Howard Storm's Near Death Experience:
Links to Different Accounts, Typescripts, Videos, & Audio Accounts
Hear Howard Storm talking about his NDE on Mills Crenshaw's radio show, Drive Time Live. Thus, to hear, click on this link: Friday, 10-21-2011, on K-Talk, KTKK 630 AM Radio, Salt Lake City valley area & beyond by Internet. The following are just some high lights of Howard Storm's Near Death Experience, from Earlier Accounts, 1988 & 1990. Howard Storm, in 1985, was an Atheist, when he had his near death experience. There are a number of presentations & dramatizations of his experience on the internet. You can read about his nde in his book: My Descent Into Death. Near Death Experiences are becoming an interesting, life changing area of research for many people. Here's an article from different accounts, with comments & notes about the same types of things, as seen in early Christian art works & ancient texts, suggesting the ancients also knew of these same types of journeys of the soul.
Howard Storm went on the explain a few things about his back ground, how that he was a college art professor, at Kentucky University, in the Fine Arts Dept. He had no interest in religion at the time of his experience. He says he didn't read, or care anything about religion, & didn't follow any kind of religious system at the time. He felt that the scientific explanation of the world was true, at least those who claimed that & we all are composed of matter, & that when we die we would go on into the nothingness of death, & would go out of existence for ever & ever.
On June 1, 1985 He was taking a group of college students around Europe & was going to different art galleries & Museums. He says that about 11:00 in the morning in a Paris hotel room while he was attempting to get a group organized to go to another museum. He fell to the floor of the hotel room screaming. Holding his gut in a lot of pain, he had his wife call the doctor. The doctor came & gave him a shot of morphine, & He was rushed to a hospital. They told him that he needed an operation immediately. They found out through x-rays that he had a small hole in his duodenum. He was told that he would have to wait, however, because the only surgeon that was on duty was busy with another & groaning from the pain. When they told them that he would have to wait until sunday, he thought that it, the only way out of this pain is to simply let go & die. He told his wife that he loved her, he knew that if he said good bye that she would try & argue with him to hold on, to not give up. He felt that the painwas to great, & that there was nothing to argue about.
He said: "...I closed my eyes & relaxed & let go to die. There was no question in my mind that I could do it. It was real easy to do at that point. The doctors told me here that considering the surgeon's report that I had a 5mm hole in the duodenum, without any treatment all day that my life-expectancy, like 5 hours was good, and so I was way beyond that. I felt like I was going to sleep, & I was real glad of it & I knew that what would happen next would be that forever & ever I would no longer have a thought or an existence or anything else. I knew that to be true, absolutely. During this entire day the idea of praying or a life after death or anyting never even crossed my mind; it wasn't a possibility, & I drifted into darkness, just kindof like going into a sleep; & it felt wonderful. Then the next thing was before I opened my eyes, I knew I was standing up & I opened my eyes to see why I was standing up & I was standing by my bed looking at a body in the bed where I had been, & there was my wife next to that body. And I looked at that body & I realized that that body was me. And I looked down at myself & my reaction was real anger & bewilderment & confusion. How could I be standing here, & there I am right there. I was right within arms reach. There was this body & I was standing next to it looking at the body. How can you be two places at the same time? My thoughts were: "This must be madness I must be losing my mind, `cause this is crazy. This can't be real." Except that my hands hurt when I did that, & I could feel the sweat in my hands & I could smell things & I had bare feet & the linoleum floor of the hospital was cold & my feet were damp. I could feel that dampness & the coldness. And I could feel the pain in my joints. Although I didn't have that tremendous pain in my gut anymore, I felt bad. I felt weary all over...."
Storm went on to say how that he wanted this to be a dream, but how that he knew that it was not a dream. He said that he had a sense of being more alive, & even more alert than ever before. He said that he was in a "...heightened sense of awareness, not in any lessened sense of awareness. I tried to get my wife's attention. I yelled & screamed at her & she just remained motionless with her head down next to my bed."
In the 1990 K-Talk interview, Storm said that he tried to communicate with his wife & a friend in the most "violent manner" by coming right up to them, & yelling & screaming right in front of their faces, but they didn't respond in any way.) Storm said that he was angry, & every emotion he had had up to that point was anger, hear, & confusion. He says that he no longer had interest in his body, & his attention turned towards some voices he heard calling to him from outside the room. He said that: "...I heard voices out in the hallway calling me by name & that was unsettling because the people in the French hospital couldn't say Howard very well....The people out in the hallway knew my name was Howard & they were saying it without a French accent. And I was saying: "Who are you? What do you want" And they'd say: "Hurray up. Come on out here." I'd say: "I'm sick. Something's the matter in here. Something is very, very wrong." They said: "Oh, we can fix it. Come on out. Let's go." And we had this exchange & I kept getting closer & closer to the doorway, & I had this feeling that if I left the room, which was vivid & real contained my wife, & my
And the people in the hallway said: "We can't help you, if you don't come out here. Just come through." "So I stepped through the doorway with a certain amount of anxiety. And when I stepped through the doorway into the hall of the hospital, all that I could see was a mist or a fog. It was fairly light; it wasn't dark. And back in the fog in the hedge were people. And they were tall & short, large & small, male & female, young & old but no children- nobody that small or that young looking, as best I could make them out, but they were kind of unclear. And as I would towards them, they would move back away from me. And I'd ask them: "What do you want? Who are you? Where are we going? What am I doing here? How come I'm not in my body? How can this be real? What's the matter with my wife?" I had thousands & thousands of questions I could ask them & they couldn't answer anything. Everything I asked them they would answer with a "Let's go. Hurry up. What's the matter with you? Don't you want to get better?" Stuff like that. It was very confusing."
"And I followed them & we walked & walked... what seemed like days, weeks. I had no real concept of the time frame, because my sense of time wasn't working--because I hadn't figured out that there wasn't any sense of time there!... As we walked, the fog kept getting thicker & darker, & finally we got to the point where I couldn't go on. I was exhausted, & I couldn't go with them any further. It wasn't a physical exhaustion; it was a mental exhaustion. I felt that there would be no end to it, & I realized that we were in the dark in this very thick fog in complete darkness. And I said: "I don't want to have anything more to do with you." They had become increasingly crueler & difficult. Actually they got to the point of making jokes & being sarcastic. And when I said I wouldn't go any further with them, they started pushing & shoving, & I started punching & kicking & hitting."
In the 1990 K-Talk interview, Storm said that he could punch them as hard as he could in the face, but it seem to have no effect. In fact they mocked & laughed at his efforts to try & defend himself. He said that he could sense them coming at him from all sides, in massive mobs & demonic hosts.
"In stead of there being just a few of them or a dozen of them, I had a sense that there were lots of them, many, many, many, of them. In the dark I had no idea but I could tell by the voices & everywhere I turned someone was pushing, someone was punching, & I was hitting back. And I felt like a wild man, & the fight went on for a long time. and one of the reasons why it went on so long was because they weren't in any hurry to win.... Everything that hurt me gave them delight. And there was a lot of laughter & a lot of insults to me (which I don't need to go into), but I can't imagine anything more degrading or horrible than what took place. And ultimately I was so badly torn uo that I was laying in a heap in that place--in the dark. People were just sort of kicking at me... trying to get me to react, & I was beyond reacting."
In the 1990 K-Talk interview: Storm said that as he laid their ripped & torn, & after they had violated him in the most unspeakable manners, & while they surrounded him. A voice came from with in side his mid section that said "Pray." He said that at that time he thought to himself: I don't do that, that doesn't work, I don't believe in God.
"...That's a cop-out." And the voice said: "Pray to God." Well, I haven't done that since I was a kid, & the voice said: "Pray" again. And I felt...My first reaction was I'm going to try this, but I don't know what it is. I can't remember how to do it, because praying to me was always watching some adult doing it somewhere, & it always sounded real fancy.... So I tried to recite prayers like remembering small pieces of the 23rd Psalm, & the Lord's Prayer, & I threw in the Pledge of Allegiance, & I threw in pieces of God, Bless America, & anything I could think of that sounded potent, that sounded churchy. And I started out tentatively with this stuff (and it was just bits & pieces, phrases here & there,) & these beings that had been persecuting me in this darkness were real angry with what I was doing. They told me--that nobody could hear me & what a coward I was & they thought less of me.... And this really incited me to say this stuff with a little more force & conviction. And they were yelling at me that there was no god..." [etc.]
