAPTER OF THE FRIENDS OF IANDS, 7th meeting, 2-18-1993, written by DT. Salt Lake City, Utah Chapter of the Friends of IANDS, News Letter #7, March 1993.

6- Dannion Brinkley, with Paul Perry, At Peace In The Light, (New York, New York: Harper Paperbacks, Harper Collins Publishers, 1996), 6-7. Bold added here. to contact Dannion.

7- See also: You Tube: Howard Storm, On the Future World

8- SOURCES: During the month of April 1992. DR. LYNN JOHNSON gave me [DT] a letter of a type script of Howard Storm's near death experience. Earlier he had given me a copy of Howard Storm's experience on some tapes. This type script was based on the tapes. The information of this type script was typed by JBB, Silverdale, WA, from 1988 cassette tape from N.D.E. Research Institute, Ft. Thomas, KY.

Howard Storm's inteview with Martin Tanner, July 15th, 1990 on "Religion on the Line" 630 AM RADIO, (KTKK- "K-Talk"), Utah. Later, on Thursday, September 17, 1992, at the 3rd meeting for IANDS's branch for the Salt Lake City valley area in Murray Utah, at the Cottonwood Hospital. (IANDS = International Associations & Near Death Studies). I obtained another version of Howard Storm's NDE, which was being made available at that meeting. Dr. Johnson told me that it was another version, besides the others he had given me earlier. This version was based on a tape recording made in 1989 at the NDE Research Institute, in Kentucky. The typescript of this 1989 taped version has been entitled: An Experience of Howard Storm.