On line: Dan Smoot- The Invisible Government - 1962
Commentary & Notes about this classic, by Justin Martyr Jr on Topix 9-18-2008
Edited by DT 7-23-2011, Dead links removed, new ones found & repaired.
Edited by DT 7-23-2011, Dead links removed, new ones found & repaired.
Part 1
"The Invisible Government" by Dan Smoot, 1962,(Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands 1965 edition), http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/readfi...
Commentary & Review by Justin Martyr Jr. Thursday, 9-18-2008: The Progress the New World Order/One World Government Plotters Have Made Sense 1962!
Chapter 7
"All American advocates of supra-national government, or world government, claim their principal motive is to achieve world peace. Yet,
these are generally the same Americans whose eager interventionism helped push America into the two world wars of this century."
Comments JMJ: The same propaganda was used to get us into the Korean, Nam & Gulf Wars & present so-called war on "Terrorism"!
"The propaganda for involving America in the bloodshed & hatreds of Europe--in World War I & World War 2, was the same as that now being used to push us into world government."
"In World War I, we rushed our soldiers across the wide seas to die in the cause of making the world
safe for democracy--of eliminating evil in the world so that there would not be any more war! This was precisely what the world-government interventionists wanted us to do."
About the 3:42, Bob Salter's commentary on Antony C. Sutton's books start up, "The Order," & "Controls Education," & "Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution," & "Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_C._Sutton
Smoot continued:
"...By [U.S.A.] entering World War I, we merely converted it into total war, prolonged it, &
made it more savage."
JMJ: Prolonging wars always makes those with government weapons & fuel contracts become richer, as the wars' profits come in over prolonged wars. That's what is happening now! "Why we fight," http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Rep Poe Time for War Profiteers to be sent to GITMO! (Link dead & removed).
Smoot, 1962:
"...Again, the world-government advocates, who claimed to want peace, insisted that we go to war. They also intensified their efforts to entangle America, irretrievably, in political & economic union with European nations so that there would never again be any possibility of the United States staying out of the endless wars & turmoil of the old world."
JMJ: Note the words, "their efforts to entangle America, irretrievably, in political & economic union with European nations"! This was a warning, back in 1962, about the European Union, & other Unions they've been working on, & especially the North American Union!
END OF NATIONS - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty (MOVIE)http://www.wiseupjournal.com/...
"The Invisible Government" by Dan Smoot, 1962,(Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands 1965 edition), http://www.gutenberg.org/catalog/world/readfi...
Commentary & Review by Justin Martyr Jr. Thursday, 9-18-2008: The Progress the New World Order/One World Government Plotters Have Made Sense 1962!
Chapter 7
"All American advocates of supra-national government, or world government, claim their principal motive is to achieve world peace. Yet,
these are generally the same Americans whose eager interventionism helped push America into the two world wars of this century."
Comments JMJ: The same propaganda was used to get us into the Korean, Nam & Gulf Wars & present so-called war on "Terrorism"!
"The propaganda for involving America in the bloodshed & hatreds of Europe--in World War I & World War 2, was the same as that now being used to push us into world government."
"In World War I, we rushed our soldiers across the wide seas to die in the cause of making the world
safe for democracy--of eliminating evil in the world so that there would not be any more war! This was precisely what the world-government interventionists wanted us to do."
About the 3:42, Bob Salter's commentary on Antony C. Sutton's books start up, "The Order," & "Controls Education," & "Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution," & "Wall Street & The Rise of Hitler," http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_C._Sutton
Smoot continued:
"...By [U.S.A.] entering World War I, we merely converted it into total war, prolonged it, &
made it more savage."
JMJ: Prolonging wars always makes those with government weapons & fuel contracts become richer, as the wars' profits come in over prolonged wars. That's what is happening now! "Why we fight," http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Rep Poe Time for War Profiteers to be sent to GITMO! (Link dead & removed).
Smoot, 1962:
"...Again, the world-government advocates, who claimed to want peace, insisted that we go to war. They also intensified their efforts to entangle America, irretrievably, in political & economic union with European nations so that there would never again be any possibility of the United States staying out of the endless wars & turmoil of the old world."
JMJ: Note the words, "their efforts to entangle America, irretrievably, in political & economic union with European nations"! This was a warning, back in 1962, about the European Union, & other Unions they've been working on, & especially the North American Union!