He said they they had also used a lot of vulgarities, & were swearing at him the whole time. They told him that there was no God, & that he was a fool for attempting to pray because nobody cared, or no body could even hear him, that it was useless, & that he was worthless. He said that what he was doing caused them to back away from him into the darkness.
"...I couldn't see them but I could sense them, & I certainly could hear them, & they just kept backing up. And so I'm down there yelling: "And though I walk through the valley..." [of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;..." see: Psalms 23]. "...God bless America.... And it was really kind of a funny scene, & I was really feeling pretty empowered by all this stuff. I wasn't actually up; I was just lying there doing this stuff & I realized that there wasn't anyone around anymore."
"I was all alone. They were gone & this next period that I have very little to say about took a long period of time, but I laid alone in the dark. I had no idea where I was. I felt horribly & painfully alive & real. The pain that I had suffered during the day was nothing compared to what I was feeling now. I even was at the point of hoping that they would come back! I was really beginning to think that if they come back, maybe I could be with them or something."
In the 1990 K-Talk interview: He said that maybe he could get these beings to help him some how, but he knew that it was hopeless, so he sank down into a state of deep depression & despair.) "This was all a long time, & I became increasingly hopeless, & I began to think that this was really the real, real end of my existence.... And then that funny voice that had asked me to pray before started to sing to me something from my childhood. This voice was just coming from me, which was a rich experience for me because I had never heard it before in my life..." And what that meant to me at that time...was that somewhere out in that darkness, there is something that is good & something that wants me,... To me there was a childhood memory that Sunday School teachers had planted in me & it was recalled. I thought growing up in a Protestant church that God/Jesus (one in the same) loved me, & I wanted someone to love me.... and it was like it was a shot in the dark but I believed that somebody out there did love me, and I screamed: "Please save me! Jesus, please save me!"
"In the dark I saw a small point of light. My first reaction was a star. How come I hadn't seen it before & how beautiful. And it kept getting brighter & brigher. And I realized that it was moving & my next though was: "Oh-no. It's a meteorite & it's headed right at me." And it kept getting brighter & really fast. It was so intense; it would be like looking into a spotlight, except that not only did it not feel bad--it felt wonderful to look into it. And I knew in that life, I was seeing more color, more beauty, more radiance than anything I had ever seen before,... It was just amazing! And as that light came to me & came upon me, I very quickly realized that it wasn't light at all; it had nothing to do with light. It was brilliant & it was radiant, but it was a being. When that being enveloped me, I was down & I rose up off the floor..."
In the 1990 K-Talk interview: He said that maybe he could get these beings to help him some how, but he knew that it was hopeless, so he sank down into a state of deep depression & despair.) "This was all a long time, & I became increasingly hopeless, & I began to think that this was really the real, real end of my existence.... And then that funny voice that had asked me to pray before started to sing to me something from my childhood. This voice was just coming from me, which was a rich experience for me because I had never heard it before in my life..." And what that meant to me at that time...was that somewhere out in that darkness, there is something that is good & something that wants me,... To me there was a childhood memory that Sunday School teachers had planted in me & it was recalled. I thought growing up in a Protestant church that God/Jesus (one in the same) loved me, & I wanted someone to love me.... and it was like it was a shot in the dark but I believed that somebody out there did love me, and I screamed: "Please save me! Jesus, please save me!"
"In the dark I saw a small point of light. My first reaction was a star. How come I hadn't seen it before & how beautiful. And it kept getting brighter & brigher. And I realized that it was moving & my next though was: "Oh-no. It's a meteorite & it's headed right at me." And it kept getting brighter & really fast. It was so intense; it would be like looking into a spotlight, except that not only did it not feel bad--it felt wonderful to look into it. And I knew in that life, I was seeing more color, more beauty, more radiance than anything I had ever seen before,... It was just amazing! And as that light came to me & came upon me, I very quickly realized that it wasn't light at all; it had nothing to do with light. It was brilliant & it was radiant, but it was a being. When that being enveloped me, I was down & I rose up off the floor..."
["The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." Isaiah 9:2].
In The Book of Mormon, (1830), the ancient American prophet, Alma, tells his son, Helaman, about his rebellious days, where he went about, with others, to destroy the church of God. While they were doing this, a bright angel appears to them! Alma fell to the earth, & soon slips into the classic aspects of a near death experience: "And it came to pass that I fell to the earth; and it was for the space of three days and three nights that I could not open my mouth, neither had I use of my limbs.... I was racked with eternal torment, for my soul was harrowed up to the greatest degree and racked with all my sins. Yea, I did remember all my sins and iniquities, for which I was tormented with the pains of hell; yea, I saw that I had rebelled against my God, and that I had not kept his holy commandments.... [But] I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world. Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death. And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more. And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain! ...Yea, methought I saw... God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels, in the attitude of singing and praising their God; yea, and my soul did long to be there. But behold, my limbs did receive their strength again, and I stood upon my feet, and did manifest unto the people that I had been born of God." (The Book of Mormon, Alma 36:1-23).
In The Book of Mormon, (1830), the ancient American prophet, Alma, tells his son, Helaman, about his rebellious days, where he went about, with others, to destroy the church of God. While they were doing this, a bright angel appears to them! Alma fell to the earth, & soon slips into the classic aspects of a near death experience: "And it came to pass that I fell to the earth; and it was for the space of three days and three nights that I could not open my mouth, neither had I use of my limbs.... I was racked with eternal torment, for my soul was harrowed up to the greatest degree and racked with all my sins. Yea, I did remember all my sins and iniquities, for which I was tormented with the pains of hell; yea, I saw that I had rebelled against my God, and that I had not kept his holy commandments.... [But] I remembered also to have heard my father prophesy unto the people concerning the coming of one Jesus Christ, a Son of God, to atone for the sins of the world. Now, as my mind caught hold upon this thought, I cried within my heart: O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me, who am in the gall of bitterness, and am encircled about by the everlasting chains of death. And now, behold, when I thought this, I could remember my pains no more; yea, I was harrowed up by the memory of my sins no more. And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain! ...Yea, methought I saw... God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels, in the attitude of singing and praising their God; yea, and my soul did long to be there. But behold, my limbs did receive their strength again, and I stood upon my feet, and did manifest unto the people that I had been born of God." (The Book of Mormon, Alma 36:1-23).
Art work of: Christ's Descent into Limbo, 1445 Master of the Osservanza - Fogg Art Museum Cambridge Massachusetts. Like in Howard Storm's NDE, in ancient art works of when Christ descends into the darkness of hell, he does so to preach the gospel there; to rescue, resurrect, liberate, harrow & defeat the devil & the underworld demons, (note a fallen devil under the doors in this art work below). Christ thus gains victory over death & hell; during his descent into hell, limbo, hades, the harrowing of hell, the Anastasis. The bright light of Christ's glory shines forth into the darkness, like in ancient accounts & NDEs. There are legends, art works & early Christian accounts of this, that tell how the demons fled back into the deepest, darkest places of the underworld to get away from Christ's brightness, that lit up the depths of hell.2
In the 1990 K-talk interview, Storm said that this beautiful angelic being of light & love also healed him of the abuse that he had recieved from the demonic beings. He said that he saw his wounds healed.
In a medieval legend of Christ's other-realm journey down into the "under world" [Isa.42:6-7; Eph.4:7-10; 1 Pet.3:15-22; 4:5-6]; Christ is depicted as a glorious being of light who gains victory over the "under world" prison keepers, & its' warden. Thus, the spirits that were held captive there in that realm, were set free!
THE GOLDEN LEGEND: "And what happened when Jesus died? For He invaded death's abode & robb'd him of his sting. The house of dust enthralls no more, For he, the strong to save, Himself doth guard that silent door, Great Keeper of the Grave...." [Christ's voice was heard from out side the gates of hell.] For "...a voice like thunder rolls, throughout the realm of death's imprisoned souls:" [Psa.24].
`Lift up your heads, ye everlasting gates! The King of Glory at your entrance waits.' Then Hell" [who, in this legend has been personified, says:] "...Who is this glorious King?" And the answer all its chambers ring: `The Lord of Hosts-- strong to subdue all foes, Mighty in battle-- none can Him oppose.' Then, in the realm of Death's unbroken shade appeared the Conqueror in light arrayed. It was as tho' in crimson & in gold. The splendour of a thousand suns had rolled. Their mingled glory in one matchless beam. And lit up Death's Shadow with the lustrous gleam. Ineffable that glory; as it shone. Like to the radiance of the Great White Throne. Precipitate, demons of darkness fled. And lost souls, to the confines of the dead. Whilst through the open gates & broken bars, towards realms of light more fadeless than the stars. The Prince of Life a host of captives led. From out of the night & bondage of the dead." (A Medieval legend, cited in: Geoffrey R. King, The Forty Days, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.M. B. Eerdmans, 1949), p.15-20).
He said: "I didn't lift myself; I just rose up, upright into the light, & I felt this light embracing me & lovingly. I was crying & crying.... And I knew that this being of radiance, of brilliance, knew me & loved me--no questions asked, nothing expected. It was proverbial unconditional love. And I didn't speak; I didn't ask. I had the most wonderful experience of ecstacy!"3
A 14th century A.D. painting shows war taking place in mid air between demons & angels. Angels & demons dispute over the souls of people. In the same painting, some people (who perhaps are on the side of the veil of the living), seem to be unaware of the battle taking place over their heads, above them in the sky. Some souls are carried away safe in the arms of an angel. While others are depicted as having a demon attempting to pull them down, while an angel clasps the soul by the wrists to pull the souls away from the demon's grasp. Thus a sort of "tug-of-war" is depicted as the forces of light & love, battle with the forces of evil & darkness, during what might be the early moments after death. See: Italy, History-Art-Landscape, by Mercury Art Books Florence: Edizioni Mercurio, 1954-7, by Mercurio, p.200, wall painting, attributed to Orcagna. See also, Jude 9. Drawing of a portion of this work, as seen here, is by Darell Thorpe.
Storm continued: "We rose slowly at first & then increasingly rapidly out of that place, upwardly, & we started picking up light speed. And then off in the distance I saw that we were coming toward more light, more radiancy. They were moving... All were moving toward the great center, & some were coming out. There was this great center of light, & there were countless beings like going in & out. [Consider the art work below!] And as we got closer to it, the radiance that that center was giving off was so powerful that my sensation of ecstacy & the sensation of power was piercing me. (That sounds like a painful situation, but it was just the opposite.) Each being of radiance was more bliss, more power, more ecstacy. I thought to myself: "I can't bear to get any closer." I just felt like if I got any closer I would blow up out of joy & pleasure & goodness."
Dante & Beatrice gaze upon the highest Heaven The Empyrean illustration for the Divine Comedy by Gustave Doré 1832-1883, Paradiso Canto 31
Howard Storm continued: "And all of a sudden, for the first time, this being-of-light that was supporting me would come to me, & he spoke to my mind. (In the K-talk interview, Storm said that communication was through telepathy). He said: "Oh, that's okay. We don't have to get any closer if you are uncomfortable." And he came to me & stopped. And I said: "I think you've made a mistake & I think you should put me back where I was. I don't belong here. I'm not good enough." I had a sense that I was in this world of incredible love & perfection & beauty, & I felt like a piece of filth; that's how I thought of myself. I felt like a worm. Here I was in front of ... I mean I was getting pretty close to all this splendor, & it was big & it was beautiful & it was huge. I told them that they had the wrong person, & I meant it. Although I had already gone through this dreaded healing process, part of me wanted out. I wanted not to be there-- not to be part of it."
"My friend said: "We don't make mistakes. You are exactly in the right place at the right time. You do belong here." I kind of argued a little bit about that. I said something to the effect: "I'm not sure. Maybe you should put me back. Are you sure? Are you really sure you've got the right guy?" And my friend just gave me an extra dose of loving & said: "It's okay." "...Unfortunately I can't describe the beauty & the love very well. My friend called some of the other beings whom I will henceforth refer to as angels: "Cherub"... Normally there were 5 or 6 & sometimes as many as 8 around us & they formed sort of a semi-circle around us, & they came over to us. And when they came over to us, I became self-conscious because I was naked. I looked down & I saw that I didn't have anything covering myself, & so standing there like this, & they said: "That's okay. We've seen it. Nothing new." That made me feel good because I could feel a sense of humor with them. We proceeded to talk. They were doing all these heavy love numbers on me. Every time I'd sort of weaken & get insecure, they'd sort of bolster me up with feelings of love, & they'd say things & I'd respond to them."
"They knew everything that I was thinking & all that I did was think something, & then I would hear their voice in my mind. I heard their voices very distinctly. One of the first exchanges was: "Are you afraid?" And I said: "No, it's all so beautiful." And they said: "We can appear to you in human form or in any form you want, so you'll be comfortable with us." And I said: "No, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Please don't change into anything for me. You're more beautiful than anything I could possibly imagine." And in my opinion, I have never in my life experienced anything like them, before the experience or after the experience because they were full of colors that I had never seen before. They`re just impossible to describe."
"They knew everything that I was thinking & all that I did was think something, & then I would hear their voice in my mind. I heard their voices very distinctly. One of the first exchanges was: "Are you afraid?" And I said: "No, it's all so beautiful." And they said: "We can appear to you in human form or in any form you want, so you'll be comfortable with us." And I said: "No, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Please don't change into anything for me. You're more beautiful than anything I could possibly imagine." And in my opinion, I have never in my life experienced anything like them, before the experience or after the experience because they were full of colors that I had never seen before. They`re just impossible to describe."
In the 1990 K-talk interview, Strom said that one of the angelic beings looked to me a male being, about 20 years of age. Or would have looked about that age, if he was a male person 20 years of ages on earth. Except that they glowed with light & love, & were very intelligent... compassionate & loving with my sister whom I basically didn't get along with at all.... [And I thought I was] being educated to become a member of this world living of radiant & angelic beings. I had no idea that I would be coming back to this physical reality.... One of the things I asked them was: "What about the Bible?" because I had always thought that the Bible was a fairy story. They said that the Bible is full of truth but you have to read the Bible spiritually to understand it. And I said: "How do you do that?" And they said: "Well, it will be hard for you to understand this, but there is another way of looking at things other than just superficially & literally. We sure talked about that a little while & I said: "How come this never came through to me before?" and they showed me how--when the few times in my life when I had looked at like the Bible or something spiritual, I had always looked at it for problems. I was always reading it to find out what was wrong with it, & the minute I hit anything that appeared to be a contradiction or appeared to be other-worldly or extraordinary, I'd go: "Uh-huh. Prove it. This is weird stuff that has no relevance & no meaning." And so I used the Bible, I used the few times that I had looked at the Bible & other things like it, as proof that it had no relevance or meaning to me. I never looked at them for any kind of insight or truth, & I never looked at them in a prayerful or spiritual way at all."
In the K-Talk interview, Storm said that the angelic beings had told him that the Bible was the truth, but that it was not all of the truth that God had given to the human family. For God had given many truths to people throughout the world at different times. All good things come from God. People all over the world, at different times, have been inspired, & have been given many truths. What was important about the Bible was not so much the things like how long a person lived, or who did what to who. But rather, the lesson with regard to relationships, the teachings of the prophets & Christ that can help improve the human race. Those where the things that really mattered in the bible).
"I asked them about life on other worlds, & they said: "Let us show you." The real interesting thing about how they showed things was-not only did they answer me but they frequently showed me & even let me feel them. They said: "Look. Here's a small glimpse of the kinds of life there is in our world. They didn't take me to other worlds, but they started to show me panorama of other life forms on other worlds. There was a parade of life in front of me--every conceivable kind. They started off with things that looked like
humans, & they started getting weirder & weirder & stranger. I didn't know whether they were intelligent or whether they were ... I didn't know what they were. They just started running these images on life on other worlds. I was going: "Oh, wow!" Then I was thinking: "I'm never going to remember all these."
First, they showed me 5, then 10, then 100, then thousands, & it was more & more & more & more. And after looking at a few thousand images paraded before me, running left to right as they walked in front of me (they weren't the real things; they were just images), I said: "Wait a minute. I get the point. Well how much life is there in the world?' And they said: "The universe is full of life. It's all over the universe."
And they had been just showing me the dimensions that I had grown in--that I was aware of. There are even other dimensions to the world that we have no knowledge of." "The universe is absolutely teaming with life--teaming not only in this physical world but even in other dimensions."4
"...They made this world.... this world is a huge garden full of divine beings, & that's what we are. We're divine & we're growing up; & we're growing up into realizing our divintiy..."
"This world is full of divine beings becoming more divine moment by moment day by day."
"...They made this world.... this world is a huge garden full of divine beings, & that's what we are. We're divine & we're growing up; & we're growing up into realizing our divintiy..."
"This world is full of divine beings becoming more divine moment by moment day by day."