END OF NATIONS - EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty (MOVIE)http://www.wiseupjournal.com/...
Part 2
Commentary on Dan Smoot's "The Invisible Government" 1962:
"It is, perhaps, fruitless to question the motives of people leading the campaign to push America into world government. All organizations which
have been active in this movement--World Fellowship, Inc., Federal Union, Inc., Atlantic Union Committee, United World Federalists, & so
on--have had a sprinkling of communist-fronters among their directors & members. But they have also had the official support of many prominent & respected Americans: Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Estes Kefauver, John Sparkman, Adlai Stevenson,
Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles, Christian Herter, cabinet officers; senators & congressmen; Supreme Court justices; prominent churchmen,
businessmen, financiers, entertainers, judges, union officials; newspaper & magazine editors; famous columnists & radio-television commentators."
Comments, JMJ: Note that prominent "churchmen," & "newspaper & magazine editors; famous columnists & radio-television commentators" are campaigning & are in favor to "push America into world government."
Who might some of these be?
Walter Cronkite, legendary top News Person for years, is one, & he was given an award by the World Federalist Association, for his One World Government behind the scene push. http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Other Christian leaders listed:
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO
"One World Religion"
Check out this song by Jackson Browne, "Lives In the Balance."
1962, Smoot:
"Although the cry of "peace" is the perennial clarion call of all world-government advocates, many of them have, in recent years, added the claim that their recommendations (for converting America into a province of world government) are means of "fighting communism." Indeed, some of the most vigorous advocates of one-worldism have wide reputations as anti-communists--Walter Judd, a Republican Congressman from Minnesota, for example. Even Clarence Streit (leader of the now-defunct Federal Union, Inc., and father of that organization's very active and influential tax-exempt successor, Atlantic Union Committee) has ugly things to say about communism."
Comments JMJ: Some World Government planners on the out side, might appear anti-Communistic, like Walter Cronkite did in reporting on the fight against communism around the world. But then have secretly helped push towards a One World Government, waiting for the day, like Cronkite did, to speaking openly about it, as he did after getting the said award from an organization seeking openly now, "World Government," the World Federalist Association!
1962, Smoot:
"The fact is that every step the United States takes toward political & economic entanglements with the rest of the world is a step toward
realization of the end objective of communism: creating a one-world socialist political & economic system in which we will be one of the
subjugated provinces."
Comments JMJ: One of the provinces, one of the Unions in the New World Order, One World Government, called the "North American Union"! Say good bye to the U.S. constitution, bill of rights, & our freedoms!
NAFTA: Ten Years of Broken Promises
Commentary on Dan Smoot's "The Invisible Government" 1962:
"It is, perhaps, fruitless to question the motives of people leading the campaign to push America into world government. All organizations which
have been active in this movement--World Fellowship, Inc., Federal Union, Inc., Atlantic Union Committee, United World Federalists, & so
on--have had a sprinkling of communist-fronters among their directors & members. But they have also had the official support of many prominent & respected Americans: Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Estes Kefauver, John Sparkman, Adlai Stevenson,
Dean Acheson, John Foster Dulles, Christian Herter, cabinet officers; senators & congressmen; Supreme Court justices; prominent churchmen,
businessmen, financiers, entertainers, judges, union officials; newspaper & magazine editors; famous columnists & radio-television commentators."
Comments, JMJ: Note that prominent "churchmen," & "newspaper & magazine editors; famous columnists & radio-television commentators" are campaigning & are in favor to "push America into world government."
Who might some of these be?
Walter Cronkite, legendary top News Person for years, is one, & he was given an award by the World Federalist Association, for his One World Government behind the scene push. http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Other Christian leaders listed:
The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO
"One World Religion"
Check out this song by Jackson Browne, "Lives In the Balance."
1962, Smoot:
"Although the cry of "peace" is the perennial clarion call of all world-government advocates, many of them have, in recent years, added the claim that their recommendations (for converting America into a province of world government) are means of "fighting communism." Indeed, some of the most vigorous advocates of one-worldism have wide reputations as anti-communists--Walter Judd, a Republican Congressman from Minnesota, for example. Even Clarence Streit (leader of the now-defunct Federal Union, Inc., and father of that organization's very active and influential tax-exempt successor, Atlantic Union Committee) has ugly things to say about communism."