In the T-talk interview, Storms presents the concept that many early Christians have taught, & that is deification, (or become a divine being, gods & goddess. But also he seemed to suggest another opposite extreme, & negative path way that a person could go down, in opposition to the other extreme, or path way towards light, love & deification. The retrogression pathway towards what I have called demonification, (becoming like unto a demonic being of hate & sin). This is another concept that we find in early Christianity, such as in the writtings of Origen's Against Celsus, (Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol.4). Storm says that one of the things that he had learned during his Near Death Experience was that the human family does not stay stationary. For you can go towards one extreme or the other. The human family can either advance towards becoming like unto the angelic beings, & even towards becoming like God. Or they can retrogress down towards becoming like unto the demonic beings that had tormented him in the darkness. The beings in the fog & darkness seemed to be "trapped" & where retrogressing away from any light & love that they once might have known at some time in their existence. Thus the human family can go towards one extreme or the other, & may be found at different points between these two extremes, either progressing or retrogressing. (See also: Psalm 3:3, 14:1-5, 16:8-11, 82:1-8, 88:2-18; Isa.24:21-22; 42:6-7; 49:8-9. Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 6-20, 8:4-38, Alma chapters 36 & 40. N.T. Matt.6:19-24, 7:13-14; Acts 9:3-7 7:55-60).
Storm continued: "Or They aren't going to waste it. They aren't going to allow some stupid pestilence to wipe out the garden. I told them that I thought that human beings should know that there's not going to be any nuclear war, because it would do a lot of harm in the world."
"We talked about things that do harm in this world. We talked about competitiveness, prejudice, ignorance...One of the things that they made me keenly aware of was that it doesn't matter if some elite group achieves prosperity or if some elite groups achieves enlightenment, it has to be covering the whole planet. And we talked about the future & that there are all these wonderful gifts & powers that we have--powers & gifts beyond description. So I asked them what the future on earth was going to look like. They told me & showed me.... telepathically,...people will be able to travel galactically & effortlessly without any equipment, without any technology, just wish it & it will be. We would be anywhere.... people will live & develop spiritually.
"...Everybody probably is going to end up being an angel sooner or later, no matter how much we resist it." (Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; John 17:1-5, 20-24; Acts 9:3-7; Rom.8:16-18; 2 Cor.3:17-18; Phil.3:20-21; 2 Pet.1:2-4; 1 John 3:2-3; Rev.22:8-9; Matt.13:43; Dan.12:2-3; 1 Cor.15:40-42).
"This world is real malleable, & we have the power to bring about a world that is radically different than anything, really than we can even imagine it, but that's going to be in the near future. When I talk about the future, I am not talking about 2000 years from now. I'm talking about...they told me that we could have it in another couple hundred years. Everybody's going to participate in it. There can't be one starving person, there can't be one human being hitting another person, there can't be one person looking down against another human being, & basically the program is-- we do it with ourselves, & then we start doing it with our friends, & we get everyone in on the program...."
"...Everybody probably is going to end up being an angel sooner or later, no matter how much we resist it." (Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; John 17:1-5, 20-24; Acts 9:3-7; Rom.8:16-18; 2 Cor.3:17-18; Phil.3:20-21; 2 Pet.1:2-4; 1 John 3:2-3; Rev.22:8-9; Matt.13:43; Dan.12:2-3; 1 Cor.15:40-42).
"This world is real malleable, & we have the power to bring about a world that is radically different than anything, really than we can even imagine it, but that's going to be in the near future. When I talk about the future, I am not talking about 2000 years from now. I'm talking about...they told me that we could have it in another couple hundred years. Everybody's going to participate in it. There can't be one starving person, there can't be one human being hitting another person, there can't be one person looking down against another human being, & basically the program is-- we do it with ourselves, & then we start doing it with our friends, & we get everyone in on the program...."
"(Question: What can you tell us about the future of the United States?) I generally do not like to comment too much about this because it's bad. They showed me the future of this country. This country at the present time is doing more harm than good. We're consuming too much & giving back to little. We've been given so much, & unless this country changes, morally & spiritually, they're going to have to take it away from us & give it to somebody else. What they showed me was always: "This is the way things are going." "This is the way things can be." They even showed me the possibilities like: "This could happen or it could be this." I said: "Show me what is going to happen. If you know what's really going to happen, then don't show me all the possibilities, just show me. Don't give me all the possibilities." They said, "We can't do that because we take away all your choice." They can never do anything to take away your will. No Good Being (angel) can take your will away from you, which means to limit your choice to limit your possibilities. I'm free to choose...We have to constantly choose a "preferred future,"... sharing our wealth & our knowledge, our hope & our goodness for the rest of the world, & we are not doing that. When you have alot, like we have alot, & you allow people to starve to death-- that's bad & we do it everyday. I participate in it, & you do. So immediate profnosis is us failing behind the economically, agriculturally, & one of the ways that they said it was going to happen is our agricultural system is going to break down, & the rest of the world is going to start to surpass us..."
"...When difficult time come, & there is someone who is making it hard for him to have love towards them, he asks his angelic friends to help him. "Guys. I need your help on this one...." He says that the person may then start to feel funny, feel loved. Storm says that the angles taught him how to have love for people, even those who are against him. He said that when he is in a meeting & someone is humiliating him or embarassing him, putting him down. He attempts to still reach out with love towards all people. Even though he fails from time to time, he still works at it & asks his angel friends to help him reach out with love, event to those who put him down, or treat him bad.
Storm goes say that "...the worst that evil can do in this world, the very worst thing it can do is to keep a person from God, but God's not ever going to allow that to happen because everybody's going to end up with God, sooner or later. God's got a lot of time. If a person fails in a lifetime, they might have another life experience or they might live in another world or they might live in another dimension or they might spend 50 billion years in heaven learning from the angles themselves. There are endless numbers of levels of learning & this is just one of them, so if a person doesn't learn here, they may learn some place else or they may learn differently here. God has got the whole situation in hand. You do your best, but you've got to trust God..."
[Storm has expressed here some concepts that are like unto some of the things that some of the early Christians seemed to believe Origen, who may have been influenced by Clement, Origen & others after him thought & wonder if even the devil & his fallen angels could eventually be saved in the process of time. Origen seemed to have believed also that Christ atonement also included the sins of the fallen angels, & thus they might even one day be able to come back, despite how deep their fall may have been. Though such beliefs were not shared by to many other Christians, the question was considered in the early century of Christianity. (Satan: The Early Christian Tradition, by Jeffery Burton Russell, 1981, p.197, And: The Prince of Darkness, Russell, 1988, p.81. And: Acts 2:25-36; Rom.8:38-39; 1 Pet.3:15-22, 4:5-6; Eph.4:7-10; Isa.42:6-7; 1 Cor.15:19-28; Gal.6:7-9. There were & are those who have & would disagree with this, of course, but nevertheless, it still was a belief that was held by some of the early Christians, & perhaps now is shared here by Howard Storm, perhaps because of his N.D.E.
Storm seemed to suggest that there may be some souls that will retrogress for years away from God, & away from any light & love that they may have once known & enjoyed. But that in some point of the existence they may become so tired of their hate, & their bitterness, & situation, etc., that they may finally turn around & attempt to find their way back towards God after having wandered for endless ages. And do you think that a loving God is going to turn them away? And when that happens, He'll be there to pick them up, to recieve them with open arms, to welcome them back home. (Luke 15:3-32).]
The human family can become divine. Thus God & the other holy angelic beings gain fellowship with additional beings that have returned home. The heavenly beings of light & love would rather see us become more like them, become divine. Than they would that we should retrogress into becoming like unto the demons.5
He was asked the question: "What do angels do all day?" He answered: "...The universe is constantly being created new, & I don't mean just quantitatively, but more importantly, qualitatively. In other words, the reason why you exist & why I exist is because nothing like it has ever been before....The thing that God needs to grow & nurture slowly is more things with their unique will, with their own unique identities. The way that God increases His Beingness & His creativity qualitatively is by increasing experience. So what does He do? He multiplies the creative spirits in new & ever-changing forms all over the whole universe. That's what we are. When we go into this reality of this existence, which is what happens when we die... Although this is like reality, it is like a little playpen-reality & I'm talking about the real reality, & we begin to see the real nature of time & space & our being in relationship to all other beings. We can really, really participate in that creation, & like on a lower eschelon type of job, there is learning, participation, observation, & experience. Like, for example, you might become an angel who comes back to a world like this world & just watches & learns & experiences what's going on. A greater responsibility would be an angel who had the power to discern when to intervene & when not to intervene, how to generally nourish this person & nudge that person, & allow that person to go down the slippery slope into chaos, if that's what they need to do. Some people need to feel chaos for awhile, so that they can ultimately evolve out of it. You've got to know when to let a person destroy himself & when to keep a person from doing it. That takes a real strong sense of discernment, & that would be a higher power."