Comments JMJ: Some World Government planners on the out side, might appear anti-Communistic, like Walter Cronkite did in reporting on the fight against communism around the world. But then have secretly helped push towards a One World Government, waiting for the day, like Cronkite did, to speaking openly about it, as he did after getting the said award from an organization seeking openly now, "World Government," the World Federalist Association!
1962, Smoot:
"The fact is that every step the United States takes toward political & economic entanglements with the rest of the world is a step toward
realization of the end objective of communism: creating a one-world socialist political & economic system in which we will be one of the
subjugated provinces."
Comments JMJ: One of the provinces, one of the Unions in the New World Order, One World Government, called the "North American Union"! Say good bye to the U.S. constitution, bill of rights, & our freedoms!
NAFTA: Ten Years of Broken Promises
Part 3 missing? Hmmmm!?
Part 4
1962, Smoot's The Invisible Government:
"This will be true of any supra-national government that the United States might get into: the union will not extend American freedom to other nations; it will extend to all nations in the union the most restrictive controls of the most oppressive government which enters the
union, & make even those controls worse than they were before the union was formed--because the American principle of federalism has been discarded by the "liberals" who manage our national affairs; & American federalism is the only political principle ever to exist in the
history of the world that can make individual human freedom possible in a federation of states."
Comments, JMJ: It's amazing to me that in 1962, Smoot gave these warnings that are now coming about with the different unions being created. Why didn't we wake up then?
1962, Smoot:
"Hard core American communists know (& some admit) that any move toward American membership in any kind of supra-national government is a move toward the Soviet objective of a one-world socialist dictatorship; but all other American advocates of international union claim their schemes are intended to repeat and extend the marvelous achievement of 13 American states which, by forming a political union, created a free & powerful nation."
"All United States advocates of any kind of world government point to the founding of America: 13 sovereign states, each one proud & nationalistic, all with special interests that were divergent from or in conflict with the interests of the others; yet, they managed to surrender enough sovereignty to join a federal union which gave the
united strength of all, while retaining the individuality & freedom of each."
"The 13 American states, in forming a federal union, did not take the lowest common denominator of freedom; they took the highest, & elevated that. The American principle of federalism (indeed, the whole American constitutional system) grew out of the philosophical doctrine (or, rather, statement of faith) which Jefferson wrote into the Declaration of Independence: "...all men are ... endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."
Smoot continued: "Men get their rights from God, not from government. Government, a man-made creature, has nothing except what it takes from God-created men. Government can give the people nothing that it has not first taken away from them. Hence, if man is to remain free, he must have a government which will play a very limited and negative role in his private affairs."
"The United States is the only nation, ever, whose institutions & organic law were founded on this principle. The United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights; the Constitution of the Soviet Union; & the written and unwritten constitutions of every other nation in the world are all built on a political principle exactly opposite in meaning to the basic principle of Americanism. That is, the Constitution of the Soviet Union, & of every UN agency, & of all other nations, specify a large number of rights and privileges which citizens should have, if possible, & which government will grant them if government can, & if government thinks proper."
Comments, JMJ: The United Nations has been communist dominated from its' founding in 1945.
1962, Smoot's The Invisible Government:
"This will be true of any supra-national government that the United States might get into: the union will not extend American freedom to other nations; it will extend to all nations in the union the most restrictive controls of the most oppressive government which enters the
union, & make even those controls worse than they were before the union was formed--because the American principle of federalism has been discarded by the "liberals" who manage our national affairs; & American federalism is the only political principle ever to exist in the
history of the world that can make individual human freedom possible in a federation of states."
Comments, JMJ: It's amazing to me that in 1962, Smoot gave these warnings that are now coming about with the different unions being created. Why didn't we wake up then?
1962, Smoot:
"Hard core American communists know (& some admit) that any move toward American membership in any kind of supra-national government is a move toward the Soviet objective of a one-world socialist dictatorship; but all other American advocates of international union claim their schemes are intended to repeat and extend the marvelous achievement of 13 American states which, by forming a political union, created a free & powerful nation."
"All United States advocates of any kind of world government point to the founding of America: 13 sovereign states, each one proud & nationalistic, all with special interests that were divergent from or in conflict with the interests of the others; yet, they managed to surrender enough sovereignty to join a federal union which gave the
united strength of all, while retaining the individuality & freedom of each."