[Compare: The early Christian Apostolic Father, PAPIAS, [A.D. 70-155]: "...Papias conflated the ancient story of the Watchers angels with another Jewish Apocalyptic tradition that held that God appointed angels to govern the earth and its nations. Each nation had its ruling angel, but these angels had abused their power and fallen under the sway of the evil prince of this world, a circumstance that explains the warfare and persecutions of the nations. As yet, Christian thought remained largely figurative and mythical and deeply influenced by Apocalyptic speculation." (Jeffrey Burton Russell, The Prince of Darkness, p.55).
"To some of them [angels] He gave dominion over the arrangement of the world, and He commissioned them to exercise their dominion well.... but it happened that their arrangement came to nothing." [Note 3- "That is, that government of the world's affairs was a failure...." This note goes on to say that an Ancient writer suggests that this was hinting to "...the arraying of the evil angels in battle against God." (The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol.1, pp.151, 155, & note 3.]
Storm continued: "On another level, on another higher eschelon, you might be an angel watching over a whole planetary system. On a higher level you might be an angel watching over a whole dimension. On an even higher level you may be creating new dimensions & new realities- anything you can comprehend. The higher you go in your evolution, the more god-like you become. Going right back to Genesis, we were created in the image of God--that's what we are. Not in a physical sense, but that we are god-like & we were called to become like God & with God & one with God. In time we'll have a sense of what we were & who we were; we'll be nearer to God...."
[Howard Storm seems to suggest here what the Bible & many early Christians have shown. The doctrine of deification, (becoming like god & even progressing towards perfection & godhood. That's the ultimate
becoming like unto the fallen angels, & the demonic beings. Many of the early to later Christian Fathers, & writers believed that deification would be the results of human family first having been created, them come into the bodies of flesh, then having grown & learned in those bodies to one day set them aside in death. Then to go on into other realms depending on how one has lived, which path did they choose to follow. Then in the resurrection they would be clothed in glorified bodies that shined as bright or like unto the sun. Like unto Christ resurrected & glorified body. They would be recieve the robes of righteousness & would be crowned & deified a god or goddess under the other divine beings. They would not take over the Most High God's position, nor that of Christ's, but they believed that they would become heirs with Christ & would share in his glory. And would thus have shown that they could be trusted, & were faithful in a few things, that would be made ruler over many things. Even some Jewish writings talk about the deified as inheriting a number of worlds. Other ancient documents speak of the deified person being able to have their "seed" (descendants or children), scattered throughout the universe. Suggesting to us that the ancients may have believed they already had the answers for the purpose of life & the origins, & reasons for the creation of the universe. It was created for the purpose of being filled with the creations & children of the Gods of the deified souls who had also passed through the school (an earth life) & had graduated to higher levels of intelligences & even to obtain unto godhood.]6
Howard Storm was asked the question, "Who comes to meet you when you die?" He said: "For each person they meet them & greet them in different ways. So for some people it's loved ones in recognizable form, so it's Mom, or Dad, or husband or wife. Some people are met big family reunions. Some people are met by nature scenes. And they create all of these realities for the dead so they can make the transition as peacefully & as lovingly as possible. This is what they told me they do. One person's death experience is uniquely designed to make that transition as beautiful as possible. One of their problems is they're meeting these people who are terrified, who are fighting the light, fighting the beauty, afraid, full of fear & trembling...."
"(Question: Where there other planets that were school-type experiences like here on earth?) Everything in the physical is a school, but there's different degrees, like this school in relationship to other ones is like kindergarten. But that's not so bad because there's pre-school, & there's no school, there`s graduate school, & stuff like that. But there are worlds where people are doing incredible things with physical. The physical is like a forum for giving birth to spirits. It's the only way for spirits' learning. Like, for example, just think of it this way: if you were a spirit & you were all powerful & your mind could make happen anything that it thought of, how could you learn? Can you imagine the havoc you would create in the universe? You're put in a relatively harmless, safe playpen. This world is so uncomplicated, relatively, compared to the Greater Reality, & that we think it's so incredibly complex, but this is real simple compared to the Greater Reality."7
(Spirits looking off into space at different school type worlds they hope they can choose to go to, thus going to learn things in the physical. Drawing by Darell Thorpe, 2011).
(Spirits looking off into space at different school type worlds they hope they can choose to go to, thus going to learn things in the physical. Drawing by Darell Thorpe, 2011).
End Notes:
1- From a typescript given to me during the month of April 1992, by DR. LYNN JOHNSON. Earlier he had given me a copy of Howard Storm's experience on some tapes. This type script was based on the tapes. The information of this type script that was typed by JBB, Silverdale, WA, from 1988 cassette tape from N.D.E. Research Institute, Ft. Thomas, KY. Comments were also added from a taped radio interviews of other people, plus Howard Storm's inteview with Martin Tanner, July 15th, 1990 on "Religion on the Line" 630 AM RADIO, KTKK- "K-Talk", Utah. Later, on Thursday, September 17, 1992, at the 3rd meeting for IANDS's branch for the Salt Lake City valley area in Murray Utah, at the Cottonwood Hospital. (IANDS = International Associations & Near Death Studies). I obtained another version of Howard Storm's NDE, which was being made available at that meeting. Dr. Johnson told me that it was another version, besides the others he had given me earlier. This version was based on a tape recording made in 1989 at the NDE Research Institute, in Kentucky. The typescript of this 1989 taped version has been entitled: An Experience of Howard Storm.
2- A Medieval legend, cited in: Geoffrey R. King, The Forty Days, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.M. B. Eerdmans, 1949), p.15-20; Alan Richardson and John Bowden, (Editors), Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Westminster Press, CR SCM Press Ltd 1983, first Published in Great Britain, 1983, entitled: A New Dictionary of Christian Theology). See the article entitled: The Descent into Hell. by A. T. Hanson; Alice K. Turner, 1993, The History of Hell, (New York, San Diego, U.S.A.; London, England: Harcourt Brace & Company); Anna D. Kartsonis, Anastasis, The Making of An Image, (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1986); Carol Zaleski, Otherworld Journeys, Accounts of Near-Death Experiences In Medieval and Modern Times, (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987). Chandler Rathfon Post, A History of Spanish Painting, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1930--1958). (New York: Kraus reprint Company, 1970's); Darell D. Thorpe, Upon Them Hath The Light Shined (1995); Ernst and Johanna Lehner, Devils, Demons, Death and Damnation, (New York: Dover Pictorial Archive Series, Dover Publishing Inc., 1971); Francis Bond, Fonts and Font Covers, (London, New York, and Toronto: Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1908); George Every, 1970 & 1987, Christian Legends, (New York: Peter Bedrick Books); Hanns Swarzenski, Monuments Of Romanesque Art, The Art of Church Treasures in North-Western Europe, (The University of Chicago Press, 1954 and 2nd, Edition, 1967); Henry Ansgar Kelly, The Devil at baptism: Ritual, Theology, and Drama, (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1985); Ignazio Mancini, O.F.M., (Historical Survey), Archaeological Discoveries, Relative to the Judaeo-Christians, (Jerusalem: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, collection minor #10, Franciscan Printing Press, 1970); Jacobus de Voragine, The Golden Legend, (Readings on the Saints), (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, Vol. 2, 1993); J. Charles Wall, Devils, (London, England: Methuen & Company, 1904; Detroit: Singing Tree Press, Book Tower, 1968, reissued); Jeanne Villette, La Resurrection Du Christ, Dans L'Art Chretien Du IIe Au VIIe Siecle, (Paris, France: Henri Laurens, Editeur, 1957); Jeffrey Burton Russell, Satan, The Early Christian Tradition, (Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 1981); Lucifer, The Devil In the Middle Age, (Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 1984); The Prince of Darkness, Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History, (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1988); John P. Lundy, Monumental Christianity, Or the Art and Symbolism of the Primitive Church, (New York: J. W. Bouton, 1875 & 1882); John Pope-Hennessy, Fra Angelico, (London, England: Phaidon Press, 1952, CR 1974, Phaidon Press, LTD. And in Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1974); Kathleen Cohen, Metamorphosis Of A Death Symbol, The Transi Tomb in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, (Berkeley, and Los Angeles, California; London, England: University of California Press, CR 1973, by the Regents of the University of California); Martha Himmelfarb, Tours Of Hell, An apocalyptic Form in Jewish and Christian Literature, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983); Paul Carus, Dr., The History Of The Devil And The Idea Of Evil, From the earliest times to the present, (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company); Robert Hughes, Heaven and Hell in Western Art, (New York: Stein and Day/Pub., 1968); Walter Lowrie, Art In The Early Church, (Washington Square, New York, New York: Pantheon Books, 1947); William Barclay, The Apostles' Creed For Everyman, (New York and Evanston: Harper and Row, 1967); Hallenfahrt Christis, in Richard Paul Wulker, Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Poesie, (Leipzig: Wigands, 1897), three volumes. Himmel Hölle Fegefeuer, Das Jenseits im Mittelalter, 1994, Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zurich, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munchen.