"The 13 American states, in forming a federal union, did not take the lowest common denominator of freedom; they took the highest, & elevated that. The American principle of federalism (indeed, the whole American constitutional system) grew out of the philosophical doctrine (or, rather, statement of faith) which Jefferson wrote into the Declaration of Independence: "...all men are ... endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights..."
Smoot continued: "Men get their rights from God, not from government. Government, a man-made creature, has nothing except what it takes from God-created men. Government can give the people nothing that it has not first taken away from them. Hence, if man is to remain free, he must have a government which will play a very limited and negative role in his private affairs."
"The United States is the only nation, ever, whose institutions & organic law were founded on this principle. The United Nations' Declaration of Human Rights; the Constitution of the Soviet Union; & the written and unwritten constitutions of every other nation in the world are all built on a political principle exactly opposite in meaning to the basic principle of Americanism. That is, the Constitution of the Soviet Union, & of every UN agency, & of all other nations, specify a large number of rights and privileges which citizens should have, if possible, & which government will grant them if government can, & if government thinks proper."
Comments, JMJ: The United Nations has been communist dominated from its' founding in 1945.
Part 5
1962, Smoot's The Invisible Government:
"...Modern "liberalism" which has been continuously in control of the federal government (and of most opinion-forming institutions & media
throughout our society) since Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inauguration, March 4, 1933, has, by ignoring constitutional restraints,
changed our Federal government with limited powers into a Central government with limitless power over the individual states & their people."
"...Look at what has happened to America since our federal government was converted into a centralized absolutism. The central government in
Washington arrogated to itself the unconstitutional power & responsibility of regulating the relationships between private employers & their employees, enacting laws which established "collective bargaining" as "national policy," & which, to that end, gave international unions a virtual monopoly over large segments of the labor market."
Comments, JMJ: Slave labor in Mexico, China & other areas of the world, through world corporations, has been causing havoc & smashed the survival of the little businesses. Farmers are in trouble, can't compete, are slaves to the banks, have to go deeper in dept just to keep going! They have to sale their farms, or shut down their farms, when America could feed the world if we would help them. But the greedy world corporations like the profits they make through the use of slave labor. Government control over farm lands continues to be a challenge too!
Torn from the Land - Lindsey Williams
Syndrome of Control - Lindsey Williams
Part 6
1962, Smoot's The Invisible Government:
"...Modern "liberalism" which has been continuously in control of the federal government (and of most opinion-forming institutions & media
throughout our society) since Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inauguration, March 4, 1933, has, by ignoring constitutional restraints,
changed our Federal government with limited powers into a Central government with limitless power over the individual states & their people."
"...Look at what has happened to America since our federal government was converted into a centralized absolutism. The central government in
Washington arrogated to itself the unconstitutional power & responsibility of regulating the relationships between private employers & their employees, enacting laws which established "collective bargaining" as "national policy," & which, to that end, gave international unions a virtual monopoly over large segments of the labor market."
Comments, JMJ: Slave labor in Mexico, China & other areas of the world, through world corporations, has been causing havoc & smashed the survival of the little businesses. Farmers are in trouble, can't compete, are slaves to the banks, have to go deeper in dept just to keep going! They have to sale their farms, or shut down their farms, when America could feed the world if we would help them. But the greedy world corporations like the profits they make through the use of slave labor. Government control over farm lands continues to be a challenge too!
Torn from the Land - Lindsey Williams
Syndrome of Control - Lindsey Williams
Part 6
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"There was a time when Americans, learning of suffering and want in a distant land, could respond to their Christian promptings and native kindliness by making voluntary contributions for relief to their fellow human beings abroad. Our central government's foreign aid programs have already taken much of that freedom away from American citizens--taxing them so heavily for what government wants to give away, that private citizens can't spend their own money the way they would like to."
"What will it be like if we join a world government that embraces the real have-not nations of the earth? The impoverished subcontinent of India, because of population, would have more representatives in the international parliament than we would have. They, with the support of representatives from Latin America and Africa, could easily vote to lay a tax on "surplus" incomes for the benefit of all illiterate and hungry people everywhere; and outvoted Americans would be the only people in the world with incomes high enough to meet the international definition of "surplus.""
"We read with horror of Soviet slaughter in Hungary when the Soviets suppress a local rebellion against their partial world-government. What kind of horror would we feel after we join a world government and see troops from Europe and Africa and the Middle East machine-gunning people on the streets of United States cities in order to suppress a rebellion of young Americans who somehow heard about the magnificent constitutional system and glorious freedom their fathers used to have and who are trying to make a public demonstration of protest against the international tyranny being imposed upon them?"
"A genuine world government might eliminate the armed conflict (between nations) which we now call war; but it would cause an endless series of bloody uprisings and bloody suppressions, and would cause more human misery than total war itself."
"In 1936, the Communist International formally presented its three-stage plan for achieving world government--
Stage 1: socialize the economies of all nations, particularly the Western "capitalistic democracies" (most particularly, the United States);
Stage 2: bring about federal unions of various groupings of these socialized nations;
Stage 3: amalgamate all of the federal unions into one world-wide union of socialist states."
Comments, JMJ: Here we have it, back in 1962, a warning about the coming different Union states to be merged into a One World Wide Union! Wake up people!
Part 7
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"The following passage is from the official program of the 1936 Communist International:
"...dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries, after which the proletariat republics would unite on federal lines with those already in existence, and this system of federal unions would expand ... at length forming the World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics."
"In 1939 (three years after this communist program was outlined) Clarence K. Streit (a Rhodes scholar who was foreign correspondent for The New York Times, covering League of Nations activities from 1929-1939) wrote Union Now, a book advocating a gradual approach through regional unions to final world union--an approach identical with that of the communists, except that Streit did not say his scheme was intended to achieve world dictatorship, and did not characterize the end result of his scheme as a "World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics."
"In 1940, Clarence K. Streit (together with Percival F. Brundage, later a Director of the Budget for Eisenhower; and Melvin Ryder, publisher of the Army Times) formed Federal Union, Inc., to work for the goals outlined in Streit's book, Union Now, published the year before."
"In 1941, Streit published another book: Union Now With Britain. He claims that the union he advocated would be a step toward "formation of free world government." But the arguments of his book make it very clear that in joining a union with other nations, the United States would not bring to the union old American constitutional concepts of free-enterprise and individual freedom under limited government, but would rather amalgamate with the socialistic-communistic systems that exist in the other nations which became members of the union."
"The following passages are from page 192 of Streit's Union Now With Britain:
Democrats cannot ... quarrel with Soviet Russia or any other nation because of its economic collectivism, for democracy itself introduced the idea of collective machinery into politics. It is a profound mistake to identify democracy and Union necessarily or entirely with either capitalist or socialist society, with either the method of individual or collective enterprise. There is room for both of these methods in democracy.... "Democracy not only allows mankind to choose freely between capitalism and collectivism, but it includes marxist governments, parties and press...."
"When the year 1941 ended, America was in World War II; and all American advocates of world-peace-through-world-law- and-world-government jubilantly struck while the iron was hot--using the hysteria and confusion of the early days of our involvement in the great catastrophe as a means of pushing us into one or another of the schemes for union with other nations."
Comments, JMJ: Smoot in 1962, lays it all out! It's happening now! North American Union, Red Flag Ops! A push towards union states of the world to become a One World Government! In the name of Peace & Freedom for all!
The End Of America
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"The following passage is from the official program of the 1936 Communist International:
"...dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries, after which the proletariat republics would unite on federal lines with those already in existence, and this system of federal unions would expand ... at length forming the World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics."
"In 1939 (three years after this communist program was outlined) Clarence K. Streit (a Rhodes scholar who was foreign correspondent for The New York Times, covering League of Nations activities from 1929-1939) wrote Union Now, a book advocating a gradual approach through regional unions to final world union--an approach identical with that of the communists, except that Streit did not say his scheme was intended to achieve world dictatorship, and did not characterize the end result of his scheme as a "World Union of Socialist Soviet Republics."
"In 1940, Clarence K. Streit (together with Percival F. Brundage, later a Director of the Budget for Eisenhower; and Melvin Ryder, publisher of the Army Times) formed Federal Union, Inc., to work for the goals outlined in Streit's book, Union Now, published the year before."
"In 1941, Streit published another book: Union Now With Britain. He claims that the union he advocated would be a step toward "formation of free world government." But the arguments of his book make it very clear that in joining a union with other nations, the United States would not bring to the union old American constitutional concepts of free-enterprise and individual freedom under limited government, but would rather amalgamate with the socialistic-communistic systems that exist in the other nations which became members of the union."