3- Italy, History-Art-Landscape, by Mercury Art Books Florence: Edizioni Mercurio, 1954-7, by Mercurio, p.200, wall painting, attributed to Orcagna. See also Jude 9.
4- S. Angus, The Mystery Religions & Christianity, p.106. Ps.82:1, 7. Russian Illuminated Manuscripts, by Olga Popova, Trans., by Kathleen Cook, & others, 1984, Aurora Art Pub., Len. p.20, dated about the 15th cent. AD. The Illustrations of the Heavenly Ladder Of John Climacus, by John Rupert Martin, 1954, Princeton Un. Press, fig.108-120, 265, 269, 273, 274-77, 281, 293, 296-7, etc. The Ancient Civilizations of Byzantium, by Antione Bon, 1972, p.114. Rev.21, 22:14; 4:1; The Secret Book of Revelation by Gilles Quispel, 1979, p.48. The Messiah Texts, Jewish Legends of 3000 Years, by Raphael Patai, 1979, p.251. Bablonian Talmud, Seder Tohorot Uk., Mishnah 12. Chaim Rabin's translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Damascus Document 2:7ff. The Nag Hammadi, Asclepius 68:25-34. Heb.11:13-16. Rev.5:9-13; 6:11; 3:5; 12. George G. Ritchie also points out in his NDE, that those who had kept Christ the center of their attention must have been changed into glorious beings of light & love as Christ had been glorified. Return From Tomorrow, p.72-3. During some other K-Talk interviews Nov. 1989 interview with host, Martin Tanner.
5- During a World General Conference Talk, Gordan B. Hinckley, (then of the 12 Apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, April 1975), quoted from the D&C 76:22-24, plus from other poems & sources. "And now, after the many testimonies that have been given of Him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of Him:" [Jesus Christ] "That he lives! For we saw Him, even on the right hand of God; & we heard the voice bearing record that He is the Only Begotten of the Father-- That by Him, & through Him, & of Him, & daughters unto God In the closing words to his talk, Hinckley quotes from a poem, that says that Christ ithingss the " beyond the veil of death (Howard Storm's) near death experience, plus others that speak of the universe being full of live. (See: The Ensign May 1975 p.92-4, Gordan B. Hinckley's talk entitled: The Symbol of Christ). Betty Eadie, in her 1973 near death experience, also talked about seeing live on other planets in the universe. In the Bible we read that Christ was made heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. (Heb.1:2). Eph. 4:14-15 mentions the whole family in heaven & earth. Gen.2:4-5 speaks of the generations of the heavens & of the earth when they were created. Man was not yet on the earth to till the ground yet, but still there were these generations of beings, perhaps the sons & daughters of God in that family in heaven that shouted for joy at the creation of the earth & the other worlds. (See: Job 38:4-8). In the Book of Moses, (Pearl of Great Price), 1:33-35, we read: "And by the word of my power, have I created them, which is mine Only Begotten Son," [Jesus Christ], "who is full of grace & truth. And worlds without number have I created; & I also created them for mine own purpose; & by the son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten. And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many. But only an account of this earth, & the inhabitants thereof, give I unto you. For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, & innumerable are they unto man, but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine & know them." Moses 7:30: "And were it possible that man could number the particles of the earth, yea, millions of earths like this, it would not be a beginning to the number of they creations..."
6- Darell D. Thorpe, Ye Are Gods... Children of the Most High: Studies of Deification & Perfection to Godhood in Historic Christianity, NDEs, Polemics & Art Works; John 17:17-24; 1 Cor. 2:9; ch.13; 15:35-42; 2 Cor.3:17-18, 5:17; Phil.3:20-1; Col.1:27-8; 3:14; 2 Tim.3:15-17; 4:6-8; Heb.2:9-11; Isa.41:22-3; Dan.12:3; Rev.3:21, 1 :10-15, 19:6-10; 1 Pet.1:3-16, 4:11, 5:4-6, 10-11; 2 Pet.1:2-11; Psa.82:6; Matt.13:43. Luke 6:40; Matt.5:48, Rom.8:14-19. The Early Christian Fathers, Henry Bettenson, p.94-6 & 106, 243-4. Against Heresies, 4.38 Cp. 4.11; The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 1, p.17, 61, 76, 84-5, 87-8, 91, 148-9, 154, 207, 214, 224, 226, 229, 230, 242, 262, 488, 520-22, 531-33, 535, 540, 544, 549, 553, 556, 560-1, 565-7. Vol.3, p.480, Vol.4, p.344-5, 475, 486-8, 509, 547-551, 593-4, 601, 626, 658, 668, Vol.5, p.150-1, p.237 Hippolytus "Discourse on the Holy Theophany" The Gospel Through the Ages, Hunter, 1945, p.108-9. Celsus On The True Doctrine R. Joseph Hoffman p.74. Christianity & Classical Culture by Charles Norris Cochrane, 1st Pub. by Clarendon Press 1940. Paper back ed. Oxford Un. Press in 1957 p.266-7. Also: Caesar & Christ (The story of Civilization: Part III), by Will Durant, 1944, p.226-7, 256, 260, 266, 269, 274, 280, 291-2, 309, 388, 430, 432, 523, 623, 640-1, 646, see also index on "deification," p.716. The Homilies of Saint Jerome, p.106-7, 353, Pub. The Catholic Un. Press, Wash. DC 1964. Clemens Alex., Strom., vii. c. 14, vol.ii. p.549. Origen, de Principiis, i. c. vii. The Nicene & Post Nicene Fathers Vol.4, p.596, 65, 159, 329, 374, 386, 411, 413, 415, 502, 572, 576, 578, Vol.5 p.325, & 518-4, etc. & Vol.8, p.15-16, Vol.X p.321-3; Vol.12 p.163, 165, 167-9, 176, 179, 182-3, 188 & 190. Vol.13 p.3. The Horizon History of Christianity, Roland H. Bainton, 1964, p.214-5. Heaven: A History by Colleen McDannell & Bernhard Lang, (Yale Un. Press, N. Haven & Lon. 1988), p.113, pl.10, p.129, pl.19, p.149, pl.27, p.179, pl.33, p.244, pl.48. pages 83-4. Also: Mormonism & Early Christianity, Dr. Huge Nibley, p. 16-17. Approaching Zion, 1989, Vol.9, Nibley, ibid. p.18-19, 30-1, 41, 112-3, 126, 163-4, 341, 434 & 448. For sources mentioning the "left hand path" etc. see: The Encyc. of Witches & Witchcraft, by Rosemary Ellen Guiley 1989, p.101. Man, Myth & Magic, Vol.1 p.277, Richard Cavendish. Hammer of the Gods, by Stephen Davis 1985 p.4-9. Matt.7:13-14. The Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 9:6-16, 18. Heb.12:22-3. Teaching of Sylvanus: 111:8-13; Tripartite Tractate 70:32-35; Gospel of Philip 75:25--76:5. A History of Christian 5 & 12, 1989, July 15, 1990, the subject of deification was challenged by a caller, Kim Clark Sharp pointed out that it was true, Martin Tanner agreed with her that God was once a man, that he lived on a planet & grew towards Godhood, He became divine. Now the same thing can happen with us. We can become divine beings.