"The following passages are from page 192 of Streit's Union Now With Britain:
Democrats cannot ... quarrel with Soviet Russia or any other nation because of its economic collectivism, for democracy itself introduced the idea of collective machinery into politics. It is a profound mistake to identify democracy and Union necessarily or entirely with either capitalist or socialist society, with either the method of individual or collective enterprise. There is room for both of these methods in democracy.... "Democracy not only allows mankind to choose freely between capitalism and collectivism, but it includes marxist governments, parties and press...."
"When the year 1941 ended, America was in World War II; and all American advocates of world-peace-through-world-law- and-world-government jubilantly struck while the iron was hot--using the hysteria and confusion of the early days of our involvement in the great catastrophe as a means of pushing us into one or another of the schemes for union with other nations."
Comments, JMJ: Smoot in 1962, lays it all out! It's happening now! North American Union, Red Flag Ops! A push towards union states of the world to become a One World Government! In the name of Peace & Freedom for all!
The End Of America
Part 8
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"Clarence Streit states it this way, in his most recent book (Freedom's Frontier Atlantic Union Now, 1961):
"Japan Pearl Harbored us into the war we had sought to avoid by disunion.... Now, we Americans had the white heat of war to help leaders form the nuclear Atlantic Union."
"On January 5, 1942 (when we had been at war less than a month), Clarence Streit's Federal Union, Inc., bought advertising space in major newspapers for a petition urging Congress to adopt a joint resolution favoring immediate union of the United States with several specified foreign nations. Such people as Harold L. Ickes (Roosevelt cabinet
officer), Owen J. Roberts (Supreme Court Justice), and John Foster Dulles (later Eisenhower's Secretary of State) signed this newspaper ad petitioning Congress to drag America into world government. In fact, these notables (especially John Foster Dulles) had actually written the Joint Resolution which Federal Union wanted Congress to adopt."
"The world government resolution (urged upon Congress in January, 1942) provided among other things that in the federal union of nations to be formed, the "union" government would have the right:(1) to impose a common citizenship; (2) to tax citizens directly; (3) to make and enforce all laws; (4) to coin and borrow money; (5) to have a monopoly on all armed forces; and (6) to admit new members."
Comments, JMJ: "Admit new members," including the Communists, Communist Russia, China & Cuba, & North Korea, etc. Ezra Taft Benson, during the Viet Nam war, warned that "this is part of the communist plan" to "merge us into a world body," which will be called by definition, "a One World Government."http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/latter-da...
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"Clarence Streit states it this way, in his most recent book (Freedom's Frontier Atlantic Union Now, 1961):
"Japan Pearl Harbored us into the war we had sought to avoid by disunion.... Now, we Americans had the white heat of war to help leaders form the nuclear Atlantic Union."
"On January 5, 1942 (when we had been at war less than a month), Clarence Streit's Federal Union, Inc., bought advertising space in major newspapers for a petition urging Congress to adopt a joint resolution favoring immediate union of the United States with several specified foreign nations. Such people as Harold L. Ickes (Roosevelt cabinet
officer), Owen J. Roberts (Supreme Court Justice), and John Foster Dulles (later Eisenhower's Secretary of State) signed this newspaper ad petitioning Congress to drag America into world government. In fact, these notables (especially John Foster Dulles) had actually written the Joint Resolution which Federal Union wanted Congress to adopt."
"The world government resolution (urged upon Congress in January, 1942) provided among other things that in the federal union of nations to be formed, the "union" government would have the right:(1) to impose a common citizenship; (2) to tax citizens directly; (3) to make and enforce all laws; (4) to coin and borrow money; (5) to have a monopoly on all armed forces; and (6) to admit new members."
Comments, JMJ: "Admit new members," including the Communists, Communist Russia, China & Cuba, & North Korea, etc. Ezra Taft Benson, during the Viet Nam war, warned that "this is part of the communist plan" to "merge us into a world body," which will be called by definition, "a One World Government."http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/latter-da...
Part 9
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"The following is from a Federal Union, Inc., ad published in The Washington Evening Star, January 5, 1942, urging upon the people and Congress of America an immediate plunge into world government:
"That the President of the United States submit to Congress a program for forming a powerful union of free peoples to win the war, the peace, the future;
"That this program unite our people, on the broad lines of our Constitution, with the people of Canada, the United Kingdom, Eire, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, together with such other free peoples, both in the Old World and the New as may be found ready and able to unite on this federal basis....
"We gain from the fact that all the Soviet republics are already united in one government, as are also all the Chinese-speaking people, once so divided. Surely, we and they must agree that union now of the democracies wherever possible is equally to the general advantage....
"Let us begin now a world United States.... "The surest way to shorten and to win this war is also the surest way to guarantee to ourselves, and our friends and foes, that this war will end in a union of the free. The surest way to do all this is for us to start that union now."
"World Fellowship, Inc., was also busy putting pressure on Congress in January, 1942. World Fellowship, Inc., is one of the oldest world government organizations. It was founded in 1918 as the "League of Neighbors.""
"In 1924, the League of Neighbors united with the Union of East and West (which had been founded in India). In 1933, this combined organization reorganized and changed its name to World Fellowship of Faiths. In late 1941, it changed its name again and incorporated--and has operated since that time as World Fellowship, Inc."
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"The following is from a Federal Union, Inc., ad published in The Washington Evening Star, January 5, 1942, urging upon the people and Congress of America an immediate plunge into world government:
"That the President of the United States submit to Congress a program for forming a powerful union of free peoples to win the war, the peace, the future;
"That this program unite our people, on the broad lines of our Constitution, with the people of Canada, the United Kingdom, Eire, Australia, New Zealand, and the Union of South Africa, together with such other free peoples, both in the Old World and the New as may be found ready and able to unite on this federal basis....
"We gain from the fact that all the Soviet republics are already united in one government, as are also all the Chinese-speaking people, once so divided. Surely, we and they must agree that union now of the democracies wherever possible is equally to the general advantage....
"Let us begin now a world United States.... "The surest way to shorten and to win this war is also the surest way to guarantee to ourselves, and our friends and foes, that this war will end in a union of the free. The surest way to do all this is for us to start that union now."
"World Fellowship, Inc., was also busy putting pressure on Congress in January, 1942. World Fellowship, Inc., is one of the oldest world government organizations. It was founded in 1918 as the "League of Neighbors.""
"In 1924, the League of Neighbors united with the Union of East and West (which had been founded in India). In 1933, this combined organization reorganized and changed its name to World Fellowship of Faiths. In late 1941, it changed its name again and incorporated--and has operated since that time as World Fellowship, Inc."
Part 10
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"Dr. Willard Uphaus, a notorious communist -fronter, has been Executive Director of World Fellowship, Inc., since February, 1953. Here is a Joint Resolution which World Fellowship, Inc., urged Congress to adopt on or before January 30, 1942--as a birthday present to President Franklin D. Roosevelt."
"Now, therefore, be it
"Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the Congress of the United States of America does hereby solemnly declare that all peoples of the earth should now be united in a commonwealth of nations to be known as the United Nations of the World, and to that end it hereby gives to the President of the United States of America all the needed authority and powers of every kind and description, without limitations of any kind that are necessary in his sole and absolute discretion to set up and create the Federation of the World, a world peace government under the title of the 'United Nations of the World,' including its constitution and personnel and all other matters needed or appertaining thereto to the end that all nations of the world may by voluntary action become a part thereof under the same terms and conditions."
"There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of 100 million dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended by the President in his sole and absolute discretion, to effectuate the purposes of this joint resolution, and in addition, the sum of 1 billion dollars for the immediate use of the United Nations of the World under its constitution as set up and created by the President of the United States of America as provided in this joint resolution...."
"Congress rejected the world-government resolutions urged upon it in 1942 by Federal Union, Inc., and by World Fellowship, Inc."
"But the formation of the United Nations in 1945 was a tremendous step in the direction these two organizations were travelling. The "world peace" aspects of the United Nations were emphasized to enlist support of the American public. Few Americans noticed that the UN Charter really creates a worldwide social, cultural, economic, educational, and political alliance--and commits each member nation to a program of total socialism for itself and to the support of total socialism for all other nations."
"The United Nations is, to be sure, a weaker alliance than world government advocates want; but the UN was the starting point and framework for world government."
Listen again to Bush on the New World Order & the UN's role in it. Plus, Benson's warnings about it.
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"Dr. Willard Uphaus, a notorious communist -fronter, has been Executive Director of World Fellowship, Inc., since February, 1953. Here is a Joint Resolution which World Fellowship, Inc., urged Congress to adopt on or before January 30, 1942--as a birthday present to President Franklin D. Roosevelt."