7- See: Darell D. Thorpe, The Pre-existence: Our Pre-earth Life as Spirits In A Family in Heaven. In 1990, before I had come across, the this 2nd version of Howard Storm's near death experience. I had wonder about what U.F.O.s were, & about the possibilities of there being other intelligent life out there in the universe, besides the life found in this world in which we live on. I wrote in one of my manuscripts entitled: The Ancient & Modern Anti-Christs Against the Early Saints & The "Latter-day Saints" that in 1990 we had not even touched the frontiers of knowledges yet to be discovered: "...It should also be clear to us here in 1990, or as it is our time to live, that mankind has really only begun to tap into the endless horizons of (as of yet), unexplored frontiers of (at this time) hidden knowledges, inventions, & sciences & wonders! And it may be that the heavens are only testing us to see if we will abuse what knowledges we have gained, & are seeing those who abuse the higher knowledges for greed, power, to destroy rather than build up the human race. And to those" [who abuse the higher knowledges that we now have], "more of the hidden truths would or might be denied them. For perhaps the heavens are" [also] "watching those who learn to love & uplift their fellow beings or mankind, & perhaps to those, will the higher knowledges be given, for having passed the test, they would not pervert the higher knowledges into destructive & [evil], "retrogressive things. Take for example the power generated behind the atom, it could be used or abused. It can light up whole cities, & give power, or it could be abused to the point of where if a mad man or woman, crazy enough, could start a modern-day war that could blast us into another dark-ages of ruins & retrogressions. This may be why (if their are extra-terrestial beings out there who have over come the temptations to abuse the higher knowledges, beings even higher or more highly advanced than we are at this time), this world may only get peeks, or just short glimpes of what some have claimed" [are U.F.O.s], or "...highly advanced space-crafts ...for they may see how violent & war-like mankind still is. [And such highly advance beings] "...know that if they were to make themselves known, or were to share their more highly advanced knowledges, that there would be some" [of the human family here on earth] "who would pervert them & use them" [the higher knowledges given us by such highly advanced beings], "for evil purposes & could therefore bring about" [even far greater] "possible...dangers than the possible abuse of the atom could bring." [Or nuclear-wars could bring].
1- From a typescript given to me during the month of April 1992, by DR. LYNN JOHNSON. Earlier he had given me a copy of Howard Storm's experience on some tapes. This type script was based on the tapes. The information of this type script that was typed by JBB, Silverdale, WA, from 1988 cassette tape from N.D.E. Research Institute, Ft. Thomas, KY. Comments were also added from a taped radio interviews of other people, plus Howard Storm's inteview with Martin Tanner, July 15th, 1990 on "Religion on the Line" 630 AM RADIO, KTKK- "K-Talk", Utah. Later, on Thursday, September 17, 1992, at the 3rd meeting for IANDS's branch for the Salt Lake City valley area in Murray Utah, at the Cottonwood Hospital. (IANDS = International Associations & Near Death Studies). I obtained another version of Howard Storm's NDE, which was being made available at that meeting. Dr. Johnson told me that it was another version, besides the others he had given me earlier. This version was based on a tape recording made in 1989 at the NDE Research Institute, in Kentucky. The typescript of this 1989 taped version has been entitled: An Experience of Howard Storm.
2- A Medieval legend, cited in: Geoffrey R. King, The Forty Days, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.M. B. Eerdmans, 1949), p.15-20; Alan Richardson and John Bowden, (Editors), Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Westminster Press, CR SCM Press Ltd 1983, first Published in Great Britain, 1983, entitled: A New Dictionary of Christian Theology). See the article entitled: The Descent into Hell. by A. T. Hanson; Alice K. Turner, 1993, The History of Hell, (New York, San Diego, U.S.A.; London, England: Harcourt Brace & Company); Anna D. Kartsonis, Anastasis, The Making of An Image, (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1986); Carol Zaleski, Otherworld Journeys, Accounts of Near-Death Experiences In Medieval and Modern Times, (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987). Chandler Rathfon Post, A History of Spanish Painting, (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1930--1958). (New York: Kraus reprint Company, 1970's); Darell D. Thorpe, Upon Them Hath The Light Shined (1995); Ernst and Johanna Lehner, Devils, Demons, Death and Damnation, (New York: Dover Pictorial Archive Series, Dover Publishing Inc., 1971); Francis Bond, Fonts and Font Covers, (London, New York, and Toronto: Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1908); George Every, 1970 & 1987, Christian Legends, (New York: Peter Bedrick Books); Hanns Swarzenski, Monuments Of Romanesque Art, The Art of Church Treasures in North-Western Europe, (The University of Chicago Press, 1954 and 2nd, Edition, 1967); Henry Ansgar Kelly, The Devil at baptism: Ritual, Theology, and Drama, (Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1985); Ignazio Mancini, O.F.M., (Historical Survey), Archaeological Discoveries, Relative to the Judaeo-Christians, (Jerusalem: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, collection minor #10, Franciscan Printing Press, 1970); Jacobus de Voragine, The Golden Legend, (Readings on the Saints), (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, Vol. 2, 1993); J. Charles Wall, Devils, (London, England: Methuen & Company, 1904; Detroit: Singing Tree Press, Book Tower, 1968, reissued); Jeanne Villette, La Resurrection Du Christ, Dans L'Art Chretien Du IIe Au VIIe Siecle, (Paris, France: Henri Laurens, Editeur, 1957); Jeffrey Burton Russell, Satan, The Early Christian Tradition, (Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 1981); Lucifer, The Devil In the Middle Age, (Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 1984); The Prince of Darkness, Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History, (Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1988); John P. Lundy, Monumental Christianity, Or the Art and Symbolism of the Primitive Church, (New York: J. W. Bouton, 1875 & 1882); John Pope-Hennessy, Fra Angelico, (London, England: Phaidon Press, 1952, CR 1974, Phaidon Press, LTD. And in Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1974); Kathleen Cohen, Metamorphosis Of A Death Symbol, The Transi Tomb in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, (Berkeley, and Los Angeles, California; London, England: University of California Press, CR 1973, by the Regents of the University of California); Martha Himmelfarb, Tours Of Hell, An apocalyptic Form in Jewish and Christian Literature, (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983); Paul Carus, Dr., The History Of The Devil And The Idea Of Evil, From the earliest times to the present, (La Salle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Company); Robert Hughes, Heaven and Hell in Western Art, (New York: Stein and Day/Pub., 1968); Walter Lowrie, Art In The Early Church, (Washington Square, New York, New York: Pantheon Books, 1947); William Barclay, The Apostles' Creed For Everyman, (New York and Evanston: Harper and Row, 1967); Hallenfahrt Christis, in Richard Paul Wulker, Bibliothek der Angelsachsischen Poesie, (Leipzig: Wigands, 1897), three volumes. Himmel Hölle Fegefeuer, Das Jenseits im Mittelalter, 1994, Schweizerisches Landesmuseum, Zurich, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Munchen.
3- Italy, History-Art-Landscape, by Mercury Art Books Florence: Edizioni Mercurio, 1954-7, by Mercurio, p.200, wall painting, attributed to Orcagna. See also Jude 9.
4- S. Angus, The Mystery Religions & Christianity, p.106. Ps.82:1, 7. Russian Illuminated Manuscripts, by Olga Popova, Trans., by Kathleen Cook, & others, 1984, Aurora Art Pub., Len. p.20, dated about the 15th cent. AD. The Illustrations of the Heavenly Ladder Of John Climacus, by John Rupert Martin, 1954, Princeton Un. Press, fig.108-120, 265, 269, 273, 274-77, 281, 293, 296-7, etc. The Ancient Civilizations of Byzantium, by Antione Bon, 1972, p.114. Rev.21, 22:14; 4:1; The Secret Book of Revelation by Gilles Quispel, 1979, p.48. The Messiah Texts, Jewish Legends of 3000 Years, by Raphael Patai, 1979, p.251. Bablonian Talmud, Seder Tohorot Uk., Mishnah 12. Chaim Rabin's translation of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Damascus Document 2:7ff. The Nag Hammadi, Asclepius 68:25-34. Heb.11:13-16. Rev.5:9-13; 6:11; 3:5; 12. George G. Ritchie also points out in his NDE, that those who had kept Christ the center of their attention must have been changed into glorious beings of light & love as Christ had been glorified. Return From Tomorrow, p.72-3. During some other K-Talk interviews Nov. 1989 interview with host, Martin Tanner.