"Now, therefore, be it
"Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the Congress of the United States of America does hereby solemnly declare that all peoples of the earth should now be united in a commonwealth of nations to be known as the United Nations of the World, and to that end it hereby gives to the President of the United States of America all the needed authority and powers of every kind and description, without limitations of any kind that are necessary in his sole and absolute discretion to set up and create the Federation of the World, a world peace government under the title of the 'United Nations of the World,' including its constitution and personnel and all other matters needed or appertaining thereto to the end that all nations of the world may by voluntary action become a part thereof under the same terms and conditions."
"There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of 100 million dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be expended by the President in his sole and absolute discretion, to effectuate the purposes of this joint resolution, and in addition, the sum of 1 billion dollars for the immediate use of the United Nations of the World under its constitution as set up and created by the President of the United States of America as provided in this joint resolution...."
"Congress rejected the world-government resolutions urged upon it in 1942 by Federal Union, Inc., and by World Fellowship, Inc."
"But the formation of the United Nations in 1945 was a tremendous step in the direction these two organizations were travelling. The "world peace" aspects of the United Nations were emphasized to enlist support of the American public. Few Americans noticed that the UN Charter really creates a worldwide social, cultural, economic, educational, and political alliance--and commits each member nation to a program of total socialism for itself and to the support of total socialism for all other nations."
"The United Nations is, to be sure, a weaker alliance than world government advocates want; but the UN was the starting point and framework for world government."
Listen again to Bush on the New World Order & the UN's role in it. Plus, Benson's warnings about it.
Part 11
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"The massive UN propaganda during the first few years after the formation of the UN (1945) was so effective in brainwashing the American people, that the United World Federalists, beginning with the State Assembly of California, managed to get 27 state legislatures to pass resolutions demanding that Congress call a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of amending our Constitution in order to "expedite and insure" participation of the United States in a world government. When the American people found out what was going on, all of these "resolutions" were repealed--most of them before the end of 1950.
But 1949 was a great year for American world government advocates.
On April 4, 1949, Dean Acheson's "brainchild," the North Atlantic Treaty, was ratified by the United States. President Truman signed the proclamation putting NATO in force on August 24, 1949. Most Americans were happy with this organization. It was supposedly a military alliance to protect the free world against communism. But few Americans bothered to read the brief, 14-article treaty. If they had, Article 2 would have sounded rather strange and out of place in a military alliance. Here is Article 2 of the NATO Treaty:
"The parties will contribute toward the future development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them."
Here in this "military" treaty, which re-affirms the participants' "faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations," is the legal basis for a union, an Atlantic Union, a supra-national government, all under the United Nations."
Comments, JMJ: There more to it, so read on!
It's been warned about before & in 1962, what are we doing about it?
1962, Smoot, The Invisible Government
"The massive UN propaganda during the first few years after the formation of the UN (1945) was so effective in brainwashing the American people, that the United World Federalists, beginning with the State Assembly of California, managed to get 27 state legislatures to pass resolutions demanding that Congress call a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of amending our Constitution in order to "expedite and insure" participation of the United States in a world government. When the American people found out what was going on, all of these "resolutions" were repealed--most of them before the end of 1950.
But 1949 was a great year for American world government advocates.
On April 4, 1949, Dean Acheson's "brainchild," the North Atlantic Treaty, was ratified by the United States. President Truman signed the proclamation putting NATO in force on August 24, 1949. Most Americans were happy with this organization. It was supposedly a military alliance to protect the free world against communism. But few Americans bothered to read the brief, 14-article treaty. If they had, Article 2 would have sounded rather strange and out of place in a military alliance. Here is Article 2 of the NATO Treaty:
"The parties will contribute toward the future development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them."
Here in this "military" treaty, which re-affirms the participants' "faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations," is the legal basis for a union, an Atlantic Union, a supra-national government, all under the United Nations."
Comments, JMJ: There more to it, so read on!
It's been warned about before & in 1962, what are we doing about it?
Why has gas & oil gone up! Here's the answer. It's been a plan in action!
The Energy Non-Crisis - Lindsey Williams
Why has gas & oil gone up! Here's the answer. It's been a plan in action!
The Energy Non-Crisis - Lindsey Williams