5- During a World General Conference Talk, Gordan B. Hinckley, (then of the 12 Apostles in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, April 1975), quoted from the D&C 76:22-24, plus from other poems & sources. "And now, after the many testimonies that have been given of Him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of Him:" [Jesus Christ] "That he lives! For we saw Him, even on the right hand of God; & we heard the voice bearing record that He is the Only Begotten of the Father-- That by Him, & through Him, & of Him, & daughters unto God In the closing words to his talk, Hinckley quotes from a poem, that says that Christ ithingss the " beyond the veil of death (Howard Storm's) near death experience, plus others that speak of the universe being full of live. (See: The Ensign May 1975 p.92-4, Gordan B. Hinckley's talk entitled: The Symbol of Christ). Betty Eadie, in her 1973 near death experience, also talked about seeing live on other planets in the universe. In the Bible we read that Christ was made heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. (Heb.1:2). Eph. 4:14-15 mentions the whole family in heaven & earth. Gen.2:4-5 speaks of the generations of the heavens & of the earth when they were created. Man was not yet on the earth to till the ground yet, but still there were these generations of beings, perhaps the sons & daughters of God in that family in heaven that shouted for joy at the creation of the earth & the other worlds. (See: Job 38:4-8). In the Book of Moses, (Pearl of Great Price), 1:33-35, we read: "And by the word of my power, have I created them, which is mine Only Begotten Son," [Jesus Christ], "who is full of grace & truth. And worlds without number have I created; & I also created them for mine own purpose; & by the son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten. And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many. But only an account of this earth, & the inhabitants thereof, give I unto you. For behold, there are many worlds that have passed away by the word of my power. And there are many that now stand, & innumerable are they unto man, but all things are numbered unto me, for they are mine & know them." Moses 7:30: "And were it possible that man could number the particles of the earth, yea, millions of earths like this, it would not be a beginning to the number of they creations..."
6- Darell D. Thorpe, Ye Are Gods... Children of the Most High: Studies of Deification & Perfection to Godhood in Historic Christianity, NDEs, Polemics & Art Works; John 17:17-24; 1 Cor. 2:9; ch.13; 15:35-42; 2 Cor.3:17-18, 5:17; Phil.3:20-1; Col.1:27-8; 3:14; 2 Tim.3:15-17; 4:6-8; Heb.2:9-11; Isa.41:22-3; Dan.12:3; Rev.3:21, 1 :10-15, 19:6-10; 1 Pet.1:3-16, 4:11, 5:4-6, 10-11; 2 Pet.1:2-11; Psa.82:6; Matt.13:43. Luke 6:40; Matt.5:48, Rom.8:14-19. The Early Christian Fathers, Henry Bettenson, p.94-6 & 106, 243-4. Against Heresies, 4.38 Cp. 4.11; The Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 1, p.17, 61, 76, 84-5, 87-8, 91, 148-9, 154, 207, 214, 224, 226, 229, 230, 242, 262, 488, 520-22, 531-33, 535, 540, 544, 549, 553, 556, 560-1, 565-7. Vol.3, p.480, Vol.4, p.344-5, 475, 486-8, 509, 547-551, 593-4, 601, 626, 658, 668, Vol.5, p.150-1, p.237 Hippolytus "Discourse on the Holy Theophany" The Gospel Through the Ages, Hunter, 1945, p.108-9. Celsus On The True Doctrine R. Joseph Hoffman p.74. Christianity & Classical Culture by Charles Norris Cochrane, 1st Pub. by Clarendon Press 1940. Paper back ed. Oxford Un. Press in 1957 p.266-7. Also: Caesar & Christ (The story of Civilization: Part III), by Will Durant, 1944, p.226-7, 256, 260, 266, 269, 274, 280, 291-2, 309, 388, 430, 432, 523, 623, 640-1, 646, see also index on "deification," p.716. The Homilies of Saint Jerome, p.106-7, 353, Pub. The Catholic Un. Press, Wash. DC 1964. Clemens Alex., Strom., vii. c. 14, vol.ii. p.549. Origen, de Principiis, i. c. vii. The Nicene & Post Nicene Fathers Vol.4, p.596, 65, 159, 329, 374, 386, 411, 413, 415, 502, 572, 576, 578, Vol.5 p.325, & 518-4, etc. & Vol.8, p.15-16, Vol.X p.321-3; Vol.12 p.163, 165, 167-9, 176, 179, 182-3, 188 & 190. Vol.13 p.3. The Horizon History of Christianity, Roland H. Bainton, 1964, p.214-5. Heaven: A History by Colleen McDannell & Bernhard Lang, (Yale Un. Press, N. Haven & Lon. 1988), p.113, pl.10, p.129, pl.19, p.149, pl.27, p.179, pl.33, p.244, pl.48. pages 83-4. Also: Mormonism & Early Christianity, Dr. Huge Nibley, p. 16-17. Approaching Zion, 1989, Vol.9, Nibley, ibid. p.18-19, 30-1, 41, 112-3, 126, 163-4, 341, 434 & 448. For sources mentioning the "left hand path" etc. see: The Encyc. of Witches & Witchcraft, by Rosemary Ellen Guiley 1989, p.101. Man, Myth & Magic, Vol.1 p.277, Richard Cavendish. Hammer of the Gods, by Stephen Davis 1985 p.4-9. Matt.7:13-14. The Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 9:6-16, 18. Heb.12:22-3. Teaching of Sylvanus: 111:8-13; Tripartite Tractate 70:32-35; Gospel of Philip 75:25--76:5. A History of Christian 5 & 12, 1989, July 15, 1990, the subject of deification was challenged by a caller, Kim Clark Sharp pointed out that it was true, Martin Tanner agreed with her that God was once a man, that he lived on a planet & grew towards Godhood, He became divine. Now the same thing can happen with us. We can become divine beings.
7- See: Darell D. Thorpe, The Pre-existence: Our Pre-earth Life as Spirits In A Family in Heaven. In 1990, before I had come across, the this 2nd version of Howard Storm's near death experience. I had wonder about what U.F.O.s were, & about the possibilities of there being other intelligent life out there in the universe, besides the life found in this world in which we live on. I wrote in one of my manuscripts entitled: The Ancient & Modern Anti-Christs Against the Early Saints & The "Latter-day Saints" that in 1990 we had not even touched the frontiers of knowledges yet to be discovered: "...It should also be clear to us here in 1990, or as it is our time to live, that mankind has really only begun to tap into the endless horizons of (as of yet), unexplored frontiers of (at this time) hidden knowledges, inventions, & sciences & wonders! And it may be that the heavens are only testing us to see if we will abuse what knowledges we have gained, & are seeing those who abuse the higher knowledges for greed, power, to destroy rather than build up the human race. And to those" [who abuse the higher knowledges that we now have], "more of the hidden truths would or might be denied them. For perhaps the heavens are" [also] "watching those who learn to love & uplift their fellow beings or mankind, & perhaps to those, will the higher knowledges be given, for having passed the test, they would not pervert the higher knowledges into destructive & [evil], "retrogressive things. Take for example the power generated behind the atom, it could be used or abused. It can light up whole cities, & give power, or it could be abused to the point of where if a mad man or woman, crazy enough, could start a modern-day war that could blast us into another dark-ages of ruins & retrogressions. This may be why (if their are extra-terrestial beings out there who have over come the temptations to abuse the higher knowledges, beings even higher or more highly advanced than we are at this time), this world may only get peeks, or just short glimpes of what some have claimed" [are U.F.O.s], or "...highly advanced space-crafts ...for they may see how violent & war-like mankind still is. [And such highly advance beings] "...know that if they were to make themselves known, or were to share their more highly advanced knowledges, that there would be some" [of the human family here on earth] "who would pervert them & use them" [the higher knowledges given us by such highly advanced beings], "for evil purposes & could therefore bring about" [even far greater] "possible...dangers than the possible abuse of the atom could bring." [Or nuclear-wars could bring].
"For with the higher knowledges not only does there come the greater benifits, but also the greater dangers or possibilities of dangers, if it was to be abused & used for evil & by evil,." [People, or beings]. "Thus some have speculated that these beings (who ever & what ever they are), have chosen to not make themselves fully known to us. Some have also speculated that such beings could also be mankind's own future, or from our own future, (time-and-space travelers), for which the movies have also depicted. What ever be the case it is clear that even in the computerized world of push-button wonders, & inventions, we have as yet, been able to come to a perfect knowledge of all things. And what was highly probable now, may have to be rewritten or reconsidered again as mankind advances to higher knowledges & this we learn from our own history. We learn that generations before generations went through changes, had to rewrite the science books, etc., as mankind advanced higher & higher. And who is to say that 20 or 200 years from now we may have to do the same sort of things with the old theories?" [As science fiction begins to become science fact. But also as the heavenly beings take those who are ready, worthy, & have passed the test, towards perfection. And the higher gifts of the endless horizons of higher exalted knowledges to come in those endless & ultimate frontiers that await the human family in times to come!].
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